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2815292 No.2815292 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2815302

fake btw

>> No.2815317



>> No.2815327

Any student can get a. Mit.edu address.

>> No.2815355

yet that doesn't prove that this student is faking it.

>> No.2815391
File: 2.50 MB, 320x182, 1500034446774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True or not. Trusting any millennial in any Indoctrination center is like trusting your dog not to fuck anything that may or may not have a vagina.

>> No.2815428

>falling for fake MIT meme

gonna be a tough trip back under 30

>> No.2815474


No, students can't just have their own website on the MIT domain, that's not how it works.

>> No.2815521
File: 530 KB, 514x722, 1477992075926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It literally says at the bottom of the page "Student group project (non-commercial)"

Yes, I too am very excited for some Master's thesis on Litecoin.

>> No.2815530

yes they can

>> No.2815600

That doesn't prove that it's true.

>> No.2815754


No, they can't. That's an absolutely ridiculous thought.

>> No.2815785
File: 113 KB, 1439x830, Dumbkike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they fucking can you fucking dolt

bitcoin.mit.edu is a fucking club page

Look at what I highlighted, you are a FUCKING RETARD


>> No.2815809

Isn't MIT the least cucked out of the top unis in the US?

>> No.2815827

Probably one of the most, cucked, filled with beta nerds working as slaves for projects.

Like any ivy league if you come up with a great idea the school will take as much credit and equity from you as humanly possible.

>> No.2815842


It literally says "Technology released", there will be more than just a thesis you nignog

>> No.2815869

You would think.


>> No.2815878

you didn't listen to charlies decred interview.

>> No.2815883
File: 675 KB, 680x496, 1498361899907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are incapable of reading or even doing research.

If you did 5 minutes of research you would find out they have 1 grad student on the lit project.

Also lightning works by not verifying your transaction on the blockchain....noice.

>> No.2815902

burden of proof. It's not up to us to prove it's fake, it's up to them to prove it's real.

Charlie lee himself thinks its a scam. Noone from MIT responding to the creator of litecoin on a litecoin project? plz.

>> No.2815903

MIT niggers are glowing in the dark, drive them over if you see them.

>> No.2815914


Are you retarded? I never stated these guys are part of MIT DCI Lit, and it obviously says so in your screenshot.

What's also obvious is that the page talks about technology being released on august 1st.

>> No.2815957

I emailed the guy and he said it's related to smart contract technology.

>> No.2815961


Post your e-mail exchange?

>> No.2816016

He won't because this is a SHILL THREAD


>> No.2817192

I took pleasure in crashing this thread you LYING SELF RIGHTEOUS ASSHOLES.