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28157301 No.28157301 [Reply] [Original]

Guys... w-w-what's gonna happen after the XRP lawsuit?

>> No.28157413

It will become the standard that all coins and stocks trade on

>> No.28157421

I dono, but I'm not gonna sell, cause it's too much of a hassle to transfer it from coinbase.

>> No.28157498

All schizos make it, all the biz fags who hate us rope themselves.

>> No.28157518

XRP will be worth $2000
Flare token will be worth $2000
Skitzos will become the new elite
The satanic psychopaths rope

>> No.28157631
File: 170 KB, 600x375, 1612827803761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bear will die forever, the bull will continue till every economy on Earth collapses and nothing but XRP is left, all hail the new standard for all economic needs.

>> No.28157766

famous quote from future millionaire

>> No.28158025


Vindication Anon, sweet sweet vindication. Oh and piles of fuck you money too.

>> No.28158053

Can the government seize XRP for their own purposes?

>> No.28158232


Yes and depending on the country you must be compensated.

>> No.28158435

If this happened would the price of the token go up?

>> No.28159202
File: 98 KB, 432x576, 4Chan Feels Good Meme Medal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (((currency))) is dead, long live the (((((currency)))))!!

>> No.28159267

It’s going straight to $5

>> No.28160472


>> No.28160848
File: 148 KB, 1200x1254, Leaf+predicts+the+future+brilgreenthree+branches+will+become+onebrilgreenthe+three_9c5d73_6363539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bear will leave its cave forever.

>> No.28161285

I'm being serious, there's no possible way ripple is found guilty or XRP is declared a security, simply for one reason, the charges the SEC is laying out against Ripple are past the statutes of limitations. The only actions that can be perceived as security-like occurred 7 years ago. The SEC is simply trying to seize the escrowed xrp for the US Treasury. If ripple owns half of the XRP in escrow, and it goes double digits, it will become the most valuable company overnight, and the general public won't understand what hit them. I think XRP will not be labeled a security, but the escrowed XRP will either be burned or seized

>> No.28161732

Think you are on to something friend

>> No.28161833

Notice that almost all of the charges are against ripple execs, and not against XRP. They're threatening them. As soon as I get my next stimulus check, it's all going into xrp.

>> No.28161839

after that thing happens people will realize they need to stay away from the centralized stuff and go defi. I bet a ton of people flock to dht

>> No.28161896

where can i buy xrp friend

>> No.28162038

Uphold is still available in the US

>> No.28162041

bittrue or uphold

>> No.28162175

Yeah don’t do I transfer led out of coinbase to uphold via XRP WALLET and instead of remaining XRP uphold turned it into dollars


>> No.28162198

I believed the SEC shit wasn't going to last especially since the dude who started that was replaced anyway.
However, how is this going to change XRP's pattern of constant continuous dumping and 27c stability.

>> No.28162243

Uphold fucked my holding up

>> No.28162274

Where can I buy XRP without all that fuckin identification bullshit in the US

>> No.28162286

People gonna flock to link

>> No.28162332

Because AVAX is schooling the shit out of it

>> No.28162337

nothing no one cares about xrp and never will.

>> No.28162379

Not only was he replaced, he RESIGNED the day after he filed the lawsuit against ripple.

>> No.28162439

Wtf, that's weird

>> No.28162460

I'm pretty sure the resignation had more to do with the politics of the presidency and less to do with XRP, but I haven't gone down the XRP rabbit hole.
The thing I'm curious about is: why the constant dumps by Ripple suppressing the price for years?

>> No.28162537

SEC bs was literally just a FUD psyop to shake out the market and set it up for their full control

the US deep state would never actually nuke their homegrown sillicon valley crypto; it will become the standard

>> No.28162623

What does XRP actually do?

>> No.28162655
File: 10 KB, 251x242, BD6E7D46-0B54-4FCA-A42A-637D91765524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t viewed one of these threads since before the snapshot last year. The level of newfaggotry is off the charts. If any of the OG bagholders are reading this thread they’re fucking roping right now. It’s fucking over for you guys lmao get it through your thick skulls.

>> No.28162735

sell unregistered securities

>> No.28162775

I don't think him resigning was because of XRP, but it's more of a lack of caring. Why would they sit on that lawsuit for 7 years then quit the day after?

As for why the dumps? Not sure. But I don't think that the XRP use case has been activated yet. Every government in the world is going to tokenize their currency to easily track the spending of all their citizens. XRP will be used to transfer between these currencies. If you haven't paid attention to Ripple in the last couple months, they're actually doing stuff right now, continuing to build.

>> No.28162870

If that was the case there would be every reason to keep XRP at a stable price.

>> No.28162919

Yeah stable at 2k.

>> No.28162985

It stays under $0.80 like it usually is.

>> No.28163014

Also seems like the exact opposite of the original purpose and desire of cyrpto to avoid centralization and control and have a currency by the people. Supporting this, would make you a goat sexual organ fellatio performer.

>> No.28163090

True to some extent. But what is that stable price? $10? $100? $1000? It doesn't have to be as stabile as you think though. XRPs major selling point is speed. They can transfer massive amounts faster than any or almost any other crypto. So even if there are price fluctuations, the fluctuations that happen in the fractions of a seconds it takes to settle the payment will be miniscule.

>> No.28163299

Yes, it's centralized more than something like bitcoin because it's actual technology that's being developed by a company. But thats one of the major problems with the SEC lawsuit, they're claiming it's being sold in bulk by Ripple, which it was, but that's what's required, massive amounts of XRP to be distributed to make the network work.

>> No.28163625

Ripple has dumped millions of dollars worth of XRP multiple times.

>> No.28163629

THAT's why it will lose the lawsuit lmao

>> No.28163707

it allows you to send an unlimited ammount of money anywhere within a minute for free

>> No.28163772

It happened past the statutes of limitations.

Why are you surprised? They're a company?

>> No.28163893

Well you're acknowledging they're profiting tens of millions multiple times, not only through company, but you ignore that as private individuals connected to or working directly for the company sent the coin by the company (not even kidding), and you're ignoring the fact that this has happened less than two years ago (within statute of limitations).

>> No.28163938

They're literally still doing it
XRP getting shut down is going to be the thing that ends this bullrun, out of industry-wide fear of regulation

>> No.28163950

(not saying the lawsuit against them will work, they're just being extorted for their highly illegal activities)
XRP is not the future of monetary transactions, XRP is white collar crime.

>> No.28164383


>> No.28164450

Pack it up boys, it’s over.

Thank god after the 22nd we won’t have to deal with this shitcoin ever again.

Criminals, all of them.

>> No.28164677

Wouldn't that only be illegal if it's a security? This whole argument hinges on if XRP is a security. Unless owning XRP makes me partial owner of Ripple, I don't think it is. What definition would it fill otherwise?

I think there's an argument to be made that XRP and many other cryptos align more closely with a commodity. XRP has a functional use, unlike a security.

>> No.28164911

I have a confession, I just come here to pretend I know what I'm talking about until I can't anymore.

>> No.28165021

Don't worry dude, everyone here is pretending to know what they're talking about.

>> No.28165053

welcome to life in general.

>> No.28165091
File: 152 KB, 1365x2048, 1612739390618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do pretty good though right?

>> No.28165165

thats everyone here, just the ramblings of schizo basket weavers, thanks for your honesty anon

>> No.28165193

i have no authority to say anything about other people when i can't pull myself together 100% of the time.

>> No.28165231
File: 305 KB, 840x859, view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-apu-apustaja-tongue-please-be-patient-i-have-autism-pepe-11563161466cxvnjiedzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, did I do pretty good too?

>> No.28165400
File: 14 KB, 236x189, wagmi774a3294b70395ac79d6035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice file name and image

>> No.28165438

can someone tell me what's going on in the suit? What did ripple allegedly do wrong?

>> No.28165488

hey guys. just want to add my opinion as a black man. i freely declare my status as "black", though i come to this place, and i love each and every one of you that reads this response
good night everybody, safe drive

>> No.28166011

You can read it on the SEC website. But basically what they're saying is that Ripple was selling XRP in 2013 with the SEC saying that it was an unregistered security. This link is the brief explanation, but there's a 70+ page document with the entire thing you can read as well.


>> No.28166636

What the fuck?

>> No.28166737

All crypto goes to zero and AQB stock becomes the worlds reserve currency.

You do like salmon right?

>> No.28166812

It’s ok, some of us do know what we’re talking about
This is the summary >>28162775 eventually all assets will be represented on a blockchain, and they will need interoperability. Preferably a platform that is open sourced permissionless. XRP is for wholesale CBDCs, prefunded accounts will be unlocked.

>> No.28166951

thanks for the TLDR version I'm not combing through 70 pages of legal jargon this seems like an easy win for ripple if they have a legal team with half a brain?

What would be the scenarios if the lose / win?

>> No.28166994
File: 77 KB, 680x383, 1610344878676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you too black fren

>> No.28167046



>> No.28167238

Based. Most honesty I've ever seen here. XRP will be the standard though because at the end of the day whether we like it or not (((they))) always win.

>> No.28167261


>> No.28167389

Their legal team is being headed up by the previous chair of the SEC, along with a legal counsel 20 lawyers deep. They're fighting as hard as they can.

>> No.28168157

/thread. They won't lose, rest is obvious.

>> No.28168198

February 15th 2021 = XRP Go Go Go in English Gematria

>> No.28168255

nothing even if they lose they get a fine move to another country and xrp continues to grow cuz nips bongs singlepoor and swisss all deemed non security... sec would be shooting itself in the foot while the whole world is on board...denying usa retail investors a chance for what will be known as the greatest transfer of wealth in human history...

>> No.28168991

>February 15th 2021
no it doesnt

>> No.28169067

nvm I was wrong it does say "XRP GOGOGO"