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28155044 No.28155044 [Reply] [Original]

Post your harvests

>$18k staked
>8 sushi/day
>get 1/3 of it

>$40k staked
>280 surf/day

I pulled out of bao, the rewards are terrible now especially with the price drop. I had about $35k in and if I left it in I’d be getting $40/day. I pulled out of space swap because of the fud.

I have about $40k ready to go into something. If I can’t find anything new I will put some more in sushi and surf.

What are you harvesting?

>> No.28155483

farming seems so retarded to me, you could make much more than 40 a day if you traded with that 18k

>> No.28155583

If you're a good trader, sure. 99% aren't.

>> No.28155710

Hey I remember you from a BAO farming thread about a week back. Monitoring thread...hope you find an answer.

>> No.28155802

I’m pretty much at the point where I don’t need to risk my bags anymore to make it. I’m just happy making a few $100 a day without the stress.

Thanks fren

>> No.28156926

I was thinking about this today, in an abstract way LINK is a farming token, you just have to get whitelisted by the devs to farm (running a node) and they disburse the token to farmers directly, which gets sold into the liquidity of all the holders

>> No.28156992

Based do you know what the apy is?

>> No.28157255
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Sirs do the needful and tell how 2 node.
Do I run a gpu farm? please sirs

>> No.28157277

Can someone give me a quick rundown on farming? Let’s say I don’t know anything besides buying and HODLing until number goes up. What is it and why should I do it?

>> No.28157427

Need LP’s ranjeesh

You provide liquidity on Uniswap and then take the LP tokens and stake in the farm of your choice.

>> No.28157577

How were you getting bao rewards? Were you pulling just 5%?

For spaceswap I am kinda getting bullish on it soon. A website like that has to recover.

>> No.28157583

Ok I’m absolutely new to this shit, so please bear with me. I’m familiar with uniswap since I’ve used it a billion times, but what does providing liquidity actually DO? I’ve never thought to click that shit since I have no idea what it does.

>> No.28157622

last time I saw numbers was a couple months ago, but iirc the typical node brings in six figures already, seemed like a pretty sweet deal if you had the manpower and knowhow
No idea lul, sorry bro. I think their site has guides on how to do it, but becoming an official node might take a bit more work than just getting one up and running

btw in another thread I saw a rumor that sushi was considering integrating arbitrum, that would be pretty bullish for sushi and surf(?) right?

>> No.28157847

Wait hol up, how do you withdraw LP tokens without withdrawing your staked liquidity? I haven't seen that option.
Also, post non rug farms.

>> No.28157864

>26k staked
>No IL after 100 days

>> No.28158083

Every few days I was pulling the 5% out and selling. They’re looking for a lead dev so ive become extremely bearish on it.

Providing liquidity is putting 50/50 of eth and the coin of your choice up on Uniswap. In return you get LP’s which you can then stake on farms and get returns.

When you send your liq to Uniswap they give you LP’s. Those LP’s represent your share of the liq pool.

Sounds extremely bullish desu. I will have to have a look. What pool are you in? Are you providing liq on uni or bancor?

>> No.28158522

Just Bancor. Staking about 1/4 of my link because of IL protection. Single sided so all I lose is gas fee's (which are outrageous) One of the few who is currently involved in Arbitrum test net. Hopefully they are one of the first to have L2. It's decent.

>> No.28158830

shiet I am tempted. don’t want my linkies to get rugged, how do we know it’s safe

>> No.28158834

Do they pay out in bancor?

>> No.28158910

Safe farms that are verified and audited include sushi surf and bancor. There are many others but those are the ones you can trust.

>> No.28158948



I'm really tempted to buy a shake right now since the price is so low. Once the loaning protocols are in place, I think it will quite a nice flow of cash.

>> No.28159038

Is this a SURF shill thread?

>> No.28159190

I guess it could be when I’m getting $180/day. Looking into bancor at the moment. I just want the best gains for my liq.

>> No.28159192

Nothing is safe, that's why I only staked 1/4. If you are a whale you can get nexus insurance for your stake. Also they invented the AMM, and Uniswap copy pasted that shit. lel.
I get paid in Link and BNT. BNT rewards are currently going on so they can build up pools. I restake the BNT across a bunch of different pools when it hits a certain threshold to be profitable. I think the value of BNT will continue to go up for a while, but will never "moon"

>> No.28159881
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>> No.28160058
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I have about 10x more than that but the rewards are pitiful now. The lead dev fud was enough to make me bail.

>> No.28160212

Take 1 more updated for me, right now.

>> No.28160580
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>> No.28160687

Imagine using farm in the title and asking what people are harvesting but not realizing to farm farm

>> No.28160777

Here’s the place to talk about it. Post your harvest just like OP states.

>> No.28160790

So you havent bailed, got it.

>> No.28161021

I’ve pulled my LP. Waiting for gas to come down to unstake. Not paying $183 to unstake. I don’t mind waiting for it to come down.

>> No.28161082

Harvest*. But yea I will be dumping everything I get from bao. I realized sushi told them they can build on their

>> No.28161141

On their platform rather than a full fledged partnership. There will be many to build syns on sushi. Bao needs to find a lead dev before anything happens. That’s why the price has been tanking.

>> No.28161727
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>BAO reached a $100m market cap without a lead dev while SURF has less than $5m with a rockstar dev team and the most innovative tokenomics in DeFi right now
If you don't have at least an ETH or two in SURF right now I legitimately don't know what you're doing

>> No.28161851

What is surf and how is it farmed?

>> No.28162211

How much are you in both to get this amount of return

>> No.28162310

All of these farms just need LP tokens to be staked for the pairing of your choice.

It’s pretty interesting. So you can stake either bnt or the coin of your choice? Do you get a higher apy if you stake both in the pool?

>> No.28162481

explain the tokenomics

>> No.28162495

thoughts on aurox urus token?

>> No.28162962

I’m sure they have a whitepaper available.

Haven’t heard of this I will check it out

>> No.28163043

its launching soon and ive read through it a few times and it sounds too good to be true, im having trouble finding a downside so any input is appreciated before i ape into something nobody seems to know about

>> No.28163137
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You got extremely lucky to have bought BAO early and are extremely retarded to not recognize a first-mover in dex synths, BAOman is incredibly professional and ready to dole out 200k salary to a dev, and it has the best log chart in crypto. I do hope you dump, though, as you think a ~60% correction off a 300x move is a dump and clearly lucked into a goldmine. Do better, nigger

>> No.28163555

Sorry anon. I don’t marry my bags and I also didn’t buy any bao. Don’t be so quick to think they’ll be the first movers in Dex synths either. Baoman is an amateur and that’s why he’s looking for a lead dev. It’s no hate on him but that’s the reality of this. Currently, bao is just a sushi farming clone. Interested to see how it goes.

Looks pretty good

>> No.28163687

I think I have about $500 staked into each. I'm waiting on coinbase to send me my etherium, so after that I'm going to be staking another $500 of milk.

>> No.28163765

can you just shill me on it bro?

>> No.28163901

Decentralized hedgefund that will be offering loans, syns and options soon.

>> No.28164390

So if you stake the coin of your choice, you get the pool fee's and the rewards. Staking BNT opens space for the pool/coin of your choice and you get the rewards. No dual sided. Obviously restaking the BNT compounds rewards. For some reason BNT has higher gas than other farms, but what is quoted is usually higher than actual gas cost. When you stake BNT you get vBNT which is a governance token, but in coming days you can trade for BNT to stake (acts as leverage). Only thing is you need vBNT to remove original stake. Complicated, but I feel like they are doing the right things for growth.

>> No.28164417

Sounds like a lot of stuff out there nowadays
anything special?

>> No.28164682

external revenue feeding a central divvy contract in addition to token transfer yield (FEG is a poor clone of the simplest surf mechanic):
>peps harpoon (88MPH based stablecoin community yield farm)
>6% ownership of betgalaxy.io dividend pool
>SURF launchpad projects (first to launch this week)

Whirlpool V2 and sushi proposal is in the works, basically Proof, sol_dev, and Pep want to partner with sushi to move all of our systems and liq (about 6mil and growing) over to sushiswap. This will allow the now SLP tokens staked in the whirlpool to passively earn SURF and SUSHI. In addition, Whirlpool V2 plans to allow for community stable coin loans against an elect-in SURF-DAI SLP pool. Said loans are auto paid off by sending earnings from locked SLPs to whirlpool stakers + interest.

>> No.28164951

Neat I’ll have to dig in a little deeper. This is one of the better yielders that have been brought up in this threads.

>> No.28165093

Currently farming e-radix since the rewards are really good at the moment. Not sure how long i can stay in tho when cassandra hits i feel like the price will skyrocket.
But atm
>20k staked
>about $150 a day atm, at peak x6. But with multiplier ill have accumulated about 15k in 90 days

>> No.28165143

I'm noticing a lot of the meme/shitcoins from early fall that popped up with sushi are now recovering/waking up now that bullrun is started

>> No.28165230

There is no official partnership FYI, the lead DEV basically only confessed this is his short term goal on the AMA three days ago (2 week time frame)

>> No.28165503

the volume is pathetically low, I dont know if I wanna throw eth at this
even shake/milk after all the fud have 1mil+ volume

>> No.28165750

Devs are saying the ecosystem is entering beta, but people have already retired onto the Whirlpool and development is ramping up

>> No.28165835

id keep an eye on it, see what it does after feb 14

>> No.28165994

Farm in profit share on harvest.finance. also ren but i doubt any biz'ers got in ren early enough to have bought an amount that yields

>> No.28166159

Also veCRV collecting 3 pool admin fees. And if i ever have extra cash itll go in 3 pool obviously for 2.5x gauge

>> No.28166546
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>>Baoman is an amateur and that’s why he’s looking for a lead dev.
>sushi add them to roadmap at 1m cap
>xdai change their roadmap and timelines for him at 10m cap
>can not possibly name a better log chart in all of crypto
>big name CEXs listing a micro-cap, absolutely free of charge
>now small cap, looking to hire lead devs at a real, beyond respectable USD salary
You are dumb and got lucky. You sold because God deemed you, rightfully, poor. Good luck anon. And screencapped your posts.

>> No.28167430

where do you calculate what provides the best returns?

>> No.28167781

If it was as simple as pointing you to a website the returns wouldn't be so high, you have to do research and expose yourself to risk-work. If you want to know about SURF check out the website/discord

>> No.28167967

desu with you the convoluted model and lack of info makes me think this is a pajeet shitcoin you are shilling
it would honestly be more profitable and less risky to just mine Ether or BTC rather than doing this

>> No.28168162

are you be sayin I should invest in bao while I still can

>> No.28168735

Bao/Surf/Sushi farmer here

Also in BNT
not exactly farming, but comparable rates

>> No.28168786

So this is UBI

>> No.28169319

Of course. The best log chart in all of crypto, and the most unique, and important usecase since LINK. Ignore the absolute retard who, basically, sold LINK at a dollar when he bougutar 15 cents and got lucky.

>> No.28169368

I read the whitepaper, it looks like a shitty copy of FARM. Why are you so bullish?

>> No.28169899
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Anon, you only have to look as hard as all these retard projects that name themselves as the "next BAO". Not the next rubic, milk2, etc. Its right in front of your face, open your eyes. Or don't, really dont care.

>> No.28169947

Youre so close to figuring out the best investment

>> No.28170220

So far they're all FARM clones
>Automate LP farming
>Use project token to profit share
Some of them add tricks to play with tokenomics
>Burn supply
>Percent of transactions distributed to hodlers
Again I ask you what makes SURF better? I'm already making 100% APY compounded daily with FARM

If you're shilling FARM it's already 50% of my portfolio

>> No.28170582

Of course im shilling farm. No one else around here seems to do it. One of us has to look out for the brainlet anons even if im lost in a sea of pajeets

>> No.28172133

> Again I ask you what makes SURF better? I'm already making 100% APY compounded daily with FARM

I forgot about FARM. Any guidance or tips?

>> No.28173054

I found out about it via pajeet scammers on telegram claiming to do a presale/airdrop. /biz/ is literally worse at picking good hodls than literal pajeet tg scammers.
I was going to start shilling it along with the gas rewards tokens once I'm able to exit other positions and go 80% in.

Buy FARM on a DEX. Go stake it on harvest dot finance. Enjoy your ridiculous, gas free, daily compounded APY. You are now making stupid amounts of money off of whales who provide liquidity to high risk pools.
In exchange you are lowering their risk by helping to drive up the value of FARM, which they also earn, and which the protocol buys back at market price daily to further raise the value and distribute to FARM and LP stakers.
>big brain time
Stake LP tokens in a high APY FARM pool. Become rich by hodling for a year. Don't do this unless you understand impermanent loss.