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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 210x210, 2016-w-1-10-oz-gold-mercury-dime-sp-70-pcgs-mixed-labels_170833_obv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28199820 No.28199820 [Reply] [Original]

>Why Gold?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksenA5Al_A [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices for UK]

Russian/European coins

Relevant information regarding mining companies

>> No.28199838

Previous thread:

>> No.28199921
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>> No.28200046
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 2019-W-1-oz-American-Palladium-Eagle-Reverse-Proof_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for chad merc dime designs in various precious metals, here being palladium

>> No.28200053
File: 10 KB, 210x210, 2016-w-1-10-oz-gold-mercury-dime-sp-70-pcgs-mixed-labels_170833_slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gold merc shipped and should be arriving today or tomorrow. It comes slabbed and is graded at SP70. I dont plan on opening it EVER - but god forbid something happens to it I want a capsule ready on standby. Where can I find a capsule for this? Would a capsule meant for 1 Euro Cent work?


>> No.28200114
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say aaaaaahn~

>> No.28200136


>> No.28200215
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Stack benjamins

>> No.28200306
File: 100 KB, 358x553, silver stacking comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy silver


>> No.28200333
File: 2.48 MB, 3024x3132, 20210209_105143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I posted this yesterday, but I got this from my dad for an early birthday present. I can't get over how good the design is.

>> No.28200352
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>500g gold bar and 100g gold bar
>500oz silver
>40k in physical
>no mining stocks
Help anon, im thinking about selling that 500g gold bar and building a solid portfolio, 75% miner and 25% physical. Is that completely retarded ? Have to somehow build my financial freedom as a 29yo, physical is good but limited in true gains.

>> No.28200420
File: 50 KB, 675x900, 00R0R_k2eXkFBkl8a_0lM0t2_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ceo.ca can never load after market opens

>> No.28200511

Try the beta version. I forget the exact URL but you may be able to find it with a search engine.

>> No.28200519

Iktf. My crypto friends refer to silver as the shitcoin to Gold's bitcoin

>> No.28200611
File: 51 KB, 1181x685, slv YTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will these "real" prices ever become the actual prices? Since the early 2000s I've heard people say the "real" price of gold and silver is this and that, and that sounds nice; it's cool to hear an oz of gold is worth $34k, but it's not the reality we live in. Try to sell an oz of gold now for $34k and nobody would buy it.
>When will we enter that reality and how exactly will it happen? Will it happen in a decade? Two decades? 50 years from now? 100 years from now? 10, 15 years ago people said it was imminent, never happened.

>> No.28200659
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>> No.28200694
File: 370 KB, 1389x2000, wheat fields silver collapse land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, flip those ratios. 75% physical 25% miner. Normally younger people want more risk (miners) because they can afford to build back lost wealth when risks end up being failures, but right now there could be a failure of all risky things AND formerly stable things too. Why are normies starting to move into physical silver and create a shortage? Because they are worried about inflation of the dollar, our currency, the foundation of our society. That is not a time to be invested in things that are more risky than the dollar. It's only common sense

>> No.28200772

Post maths

>> No.28200833
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>> No.28200854
File: 1.16 MB, 1302x1842, 1608642591850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WDYM maths idiot? thats the US debt clock

>> No.28200946

I haven't been able to get a good idea of what the financial situation for Fury Gold is, but they are looking like they have an excellent entry point right now. Recent highs of the stock a couple a months ago was six bucks and it's currently trading at 1.79. They had a major press release today and announced expansion of their projects and there was an article on AMERITRADE today where the guy was just basically sucking their dick for the entire article. Anyway, they haven't had any Financials come out since Sept 2020 so I am a little hesitant to jump in, but looks like it could be a really good buy and the entry point is definitely enticing. Could be an easy three bagger on that one.

>> No.28200971

I’m about to yolo and buy July calls on my miners. Bullish af

>> No.28200991


>> No.28201008

fuck yeah that worked! thanks fren

>> No.28201066
File: 47 KB, 500x464, 1582560977958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already started, but retards and normans are so conditionned by the coom mindset they have a 30sec attention span and can no longer see obvious trends.
Silver is breaking free, it's inevitable and it's accelerating.
By the time most normiggers notice it, they'll already be priced out like the stoopid boiling frogs they are.

>> No.28201137

Silver crashed in Corona and went down to like 12 bucks, you couldn't get it for less than 17 though. The huge surge in buying rocketed the spot up to 25 but it took about three months. You will see spot prices go up massively in about three months as a result of the reddit silver squeeze. Probably about five to ten dollars.

>> No.28201309

Yeah like I said when Corona crash happened the buying frenzy shot the price up about ten bucks but the effect was delayed by about three months. All of the buying pressure starting last week is going to take a couple of weeks or a couple of months to show. Basically I bet that in a month or two or three we will see silver spot go up five to ten dollars, officially making all of our miner investments skyrocket.

>> No.28201365
File: 797 KB, 1280x720, 1596817640640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People mention ammo price gouging and silver premiums being high and then wonder what the signs of hyperinflation will be

>> No.28201469

Rocking the silver ID ont his thread. I am automatically right in every argument I make and am superior in every way as long as I have this blessed ID. It also says "gpl mvded". Great Panther moved? Is great Panther a good buy? I wonder if that's what it's telling me.

>> No.28201478


>> No.28201551

Ok but what is the formula to get to _____ price for silver

>> No.28201574
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, Family Photo 2o'3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thanks to the anons last thread who responded.

I have a dilemma, I'll have about $4k to spend on PMs. My current stack is 445ag/.7au

Should I get 2kiloag/1.3au or 100ozag/.3au? On the one hand, I definitely do not have enough gold. On the other, silver seems to be getting hard to find.

>> No.28201682



Hello? This thing on?

>> No.28201686
File: 24 KB, 600x418, M1 USD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't silver around $900 a year ago on USdebtclock? It's spiraling out of control.

>> No.28201691

Just buy AU anon. They are going to use AU on central bank balance sheets to reset the system, not AG. Central banks dont hold AG.

>> No.28201737

I disagree. Dismissing all mining stocks as inherently risky and likely to be failed investments is insincere. Barrick is not risky. Equity Metals is risky. There are many differences between the two and investors should understand those. The “you don’t hold it, you don’t own it” advice is sound, but it is used to disparage perfectly sensible investment assets, such as allocated bullion and mining stocks. It makes sense to me that, if a new investor has limited capital, and has already accumulated a modest physical position for SHTF scenarios, that mining stocks would be a smarter deployment of capital over continuing to stack more and more physical. This way, you get the benefit of leverage, which you can systematically take profits from to purchase more physical with a greater amount of capital. Or, simply buy and hold high-quality mining stocks and wait for the companies to offer shareholder dividends in physical, and just sit back and collect, since you used your capital to buy a boatload of shares of undervalued companies in the early stages of the PM bull market. There is no one size fits all. This is just to present a different option from the exclusively dragon tier stacking of physical.

>> No.28201780

USD printed divided by silver mined

>> No.28201784

Year over year increase in M2 / yearly world production in oz.

Found out by clicking on it.

I'll be honest I thought it was just total M2 vs total above ground oz. I suspect that'd be a similar number.

>> No.28201793
File: 184 KB, 600x968, original_282774525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will one of these unironically be worth more than a $100 bill?

I give it until November

>> No.28201846

That's how many dollars are in existence for every ounce of silver with the measurement standard being sometime in like 1920 when that was the standard exchange rate.

>> No.28201890
File: 402 KB, 757x656, 1595848210604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the variety, especially scottsdale rounds, asahis, and den of thieves bar. It seems like your silver is satisfying enough, don't you want more gold color in there?

Capsules don't have to fit exactly. Usually it's trial and error since they are so cheap it won't waste much if you buy one that doesn't fit

What do you mean by the second one?

>> No.28201892

where did he get this? Also checked. Sounds like your dad is based. Good man

>> No.28201937

U need gold.

>> No.28202005
File: 532 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, but that's a constant running gag with my mates who also got a few of them.
Personally silver's super fucked with demand so right now I'd rather stack sovereigns.
R8 my sov holder

>> No.28202055

I have 200k stocks.
25k miners.
20 oz gold almost 200 oz of silver.
I'm keeping an eye on the stocks and will pull them as soon as the market begins to crash.

>> No.28202104 [DELETED] 

>What do you mean by the second one?
Someone asked for Martha. I provided math. Someone asked again later in the thread

>> No.28202152

The Fed printing press is what's outta control

>> No.28202281

get like 2 oz au
should be pretty close to $4k

>> No.28202365

Nice m8. You just gave me an idea, I have a similar holder I'm not using, I'll use it for my sovereign. Now just needa buy more.

The silver if you can find it.

>> No.28202382

>What do you mean by the second one?
Someone asked for Maths. I provided math. Someone asked again later in the thread

>> No.28202444
File: 1.47 MB, 2554x2554, 10-Dollar-USA-Eagle-1901-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy gold.

>> No.28202450

i'm a big silver guy but yesterday I splurged and bought a 1oz gold eagle. i just wanna hold it in my hands and see how it feels.

>> No.28202454

anybody order from oldsilver and can tell me something about the shipping/how they declare customs?

>> No.28202463

Keep the same ratio you absoulute madman. I converted my gold to silver on the GSR spike to 80 and silver still has a bit to run

>> No.28202464
File: 377 KB, 599x599, 2019_stgerorge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45k crypto
1oz gold 650oz silver

fuck, my crypto has mooned but it going higher for real, i just need a little bit more time get crypto gains and buy some big boy silver

>> No.28202530
File: 315 KB, 1500x1088, 1612842976852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had something like this made from silver would it tarnish quickly?

>> No.28202541

He was kind of vague when I asked, but I think right from the U.S. Mint website.

>> No.28202596

Does it matter? You can just clean tarnish.

>> No.28202600

Ah thanks anon.

>> No.28202633

Not quickly, because it's likely sterling - but yes eventually it will show tarnish

>> No.28202653

Im going to make money on crypto then use it to buy pm's
sound like a good plan?

>> No.28202695

Good idea. I bought a krug recently and even though it isn't the pure .999 gold color like a buffalo or maple, i can handle it without scratching it. AGE will be the same. It makes such a nice ping when doing a coin flip. Don't have to wear gloves either because gold is so inert

>> No.28202730

>be landlord
>unironically receive rent in silver and gold bullions (i give a small discount if they pay in PMs)
>most people accept because it's cheaper
>when asked why i just reply ''fiat is worthless''
It's comfy as fuck. You should start accepting and using it as payment if you can, broskis

>> No.28202784

probably but who cares. tarnish is a self-limiting reaction, meaning it doesn't damage anything, unlike rust. a good layer of tarnish can even increase the value by making it look more authentic. never polish silver like some cuck

>> No.28202806

To the other anon's validation, every stock investment is indeed inherently risky, as they can at any time technically go to or near zero. But I'm just playing the Devil's advocate a little bit here. For a more balanced opinion, I would say explorers can be very risky as there's no telling how much (if any) ore they have underneath the surface. But of course calculated, educated risk taking is sure to bring victory in the form of capital returns

>> No.28202851

If you've made money on crypto consistently in the past, do that and convert to PMs. Otherwise just DCA into physical

>> No.28202879

You should take profits now and buy gold. You have plenty of silver. Take profits on the crypto and keep some in.

>> No.28202925

Based. Patina and tarnish are kino

>> No.28202973


I would buy gold right now over these insane silver premiums. plus you dont have enough gold anyway so its the obvious choice. no need to overthink it fren

>> No.28203064

>muh shiny rocks of infinite supply that are easily forged and manipulated will be the worlds reserve currency!
God, boomers are retarded.

>> No.28203156

Sounds like you're the retarded one.

>> No.28203169

Anyone know what stock miners for long term hold?

>> No.28203178

if its infinite supply then why dont you have any?

>> No.28203247

Worst advice in this thread. Stop screwing people over guys.
PMs are an ANCIENT asset class. Crypto is the NEW asset class with huge upside.
You’d have to be a complete moron to sell crypto for boomer rocks that haven’t even done well in past recessions.

>> No.28203259

I'm new to everything and have a limited income. I am mostly preoccupied with school (full ride).

>> No.28203267

silver that doesnt tarnish over time is likely fake

>> No.28203272
File: 3.15 MB, 640x480, 1597008073983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay my rent in silver. I pay about 10ozt per month which costs about $320 bucks right now, but if silver should be worth $1000-$4000 per ozt, I'm putting $9680-39680 worth of strain on COMEX/SLV every month as long as my landlord doesn't sell

You should try the above. It's much better than direct deposit where you don't feel or see the wealth transfer

>> No.28203286

What is "electrical conductivity"? What is "reflection and absorbance"? What is "resistivity"?

Get fucked you absolute moron. Fuck off and take your dumb shit with you.

That's all I have to say about that.

>> No.28203296

>I'm going to go into a thread about a topic I dont like, full of people promoting the topic I dont like, and spew my hatred for the topic and the people within
>I'm sure they'll be receptive

>> No.28203319
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1545713756753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy is really nice, serious, and it's carefully packed, you wont have issues at the customs.
That said, oldsilver prices are really, REALLY expensives. You can find the same stuff way cheaper on ebay from reputable sellers.

For example, his most commonly bought article, the .900 5 reichmark with the big swatiska is sold for $34.88 on his site, but this week alone i won several auctions on ebay for the same coin between $13-16.
That said i'm living close to Germany, but nothing can justify a +$20 mark up / coin desu. If you are a savvy guy like me, you'll prefer others options.

>> No.28203332


>> No.28203351

Yes I'm Indian. The girl's family was superloaded.

>> No.28203360

You are stupid. You use gold to preserve wealth aka lock in crypto gains. You know? So it doesnt drop thirty percent over night? Fuck you, you stupid moron.

>> No.28203390

....why the fuck would I buy something with infinite supply? That’s not a good thing. I’m losing brain cells just by posting in this boomer thread.

>> No.28203403
File: 94 KB, 1080x841, soyjack neoliberalism progressivism globalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are things moving towards the old, or the new?

>> No.28203406
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite supply
looks like we got another space mining cuck, boys

>> No.28203440

>infinite supply

>> No.28203454
File: 114 KB, 1280x960, 1612431782832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much anons. I intend to invest mostly in strong explorer like dolly varden and lion one metal, maybe 10% in first majestic just in case something happen. I do intend to take risk but I think it should be fine with just 500oz silver and 100g gold in physical, thats 12k as a defensive position. I will sell the 500g, thanks for your input.

>> No.28203494

I don't say it often but that is giga-based if true. Does this redpill them or am right to assume npc's just go through the hassle of exchanging for bullion in order to save a few shekel notes?

>> No.28203528

Be gone faggot and don't come back here in three months when the government shuts down crypto or when the conomy crashes and crypto dumps. Fuck you and begone moron.

>> No.28203568

"boomer rocks" will seem like a bad investment right until they aren't. and then you'll really wish you had some. but it'll be far too late

>> No.28203570

Janet Yellen is coming for your e-tokens Cryptocuck. She'll have the full backing of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and all the other big tech companies in exchange for leniency from regulation. You and the rest of the bagholders are so Fucked.

>> No.28203653

>PMs are an ANCIENT asset class. Crypto is the NEW asset class
Why do you argue against yourself?

>> No.28203669

I literally just buy PMs to larp as a pirate
No other reason
Booty is a mindset not an investment

>> No.28203728

If you wear it it won't. If you don't it will. 99.9 Silver jewelry tarnished less than .925

>> No.28203767

>muh rocks have industrial use so they should be a world reserve currency and a daily form of money.

Gold and silver dropped ~30% during the 2008 crash. I really don’t understand why you can’t just look this up.

>> No.28203770

Just don't get shaken out when you see red and average down instead, you'll be golden

>> No.28203786

Patina makes it better.

>> No.28203812

Became very good friends with one who was redpilled by me, so i'd say yes

>> No.28203898
File: 965 KB, 1960x1500, IMG_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post stacks

>> No.28203923

I started trading in silver, mainly food products. I pay in Silver and this started with a deer thatI bought a few days ago and it accelerated from there. I'm a jewelry dealer so I'm trying to find a way to be paid in silver as well.

>> No.28203999

This. The elite like gold. They like it a lot in fact. They have a lot of it and will pay for it and hoard it. Deluded crypto faggots fail to see that. They live in tech land, where everything is fake and computer reigns supreme. If this moron actually stuck around for a while he would see that some of us are actually pretty heavy into crypto. It's just that instead of cashing out in fiat (like they do, and which is why crypto will never work), we cash out into gold and silver.

It's like crypto people are smart enough to make the jump from "huh paper money no good" then go into crypto but then they aren't smart enough to make the jump after that, which is crypto is fake a d has no backing. They are so stupid that they make the one jump and think they are incredibly intelligent ( because they actually had an original thought) meanwhile we are two jumps ahead of them (actual critical thinking skills).

>> No.28204042

People who think that the US space exploration will be in a semi-functional state by 2040 are delusional. Even if China made decades worth of progress in that time they're not going to share tech or resources freely. Space rocks are another century away at minimum.

>> No.28204054

500g bar of gold is a good choice to sell as bigger gold bars are more easily faked and have more incentive to be faked, but I would buy 5 1ozt rounds or coins of gold and put the rest in mining stocks so your gold investment is more divisible

>> No.28204056

The government can't "shutdown" crypto and you just sound like an ignorant old boomer yelling at things he doesn't understand. Also gold crashed during the last recession, good luck with that fantasy.

>> No.28204097

trading with who?

>> No.28204098

Yes they did. On paper. What happened in 2011 on paper?
What happened to cash that you had in 2008. How much could you buy for it in 2008 and then how much in 2011?
The only thing that was "cheap" in 2011 were houses in some areas.

>> No.28204101

Bitcoin was at less than ten thousand dollars this year. It crashed about fifty percent I believe? Which one was the safer investment?

>> No.28204141

What is deep packet inspection

>> No.28204171

>If this moron actually stuck around for a while he would see that some of us are actually pretty heavy into crypto
Everyone in this thread is bashing crypto so clearly you don't speak for them, idiot.

>crypto is fake a d has no backing
Nonsense statement made from ignorance. You probably struggle with using a computer.

>> No.28204270

Why is this? I thought skin oils tarnished silver. Maybe it coats it, protecting it from oxidation?

>> No.28204306

>if you cash out you need to pay 50% tax
>If you cash in you need to pay 45% tax
Then you just watch death by taxman happen

>> No.28204310

APMEX sells capsules for that size. It's 16.5mm and they have a 17mm with a gasket.

>> No.28204316

And this. I am buying crypto so then I can lock my gains in gold ffs.
I'm starting to think that the idiots with "boomer rocks" posts aren't idiots but shills and like the Jewish scam of crypto that is herding them to accept the government backed crypto that is, of course, coming, to replace all their illegal crypto holdings.

>> No.28204317

So has anyone gotten a radioactive silver isotope by accident?
Seems they were found once in Eastern Europe in silver bars once

>> No.28204319

>Gold and silver dropped ~30% during the 2008
Yeah, on the first leg down as people get margin called and need liquidity. During the second leg down it holds up well, and is one of the best performing assets in the subsequent recession/depression.

>> No.28204326

I've held Bitcoin since 2015 and I've seen many crashes. It always go back up and higher. Do you understand that I'm not losing money unless I sell? Is this rocket science for you?

>> No.28204351

Could you explain how a company like Barrick, Newmont, or Wheaton could “go to zero”?

>> No.28204365

>turns your power off
Nice electronic "money" moron

>> No.28204396
File: 80 KB, 769x961, 1612804977284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*spend $100 in gas fee for a $1 transaction*
>*have to wait 3 hours for confirmation*
>*shitcoin get rug pulled anyway*
ok nigger.
We know you are desperate for new blood to hold your heavy bags and continue to prop up your ponzi scheme, but you are not at the right place.
Here we value MONEY, you know, the real one humans use since 5 000+ years. Do you know that the word for "silver" is the same as "money" in most countries?
Not "fiat" or "shitcoins", but "silver".

>> No.28204409

thanks, yea I wasn't going to order there to make a bargain. I can get a nice collection of meme coins plus the bonus coins and support a /biz/reali all at once.

>> No.28204420

Yes they can and you are stupid. You are a normie level intelligence wishing so desperately that you weren't. You are a deluded, retarded faggot.

The government can do anything they want. They can access your emails, your texts, your phone calls. They can turn in the microphone and camera in your phone. They can track your whereabouts through GPS.

You really think they couldn't take your crypto? I bet the world you live in is very comfortable. Stupidity must be very comforting.

>> No.28204532

...I'm a network engineer. Do you really want to show everyone how stupid you are? Packet sniffing with wireshark is something you learn in your first networking 101 class, and what do you think that has to do with shutting down cryptocurrencies?

>> No.28204536




>> No.28204571

we bash crypto but that doesn't mean we don't use it for short term gains

>> No.28204592

based Chad.
coping nigger.

>> No.28204606

will suck dick for silver

>> No.28204622

Found a hunters group on FB. I hate FB but unfortunately this is the only place that such groups exist.
The hunter was not allowed to sell it to me, and offered it for free. I want a steady supply of the meat so I gave him 1oz of silver for it. A simple Apmex bar. He was very grateful and we have a very good, working relationship now. He will bring me hog as soon as the season starts.
Then I found a farmers group and simply offered Silver for meat. Found 2 guys who are willing to do that.
My business is an online business so it's hard to sell for silver, but I sell silver/gold jewelry all the time and have pounds of it already. Would love to exchange the jewelry for silver/gold in the pure form but can't figure out how.

>> No.28204638

Were bashing crypto because you are an insufferable faggot raiding our board. If you actually become a participant here you would find that we have crypto discussions all the time.

>> No.28204660
File: 124 KB, 1083x726, Great silver purchase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys we have to buy these things
anyone want to chip in?

>> No.28204697
File: 160 KB, 750x1020, Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 2.13.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way duuude. elon musk, my hero, is totally really close to doing it. oh man. he's sooo cool

>> No.28204755

This. Gold and silver always crash on the first dip but then they survive the second wave and go up after that.

>> No.28204843

You think the technology doesn't exist to shutdown any given threat that the centralized internet authorities desire?

>> No.28204869

OH God. This just gets more and more perfect. Literally an IT moron. Of course you like crypto then. Go off into your cyber world faggot. We don't want any part of it.

>> No.28204881

Oh really?
US customers are basically barred from any exchanges that are big and from other countries. It's not because the exchanges don't want the business. It's that the entire countries are blackmailed by the US government and forced to not take US users.
I am lucky and use a fake identity on Binance, basically European family but jow many people in US can do that?
Basically what rhe government did is to "protect" US customers from gains they made trading illegal without actually making it illegal.

>> No.28204901

love that design, wish palladium weren't so expensive

>> No.28204966

fkn lul, silver crashed in March 2020 then doubled.. these guys are idiots

>> No.28204971

Radioactive silver isotopes don’t occur naturally and are unstable. So I seriously doubt you’d accidentally get any.

>> No.28204987

>Put an order in with silvergoldbull for 40 eagles right before the boom happens
>Pay $29.00 a coin because random year is cheaper
>Order delayed cause boom happens and volume through the roof
>Finally gets here today
>40 2020 Eagles
Sorry whoever got my random years but 40 brand new ones at discount and I'm keeping them

>> No.28205005

not joking

>> No.28205015

>internet goes poof
wow all that bitcoin sure is doing great

>> No.28205029

>I don't understand how cryptocurrency works but I'm going to make shit up anyway
You'd have to destroy just about every computer in the world that was running a blockchain node. A global EMP would cause mass extinction and neither crypto nor boomer rocks would save your family .

>angry boomer yells at things he doesn't understand
I made $50k yesterday. I'm sorry about your rocks.

You're just calling me stupid in different ways without providing any kind of rebuttal. Come on boomer you can do better.

This is a thread, not a board. I'm not from somewhere else and it's not a raid. Why do you keep talking when everything you say is retarded?

>> No.28205038

Got some stories / more details? How many tenants do this vs how many with cash, what kind of property, tax consequences, etc.?

>> No.28205082

Haha. Some day I will have a cyber gf and hook my penis up to the cyber sex machine and I will buy burgers with my cyber currency.

>> No.28205092

Damn are we really there already? My merc dimes can buy blowjobs?

>> No.28205104

Question for Britbongs, do you pay V.A.T on silver bought privately on eBay?

Like if it's listed as buy it now for £800 would you then pay tax on that?

Tried looking it up but can't get a straight fucking answer

>> No.28205179
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>It always go back up and higher
One day it won't.
>I'm not losing money unless I sell
That's bagholder mentality. Did you bought GME, diamond hands?
Crypto is pure speculation not store of value and it doesn't have any practical application. Our gold and silver doesn't need anything. Your cryptos need network that can easily be shutdown by governments. Do you think that treehuggers will allow you to waste electricity on your tokens?
Sooner or later somebody drops the hammer and it's game over. Gold was outlawed many times but it always come back stronger. The same cannot be said about cryptos.

>> No.28205186

why can't you explain ANYTHING you're bitching about here? Every response is just to call me stupid without explaining why/how you believe crypto could be shutdown?

>> No.28205188

What is the NSA? Who is "Edward Snowden"?

>> No.28205193

what about an EMP? what about memory management engines? There's no possibility there's backdoors in there, what about security vulnerabilities in all software, what about the government just starts taking down cell towers? Is it outside the realm of possibility that if cryptocurrency really did start to be used as real currency, the gov would just start taking down the nation's internet access?

>> No.28205198

>why gold
Fuck gold, silver, platinum, palladium.

>> No.28205242

Key word technically. And to answer your question: hyper deflation, which also answers all of your other questions as well. It's a possibility (though I'm more in the inflation camp). No company is too big to fail

>> No.28205248

You are aware that you're still 'paying' for the meat, correct? Exchange of goods for services or goods is still purchasing. Be careful with that. This is not legal or financial advice, I'm but a fictional character on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Heed common sense and the law at your own risk.

>> No.28205307

I would if i could

>> No.28205371

Hahahahahaha, yea if there's a nuclear holocaust you'll be rich bro.

>> No.28205482


The thing about Snowden, what if that's just what they wanted us to know? This is an intelligence agency, is it outside the realm of possibility that their powers are stronger than PRISM, and the best way to get ahead of people knowing was to leak basic capabilities that anyone could've guessed they did anyway

>> No.28205529
File: 107 KB, 843x768, 25_rublej_1996_goda_sokhranim_nash_mir_amurskij_tigr_serebro_925_ves_155_5_gr_pruf_ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. people complaining about bitcoin are just crypto boomers.
fuck bitcoin, there are great opportunities out there. i am heavily invested in defi space, they are utility tokens, they have nothing to do with
dumping into gold right now doesn't sound very smart to me, you are cucking yourself away from all the potential EV

>> No.28205533

No, you don't unless you declare it. Which would de facto make you into the biggest faggot (after >>28205029) on this planet.

Btw, as a rule or thumb, never declare anything. Fuck gubments and fuck taxes. It's only used to literally destroy our nations. The less you pay, the more you help yourself and your country, it's a civic duty to dodge taxes.

>> No.28205550

>nuclear blast is the only thing that can wipe out the internet
Ok retard

>> No.28205560

My gun dealer accepts PMs for guns. No tax if you use PM's because its "barter"

>> No.28205571

Nah if it's second hand then the VAT has already been paid and is essentially factored in. Basically just another premium.

On premiums; Everyone realises that this is the real spot price, right? The cost to hold an ounce of metal in your own hand = the cost to purchase a physical ounce of that metal

>> No.28205593

>if I could
Only thing stopping you is your doubt/fear. Or you’re a broke mofo.

>> No.28205626

I am. Barter is already taxed so even exchanging goods for goods can be taxed.
So yeah, the group doesn't allow for selling because it's illegal. Hunting ain't free though.
The seller risks more then me here and I'm exchanging something for it that, so far isn't taxed so I don't have to report it.
Of course the seller should report it and pay the sales tax from such transaction. But he won't and neither will I.

>> No.28205627
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This guy will be sucking dicks for merc dimes

>> No.28205642
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Damn he rite. Gold is the only reliable hedge against inflation desu.

>> No.28205646
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hello corona fren

>> No.28205753
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>> No.28205768

I already addressed that. The world would be over as we know it and only other retards would take your shiny rocks for food. After 6 months you and your family would be dead from fallout, raiders, criminals, etc. It's a stupid fantasy.
>memory management engines
I swear to God. You don't even know what you're talking about you're just throwing out buzzwords and hoping they stick.

>> No.28205780
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What's everyone's preferred gold/silver ratio?
Personally just spend roughly the same amount of fiat on both.

>> No.28205782

>Only thing stopping you is
...my personal inhibitions regarding drilling a 6mm hole in my silver bars

>> No.28205790

I don't think you have to pay vat or declare pre-owned silver since its tax exempt. Not totally sure but only ever paid vat on new coins from the royal mint and UK bullion dealers

>> No.28205837

That paper to gold ratio...

>> No.28205842

These guys literally have no critical thinking skills. They are cyber cucks. They jack off to Belle delphine and worship Elon musk.

OF COURSE precious metals crash in an economic collapse. Everybody is panicking and trying to sell everything. In the case of Corona literally everyone thought they were going to DIE. The fact that gold and silver only dipped as much as they did is a testament to the strength of the investment. Meanwhile what did faggot bitcoin do? It dumped all the way down to like $7000 or possibly even lower.

Then what happens (evidenced time and time again), is that gold and silver quickly regain value and even "LEAD THE WAY" in economic gains.

It's not even that hard to think about and that shows what morons people are. Think gold and silver, the safest investment there is. All of a sudden "OH MY GOD WERE ALL GOING TO DIE! SELL EVERYTHING! STOCKS SILVER GOLD. ALL OF IT."


" Oh okay, I guess we're all not gonna die. Gee what can I do with all this stuff I cashed out? The stock market is pretty risky, I better buy some gold and silver first to be safe. It didn't even crash that bad compared to everything else.


" man after that last crash I realized I didn't have enough gold and silver and I was feeling really vulnerable. I'll go ahead and pick some up now so I can feel more secure in the market moving forward"


>> No.28205870

My commont was not about tax, it's about how in most states you cannot sell deer meat because it's illegal. You can donate to homless shelters or 'give it away' (in most states), but you can't exchange silver for it and say that is not a sale. That's my point. I mean I don't think it should be illegal, but i don't write the laws.

>> No.28205878

>nuclear holocaust
Read about Carrington Event faggot.
It takes special kind of stupid to be true believer in cryptos.

>> No.28205907
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I bought from him a while ago and it arrived well packaged. His prices are a bit more expensive but he also throws some other goodies in with it. I got a couple of Soviet pins and three pocket calendars which were pretty cool. I did it for the novelty of owning Russian/German silver here in the states though so if you’re trying to get the best bang for your buck I guarantee you can find it cheaper domestically.

>> No.28205910

>What's everyone's preferred gold/silver ratio?
1:1:0 - gold:silver:cash

>> No.28205921
File: 59 KB, 900x900, PAMPFortunaPlatinumBarObverse-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded for wanting to own platinum instead of gold? I've found it at a better price, and long term I'm convinced South Africa will collapse - being the source of 70% of the world's platinum I'm thinking it's a play

>Stack status: 200+ Oz silver

>> No.28205920

I'm probably younger than you.

>> No.28205953

You know several countries already banned cryptos, right?
You know it happened with Nigeria like 2 days ago, right?
Shitcoins WILL be banned and replaced with CBDCs, no amount of whine and cope from you will change this. The central bankers already announced it clear and loud : if you don't get out you'll end up completely broke.
But that's a good thing, it's really sickening to see absolute brainlets of your kind getting rich out of their cretinery and think they are smartasses for being imbeciles. You don't deserve to make it, and you wont.

>> No.28205971

Based and checked

>> No.28205991

>Carrington Event
Don't remind me ...

>> No.28205999

I've got a closet full of guns and ammo. I'm honestly looking forward to your delusional fantasy of an apocalypse because I would be the one hunting down people like you who hoarded supplies for decades and then relaxed.

>> No.28206106
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>> No.28206109

This. If crypto goes to shit (and it will once other countries like China stop buying, which they are only doing to convert it into gold, same thing as we are doing) you won't be able to do anything with crypto.

Meanwhile if the government outlaws gold and silver, I could still sell that shit internationally to someone who would want it, like China or. India for example.

>> No.28206150

Wtf are you blathering about now? Why would you have to, know what? Never mind, you’re a lost cause.

>> No.28206158
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>we live in a world where its "illegal" for one man to use a silver coin to buy some game another man has hunted

Yeah, its time for kikes to go.

>> No.28206192

>lmao guns ban over metals
>lmao imma raid you nigga
You know the two arent mutually exclusive, right?

>> No.28206203

You came in first lol. I've actually been making an attempt to explain things.


>> No.28206295
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>I've got a closet full of guns and ammo.
Reminds me that in case of a larger disaster those living directly at the swiss border will likely be eaten...

>> No.28206343

Ah shit, I broke him...
Somebody get the broom!

>> No.28206386

You’re autistic, platinum is a meme metal
Don’t use it for stacking, use it for investing. Gold and silver are for stacking, you clearly are looking for an investment

>> No.28206402

south africa will do just fine as the slave state it is (far worse than doing muh apartheid, but still stable enough)

>> No.28206439

So in 2017 when I was talking about bitcoin with my mom she said I should stay in stocks. Now in 2021 when I’m talking about her with silver she’s saying I shouldn’t be in silver I should be in bitcoin.

I think this is bullish for silver

>> No.28206465

Wrong. Nigeria banned crypto several years ago and the recent news was just a reiteration of that same statement. Either way it doesn't stop Africans from exchanging and using crypto but keep thinking you understand this...

Incompatible with the existing financial infrastructure. It will take several years before they could be used, and then governments have to convince people to use them over legitimate blockchains.

>you don't deserve to make it
I made it yesterday but OK boomer.

>> No.28206488

also this. just invest in some platinum-related stock. buying bars of it just feels silly

>> No.28206493

Look. We have this debate all the time. Some faggot comes in here and does the same thing that you're doing multiple times a week. It's nothing personal against you, it's just that we don't like your type. We've had all these arguments before and we're still here. We still think precious metals are a good asset.

A lot of us are in crypto, stocks, whatever. It's just that we are also in precious metals, we recognize it as an invest able asset. Now, most of us skew more towards precious metals, sure, but we also utilize other assets to maximize gains.

>> No.28206553

if you're ever right.. you have to accept the fact that when you're early, people will think you're wrong for a time being until they fomo in

>> No.28206557

Lol, cute

>> No.28206565

Just ignore crypto tards, they have most of the board for their shit but they insist on shitting up other threads with their crap.

>> No.28206568

...well? I'm waiting? You're still failing to provide any kind of argument...

>> No.28206599

Reminds me when I shilled BTC in August to my fiancee's father and he responded by typing a 2 page paper on why he thought crypto was stupid.
Then I kekked at him when I visited for thanksgiving.

>> No.28206624

it's to deter the spread of diseases found in game meat, same reason why you aren't allowed to travel to several different countries carrying game meat

>> No.28206646

Lurk more

>> No.28206672

Yes, I know this and I agree. It is illegal here. Of course just to "protect" me from something. I know I'm buying it and the fact that I say that the silver is simply a gift wouldn't save me and the hunter would be in trouble for "selling" this. I think he knows that and I know that and we agree to absolutely ignore that hungry IRS and the local edicts that are, to us, unconstitutional.
What I like about my "trades" is the fact that I met a freminded individuals that think like me. People who are, finally, willing to say fuck you to the government in a small way.
I think more people should be doing this. Funny thing: I tried for a few years to establish such a working relationship because I need bones and meet for my dogs. It didn't work until a few days ago and I'm hoping that the word will spread.
I don't want anyone to donate to me because then the relationship won't be regular. This is why I gave the hunter a gift of 1 oz silver. Every time he donates the meat we agree in a gift. I'm just grateful. I know this wouldn't save me from the IRS or the local tyrants but I doubt he will report it.
Je is in a hunting club and they regularly throw the bones and skin and all the "bad" meat, and hate seeing the waste but have no idea what to do with it otherwise.
I'm willing to collect it and give them all gifts. Basically thank you for the advice, I understand the dangers and the fines involved and the fact that the government will just become more petty from now but I'm hoping to have a good relationship with a few people that will guarantee a future gift for meat transactions.
Also I pay the farmers for meat, legally, but in silver as well. They don't have to declare it, or rather it's not cash so they won't. Makes sense?

>> No.28206702

In India, what many jewellers do is charge a "making fee". If you give them 10g of silver bullion, they take a 3-15% cut depending upon the design intricacy and complexity, and make a ornament for you. You could do that as well, charge a % in weight more than there is in the jewellery.

>> No.28206725

I'm not throwing out buzzwords, almost every single CPU put out today, has a memory management engine, with code that runs before anything else, that's a trade secret, that I can't access, that and the CPUs themselves being trade secrets, it's suspected that the Intel ME is Minix, an entire OS, why couldn't there be a backdoor in that software? the original C compiler had a backdoor/huge vulnerability, used only by people that knew code very well and often read the source code, it was never spotted until Ken Thompson reported it himself, this was OSes themselves were often easily less than a hundred thousand lines of code, so why wouldn't I consider these cell phones and computers with gate counts in the millions and OSes with SLOC in the tens of millions, to be vulnerable?

Why would an EMP automatically be fallout? I never said a global EMP, I just said EMP

>> No.28206748

kys dude this isn't YOUR personal army and nobody knows who the fuck you are. I've been asking you for a legitimate rebuttal to anything I've said and yet you keep dodging me and pretending like you're some kind of community leader here. Get over yourself you fucking faggot neckbeard.

>> No.28206834
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Why are you raiding me for my worthless boomer rocks?

Pick a lane cuck.

>> No.28206850

If the processor is running its own OS, why couldnt someone just identify the network traffic it is causing and block it?

>> No.28206863

LOL. >implying that we don't have guns and wouldn't be the ones doing the raiding.

I think you're projecting you vulnerabilities onto us. I personally am a former carge fighter and incredibly physically active. I squat four hundred pounds for reps, row seven miles twice a week, am trained in jiu jtisu, Krav Maga, and various mixed martial arts, I was a bouncer in a nightclub for two years, I have a vicious German Shepard who will attack on command (and she goes for the throat), I have multiple guns and a lot to lose.

All I can say to anybody, government or not, who wants to try and take my shit, good luck to you.

>> No.28206895


>> No.28206907

the /pmg/ community is indeed a "we" and you crypto cucks have the whole rest of the board so gtfo

>> No.28206912
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You only made it in copecoins and seethetokens lmao.
Stay poor with your retarded pajeet scams flashing 000's on your screen while we become true kangs with silver and gold knight armors fucking our way in through virgin damsels to our medieval castles.

>> No.28206917
File: 125 KB, 500x500, 985FA879-C59E-4AE2-8D79-625B262973EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t get me wrong, platinum coins are absolute kino. But they’re not for stacking, they’re for pretty buys every once in awhile

>> No.28206931

>not your personal army
>but you ARE my personal research team
Lurk more, your questions will be answered.

>> No.28206951

Limited funds, fellow stacker

And that's how I find myself in this predicament

The dubs of reason are swaying me

So we're hedging our bets against the collapse of the global hegemony of America, but not against the collapse of the murder capital of the world?

>> No.28206967

To the anon who redpilled me on “outer space” being a fraud, I’d like to say thank you

>> No.28207059

>redpilled me on “outer space” being a fraud

>> No.28207063

>then governments have to convince people to use them over legitimate blockchains.
>"use our CBDC or starve goyim"

Well that was easy.

what fucking planet do you cryptocucks live on?

>> No.28207091


>it's really sickening to see absolute brainlets of your kind getting rich out of their cretinery and think they are smartasses for being imbeciles. You don't deserve to make it, and you wont.

Im glad there are BROS out there who are disgusted by worthlessness and weakness.

Nothing makes me more sick than a flabby gross lizard body that can't even do ten push-ups yet they have millions in the bank.

>> No.28207095

>comfy metals general has someone throwing shit
just want to feed my addiction to rocks
where's my comfy

>> No.28207122
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>> No.28207133

Most probably. Usually cryptards keep to their own generals. Recently seen a lot of "boomer rocks" poster on each and every thread.

>> No.28207154

Hey this is actually a good idea anon.
I do NOT make the jewelry, I sell it at the market price while buying at the spot price basically.
So I could simply sell it for the value of pure silver.
Buy a .925 bracelet at scrap price*that is a pure silver spot at the moment of sale)
The bracelet "costs" 80% more in foat (this is usually my margin)
Exchange this for the fiat value of pure silver.
Which means I'm making 80% fiat profit but in pure silver.
I just wonder how long the jewelry will be worth more than its scrap value. I don't think long before that happenes in which case my margin will go to 0.
But for now, especially with the designer jewelry I can make real profit in real money

>> No.28207161
File: 142 KB, 193x193, ABF0D5C9-6A60-4198-B887-5A54193076F3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realize the nigger goes away when you ignore him, right?

>> No.28207177

>I'm not throwing out buzzwords
Yes, you are. Memory management is a general term but I understand what you're talking about here. The problem being that those were Intel CPUs and there are ways to protect your crypto assets from such an unlikely attack. I also need to mention that that kind of backdoor would compromise the global financial system.

If the EMP isn't global then it's not going to destroy crypto. Even if it were global I don't think that would happen.

>> No.28207221

i wish they would get their own retarded board, they are 95% of the catalog and its always some pajeet rugpull with a meme budget

>> No.28207252
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He says, not posting his stack

>> No.28207261

Let's imagine everyone is using crypto, and they want to do what you suggested so they can continue to use it without the gov stopping them

How many people can do this? Can enough people do this to keep crypto traded at enough volume that it's accepted as a common currency? Is there any country in the world that enough people would be able to do this to entirely dodge all government surveillance?
The problem there is most countries don't work like Nigeria, Nigeria can ban anything it wants but without anyone on hand with technical know how it's not enforceable, it's not like the NSA

>> No.28207331
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get the fuck out nigger, you already got plenty of valid answers and all you do is trolling and coping like a JIDF shill.
We do not care if you prefer pajeet coding to precious metals, we don't care if you love to suck dicks; we do not care if you kys tomorrow because Dr shlomoberg butchered your MtF transition.

We are right, you are wrong, now get the fuck out. You have a hundred threads about shitcoins on biz to feel safe in your echo chamber, why do you have to come in the only thread who don't give a fuck about it?
We are so far above you we barely can see you.

>> No.28207345

What’s with this crypto fag crying about precious metals? Both literally accomplish the same thing, which is devaluing fiat. Crypto has better returns but it’s risky because it’s in a bit of a bubble right now where a lot of its investors don’t understand how it works and are just buying because the price is rising. Silver is the opposite. It’s easy to understand and at historic lows as far as value goes.

If you trust in crypto, great invest in crypto. Silver is going to go up either way because everyone knows fiat is doomed

>> No.28207361

Not looking very comfy in here today.

>> No.28207375

I'd wait in a field for six hours just to take a shot at and kill a man.

You can have all the guns you want. You ain't as crazy as me. You ain't as stocked up as I am. You've never been in the shit before. You don't know how to fight worth a damn. You aren't as strong as I am and you aren't as trained as I am.

Difference is though, I'd be trying to see if there was an arrangement we could work out, see, killing people is tough business, a lot of people talk the talk but they've never done it and so that's why they talk. Fact is when it all comes down to it, order will be restored very quickly. It's not going to be the free for all you think it is. It's going to be about what you can trade, which if you are exclusively in crypto, will probably be nothing.

>> No.28207408

>closet full of guns and ammo
>hunting down people like you who hoarded supplies for decades and then relaxed
You will end as corpse hanged on power line. Do you think that people who have supplies don't have any weapons?
Do you have any training? Do you have any group? Who do you think you are? John Rambo?
You're delusional.

>> No.28207425

"Space mining" is not going to make our stacks worthless. Even if Elon Musk actually managed to find asteroids with shit to mine, actually mining it and bringing it back would be insanely expensive and infeasible, if it's even possible. Maybe in like a century or two when they manage to get a space elevator built that might be something to worry about.

>> No.28207444

Same on /pol/. People are shilling so hard against the precious metals it doesn't look organic. Every time silver/gold is mentioned at least q post against it is immediately posted. At a time when only 13% of silver in London is available outside of the fucking ETF's, which is a guaranteed leg up in a month or so imo

>> No.28207455

Lovely. I only have 3 from this series.

>> No.28207462


>> No.28207487
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>> No.28207493
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>Why would an EMP automatically be fallout? I never said a global EMP, I just said EMP
From stuff like nunkes?, those with high EMP tend to have low radiation in comparison (the big Russian one was one of the cleanest per kiloton ever detonated) The energy has to come from somewhere. And fallout is generally overrated.
In a carrington-event scenario, the problem would be fallout created by nuclear power-plants melting down if the controls are fried and the power-grid fucked, but this would also be the case if some environmentalist decided to release a virus to get rid of humanity .. so it's a double-edged sword.
Gen-IV plants would be unaffected. (auto shut-down)

>> No.28207503

Beautiful anon, box come with a set or get it yourself?

>> No.28207511

probably some JIDF shill. can't have good people feeling comfy together buying precious metals. too much of a threat to the system

>> No.28207528

>Lurk more
I heard you the first time and I don't have any questions. Can you read?

>I'll just use my 10 oz of silver to buy food for the week...
What planet do YOU live on?

>Nothing makes me more sick than a flabby gross lizard body that can't even do ten push-ups yet they have millions in the bank.
LMAO what the fuck is wrong with you? Get help. This is /biz not /fit and you're probably a fat neckbeard who just discovered the gym recently.

>> No.28207530

doesnt have to be global to fuck you over

>> No.28207559
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>> No.28207569

OH no! One country banned gold and silver! What ever will I do? It's not like there's dozens of other countries I could sell to or under the table deals to be made!

>> No.28207590

“Outer space” is not real. There is no wider universe, the earth IS the entire universe. Anyone with half a brain knows the moon landings were Hollywood productions meant as bread and circus for the American people, and the next logical conclusion is that the idea of “outer space” is also a Hollywood production.

>> No.28207646

Yeaaaaa, pretty sure he should ask an attorney about that one (assuming you're in u.s.).

That's not how untaxable bartering works. (Dont take this as legal or financial advice, do your own research.)

>> No.28207653
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 00D942E3-BD3C-4486-9F13-73EB254743E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re worse than the spamming nigger

>> No.28207664

>A fellow sovereign holder chad
When you see a guy wearing an Edwardian suit in the fiat collapse, don't shoot, ok?

>> No.28207680

It's also about the community. Loners get raided and killed.
Basically I agree with you and trading will take the crown, but it will come after the loners with guns get killed off. That of course implies that we will enter a mad max world, which I don't think we will.
I'm not the anon you replied to but I actually understand what you are talking about.

>> No.28207698

I have the silver ID today so I am taking the initiative to argue with you on behalf of the group.

And fact is yeah, I do speak for the group. We all know each other here.

>> No.28207716
File: 248 KB, 1200x1036, 1597782982212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So we're hedging our bets against the collapse of the global hegemony of America, but not against the collapse of the murder capital of the world?

>> No.28207720

Today I can use 10oz of silver to buy food for 3 months. You don’t even know what the current prices are and you’re talking shit

>> No.28207757
File: 498 KB, 498x330, warning warning, a homosexual has entered the thead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its official boys, we've got a shill.

>> No.28207775

tfw 10 oz Ag
Where do I learn to give blowjobs?

>> No.28207792

>We are right, you are wrong, now get the fuck out
>angry boomers continue to yell at things they don't understand

kys I'm not reading your long winded rambling attempt to sound like a hardass

I was making a valid point. You're not intelligent for making assumptions about my level of training.

>> No.28207827
File: 474 KB, 600x780, 1BB2A5EB-7880-44F8-A879-A770D191716E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you see a guy wearing an Edwardian suit in the fiat collapse, don't shoot, ok?
Likewise dear chap, I’ll be sporting an 8shot revolver and a Benelli M4

>> No.28207849

Space isn’t real, see >>28207590

>> No.28207874

Listen pal the only platinum I'm gonna buy is a ring. Which I did. At spot.

>> No.28207921

This. I overpaid on purpose at first just so I can start a relationship with the hunters and farmers but I'm Hopi to lower the "price" soon, after I'm sure they will supply me with stuff. Much harder to do in a suburb than in a rural community. One of the main reasons why I want to move out to the country.

>> No.28207939
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 0589E981-DDBF-4497-B975-A65FD8C12310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm honestly looking forward to your delusional fantasy of an apocalypse because I would be the one hunting down people like you who hoarded supplies for decades and then relaxed.
I can smell this post

>> No.28207974

A space elevator is feasible with existing technology. So your projection of being a century away is, technologically speaking, not accurate. I say that respectfully. You can read Paul Birch’s papers on the orbital ring space elevator from the 1980’s for proof. The hindrance to a space elevator is that it would need to be built by a developed country’s government, one that has an existing space program. The private sector couldn’t build one, to the best of my knowledge. I don’t see how they could. So until a major government announces a space elevator project, it won’t happen, and thus asteroid mining is not currently possible.

>> No.28208004
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I wish we had hyper inflation and an economic reset.

Then I can just take my gold/silver and live in my parents house and retire a NEET.

>> No.28208063

This. The board is insufferable. There is no investment knowledge to be had on biz except for pmg, an occasional thread, and then the five percent of smg that isn't literal garbage. Crypto needs its own containment board.

>> No.28208079

I don't know why it's called unlikely, and yes it would compromise the global financial system as well, that's the point

Have you ever read about what happened in Bosnia? There was a city that was taken over entirely, nobody could enter or leave, they had no food coming in for a year, despite it having no intrinsic use to the people of the city, gold and silver continued to be traded and used as currency, as well as salt and oil, there are plenty of stories of this through modern history, I understand your hesitance to think people would continue to trade PMs in a nightmare scenario, but it's just something people do, it can't be explained rationally at a certain point, you can say in Bosnia "but the world didn't end so gold still had value to them bc eventually the occupation would end" but everyone was living day to day, it was a small scale civil war within the city limits, and the man who was interviewed specifically told the interviewer that the men who hoarded guns and had no strong family connections to back them up were the first to die and get picked apart

The problem is it's not just the CPU but you know there's tons of backdoors in every OS and you have to assume that the gov knows about a lot of them and doesn't report them, even OpenBSD has vulnerabilities and Theo acknowledges that it probably has lots of vulnerabilities but not enough people eyeing the code and reporting it to him, and that's an OS that's like 3 million SLOC, what about linux at like 20 mil for the kerrnel, plus whatever stupid shit you put on top, keep in mind it's not just about you, it's about other people too because if they're not smart enough to protect their assets there won't be enough trading of crypto for it to be accepted as a currency, isn't it possible that the gov fucks over all the idiots and the only people left holding it is autists, who make up about 1% of the population? Why would the people value it then?

>> No.28208083
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thanks, i had to assemble the set, i purchased the 'official' box, it was about 80$ and they arent in stock i dont think. sometimes i see them on ebay. now that the set is done ive seen premiums completely double on them

no >:(

>> No.28208181

i'll believe it when i see it.
if this stuff was so easy, why the fuck aren't they sending people to the moon anymore. how come we only supposedly did it one time in the 60s and never again

>> No.28208193

I don't wish for this to happen. I don't even think that a collapse of these proportions will happen. I think that we will have a some form of government because people are sheep. They are easily led. They want their illusion of security at all costs, even for the price of their freedoms.

>> No.28208208
File: 154 KB, 426x510, 15764355422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've the opposite experience on pol. A vast majority of polacks are very bullish on silver and surprisingly aware of the manipulation, but it's true you immediately have 1 or 2 memeflaggots who insta appear and heavy spamfud the threads with a hundred answers, just like the rabbi >>28207528 we have ITT.
Ofc it's always devoid of any arguments, it's just the eternal pontiffs of "muh shitcoins is the future, rocks = boomers"

>> No.28208235

Lurk more bro

>> No.28208262

The problem is, with the current state of world governments and all the Judiasm that has infected and diluted the quality of the existing space programs, I don't believe that major governments could pull it off either.

>> No.28208329

well, they can keep printing and bamboozling people as long as my index funds go up, same w silver/gold.

I dont need that much since my parents have a bigass house in the philippines, and people there are dirt cheap.

>> No.28208392

ok but what about telescopes and stuff
i've seen jupiter myself, and mars
>why the fuck aren't they sending people to the moon anymore
they're trying to send people to mars, but the big problem is money cause most people don't care as much about space as they did 60 years ago
>how come we only supposedly did it one time in the 60s and never again
there have been several manned moon landings, and even more with robots, so...

>> No.28208395

Whats funny is crypto has just about nothing to do with business. I'm curious what % of people on this board have business experience

>> No.28208399
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Very well put. Venezuela is another very good example. The cost of gold in Venezuela is astronomical, but crypto is also used. They are overpaying for both.
I think a Venezuela type scenario with some Bosnia in the mix is very likely.
But it won't be anarchy, not a chance.
Poc related btw

>> No.28208481

Have no idea what this guys
>>28207974 talking about. Last I checked space elevators needed wonder materials not known to mankind. Judaism or not, we can't build the cables.

>> No.28208493
File: 686 KB, 979x866, pobeda2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, you know what's ironic? they blame 4chan communities as hateful even though we just love our people and don't want to be fucked with
pmg is such a blessed silver brotherhood, this really does bring mental purity in my life, once i know i have some wealth that will be there tomorrow or a decade later. silver is truth, can't believe i am saying this.

stay based pmg

>> No.28208527

just because you saw some glowy circle in the sky doesn't mean you saw muh planet in outer space

>> No.28208579
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Oh anon nooooo please don't come hunt down people who have been preparing for the collapse with your scary guns. No please, all us stackers are defenseless retards who think that simply owning PMs will keep us safe in the event of an economic collapse.

Bitch, what the fuck community do you think you're talking to? We've been preparing for t he collapse with firearms/survivalist training and food/PM hoarding while you were popping pimples before you high school comp sci class.

>> No.28208637

Anons of /pol/ are more aware than the normies, that much is true, but I agree, the shilling against the metal is insane.
I think that pro-crypto/against metals is a D&C psyop.
Create a way that the right hates other right wing people based on some imaginary differences. There is a reason why uniting the right is like fucking herding cats and I don't think it's all organic. I think it's done on purpose. Any idea that seems to be uniting people is instantly presented with a dumb opposition and the not so smart people buy into said division very fast.

>> No.28208672

>why aren’t they sending people to the moon
Simple, it’s a waste of $$ until they have the tech and $$ to build a base. China is already ahead of murica on that one.

>> No.28208674

No need for propaganda purposes, no return of investment.
When it comes to exploration and establishing "contact" LSD-based travel is cheaper than propulsion based travel.

>> No.28208698

>ok but what about telescopes and stuff i've seen jupiter myself, and mars
You’re correct in that you saw Jupiter and Mars, but those aren’t “planets” i.e. terra firma bodies like the earth, they’re luminary bodies just like the stars. The ancients had names for these stars (“planets”) because unlike all the others they did not not have a fixed position in the sky and instead had an ever changing path.

>> No.28208710

>valid point
No, you weren't.
>level of training
Can you close and disinfect gunshot wound? Can you make tourniquet? Can you beat 3 people in hand to hand combat? Can you not sleep? Can you make water filter? Can you make improvised booby traps?
No? So better start training you boipussy. Maybe Bubba or Tyrone will trow you a bone for being their fleshlight.

>> No.28208731

The thing you don't realize (because you're not a threat in anyway), is that there are actual hard asses that use the internet.

You fail to see that, because you are not physically intimidating in any way. You are a threat to nobody and have never been in a meaningful physical altercation. You're speaking a language you don't understand. You think the person typing this isn't a threat because you've never met a threat in real life. You've lived a life of comfort (which is why you invest in crypto), and have never been a threat yourself. Of course you don't understand but it doesn't matter though.

Squat 400 pounds for reps.
OHP 185 for reps
Bench 3 plate
Deadlift five plate
Row 14 miles a week.
Jiu jitsu training.
Krav Maga training.
Former mixed martial arts fighter.
Bouncer for two years.
Wilderness survival.
Viscious German Shepard.
Sniper rifle.
Brass knuckles.

And the craziness to use all of these effectively.

Good luck.

>> No.28208746

What do I buy if I want to buy larger quantities of physical silver? Coins or bars? What weight? Buy now or wait for better price? Where/how do you guys store it?

>> No.28208775

>Bitch, what the fuck community do you think you're talking to?
A bunch of faggot boomers who implied that crypto investors are defenseless retards so I made the point that I'm not. Learn to read nigger.

>> No.28208784


>> No.28208840

True. The people in general are waking the fuck up. It's interesting to see the idiots from just a year ago, that I know, desperately trying to purchase a gun at reasonable prices when they were laughing at me then and "lol just call the Police you gun nut" was their counterargument at the time.

>> No.28208847

>I think a Venezuela type scenario with some Bosnia in the mix is very likely.
You wont have just bosnia you will have entire yugoslavia in the mix(parts where life just goes on and is not close to anarchy/front lines)
Also usually when the country's currency goes into hyperinflation a foreign currency takes it's place.In serbia during the 90's it was german mark but generally it is the almighty dollar that takes the place.Now the question is if the USD collapses what would take it's place?

>> No.28208854

Look for "junk silver" to find bags of coins.
Alternatively rolls of investment coins.

>> No.28208932

Holy shit, imagine believing that anyone is going to read and care about your boasting on an anonymous anime image board. Your ego is fucking massive dude get over yourself. The only reason I brought up guns was due to you and others implying that crypto investors are defenseless morons. That's not the case.

>> No.28208935
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Unironically one of the best events of my life, finding this general and getting into stacking.

WAGMI frens

>> No.28208939

Compare your average crypto investor to your average schizo stacker. Assuming you do have firearms and the training to use them, you are in the minority in your community; in mine, however, I am just the average.

>> No.28208963

On bars below 10oz tends to be more expensive, calculate the oz -price when buying bars. In general larger=cheaper

>> No.28208967

>what the fuck community do you think you're talking to


Don't worry though guys lol. The IT dude is gonna come and own us in an apocalypse.

>> No.28208971
File: 444 KB, 1280x720, a_picture_of_jupiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>past dozen threads have been nothing but shitflinging and hatemongering
yep definitely peaceful and friendly
what is it then
that's interesting, what do you mean by "luminary"? mars and jupiter don't emit light
>because unlike all the others they did not not have a fixed position in the sky and instead had an ever changing path
that's funny because stars change position all the time

>> No.28208979

Yep, thats a big part of it. And for good reason too. Wild animals, no matter how much we want to bash big farm operations / ranching, can carry some really, really nasty parasites / diseases that can literally kill you. The state has a somewhat hands off approach to eating the game yourself, eat at your own risk by thy hands own doing sort of thang. But when selling to unknowning or unsuspecting customers animals that have roamed freely to drink from chemically toxic pools of water or have been infected with common or rare and exotic yet deadly diseases, that creates an unusually high chance of serious harm injury or death to the customer / consumer.

Like it or not, eating meat with antibiotics is a trade off. You avoid the risk of disease that wild game poses, but you do get a lower quality of meat and secondary effects of vaccinations in the cattle, chickens, etc and antibiotics.

Also people would sell roadkill all the fucking time for a quick buck, which could be spoiled but not yet showing easily visible/sensible signs (smell, look, taste.)

Have to consider all sides on this issue fellas. States do this to discourage harm to citizens, and it's a good thing to an extent.

>> No.28209008

Coins are easy to sell. Bars are better value. The bigger you buy, the less premiums you pay, but as mentioned big bars can be hard to sell

>> No.28209020

so what are you saying is that we are living in a big truman show-like omniverse?

>> No.28209106
File: 74 KB, 637x712, 7958F7F1-6085-4073-9E80-2CD9BBC83356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will raid
I know you are a pussy because if you understood what it’s like to go into a house to kill a man who doesn’t want to be killed and will kill you to prevent his life being lost you wouldn’t be talking. It’s dirty and down right the most scary thing you could ever do. Hunting men isn’t like hunting deer. The deer shoot back and make improvised explosives and sometimes come to your home to hunt you. So shut up. You won’t ever do that and at best you’d be fending off 30 niggers who come to your house for some baked beans and non-consensual ass sex.

>> No.28209109

Christ this thread is cancer

>> No.28209117

I suspect it's a more bible-based worldview.

>> No.28209139

Hey hey! good morning smg I've been gone for about 5 years lemme just check the going price of mercury dimes since I'd love to add more to my sta- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.28209164

I been thinking about this, I think the shilling is coming from US government. They're suppressing PMs to hinder putins and chinas wealth. JPM and others are just following orders.
And this isn't out of spite for pm holders or anything like that, its just what it is.

>> No.28209237


Yeah no shit my ego is massive. You wish you had one as big but it would take you ten years to where you could get to the point where you can back it up.

The side effect of being the shit is that you have a big ego. Get used to it.

>> No.28209250

new thread: BAKED





>> No.28209276

I never studied Yugoslavia like I should have, I know Bosnians personally so I kind of understood but I never fully made sense of the situation until you just posted this image just now, and it makes so much sense, and it makes me want just want to get out of here, this is terrifying

I've had a Bosnian Muslim tell me that everything in Bosnia was fine until people started taking advantage of the separation and I simply said 'how is it functioning if it only works when things are going well" and he immediately acknowledged that I had a point, because it's hard to say that what happened in Bosnia wasn't inevitable, the US is getting extremely close to that nightmare scenario where there's not only many different groups, but they're also at about equal footing in terms of population and power

>> No.28209297

>stars change position all the time
Not relative to one another. They change position, but the alignment of them remains constant, unlike the “planets” which move at random relative to the fixed stars

>> No.28209332
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>> No.28209351

very nice anon

>> No.28209417

Yuan? Doubtful imo.
There is no fiat now that has any value, except for a few small countries but none of them are strong enough to resist the globohomo banking system so I think just like in Venezuela it's going to be gold/silver basically.
This all depends on the degree of the collapse.
At first when we will deal with the hungry city hordes ammo will be worth more.
Katrina is another good study in what happens to the neighboring counties when a city hoes belly up.
They fortify and shoot the monkeys coming for them.
So ammo will be important but only if rhe system collapses to the level that I don't think it will.
I think that the federal government will go full totalitarian regime, they don't have another choice and from there it will be pretty easy to see which states in the US will do better than other.
When this ponzi collapses to a degree that it did in 2008 expect simply more of the federal government and gun bans on the federal level. I think the collapse will be worst than 2008 also because more people think so.
How much worse? I don't think anyone can say for sure now because everything is in sucha bubble territory it's simply impossible to predict what the federal government will do to preserve their status quo.

>> No.28209442



That "big ego" I have is what's going to make me survive. It's what's going to allow me to run faster than you, to eat less than you, to tolerate pain less than you, to sleep less than you, to stay on guard longer than you, and to fight harder than you.

No offense dude and this really goes out to all the normies out there, but you're speaking a language you don't understand. Savage motherfuckers have egos. We recognize a savage motherfucker whether that be online or in real life. You just see words on a screen.

>> No.28209539


So many "this" in the thread. I'm really proud of you bros. Good to have reminders of how badass the community is.

>> No.28209611

This is also what I think. I think that JPMORGAN manipulation of paper silver prices that they paid the fine for was also done for the government.
It's possible that the government is accumulating silver/gold just like China is doing. I'm not 100% sure of this but there are weird things happening with silver/gold on the market that make me think this is bigger than the companies "manipulating" the prices.

>> No.28209617

>I'm such a hardass I better respond to this anonymous guy twice just so he knows how hard I am

>> No.28209638

newfrens pay attention
in the trials to come guys like this are lucky if they don't end up crucified on telephone poles

>> No.28209802


>> No.28209872

You're an IT guy. Please dont spread misinformation about software which is a different skillset. You probably know more than ,95% of normies, but that doesn't mean you actually know what's going on.

>> No.28210371

You guys see this ?

>> No.28210391
File: 75 KB, 500x500, The fire rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're an IT guy
for you