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28168128 No.28168128 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to invest in a single thing that goes green. I have done nothing but lose money since I started buying crypto.

>> No.28168239

stop buying retarded scam of the week coins

>> No.28168248

GUM. Listed on coingecko about a week ago. Gone up a tiny bit today but might moon. Lots of people on their telegram, like 11,000

>> No.28168266

Then short?

>> No.28168299
File: 542 KB, 1170x1754, F4689228-18B9-41FD-AECB-59D5E46BE6E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DCA each week into these coins anon. You won’t lose

>> No.28168304

Harmony you fucking retard

Its under 2 cents
Will be 10 cents end of month
1 dollar end of year

>> No.28168329

Literally how. Like I couldn't find a coin that loses me money if I tried

>> No.28168396

CTRM on the NYSE or buy LTC.
Easy as

>> No.28168397

GRT is a good long term one to hodl I think. Good tech

>> No.28168452

how do you get the uniswap tokens

>> No.28168468

>Literally how.
I never hold longer than a couple hours because they start to tank the moment I buy them.
That's on Binance, maybe I'll invest in that.

>> No.28168496

look at some charts of cryptos that have been in the top 20- 50 for several years.
dca into ones that havent pumped or reached their ath, and dont fomo into pumps.
simple as.

>> No.28168548
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lots of things went down in the last 2 days from a defi market correction

>> No.28168566

Buy in the red, use a bit of TA (not memelines or patterns) if you intend to swing. Have some balls and buy dips. Use bollinger, ema, and macd. There ya go. Spoon-fed.

>> No.28168621

Buy BTC or ETH.
Walk away.
Check in a month, profit!!
It’s literally that easy rn.
Stop being a midwit.

>> No.28168637


Coinbase pro

>> No.28168657

>Simple as
I swear to God there must be either tons of Australians on this Tibetan throatsinging forum or just one guy who always says "simple as"

>> No.28168667

Only buy harmony if your okay with putting in funds and forgetting about it

Strong hands nigger
Set and forget
You'll lose it all if you sell and buy back in

>> No.28168759

Then maybe hold fucking longer?

>> No.28168796


Don't sell when you see red candles
Corrections happen just hold it will recover

>> No.28168806

protip. buy red.

>> No.28168836

I'm Australian. It's more of a Brit turn of phrase.

>> No.28168860

Buy when it's red, walk away, collect profits in a week. Got it.

>> No.28168932
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>sold my 40 eth stack at 750
>day trade varying crypto/stocks
>make $2500 dollars
>lose $8000 on BB
>ethereum keeps going up
Feels bad man

>> No.28169004

Now is the perfect time to play and stock up on HANDY, lots of upside potential during this crazy season!

>> No.28169031
File: 16 KB, 123x127, 6FD004DB-3D82-460D-B00E-AB2A068CF668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binance us
>binance dex

>> No.28169089


Weird. Last I checked if you bought btc you would be up. Stop being a regard and buy btc then go outside or jerk off and come back in a couple years. Literally not that hard

>> No.28169120

nigger what?!
i tripled muh coins money in one month only

>> No.28169145
File: 99 KB, 640x1136, 5BBBDEC1-6537-4F8F-8C8D-B2B5D96ED8C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets fucking go

>> No.28169197

Why is this so complicated to you people? Buy and hold litecoin. It's literally the only thing you have to do. So simple and I sleep so comfortably at night knowing how undervalued it is. It's BTC on steroids.

>> No.28169227
File: 35 KB, 575x545, spice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok op, here's your special tip

A certain big twitter account is going to shill this soon which will pump the price like a rocket.


Don't sell below $10

>> No.28169241

Coinbase soon

>> No.28169290

idk I bought like $50 bucks of ETH about a month ago, and I'm up money. Not gonna retire on it, but I'm chillin and memein' so I'm happy with it

>> No.28169299

This is a gay scam
Buy harmony
Be at peace with yourself

>> No.28169302

This anon knows what’s up. Let’s go GRT chads.

>> No.28169342
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Do you want proof? Here's proof. I'm $36k deep in this shitcoin. Expecting 3-5x returns quick

>> No.28169349

I'm holding 50% grt and 50% harmony
Were gonna fucking make it lads

>> No.28169360

literally just buy during a bear market and don't be a stupid impatient zoomer who sells at the smallest movements

>> No.28169405

No ones buying your scam bags fag

Buy harmony

>> No.28169425
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this response to your thread was created by a black man, and i love all of you, every single one.
good night guys. safe drive home.

>> No.28169457

don't know much about AAVE but can confirm the rest of em.

>> No.28169493

Stop buying coins that are doing well

>> No.28169514

I'm a leaf and felt the same sentiment towards "simple as" at first, but it grows on you.

>> No.28169562

BTT. It's on the move.

Bittorrent Token. Already rising so be fast.

>> No.28169610

you're welcome.

>> No.28169683

But the dip on HOGE. It’s gonna continue being shilled in the coming week

>> No.28169684

>safe drive home.
Thank you, anon. I was making deliveries until 11:30 PM EST tonight, and the roads were very VERY slippery. I almost crashed my car when I lost control while going down a winding hill, missed the metal guard-rails by 1-2 inches. Not a scratch on my car. I took it as a sign that I need to get ballsy and actually throw serious money into a shitcoin so I can make some dosh. Hence the thread.
Harmony is doing REALLY well which is why I haven't thrown $500 into it already.
>Already rising so be fast.
My deposit's still clearing on Binance so I can't exactly transfer USDT over to ProBit until tomorrow. You think it will be too late by then?

>> No.28169851

>My deposit's still clearing on Binance so I can't exactly transfer USDT over to ProBit until tomorrow. You think it will be too late by then?

No, it wouldn't surprise me if this thing gets into the dollar value in the next 12-18 months. Obviously earlier the better but a few days won't matter unless you're one of those bozos that sell as soon as they see the red indicator.

>> No.28169900

>I just want to invest in a single thing that goes green.
Have you considered buying a house plant?

>> No.28170020

What the hell, I'll throw $250 into it and see where that goes! I was going to invest in Rubic but it seems to be crabbing fiercely ever since the initial boom caused all the whales to sell. But you know what? I want to be one of those whales now.