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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 252x252, Cardano-trigger-CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28228372 No.28228372 [Reply] [Original]

>Going for #1 - Dev Velocity Edition

Where to Get:
>Exchanges - World

>Exchanges - USA

>Welcome to Cardano

>Comfy Hoskinson Interview

>Why Cardano (Official page)

>Also formally verified - see future of DeFI section below for a bit more on formal verification

>The Most Decentralized Cryptocurrency
>Over 1,600 Stake Pools participatign in Consensus
>100% of all blocks will be produced by the stake pool community by March 31
>Anyone can run a stake pool with any amount of ADA &/or Delegate to a stake pool

Should I delegate my ADA? Yes!

How to Delegate:

>Decentralized Governance & Funding of DAPP developers through Cardano's Catalyst
>$200,000,000 On-chain Treasury for Funding DAPP developers
>$1,000,000,000+ in funding will be available in the future
>$500,000 Round 3 underway now -- focus to DAPP devs
> https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/cardano-catalyst-fund-3-launches-with-500k-trumps-all-ethereum-daos-combined/
>10 total rounds of funding to happen this year

>Decentralized Identity - Cardano's Atala PRISM

>Atala PRISM Demo

>Cardano to onboard 2+ million people

>> No.28228393

>Native Tokens

>ERC-20 Converter:
>Video Demo (start at 10:20)

Smart Contracts in April
>Solidity, Javascript to Marlowe, Drag & Drop via Marlowe, Hardcore Haskell
>Solidity Smart Contracts 100% Ethereum compatibility via Cardano's KEVM
>Drag and Drop smart secure formally verified smart contract creation via Marlowe

The market is waiting to be captured.
Intro to this video (first 2 minutes) ...provides high-level context preview for the next section on multiple programming language support:

Multiple Programming Language Support for Smart Contract Creation

The future of DeFI requires formal verification (start at 33:00)

>> No.28228511

Media Channels that Cover Cardano:

Projects Coming to and Moving to Cardano
>SingularityNET moving to Cardano and fully focus on Expansion into Cardano - ETH token to have low importance

>DNATags™ full conversion to Cardano

>Celsius Network to Cardano - Losing Millions of USD each Year in ETH Fees (start at 26:15)

>BeefChain (only USDA approved blockchain for tracking Beef & Sheep - Multi-billion dollar food-traceability market in the US)

>Stablecoin AgeUSD algorithmic stablecoin

>> No.28228620

>contract with Tanzania signed
It's over, I should have bought it, it is going to the moon, ADA 200$ end of week

>> No.28229041

ok yes I'm a newfags but can anyone help me?
sent ADA from my trust wallet to Binance wallet (to send onto yoroi) but it hasn't appeared in Binance. transaction hash isn't found in cardano explorer but is found in Binance explorer
please help

>> No.28229065

are we gonna make it?

>> No.28229068
File: 13 KB, 216x234, 7EA23AB7-536B-4D86-9B42-80B74C2A76C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28229069
File: 46 KB, 1017x150, 1581569415515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit when did Tanzania get so based

>> No.28229104

51k enough to make it?

>> No.28230072

Thank you OP

>> No.28230386


>> No.28230762

Many say there's potential for $5 - $10 this bull run

>> No.28230777


>> No.28230847

how long ago?

>> No.28231002

$2 is absolute top.

>> No.28231100

I still don't get this bull run bullshit. I get it out in the fiat world just not in crypto.
I'd love to get my hands on demographic data from exchanges.

>> No.28231242

nah, $5 is the low-ball for this bull run

>> No.28231443

watch some youtube videos on the historic bitcoin bull runs, they come time and again. the difference this time is that projects are actually delivering this run.

>> No.28231460
File: 33 KB, 1168x400, Screenshot_2021-02-08 M1 Money Stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the hype this time. Everyone is locked at home, Tesla is moving into crypto and inflation flow is starting to break down.

>> No.28231525

Do you understand the concept of market cap?

>> No.28231586


>> No.28231613

Somewhere between $7 and $10 EOY. Screencap and save to laugh at me around Christmas

>> No.28231647

about 10 hours

>> No.28231673

took me about 30 mins to arrive in my wallet.

>> No.28231683

I'd just love to see the demographics of where the money is coming from.
Sure there's investors, speculators and market makers.
But the market as a whole still has ages to go before maturity.

Interesting times.

>> No.28231992

$2 is maximum. Maybe even less.

>> No.28232093

EOY I think $3-3.5 is more reasonable. After march we will get some more traction and start moving at a faster pace

>> No.28232324

You can get
>Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronousproof-of-stake blockchain
On your link it says
>To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.
On your link you have to jump through hoops. Thanks for baking though.

>> No.28232385
File: 208 KB, 591x682, 15545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ouroboros Hydra paper got accepted to "Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2021", sponsored by IBM.
Apparently 8 papers by IOHK got accepted
4 papers from Ethereum
2 Bitcoin
1 Algorand

>> No.28233010

Nice. They even beat algorand in the amount of papers accepted. No mean feat.

>> No.28233213

When I click on your link I get
>Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server.

>> No.28233271
File: 36 KB, 910x607, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2043, you arrive home to your family of five in your quaint but practical tiny home. A hard days work as a second rate shabbos goy has left you famished. As you enter your home and greet your gaunt and ill looking family they look upon you with tired eyes and give you a nod of appreciation for doing your duty for the noble Schmul family. You take your seat and await your grandson to bring you your ground cockroach and mealworm dinner as he usually does. This time is different though, this time he does not hand you your dinner but instead clutches it tightly in his hands. You ask him "whats wrong boy?" and he looks up at you with his large blue and tearful eyes and answers your question with one of his own.
>Why did you not buy ADA when it was under $1 Grandpa, why? We could of been rich!
What do you say to him /biz/?

>> No.28233540


Can he mute the stream in the back

>> No.28233556

Yeah, me too now. I think it crashed from traffic? It's the same link as the one in the picture

>> No.28233641

>could of
I'd tell him no supper until he learns english

>> No.28233749

That's a scam channel.
>69k subs
>1 "live" video

>> No.28233962

"Listen to me son; listen very carefully. COULD HAVE. Not COULD OF. You absolutely brainless degenerate."

>> No.28234277

Wait Hydra is a Layer 2 offchain solution and can be combined with sharding for even more tps

>> No.28234692

Yes, but compared to Lightning Network, it's not 3rd party. It's native to Cardano, will run on stake pools. No need to trust 3rd party nodes.

>> No.28234853

Here's a question, hypothetical and I agree it will depend on the adoption.

Once coins are all minted stakeholders will receive income from fees. Will the returns be roughly the same?

>> No.28234976

Sell ada for ogn?
Shit is maybe huge with origin x amazon

>> No.28234991
File: 62 KB, 800x262, Screenshot_2021-02-09 299 pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it doesn't seem as flawed as Bitcoin Lightning.

>> No.28235050
File: 476 KB, 800x800, Ticker=4CHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By then, the vision is that Cardano is so heavily used and popular that it will be the same. Time will tell. There will probably be hundreds of tokens and assets etc by then

>> No.28235085

I'm willing to bet AWS will have images for cardano sooner or later.
So any 'partnership' is really just advertising.

>> No.28235174

How come the price is stable while shitcoins moon following btc awakening? Looks identical to chainlink behaviour last year in my opinion.

>> No.28235210

Yeah I need to do some more analysis. My autism is fully triggered with cardano.

>> No.28235246
File: 76 KB, 1430x815, 57-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an ERC-20 token, with a useless "stablecoin"? Not trying to FUD. Will people really
It will be a lot better and useful than LN. Tokens and assets on Cardano can also use it afaik.

>> No.28235380
File: 47 KB, 702x467, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will people really
want to buy stuff with ETH or a token, just to pay extra for whatever they're buying in gas?

>> No.28235397

Ty will stay in ADA

>> No.28235447

wow nice

>> No.28235551
File: 9 KB, 182x276, 1DD60359-73ED-4DF1-B608-182941790CC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, will fix that for next time. thanks anon

>> No.28235624

Don't hold me to it. This was 5 min of "research". It'll probably moon since /biz/ is shilling it so hard. Put like 10% in it if you want. Research it more yourself.

>> No.28235794

something is not right then anon. have you double-checked the address? if binance shows it on their explorer perhaps contact binance

>> No.28235899

Yup a little diversification never hurt anyone.

>> No.28236081

>It will be a lot better and useful than LN. Tokens and assets on Cardano can also use it afaik.
as well as smart contracts

>> No.28236664

The only thing stopping me from going all in on ADA is the governance shit. I see no future in decentralized governance. Institutions wouldn't touch something that is ruled by an algorithmically selected group of anonymous people, even if it is mathematically guaranteed to act in good faith. They want people that they can look up, book a meeting with, real human faces. Many legitimate projects will die becuase of this, or they'll have to adapt and face the facts, you either go Fortune 500 or you get left behind.

>> No.28237463

They'll adapt. Now every company will invest in crypto thanks to Tesla buying into BTC.

>> No.28238128

Equaly distributed inflation doesn't increase your share in the market. It's just a marketing meme. (It does change how much you're penalized for not participating in the network though)

>> No.28239045

It's definitely new, unusual and complicated to deal properly, but centralized governance has also its own bag of downsides that can legitimately make unprepared platforms crumble (SEC chasing your tail, dispute around funds (happened to Tezos), or being a single-point of failure in general).
I guess if we are going to trust game-theory on our global financial consensus, might as well align with our belief and do it even for the consensus on the consensus itself.

>> No.28239245

> lightning trusts third party nodes


>> No.28239893
File: 59 KB, 556x611, 5376DF8C-2F4D-4F3B-B782-4052FF13F8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi Vitalik

>> No.28240173

Hydra gets Cardano to 1million TPS (more with more than 1000 stake pools running Hydra Heads). sharding won't be needed for a good while yet