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28177667 No.28177667 [Reply] [Original]

DAO maker just started, get in boiz

>> No.28177877
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Was looking for this thread.
Quick rundown on what this is and what to expect?
I've seen it all over TG

>> No.28178085




>> No.28178102

I cant find coingecko or info of this shit? How much can it pump? 10x?

>> No.28178126


Fucking pumped 17x already im scared to go in

>> No.28178392

It opened at around 1usd and trading at 1.5 now

Its still early, potential of 20x

>> No.28178448

I'm tempted to chuck about 4 eth in, I'm seeing the hype but I don't know why yet, what's the tokens value?

>> No.28178505

Am I retarded for buying 150 @ 1.5?
Started crypto last week

>> No.28178533


non pajeet team
311,000,000 max total supply
bad ass website

im personally tossing 2 eth into it (would be happy to get 3000), would rather not have the fomo

>> No.28178569

I only know that it had great general media coverage and promotion cause even few sites in my eastern eu poorhole shilled it

>> No.28178622


also they made their twitter in June 2019, they couldve had ICO much sooner but i guess they wanted to have a good product first

>> No.28178641

Thank you

Price now looks like its just swing traders pumping n dumping on exchanges

>> No.28178679

Yes, thats a suicide stack.
At least 1k to make it.

>> No.28178855


make it and suicide still tbd

Im also assuming that once they release supply it will crash down, i believe they launched with $1.64M in circulation at .1 a coin so 11,640,000 are in circulation if im not miscalculated

>> No.28178867

Seems to be stablising at 1.5$, its not even an hour old right now.

>> No.28178900


the longer i let me 2eth sit in uni the closer its inching toward 3,000

this is gonna be a $10 coin before the end of the year

>> No.28179420
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Alright i fomod in, time for it to dump on me lol

>> No.28179517

im still waiting my targer is 3000 for 2 eth but what the fuck its now under 2000


>> No.28179659

chill, seems to slowly climbing nicely.
I think it could be $5 by eow easily.

>> No.28179786

anon should i just dump my 2 eth in?

Kucoin is at 2
coingecko is at 1.61

2 eth is currently 1900 on uni

>> No.28179857

Kek keep asking and 1 hour from now you will kys

>> No.28179887

What is the uniswap link?

>> No.28179907
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it just pumped hard so it would of been better 30 mins ago at 1.5$ but better late than never, it seems to be dipping back to $2 rn.

>> No.28179924

No one has even heard of it yet, just GTFI before the shilling starts

>> No.28179944

2.3 eth for 2050


>> No.28180040
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Post token contract into uni

you can find it here: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7dd3f5705504002dc946aeafe6629b9481b72272

>> No.28180122

pumped 114% right out the gate, sheeiiiiiittt

>> No.28180722

Did you end up buying?

>> No.28180810


yeah i got 2060 for like 2.3 eth

i couldve had 2400 but u kno

>> No.28180855


tempted to swap my 40k rubic stack for this

>> No.28180912

can this get to $20?

>> No.28180946

I'm already up half an eth.
Fuck me if this can actually hit 10 or 20 I'm rich.
I'd be stoked with just doubling my stack at $3.

>> No.28180990

yes. mid-term, if shitty dogs can why solid project wouldnt? also circulating supply is like 10% of total so bullish

>> No.28180995

This is so comfy

>> No.28181000


its going to hit $5 eom guaranteed anon

i just hope rubic doesnt pump till .75 again but anyways maybe ill sell my 1inch stack or uni id

>> No.28181011

Honestly don't stress too much about what the price does in the first 30 minutes after listing. Bots with 50 ETH buys tend to pump it to the sky. The good sign is the price not tanking right after.
Also the project's fucking genius, multiple years in the making and only has <1k holders. Complete no brainer.

>> No.28181030

Have a read of this and see what your think.
Dao stakers will get token rewards from other projects as well.

>> No.28181228
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I've found the whitepaper and information on the token burning via toll bridge for those interested.


>> No.28181312
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kek look at image

>> No.28181556

Where we buying?

>> No.28181668

Uniswap, kucoin, gate have all launched

>> No.28181792

Kek, i have 100k in Metamask but cant trade because i dont have enough eth and i cant send it to kucoin/gate because im missing one dollar worth of ETH :D

>> No.28181868

spooky skele will pay for his crimes

>> No.28181935

Kek id sent you gas money but some anon promised me back $50 gas i sent him and he never returned. Its like $250 today cause eth pumped

>> No.28182039

the simulation will make this right one day anon. believe

>> No.28182112

That guy also got out his UNI with my gas money and instantly sold it to eth sent it to exchange kek he wasnt a /biz/fag tho, and i kinda trust you guys

>> No.28182147
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>> No.28182273
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Jesus why do i miss every thicc airdrop i cant take it anymore guys it would literally change my life and gas prices just fuck me every day to no end

>> No.28182601

That guy is a brainlet, it was a workdrop, not a airdrop. Top 100 people on the social mining platform won. Many thousands missed out.

>> No.28182705

Am I going to make it with 400 DAOies?

>> No.28182747

Yea, but i watched tornado TORN airdrop wallets and basically biggest rugpulling scammers with 100-800eth got juicy $50-500k for free cause they used blenders on 100 wallets :( same with uni and pajeets, its a clown market

>> No.28182862

Yeah but if they had held UNI to 22$ they would of made way more than that.
Think long term.

>> No.28182949

If they swapped to eth on the first few days of airdrop and held to it then basically it didnt matter, you couldve sold 400 uni for 4-10eth then

>> No.28183108

I tracked one rugpuller after uni airdropped and he had 700eth to play around. What he did? More rugpulling and using tornado on every wallet. Clown world indeed

>> No.28183135

Fair call, I forgot how cheap eth was a few months ago.

Good upward trend so far with Dao-Maker so wagmi

>> No.28183365
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Another info graph for people on the fence

>> No.28183846

>Fucking pumped 17x already im scared to go in
Have fun staying poor

>> No.28183887

I bought in at 1.67

>> No.28183910

fucking ruined

you will make it

>> No.28183947

What is a make it stack?

>> No.28183992

DAO CEO is a swiss chad, worked for NEM.
NEM is supporting the product.

This is is a TOP 100 coin.
Look at the investors.

Holy fkin crap.
So early

>> No.28184160

Proven project, tangible product with a bunch of succesful launches. Now launching their own utility token. Tokenomics are good. AVAX, /biz/'s darling is one of their clients. This isn't a no name shitcoin. 10/10 project. Maybe it won't make you 200x like your 1M market cap shitcoin gem, but you'll net a good profit and this will hold comfortably long term.

>> No.28184169

This shits gonna keep dumping. The only winners are lucky presale holders that have dumped so much already. Such a good project that they were literally desperate to burn so many of their own tokens by selling early......

>> No.28184180

It’s already dipping lmfao

>> No.28184208

I'd say 1k stack to hit 5 figure hell, 10k stack to hit 6 figure hell at the least.
But fuck who knows, we're so damn early.

>> No.28184461

Have you seen the charts? one whale dumping isnt going to matter in a month or two.

>> No.28184516

I don't know if you saw my shilling of dao yesterday or not, but I told you to buy it on uni as soon as it's listed for a nice 2x. I mentioned that one of their clients was avax. There's another token dropping on uni with a similar top tier team. It's called umbrella $umb. It will have a similar 2x gains. Dyor.

>> No.28184591

>umbrella $umb
Is the adress known already? I dont wanna fomo into fake token again

>> No.28184633

LD Capital is behind DAO MAKER.
Enough said to APE in kek

>> No.28184754

burgers are about to wake up and fomo, dao is trending on coingecko and some big twitter accounts are shilling it. it will just be psychological resistance all the way up to $5 i think and if $5 breaks then we hit $10, i think we could see $20 so that's what another 10x? seen way worse projects do way more X's in a much shorter timeframe. getting in under $5 seems like the right move.

>> No.28184807

Constant 10eth sells. Lmao. Piece of shit. BBB..bbbb....but it's such a good project, all the whales would hold surely

>> No.28184837

I'm on my phone right now but you'll get more info on their tg probably.

>> No.28184918

there was no tokensale right?
only top community members got the chance to buy it (20 people)?

And around 500 people got tokens by airdrops (right`?`)

>> No.28185030

Weak fud.
Go buy rubic, mcdc or whatever scams your shilling

>> No.28185230

Here's the medium article


>> No.28185934

Where can I buy this shit?

>> No.28186249

Uniswap, kucoin or gate.
No kyc for kucoin so ez to get in early without the gas fees

>> No.28187572

Thanks anon many gains to you

>> No.28189097

aped in 10 eth

may the maker be with us

>> No.28189763
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>> No.28189820

I gotta sleep but am paranoid about waking up to a crashed chart so i endlessly refresh

May the Daoman allow me to wake up to a $2.5 chart

>> No.28190209

It’s a good project so will go up, but I’m going to wait for people to sell off a crash it here soon before it recovers. Presale was like 10c, so I can see those taking profits and bring it down to 50 or so