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28224804 No.28224804 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /biz/ actually mine anything?
I built a GPU miner for mining ETH around 9 months ago and decided to stick with it. I earn around 0.45ETH/month and now that i've crossed the break even line i'm just getting free money.

Pic is not my miner btw

>> No.28225889

is it worth?
Im thinking on buying some GPUs for minig, but Im afraid ETH stop being mineable soon.
also GPUs prizes are crazy right now n think it will drop as soon as ETH 2.0 arrives and all miners GPUs flood the second hand market.

>> No.28226183


Damn you must have a crazy rig

How much money did it cost to set up?

Been thinking about doing this except with CPUs for Monero

>> No.28227349

eth 2.0 unmineable with GPUs?

>> No.28227466

Eth 2.0 is going to be proof of stake so no mining you lock up your eth tk get more eth

>> No.28227499

>ETH 2.0 arrives
>le vitalik old meme pic here

>> No.28227663

I got pretty lucky and managed to get everything i needed for the miner from some dude in Germany on Ebay, i'm pretty sure he was part of a group that had massive GPU farms because i paid around 370USD for everything except the GPUs which is crazy since people pay around 120 bucks just for the aluminium frame.
I bought the GPU's from time to time, price ranging from around 140-240USD.
My rig is only 6 cards now even though it's a 12-card rig, but i decided to stop when GPU prices really got insane.

One important thing to consider if you're gonna do this is how important proper air flow is. You can't really just shove this in the corner, i actually rebuilt my closet and added a growtent and removed the window to put up proper airflow tubes connected to large fans inside the tent. And it's very loud, you need to put it somewhere where it won't disturb you.

In my opinion i'd say go for it. Read up on everything you need to know, how it all works, what cards work with what and so on and start out small. I started by taking apart an old computer and rebuilt it to a miner just to test out how it worked and expanded from there.

>> No.28227691

Why not mine BTC? Also, how much you paying in electricity?

>> No.28227869

BTC mining is bad value for non ASICs that make the value of GPU mining trash.
ethereum doesnt have any asics (yet they will be here soon)

>> No.28227907

>very loud
How loud? My PC isn't loud, why would a bunch of GPUs and a PSU be much louder?

>> No.28228074

I got just 2 rtx3080 bought for 2k before xmas, It makes 0,40-0,45eth/month, 210MH/s. But last days thanks to ultrahigh fees which result in twice to triple higher block rewards, makes mining even more profitable

>> No.28228081

I mine Idena on a $5/month VPS
roughly $0.50 a day in coins
a spectacular $10/month profit

>> No.28228090

I'm currently mining on my PC rig but the one thing stopping me from building a farm is long term viability after ETH 2.0. How much do you expect profits to fall at that point?

>> No.28228193

They run at 100% load

>> No.28228221

I overclock the cards, 6 card fans that are at 75% + 2 large arflow fans, one for intake and one for outtake. You can't have this inside a closed case or it will overheat.

>> No.28228224

because you want them keep cool, so you ran fans on high rpms

>> No.28228233

u recommend going for used rx 580 8gb, gtx 1060 6gb, etc...small gpus or RTX 3060, 3080...?
I can find old ones for 180-250 euro
RTX 3070 costs 800 and 3080 about 1200

>> No.28228274


I have 2 RTX 3080 series gaming rigs I mine on when not playing vidya. I made $450 last month with NiceHash

>> No.28228299

I've got 3 3080 cards. Approx .50 ETH/mo. Selling two of the cards tonight and going all in on asko.

>> No.28228360

buy rtx3080s

>> No.28228577
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Payments the last few weeks with my 3080

>> No.28228602

>0.5 from 3
>0.4 from 2

>> No.28228655

Hello 2015 called and wants you back grandpa.

You can just stake now. Thats right, you just hold and delegate coins to a pool where the "mining" happens and collect your income doing absolutely nothing

>> No.28228663

eth 2.0 does not use mining at all, whatsoever

>> No.28228711

I knew ETH 2.0 was coming when i built this but i fugred i still had a few years bofre it's completely shut down. Chances are there's not going to be profitable GPU mining once that's gone, sadly. I was planning on selling the entire rig close to summer but with ETH current value it's worth more to just keep mining until they pull the plug.

I use older cards like RX 580 8gb and they get between 28-32Mh/s depending on the specific card. I haven't tried newer onces so i can't say if it's more efficient or not.

>> No.28228728

1 single 3080?
what's your profit/month?
I have a super cheap rent and am thinking about doing this to offset.

>> No.28228774

If you make 10$/month for free from a cloud box what's stopping you from setting up hundreds of them, retard

>> No.28228819


Irish stoner or a developer hmm

>> No.28228954
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The last Samurai

>> No.28228959

Sounds like a scam
The crypto is not on your wallet right now?

>> No.28229162

staking is pretty cool but we should commend miners for still doing this shit to keep it alive

>> No.28229203

I'm not running it at max load, trying to baby the cards. They're pushing 95-100 MH/S, max was 115 MH/s. Turned off about 4 hours a day.

>> No.28229238

look up how idena works you fucking poopoo head

>> No.28229322

>not your keys not your coin
And your coins are stolen like YFI a few days ago? No thanks I'll wait until security is better and my coins are actually insured. In the mean time I'll mine and trade. Even if staking is profitable, why not just do all 3?

>> No.28229591

>Asics will be here soon
Dude. Proof of stake makes them irrelevant, they will be dead on arrival for eth.

>> No.28229969

Won't you be able to mine other Ethash coins with that

>> No.28230129

I know POS on eth 2 will stop the need for miners
But if you watch the asic market you will see the eth asics
Point is asics hit gg gpu
Then when eth 2.0 hits (whenever that is since its been coming forever)
Gg all eth mine

>> No.28230276


There are many many coins that you can stake with while keeping them in your wallet.

All BTC clones with staking does this.
New solutions like cardano does it even better and more and more is coming like eth2.

defi farming where u send and rely on a smart contract is not real staking, thats retardation

>> No.28230695

I just started mining ETH with my Radeon 5600xt a couple days. Ethermine says I should make about .1 ETH per month. I calculated the energy cost and it's practically nothing. I underclocked the card to keep temps in check and because I actually use it to game.
I'm mad at myself for listening to /biz/ about mining being unprofitable, I could have started a lot sooner. 1 ETH a year isn't a ton, but it's basically free money.

>> No.28230764
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>now that i've crossed the break even line i'm just getting free money
What's your energy bill bro?

>> No.28230834

whats gpus do you use? how many cpus?

>> No.28231246

if the price crashes i'm just going to mine through the bear market and accumulate don't even play a lot of games on the 3080

>> No.28232148

>tfw too poobrain to mine ether so I'm using nicehash with its pathetic payout

>> No.28232501

I'd love to build one, good luck finding GPU's.

>> No.28232506

Currently mining 0.6 ETH/month using a rig I built back in 2016 and a couple of gaming computers. I more than broke even years ago, and really just use it during the winter to heat my house for a profit, except now the price is so high I might have to run it during the summer too.

>> No.28232648

Why are you doing BTC over ETH? Better profits ATM? I've been doing ETH on my 2080 and RavenCoin on my 1050 and 1650 (Only 4GB RAM on those)

>> No.28232853

Just looked up my GTX 980. Apparently I could be mining 0.5 ETH per year with this thing. I don't even play games anymore and I'm not paying for power right now, I should just get it going to start stacking shouldn't I...

>> No.28233383
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Built this lil' guy out back around Oct.
Spent about 4.5k on it, made about 4k back so far.
Should be printing free money in another month.

>> No.28233392

Not OP but I mine BTC with 3 Antminer S9. Electrical is about $100 month for all three. Run them at 1000w. Bring in about $3 a day per miner at current prices.

>> No.28233431

As a Miner, it's in your incentive to fud mining as profitable because the more miners there are, the more difficult it is to mine, which in turn means less rewards, and finally, less profits.

I'm a home Miner. I bought a 3080 before Christmas for gaming until I saw the bull market for crypto ahead. I started mining with it and since I never sell my PC parts, had enough to build another rig with a spare 2060 and a 1060. I should make $500 in ETH by the end of the month after bills.

Like anon said, it's free money.

>>>What if the price crashes then you're fucked!

I'll just sell my extra parts and buy more ETH it's a win-win scenario.

>> No.28233793

You in the US? That seems like free money.

>> No.28233821
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I'm anon and I mine TRTL

>> No.28234222

Has anyone tried stealing electricity from your workplace? I could probably hide a smaller rig under my desk.

>> No.28234276
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I did this i 2017 when someone sold me their old bitcoin mining rig. 4way SLI Radeon 6770's I mined eth in my college dorm and cashed out on the deep web and other shit when it was like 20$ a coin. Suffice to say I am full of regrets :(

>> No.28234333

I am running them hard, you can scam warranty policy in my shithole country, my last 1080tis died and i got full refund after nearly 36 months after buy

>> No.28235290

There is an old copy pasta about an IT guy who turns an office building server rack into a miner.

>> No.28235851
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Currently earning a little over $200 USD a month.

>> No.28235925

What 6 GPUs are those and what are you mining?

>> No.28236119


Such clean

>> No.28236653

Averaging $150 a week with a 3080, 2060 and old Titan X. Don't even game anymore what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.28236858

GTX 1070s, mining Ethereum with Flexpool. Electric is $40/month but I’ve offset it by switching all of my lights to LED and just being more energy conscious overall. Plus my energy rate is constant while value of Eth goes up, thus increasing my profit margin even more.

>> No.28237198

Are you good at math? $100/month at $3/day is actually a loss.

>> No.28237350

>$3 a day per miner
He has 3 miners.

>> No.28238317

Is there anywhere I could go to get a loan to buy one of these? At a reasonable interest rate? Slightly deep initial investment then it pays off for a couple years guaranteed, especially as the mined coins get more real world value. I've been wanting to make my own and simply can never get ahead with my money

>> No.28239162

Sure. If you want to buy a $4000 ASIC to mine ethereum classic in a year, knock yourself out. GPUs are going to stay popular until ETH goes PoS because they can mine any algorithm other than Randomx and they will always be in demand from gamers.

Nicehash is a profit switching software that pays you out in BTC. Other people rent your hardware and pay the company in BTC. Sometimes it's more profitable than mining ETH traditionally, sometimes less. It's not super useful right now because ETH is so profitable, but I used it occasionally during the bear market.

A 980 can't mine ETH anymore because it only has 4GB of VRAM. You could probably break even shitcoin mining though.

>> No.28239187
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>Does anyone on /biz/ actually mine anything?
yes, for 3+ years