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File: 48 KB, 1200x897, how-to-begin-investing-in-crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28199856 No.28199856 [Reply] [Original]

BNB is like buying ETH at $100. BSC just surpassed the fucking ETH mainnet in transaction #. Think about the long term:

>Live chain with hundreds of shitcoins
>200M supply now (only 2x eth supply) but at 20x less the price of ETH
>BNB used for fees, staking, and dex transactions
>Quarterly burns by Binance decrease the supply

BNB will hit $500, then $1000, then $5000, then $10000 in just a year or two.

>> No.28199933
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Info drops

>> No.28199934
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FINALLY a general for us BSC chads...

>> No.28200050

first of they are unregulated binance doesn't have licenses to operate, that is illegal. Also, they are routinely fucking over traders by manipulating prices and fuck over everyone on margin, they are also known for doing a shit load of wash trading
CZ is a scammer he knows people are on to him or he wouldn't be listing unaudited tokens and DeFi projects the same day they are released if he wasn't making a final cash grab.
Otherwise he would be more careful so nothing bad happens and had complaints against him. He's listing things like he knows he has limited time to get all he can before he has to hide.
Governments don't let random people set up major money and banking exchanges with derivative products and lending services and all that to random people and then watch them take billions out of each countries economy and into his pocket without them locking the guy up. He's a dead man walking.

>It is no secret that Binance's operations are borderline illegal. Binance is a key member of the crypto crime cartel that has been known to manipulate markets and launder money.

>> No.28200135

You know how even the sketchiest of criminal entities incorporate in Cypress or Caymans or some shit? Well, CZ said Binance was listed in Malta.


So, Binance is NOT incorporated ANYWHERE. Which means that they operate completely outside of any jurisdiction. For DeFi, that might be OK, but a centralized exchange?...
Also, be prepared for any transactions that you chain convert from Binance to fiat to be frozen or seized by the authorities of whatever country you are a citizen of.

>> No.28200239

dont care still keeping all my crypto on binance

>> No.28200282


>> No.28200291

nice fud, i'll wait for it to reach 500 dollarinos to cash out thanks pajeet

>> No.28200328


Easily 1.5k EOY.

>> No.28200369

ETH is so fucking cucked. Why the fuck do they give their miners a king's ransom like this? I think it is intended by design to suppress the price.

>> No.28200431


Insane in the membrane

>> No.28200495

how do they do fiat then wiseass

>> No.28200524

>Well, CZ said Binance was listed in Malta.
source on both those claims?

>> No.28200607



>> No.28200613

ouch right in my liquidity pools.
I don't even want to look.
I'll just assume everything is ok.
All the shit tokens I have my BNB paired to will catch up
any day now
any day now
any day now
any day now
Ok, I'll look.

>> No.28200634

>anon actually delivers
thanks bro, reading it asap

>> No.28200654

Yeah, I don't think VISA would give access to transact with literal criminal operation.

>> No.28200679
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>> No.28200730

Building on Cosmos was the right move, this could be the one that flips ETH, Not ADA, Polkadot or AVAX

>> No.28200732

>Binance is NOT incorporated ANYWHERE.
Neat. Based chink and Fuck USA

>> No.28200749

already debunked

>> No.28200822

ok this is fucking scaring me.. i have all my port there god dammit

>> No.28200835

BNB is built on cosmos?

>> No.28200878

Dude if you aren't staking your LP tokens for 500% APY then your doing something wrong

>> No.28201027

This has been known for years fren, even reddit in 2017 told people to get the fuck off binance, frankly I'm in disbelief on why they are still around
possibly ties with the chinese government, but that would be full on conspiracy, and I only like shit with proof

however, it's safe to say they won't be here in the next few years, that's why they try very hard to move over into defi

>> No.28201071

t. CZ himself

>> No.28201090

I am. Not that'll mitigate a 4x from when I locked my tokens. Nothing will.

>> No.28201107

This FUD is incredibly bullish anons.

>> No.28201108

maltatoday literally lmao

>> No.28201134

>browsing reddit

>> No.28201167

what alternative do you recommend? coinbase?

>> No.28201168

Everybody's working for the government in China.
China owns 60% of all the BTC hashrate

>> No.28201290
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kraken is good, coinbase is "fine" but will fuck you over with fees
coin metro is the best, lower fees than binance and regulated, even helps with writing the regulations

>> No.28201421

CZ is paying an extra for the shilling today.

>> No.28201444

fucking top posts bro, thanks a lot for the help!

i need to make some changes, and some more investigating, because i was completely clueless about binance. been using it for a year with no problems, but this is a huge concern.

have a nice one fren

>> No.28201539

this is a board of mongoloids, they hate CZ and BNB, don't expect they won't fill this thread with useless fud

>> No.28201563


Probably just a JavaScript dev, to be fair

>> No.28201608
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Newfriends please remember FUD is designed to fuck with you. No, CZ doesn't pay people to post about his shit on this mongolian basketweaving forum.

Look at Rubic to see actual unnatural shilling.

>> No.28201848

What is making it pump so wildly?
I Skimmed 25% of my BNB when it hit 95, and bought ada

>> No.28201931

Cool. You bought into a ghost chain that has been in development for 4 years and has no working product still. Good job retard.

>> No.28201990

BSC is literally a godsend. Making money like crazy while everyones stuck in their eth because of fees.

>> No.28201992


>> No.28202090

what the fuck CZ must be swimming in chinese canadian pussy

>> No.28202107
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I Skimmed 25% of my BNB when it hit 95, and bought ada

>> No.28202123

>get your document leaked
>turns out it outlines illegal shit you want to do
>try to sue them
kek, nice try, imagine a drug dealer suing you because you told doxxed him

>> No.28202143

so should i convert my BNB to BSC when i send it to my wallet?

>> No.28202206
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>I Skimmed 25% of my BNB when it hit 95, and bought ada

>> No.28202219

>Implying all of these things aren't memes and go up based of imaginary values.

if/when ADA hits coinbase, more retards like me will be buying into it and driving the price up.

>> No.28202403

wait they DROPPED the lawsuit

>The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has dropped its defamation lawsuit against news publication Forbes and two of its journalists, according to official court documents.

>> No.28202621


>> No.28202637
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This chink ceo gives me the creeps. Reminds me of bitconnect douche who stole all the crypto.
Something really fishy about binance.
I got myself verified with my driver licence and pic.
This motherfucker's gonna destroy me.
Clearly he uses those documents for something else.

>> No.28202796

one time in a chink hate thread i saw a video of an i cloud gallary with so much fucking kyc data it was insane, probably not binance but chinks are insane
i wish i saved the thread

>> No.28203180

The main problem with bsc is that it's fully custodial, everything of note is a pegged token by binance. This is going to end up in kyc and anonymous bridge is going to be disabled.
The second and related is that while it's technically dpos binance owns so much it's fully controlled by binance, it can never replace ethereum

>> No.28203437

This sounds based. What are you, some kind of square?

>> No.28203508

>this could be the one that flips ETH, Not ADA, Polkadot or AVAX
Here's the thing: BSC already killed ETH, the transaction count is officially higher as of today. The only reason BNB is now $2000 now is that ETH is used as a store of value, but tons of money will be moved in BSC and their shitcoins.

Cake just did a 5x in one week, safepal and other bsc coins are hitting ATH. What do they all have in common? You need BNB to trade them. If you want an easy 4x buy cake-bnb and stake it.
The licensing fud is written by the LCX and Coinmetro shills.

>> No.28203635
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this shit is even worse lmao

>> No.28203989

Just hit $110.

>> No.28204062

400 bnb holder here, wish I had more.

I remember buying some at $2 and thinking it was expensive after the ICO.

>> No.28204131

The fuck is going. Normies flocking to binance to buy coin?

>> No.28204192

>Here's the thing: BSC already killed ETH, the transaction count is officially higher as of today.
How did that work out for eos and tron?

>> No.28204452

How long will this dump go on?? holy shit

>> No.28204566

pump* ofc

>> No.28204958

I have only 10 bnb I dont know if I should feel good or bad

Is there a place for me in the citadel, bnbbros :(

t.3rd world poorfag with monthly salary of $350

>> No.28204988

This isn't a pump, it's a replacement.
Farewell and so long, Ethereum.

>> No.28205000

dude literally EVERY exchange (crypto, stocks, whatever) requires photo and id

i dont like it either but it is what it is.. safety and all that jazz

>> No.28205074

it's centralized and will not make it long term. period. might be a good buy for now but this is not eth at 100

>> No.28205095

Sold my DOGE at 0.07, so I have a couple of grand to spend now. Should I buy BNB now or wait for the dip?

>> No.28205135

can I buy bnb without using binance? I guess not
I have some erc20 tokens on metamask

>> No.28205182

bought at $104, will I make it bros?

>> No.28205288


>> No.28205504
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Pump it. The only way is up.

>> No.28205764

did not dip since last march so yes

>> No.28205923

>tried to swing it, sold @ 108
>cant stay under 110 for more than a second
i desereve the rope

>> No.28206188 [DELETED] 

do NOT buy BNB at these prices
its pure fomo by new retail who joined in the last few weeks
if you look at their white paper and compare it to FTT (a rival exchange's coin), its not even close
+37% in a day? yeah right

>> No.28206241

>in the middle of ETH Exodus
>Swing the only working Eth killer

>> No.28206292

i wanted more :(

>> No.28206330

Should I stake something in Autofarm or any other farming app or just hold BNB?
>t. defi newbie

>> No.28206467

Just want all it bros, how'd I do?

>> No.28206571

How much did you put in?

>> No.28206959
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extremelly bullish

>> No.28207010


>> No.28207052


pls answer binance bros I'm about to go all in on BNB

>> No.28207082

I sold at 114

>> No.28207084
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dont forget guys to put all your BNB in the vault, free money just for holding

>> No.28207174

Agreed. This means all the ETH killers and people invested in them are panicking. Who needs ADA when there's BSC
Who needs AVAX when there's BSC
Who needs DOT when there's BSC
Who needs L2 when there's BSC
Who needs ETH when there's BSC?

>> No.28207219

How does 5 Million sound?

>> No.28207246

Look at the sexy green candles, chart looks strong.

I'd say enter around 109.

>> No.28207263

I'm farming on Pancake

>> No.28207401

gl if they block your access, and ban vpn

>> No.28207513
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Ahh another cake/bnb beartrap...

>> No.28207545 [DELETED] 
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should I use this on bnb? it's free money, right?

>> No.28208253

for those interested in the ampleforth of BSC. check out DITTO : https://ditto.money/

for those interested in the KP3R of BSC check out KP3RB: https://keep3rb.network/

>> No.28208347

>getting priced out of the biggest exchange in the world

>It costs 100$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 200$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 500$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 1000$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 5000$ to have VIP 1 <-- (You) are here
>It costs 10.000$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 50.000$ to have VIP 1
>It costs 100.000$ to have VIP 1
>It costs one million dollars to have VIP 1
How many of you guys have at least 50 BNB? wagmi

>> No.28208421

have 40 fren

>> No.28208483
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I'm still mad about not stocking up on ETH back when it was 100 a pop. Will BNB reach the same heights as ETH?

>> No.28208529

so, this was the real deal all along

>> No.28208551

i want the SNX of bsc, where is it?

>> No.28208781

Insane in the brain!

>> No.28208795

Binance Coin is best coin. It's definitely a position I increase.

>> No.28209190

Me too friend, me too

>> No.28209492


>> No.28210410

Has anyone tried staking on binance smart chain using bnb through binance.org? I'm interested but it take a couple days to start earning rewards, then i want to confirm i can undelegate before i throw all my bnb at it.

>> No.28210594
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>> No.28210872

The market cap just went up by 10 billion today, relax retard. It'll be $150 in 24h or less

>> No.28211144

>Also, they are routinely fucking over traders by manipulating prices and fuck over everyone on margin


>> No.28211231

Been waiting for a dip for days but this motherfucker does not have brakes wtf.

Is it stupid to get in now bros?

>> No.28211376

The market cap just went up by 10 billion today
Holy shit

>> No.28211428

I stake some of my BNB on Beefy Finance. AutoFarm is good too. Look into LP pools on Pancake which can get great returns

Sparta Protocol

Stake your BNB on Venus, Beefy or Autofarm. Never heard of that site.

>> No.28211447

If AAVE taught you anything it's that coins that are actually legit don't have any significant corrections

>> No.28211504

this is what I want to know

>> No.28211568

Unironically the second coin I was also looking at buying into very soon

>> No.28211657

i already have a stack, but they are being niggers, or slow or something, they are launching a staking thing on ETH instead of doing it on BSC!

>> No.28211664
File: 196 KB, 2048x1168, ErkH4CQXIAYOMvW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bsc chads i hope you are buying PROS

>Binance Smart Chain like RBC
>LINK partnership, doing an AMA today on the official Chainlink YT: https://mobile.twitter.com/Prosperpredict/status/1358549437421920258
>More revenue and more participant than Augur which is 10 times bigger
>Just listed on Binance so gas fees are not holding it back
>Doxed team
>Live on Matic in a couple of days
>No unlocks until april
>Vitalik bullish on prediction markets:
Also no unlocks till the 14th of april

>> No.28211847

funds are safu

>> No.28211873

Nice. When does it release for public? I want to gamble some BNB

>> No.28211931

Its on Binance already.

>> No.28211953

I just found out in my trade history that I sold 1500 BNB back in September 2017 to buy Waltonchain and never bought back.
fuck me

>> No.28212012

Or, if you mean their platform, its already live with weekly prediction round. This weekend it goes live again and on Matic as well.

>> No.28212040
File: 1.68 MB, 1124x890, CoinMetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XCM is the new BNB
CoinMetro - The best crypto exchange for both beginners and pros. Buy, sell and trade crypto with ease. Keep your profits - we have the lowest fees in the industry.

>> No.28212059

Dude the App isnt live. There is no prediction markets? When does it go live? Or is it scam?

>> No.28212184

Thanks. Will check it out on the weekend.

>> No.28212202

Thanks I'll check those out. But binance.org is Binance's dex as far as i know. Staking BNB on it is how binance smart chain runs.

>> No.28212250

Imagine in 3 years when 1 bnb is 10k you'll wanna rope if you don't stack this year

>> No.28212308


>> No.28212332
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Real fucking idiot here. I currently got some btc in my Binance wallet and wanna transfer out.

Is it better to convert to ETH before sending or send btc straight up? Which way will rape me the less in transaction fee?

>> No.28212340

Only have 170 BNB... sold half to farm on pancake. I need mooooore.

>> No.28212392

why is everyone shilling coin metro? it has like 20 pairs to trade, where am i supposed to get my shitcoin rush?

>> No.28212512

lol this reminds me of the threads before LEND (AAVE) mooned and we know how that ended. Have about 500bnb bot at 20usd and not selling until 1k.

>> No.28212580


>> No.28212999

kek they don't hold BNB and FTT

>> No.28213249

Why do people wait for the shitcoin to pump to create these shills threads?

>> No.28213281

It took you one copy and pasted post to completely change your exchange?
Have you even researched if their claims are true?

>> No.28213538

>he changes exchanges because of a 4chan post
Damn I need to create an exit scam and shill it here, it'd be the easiest money ever

>> No.28213602

what a time to be getting into this stuff

>> No.28213825

It feels exactly like AAVE. Where there is this thing that obviously should be worth more yet it... Isn't. And no matter how much we talk about it people don't buy until it suddenly just decides go "lol priced out fags"

>> No.28213880

I've made BNB threads before but anons that new saged them because they wanted to accumulate

>> No.28213908

Plus transactions cost cents, not dollars

>> No.28214160
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Cashed out two thirds of my bnb yesterday

>> No.28214307

Lol why
With these insane ETH GAS fees it was only a matter of time before BNB would moon

>> No.28214663

Should I buy this now wtf

>> No.28214842
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I had it on an abandoned site for years and finally bothered to move and sell it. If i had bothered to sell ath i would've been up ×100

>> No.28215003

I did same shit with ADA, pass the gun

>> No.28215043

Yeah I saw it happening and got 22 yesterday thinking I should put my entire savings down though kek

>> No.28215044

so you think aave will go down?

>> No.28215071

What are some upcoming projects on the BSC that are of note?

>> No.28215229


>> No.28215341
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>> No.28215569

Thanks anon

>> No.28215731

Poorfag here
Should I spend 1000 on this now?

>> No.28215902
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>> No.28215927

>This isn't a pump, it's a replacement.
This I'm just surprised it's not $200 yet buy fuckers buy

>> No.28215987


>> No.28216168

Never spend more than you are willing to lose. Don’t be blinded by gold fever.

>> No.28216317

I can just about afford that

>> No.28216363
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WTF is this. Eco system? The fuck is it?

>> No.28216551

Is there any risk in investing in this?
Like seriously?

>> No.28216660

Same risk as with any other crypto

>> No.28216798
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he's a murderer who scams his users

>> No.28216888


>> No.28216900

If you're white and actually promoting or thinking of using or buying a chinace product. Please turn off your computer, get into your car, and drive into a tree at 90 mph.

>> No.28217480

agree, regardless of what color you are. nobody should use anything that comes from china.

>> No.28218077

of course

you think the biggest exchange is going to get away with this shit forever? the nail that sticks out gets the hammer