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File: 149 KB, 390x391, gro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28157535 No.28157535 [Reply] [Original]

i lost $29k on gro today. What else can i do? lost almost all my life savings in this. My chances of making it this bullrun seem slim now. This is a nightmare.

>> No.28157637

Just wait and hope the team pulls through.

>> No.28157639

never invest more than you can afford to lose anon, i was greedy and look what happened

>> No.28157690

That was a brutal rug

>> No.28157699

Prq did the same thing you’ll be fine just hodl

>> No.28157821
File: 83 KB, 500x552, tumblr_n0rf78K3HL1smy9l9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chart is a fucking nightmare, I'm sorry bro
Where did you buy in?

>> No.28157875

Maybe don't invest in scams next time, lel

>> No.28157923

unlucky man really unlucky

>> No.28158029

What the fuck happend

>> No.28158135

at one point i was at $65k and still didnt take profit. It went down to $45k and got out. Lost some thousands swinging another coins and re-entered. Worst decision of my life.

>> No.28158345

did they returned money to their investor?

>> No.28158401

Its all a part of your journey figure out what it means and what lessons it brings, don't lose hope or dwell on the negativity. I know a few people who've lost it all and then ended up with much bigger wallets than before.

>> No.28159039

you are right

thanks man, will try to stay positive

>> No.28159456
File: 11 KB, 503x100, 597834534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait a few days and it'll be back to normal. I bought 2 ETH more GRO. They're releasing a statement tomorrow on what they're going to do regarding reimbursing people or burning tokens or something like that. You can read about what happened here. Really it sounds like it's the auditors fault because their contracts were audited

>> No.28160005

yes, just read about it, hopefully we can recover something

>> No.28160126

about the bull run too, according to this website it's not alt season yet, should be a a month or two

>> No.28160507

I love how defi coins absolutely explode in value and I somehow held the one that got exploited/rugged. I also hold idle finance. Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.28160644

i bought it because of the consensys audit and this happened, sometimes shit happens bro you can recoup man

>> No.28160906

yeah i think it's better to just wait a few days before you sell, just incase it does just go back up to normal. The error in the contract has been fixed and they're releasing another statement about it tomorrow. I've had a few coins in the past drop like 40% in a day and then they're back to normal within a few days. Everything's down a bit pretty much the last few days from a defi market correction

>> No.28160907

Tough luck anon. Dont throw all your money in DEFI coins. Ur biggest holdings should've been a platforms such as cardano. egld or polkadot. These new projects are made by medium level programmers. The price may go back to normal but if you look at $cover they went through a hack and people lost so much. the price was at $900 and itw coming back to that so far.
Wait out the storm to see what happens is your best option and when you see an oppurtunity to get out. Do it.

>> No.28160913

Yeah I'm gonna be fine, I just have felt abnormally unlucky lately with crypto. At least the bull market is dragging up my values even if my luck is not helping. I'm absolutely getting out of all shitcoins this month too before the market shifts

>> No.28161161
File: 58 KB, 1219x558, 89720952354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah missing out on AAVE was annoying lol

>> No.28161797

You know the really sad part is I had
$3000 on kraken when aave was $180 and I bought 1 aave and $2800 of snx. This was about a month ago. Snx was like $15.50. lmao

>> No.28162910

yeah it's so hard to time this stuff and stay up to date with the news. This subreddit is kinda handy, but they still miss stuff too

>> No.28163128

may I ask where this chart is from

>> No.28163297

This really puts things into perspective. I lost most everything over the past week and came to /biz/ make a pity post. Though I "only" lost $9k, I'm a poorfag that lives with his parents. I was betting pretty big, but leveraged it all away in a week after a couple of good trades and one ridiculously bad one. Huge downward spiral trying to 'win' it all back. I have less than $500 in my account now so if you're above that, just know you're already doing better than me.

>> No.28163365
File: 106 KB, 612x491, 1608702954571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i go all in on GRO? if it was a simple fixed exploit I feel like it will pump hard overnight

>> No.28163378

Why the fuck would you put your life savings into a fucking shitcoin that nobody has ever heard of? What were you thinking?

>> No.28163588

Play with fire and get burned if you don't stop soon enough. Same thing happened to me. Got too greedy. It's just money at the end of the day. If you can learn from what happened, you'll make back even more.

>> No.28163882

At least now you understand why people tell you to diversify your portfolio. If you lay all your eggs in one basket, especially if it's a shitcoin basket, you're taking unnecessary risk.

>> No.28163922

sorry to hear that anon, hope you can revocer ast

cause im a retard


>> No.28164035

is it a good time to buy now or this contract is dead as it is?

>> No.28164126

You fags already did research on it right? Are they an incompetent dead crew or they gonna pull themselves back again?

>> No.28164144

it was a hack for the fuckin farming, and now it's fixed, the blame is on the auditors.
considering the hype it had and how even after this shit dumped to $10 it's at $45 i think it isn't a bad idea

>> No.28164276

Is it gonna dump more?

>> No.28164489

if you are scared of that DCA in
I think it'd be hard to dump more considering all the Americans and now euros who are up have seen the shitstorm, and now the hack is fixed and they are having an announcement tomorrow/today
i don't think it will dump but if it does, it wont be much

>> No.28164551

yea looks like it recovered a bit and its crabbing now, thinking about buying a bag stake and forget about it, or maybe wait for the announcement

>> No.28164569

Jesus fucking christ. How new are you faggots? It's going to slowly bleed out as more and more people accept reality and lock in their losses as they realize that it's never coming back.

Don't fucking buy into a project that was shitty to begin with, and now got hacked. You take your bags and run as fast as you can.

>> No.28164632

it's from this site

>> No.28164721

it was never shitty to begin with dumbfuck
the hack is fixed, auditors fault for not pointing it out
and no it's not gonna fucking bleed to death moron. it wouldn't dump to $10 and go to ~$40 and crab like it has been doing if everyone wanted to get out
jesus moron

>> No.28164743

I am not a newfag at all, hacked coins come back all the time, just look at recent yfi exploit... you dumb nigger

>> No.28164748

You people can't be saved. You deserve to lose your money.

>> No.28164775

I bought some more but I don't know, there's the risk that the hack scared people away. I'm just gonna wait a few days at least before I sell though if it doesn't start going back up

>> No.28164824

stupid chud cant even spell right
listen ill buy you a rope in a few days if I haven't roped myself already

>> No.28165364

thats retarded bro dont do it

>> No.28166048

i saw a wallet that literally lost $300k after this and he bought $20k more when the price dipped to $15. He hasn;t sold a single gro yet. This is interesting, dont know if this guy is a maniac or knows the true value of this project. Grab a small bag if you feel like gambling i guess.

>> No.28166515

he just bought another $13k few minutes ago, jesus

>> No.28166851
File: 8 KB, 492x84, 5987389453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh he did. I don't think it was a rug pull, all the devs are public so they're not shady pajeets or something. I guess maybe they'll use a different auditor from now on. Hopefully we'll hear tomorrow how they're planning on dealing with it

>> No.28166886

yeah. Perfect accumulation time

>> No.28167241

It's a person who keeps doubling down because he realizes that if it doesn't go back up his life is over. He's in a manic state.

>> No.28167417

it will go back up lol

>> No.28167558

this guy is making me want to buy

>> No.28167602

still up 177% from 30 days ago despite the hack

>> No.28167662

is the risk really worth it LOL

>> No.28167724
File: 110 KB, 1280x959, 1612845822610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamble the remainder on HOGE and then thank me in a week.

>> No.28168190

maybe, who knows.

everything in life is a big gamble, you can decide to play or not, up to you

>> No.28169479

still a lot of trades going on