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28179062 No.28179062 [Reply] [Original]

I am literally never selling my ASKO.
I bought at 0.08 and I simply like the token.
We are selling and buying for tiny little bitch prices and don't don't realize the true potential. This thing will crush AAVE and COOMPOUND both and never look back. Easiest hold until 50$/Asko.
Screencap this

>> No.28179112


comfiest hold

>> No.28179148

>I am literally never selling my ASKO.
Based retard. Somebody's gotta hold the bags y'know.

>> No.28179214
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>people bought at 14c and sold 1 day later for 7c
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH seriously wtf is wrong with these niggers, all you had to do was hodl for a few days and you couldn't even do that, ngmi

>> No.28179276

This shit is gonna explode on 13th.

>> No.28179301

Dip? This fucking thing is drilling for oil.

>> No.28179324

Holding? I'm buying more once this dips further. It's free money.

>> No.28179362

Most coins seem to be dumping down, since the biggest whale in the world started splashing around and sending BTC out of balance.

It's pretty funny to see paperhands falling over each other screaming. If you don't have the patience to hold in this game, you don't belong in it.

>> No.28179374


one day attention spans all around man, I'm new to biz but I've already seen this shit happen with every crypto there is. fuckem

>> No.28179382

that's a man

>> No.28179521

Why do you think so? If that is the case, why would any non brainlet sell? Don't get me wrong, I'm holding a bag (bought at the top like a moron). I am willing to hold until 13th or longer but the recent massive dumps are scary

>> No.28179616

I bought for asuka, asuka wouldnt be happy if I sodld. so I am never selling. It's simple

>> No.28179888
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Why would you buy AND sell before a product launch lmao


>> No.28179891

same shit with rbc. dropped from 20c to 7c in a few days. imagine actually selling a shitcoin sub $10m mc after a day. if you aren't already expecting your money to be gone when you buy, then you're literally ngmi

>> No.28180064

biz is full of brainlets

>> No.28180222
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>> No.28180275


to think I had such delusions about this place... guess my stay here will be short