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2817059 No.2817059 [Reply] [Original]

Am i the only richfag here whose been to many fancy expensive restaurants, but still prefer to eat out at fast food like McDonalds? I swear, most of these establishments are just scams for business people to look prestige holding meetings there

>> No.2817109


Where on polo or trexx can i buy McDonalds?

>> No.2817125

Are you saying my free range grass fed cage free non gmo organic pesticide free farm raised charcoal activated no preservatives all natural fat free eggs that costed me 40x more than a regular egg isn't better?

>> No.2817127

Naw pham. Food is one of the biggest money stinks there is. You can eat perfectly fine on < 5 dollars a dsy provided you don't live in a place like NYC

>> No.2817151
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No, it's true.

In fact, restaurants in DC have a notorious history of being places that serve political functions. Art & Soul is known both gay and straight power brokers going to lock down deals. Bobby Van's Steakhouse has catered nearly $1 million in events and meals for politicians and political action committees. Charlie Palmer Steak has done $1.2 million in events and meals, its loaded with lobbyists. The Source over at the Newseum has done $250,000 in the '12 and '14 election cycles.

It goes on. At some point, I realized that I was happier getting a slice of pizza at some average looking place rather than spending way too much for something that was way too small a portion.

>> No.2817166

my only argument against that is that i would go to mcdonalds if i was really hungry, but i would prefer a high end restaurant to have a relaxed, sit down meal, especially if i'm in the mood for something new. whenever i go to a chain or family place for "new" it's just the same greasy/sweet garbage.

i burnt my tastebuds all the time as a kid drinking tea (maybe its natural too) so i don't really know the difference between fancy food and fast food, but mcdonalds makes me feel sick as fuck if i eat it more than a few times a month or if i'm not that hungry. if i'm traveling, i only visit restaurants and eat random snacks throughout the day. if i'm at home, my wife cooks and i'm okay with mcdonalds after a drunk night out or something.

as far as how much food costs, i don't really notice lmao. at mcdonalds or at reservation-only-dockside-view places they make their money mostly on drinks. there's the whole tipping thing but i keep that to a minimum.

>> No.2817188
File: 358 KB, 1600x900, the_burger_life_Aug-18-171749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last years I stopped eating at McDonalds and Burger King because I started feeling sick. Seriously, every time that I eat there I feel as if I eat a kebab. My stomach rejects it. The last good burger I remember I ate it at Tony Roma's.

And yeah, I am the kind of guy who don't dring Coke or related drinkings.

Also, prove that you're a richfag:
BTC: 18FxdnX4kri4VqQDaae5F8Wj5N86xWUuMm

>> No.2817197

who gives a fuck,
try getting a reservation at Dorsia.
Squid ravioli in a lemongrass broth beats your egg mcmuffin

>> No.2817232

I wouldn't agree with McDonalds, but there is certainly a point of "diminishing returns" with eating out. I've been to $100/person restraunts and $10/person restraunts, there isn't a ton of difference there. You are mostly paying for the presentation, the ambiance, the service quality. The food is pretty much the same once you get past a certain price.

>> No.2817238

imo there's a cost to quality ratio. I buy bulk chicken/carrots/nuts and eat well cheaply most of the time so I don't really blink if I drop $40 on a steak once every few months

>> No.2817244

>proves he's rich by posting his original-packaging, never-opened Star Wars figurines
This meme has GOT to go. Your monopoly bucks will be worthless before long. Invest in something that has actual value.

>> No.2817334

if you enjoy eating mcshit there's something horribly wrong with you. use your money to get gene therapy for your tastebuds whenever it becomes an option.

>> No.2817717

i don't know what the fuck anything you just said means but i'll stick to my chef boyardee and save another $100 for future investment tyvm

>> No.2818292
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I agree. Fast food is much better than overpriced crap. I still have to go to fancy places but only when my parents take me, when there are those family deals, you know. But whenever I can I get myself some ice cream. I would eat it everyday wasn't it for my fathers need to socialize with other richfaggots. I think it's kind of the same thing with clothes. After the few first ten thousands, the price tag keeps getting higher but there is absolutely no difference in quality.

>> No.2818369

I eat raw organs.

>> No.2818392

honestly I prefer nice restuarants(50+ entree at least) over mid / normie tier restaurants ANY day.. however I still enjoy in-n-out

>> No.2818406

expensive restaurants have only two functions:
1- You use them when you want to impress a woman.
2- You use them when you want to impress business partners.

That's it. Apart from that only faggots care about them.

>> No.2818413

jokes on them I don't have any business partners or women

>> No.2818421

I'll usually eat at Chipotle or Indian buffets or whatever.

I think middle-tier sit-down restaurants with a $30-$80 entrees are usually overrated and considering the time it takes probably not worthwhile unless you have a date.

But it you can drop the money on a 3 star Michelin restaurant, fucking do. Places are fucking insane. Literally the most incredible food on earth is served there.

>> No.2818434

I know that feeling.
>pricey restaurant
>see menu
>automatically start looking at the cheapest entree items on the menu
>$36, and its small
>meanwhile, nouveau riche father thinks ordering an expensive wine = the best
>said wine automatically ends up being half the cost of the bill after the whole meal (appetizers, entree, desert)

Worst is I just came back from 2 years abroad making alliances for the family. Now I have to rediscover the pain of ridiculous East Coat city prices and the fact that all the vegetables and fruits taste like water.

I swear the old man is going to leave me with nothing at this rate.

>> No.2818449

I disagree with your subjective statement; expensive restaurants usually have the best chefs. The best chefs can prepare food in a superior way. To me, this makes the food taste better

>> No.2818477

I got a 8:30 reservation at then Dorcia on Friday. Great Sea Urchin Ceviche.

>> No.2818482

nicer restaurants often make more from the wine the the menu

>> No.2818531

excellent choice.
I hear that the peanut butter soup is a playful but mysterious little dish,

>> No.2818554

You sound like you'll be spending the remainder of your life in poverty

>> No.2818557

> ITT Pseudo-rich fags conflating taste with price.

>> No.2818610


>> No.2818647

What they have is faggots trying to moon by cooking stupid fucking shit

>> No.2818685

you're gonna have the smoked duck and mashed squash. You'll love it.
And then the red snapper with violets and pine nuts.
I think that'll follow nicely.

>> No.2818851
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>like McDonalds
What the fuck is wrong with you dude, even the small towns have little restaurants that have proper cooks working there and use fresh ingredients to prepare the meals for a only a couple of bucks more expensive than shit fastfood joint