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File: 8 KB, 186x58, 1612767048231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28150614 No.28150614 [Reply] [Original]

>entire market mooning
>scams like AVA, BNB, ADA, XRP, LINK, TRON going parabolic
>useless tokens like DOGE, AAVE and UNI have made a 50x
>ETH and BTC sky fucking high
>PNK is being the usual PIECE OF SHIT
>even the most bullish fundamentals aren't doing anything
>start to get nervous
>maybe the market is right and I'm the one who's wrong
>open the 'scams you feel for' thread
>200 posts of "I can't believe luigi.finance was a scam, I can't believe DMM was a scam, I can't believe hotdog was a scam, etc etc etc
Okay I'm back to being bullish on Kleros, it really is the market who's retarded and not us

>> No.28150681

ur gonna have to wait till 2022 for this to moon anon

>> No.28150837

Out of all the tokens you could hold, you hold that overvalued "court system on the blockchain" token. God imagine being the fucktard thinking he's 4d chessing the market when instead he's a 1d chesser. The token is not needed, dead and over. Enjoy holding for a 3-5x in a 5 year timeframe

>> No.28150909

>mooning during a bear market
yeah, nah. Not happening. At best it'll climb in sats slowly over that time. But the way crypto works, if it doesn't go anywhere during the bull market, you're stuck waiting 3-4 years for another chance.

Hey, at least PNK 15% today. Actually the best performing altcoin I own over the past 24 hrs now that BTC has woken up. Still way fucking down, obviously, but at least it's nice to see a green number rather than day after day of -4%

>> No.28151023

this token is almost 3 years old and still no major exchange listing
anon, wake up!

>> No.28151100
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>he thinks it’s for courts of law
>he doesn’t know they’re in Thomson Reuters incubator
>he doesn’t realize pnk holders act like pajeets for fun
>he doesn’t know it’s shilled by vitalik
>he doesn't know Jack Dorsey follows kleros on twitter
>he doesn’t know it’s one of the largest holds for the top 5k link wallets
>he doesn’t know they received $500k and $1M grants
>he didn’t check kleroscan.com to see that the project has already brought in over $1M to the users
>he doesn’t know what dispute resolution is
>he didn’t turn $5k to $100k holding pnk
>he doesn’t realize kleros has 8 diff dapps besides their court dapp
>he doesn’t realize kleros helps link solve the oracle problem
>he doesn’t realize link cannot handle subjective data
>he doesn’t even know what subjectivity is
>he doesn’t know about the coinbase email leaks
>he doesn’t know the token sale in February sold out in a week and a half
>he doesn’t know they raised over $1M in their token sale
>he didn’t see link whales put 500-1000 eth each into the token sale
>he unironically and unequivocally thinks pnk is actual Indians
>he doesn’t realize kleros is one of the most advanced teams in all of crypto
>he didn’t believe 4MOONXGG
>he doesn't know that PoH is the key to quadratic funding, UBI, sybil-resistant voting systems
Congrats, you failed the IQ test.

>> No.28151103
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Zoom out anon. Unless the team hires hundreds of twitter/youtube shills and renames it Kleros.finance.defi and integrates some kind of rebase system and straight out says it's a ponzi scheme, it isn't going to moon for years. The market is dumb money and dumb money doesn't understand crypto, only green lines.

>> No.28151257

Holy shit it's way down, didn't even realize. What a piece of shit lol.

>> No.28151268

Christ this is a heavy duty blackpill, be more gentle with your frens. I may rope now.

>> No.28151458

Yeah, especially amazing considering the past month has been alt season, and literally everything else has, at the very least, moved up to some degree. Meanwhile PNK is doing a bear market in the middle of a parabolic bull run.

Meanwhile things like AAVE where the token literally does nothing moons

>> No.28151463
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Don't care, still not selling

>> No.28151631
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Don't worry, he'll be out of tokens soon.

The problem is this isn't an investment wallet, it is a supression wallet.

>> No.28151678

Look, I'm all-in PNK and I'm literally never selling. It isn't a ponzi. You get paid ETH for doing something useful. It's the only token that does that. But we have to accept that PNK will probably bleed more and vaporware scams will moon until the stock market corrects and takes bitcoin down with it. Eventually, the fundamentals will pay off. It's just going to be suffering until then so we might as well get used to it now.

Again, the market is retarded. Even coins where the developers will openly admit "This coin is not needed to use our product and we have no plans to do anything with it" (LRC is a good example) have gone 100x. It's just greed and euphoria. Eventually the money that is left over from the crash will discover Kleros.

>> No.28151680

Neither am I. It's never made up a large portion of my holdings, and it could go to zero and I overall wouldn't be phased. It's just disappointing to see a good solid project like this get cucked so badly.

>> No.28151950

>Again, the market is retarded. Even coins where the developers will openly admit "This coin is not needed to use our product and we have no plans to do anything with it" (LRC is a good example) have gone 100x. It's just greed and euphoria. Eventually the money that is left over from the crash will discover Kleros.

Shit like this makes me wish I were a midwit. I could've made so much more money chasing empty hype pumps from ghostchains like cardano, or making a million dollars off token-not-needed projects AAVE and LRC and others like those. Fuck me for actually researching projects and going for things with unique applications rather than being another DeFi food-oriented copypasta coin
Yeah, I am salty. I'm in six figure hell and almost guaranteed to get to at least a million during this bull run, and I'm still salty.

>> No.28152019

“Bro why isn’t the biggest paneer scam shilled on this board mooning too?”

>> No.28152198

I believe this too. Other moons to chase earlier, were were too quick on this

>> No.28152582

>I'm not wrong the markets wrong
get used to that

>> No.28152625

Yes, LINK and BNB are scams. Extremely profitable ones, by the way. I myself bought LINK for the memes and got out with very good timing in hindsight. But not because it actually does anything, I just knew /biz/ would eventually be flooded with newfags who would buy my bags. And now /biz/ has more posts per minute than /pol/.

>> No.28152700

I'm not wrong about it being a good project, I was wrong in thinking that good project would mean good gains.

Should've just picked coins based on how cute the logo was.

>> No.28153298

It's pretty sobering desu. Could have gone all-in on DOGE and retired by now. Trying to get a slice of stimulus checks means you need to appeal to idiots. There must be a lot of extremely rich scammers out there who have made tens of millions in the past year.

>> No.28153697

0 to do with cryptos though.

>> No.28153734

So we just keep accumulating and we get our yachts in a few years? I can do that.

>> No.28153996

Tron hasn't even started yet buy in now we gonna hit all time high

>> No.28154004

>The market is dumb money and dumb money doesn't understand crypto, only green lines.
This, 90% of the people on this board don't even bother looking at the website of their investments.

>> No.28154181
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our shorting&fudding very successfull the normies all sold to funding our village generational wealth fund of pnk now we can being moon mission

>> No.28154290

Well we are in a bubble, and due for quite a correction.

>> No.28154421

Coins that can only be buyed in uniswap stopped mooning after the gas priced out many people
Just look at Rubic and Bao
This won't change until gas becomes affordable for retail again

>> No.28154649

go to a shib or mcdc thread where they might actually fall for your bullshit

>> No.28155175

Yea, I wanna get some PNK but gas prices are fucking retarded.

>> No.28155297
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bros...moon when?

>> No.28155976

How to get PNK?

>> No.28156053

Could the same be said about investing in link early? If this really is anything similar to link holding for a couple of years will be well worth the payoff

>> No.28156380


>> No.28156606

Just hold our time will come. Patience. Right one consider this price a fire sale. Buy more.

>> No.28156732
File: 699 KB, 1778x2048, Etq2mhYXMAIpAxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw PNK suffers from the same crab as UNN
>tfw they partnered together to crab for eternity

>> No.28156786
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Mass reply fags get the rope, I don't care if you hold pnk

>> No.28156858

its not your fault. you are getting completely fucked by a whale with 8 million kleros left this is probably the worst case of price suppression that I have seen. dont worry though as soon as he exits ill be there to pump your bags

>> No.28156910

Pinakion? Wtf bro.

>> No.28157072
File: 9 KB, 225x225, inspiring_smile03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potential scam thread detected. scam coins are made or shilled by stinky curry pajeets and include but are not limited to: RBC, HOGE, SHIB, BAO, XSG, COR, ASKO, REEF, MCDC, GRT, AVAX

how to identify a pajeet scam coin on /biz/
1. multiple threads about it exist concurrently, they generally make 5+ threads an hour.
2. custom memes with coin logo photoshopped into them - pepe, wojack, anything they think is trendy.
3. threads start with typical psyops:
FOMO - "why didnt i buy in sooner?", "its 10xing soon!"
False FUD - "is X coin a scam?", "you guys said X coin would moon!"
Red Herring - "shill me one of your coins", "am i gunna make it?", "what coin will 10x soon?", "i lost all my money to scams!", "give me advice"
4. posts involve screenshots of coin in wallets, big $$$ portfolios, more false-FUD, claims of reddit AMAs, white papers, T-shirts, more FOMO, etc.
5. coin is often new (or dead), rarely on any real exhanges, looks cute (ie BAO) or sounds funny (ie $CAT coin)
6. many times they will pose as whites who hate pajeets, posting pictures of white hands and faces, insulting themselves (it's quite funny to watch).

how do pajeets scam?
They use discord chats and telegram to coordinate pump&dumps/rug-pulls.
They use VPNs so one pajeet can pose as multiple people in a thread.
They use exchanges and algos that obfuscate their trading; creating fake wallets, artificially high volume, split and mask their orders and sells.
They are sometimes paid by the coin creator or shitty exchanges to shill and promote (and possibly rug-pull later on).

you will never be white
you will never be rich
your village will starve
your hands will never be clean
stay impoverished
stay needful

>> No.28157379

that's the name of the token nigger

>> No.28157452

Perma-holder here, this graph makes me erect like you wouldn't believe. I'm apeing another 10k USD into this soon, I just want to see if the dumper will keep dumping a bit more.

>> No.28157618

>your village will starve
Very rude sire

>> No.28158209

My apologies, I just started my dd.

>> No.28158320

What is his end goal? Will he start buying again next week only to dump again at a loss in two weeks?


>> No.28158384

waaa haaaa hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa life is so scary so I act like everything is just sooooo awful to avoid feeling too huuuuuuurt when something doesnt go my waaaaaayyyyyyyyy
wahhh haaaaa haaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh boohoohoo waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.28158526

Who are you replying to/what point are you trying to make

>> No.28158535

waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I ruin everything I do before I even staaaaaaart just from thinkiiiing so negatively about iiiiiiiiiiiit waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

NGMI unless you stop seeing yourself as such a helpless victim

>> No.28158650

boooooohooooooohooooooooo literally EVERYTHING that scares me is just the woooooorst waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

>> No.28158712

based rambling schizo poster

>> No.28158906

we've been the new XRP for a while now

>> No.28158957

>pink ID

it's not schizophrenia talking to me anon, it's VISHNU!!!

>> No.28158981

Its on bitfinex

>> No.28159349

>2. custom memes with coin logo photoshopped into them - pepe, wojack, anything they think is trendy.
>3. threads start with typical psyops:
>FOMO - "why didnt i buy in sooner?", "its 10xing soon!"
>False FUD - "is X coin a scam?", "you guys said X coin would moon!"
>Red Herring - "shill me one of your coins", "am i gunna make it?", "what coin will 10x soon?", "i lost all my money to scams!", "give me advice"
>4. posts involve screenshots of coin in wallets, big $$$ portfolios, more false-FUD, claims of reddit AMAs, white papers, T-shirts, more FOMO, etc.
>5. coin is often new (or dead), rarely on any real exhanges, looks cute (ie BAO) or sounds funny (ie $CAT coin)
>6. many times they will pose as whites who hate pajeets, posting pictures of white hands and faces, insulting themselves (it's quite funny to watch).
>how do pajeets scam?
>They use discord chats and telegram to coordinate pump&dumps/rug-pulls.
>They use VPNs so one pajeet can pose as multiple people in a thread.
>They use exchanges and algos that obfuscate their trading; creating fake wallets, artificially high volume, split and mask their orders and sells.
>They are sometimes paid by the coin creator or shitty exchanges to shill and promote (and possibly rug-pull later on).
>you will never be white
>you will never be rich
>your village will starve
>your hands will never be clean
>stay impoverished
>stay needful

Youre doing gods work, anon

>> No.28159615

you're an idiot if you think avax is a scam the founder is literally a Cornell cs professor

>> No.28159713

You see fucking filecoin?
We are next.
Check digits and cap this

>> No.28159722

lmao you think grt is a scam too what do you hold then

>> No.28159751

>was in crypto before bitcoin
>still wagecucks

>> No.28159913

you're an idiot if that's how you determine it's not a scam. silvio micali is an MIT prof and algorand lures investors in with "muh 6% staking APY" while dumping hundreds of millions of tokens on their asses every year.

>> No.28159950
File: 372 KB, 1560x1951, 1609603285178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to tell you but if you think
Are scams or worthless you simply are sub 110 IQ

>> No.28160022
File: 2.36 MB, 320x310, 1611737996332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the funniest shit I've read in a long time

>> No.28160247

completely false. LINK underperformed in 2017, and then was the gem of the 2018 - 2020 bear market

>> No.28160339

I made this pepe.

Also, AAVE and UNI aren't scams but the token isn't needed. They're essentially NFTs of well-known bits of code.
AVA, BNB and LINK are actual scams. They are either rugpulls which haven't rugged yet, or are using big words and marketing to look impressive to normies while cz, sergey and that turkish guy cash out tens of millions of dollars every week in exchange for tokens that you can't do anything with. Just because they haven't been revealed as scams doesn't mean they're not.

>> No.28160355

being a professor at one of the best universities in the world for computer science isnt a job its a gift. people with phds dream about getting faculty positions at ANY school

him being an mit professor and having a nobel prize winner on the team is all all I used as my research to buy at 40 cents. I dont get how someone COULDNT buy with all that brainpower

>> No.28160803

The irony of saying LINK is a scam while shilling another oracle is lost on you. Sergey dumps, but these funds were used to grow the protocol, leading to further reach, more usage, higher price. Average user has no use for LINK because they do not perform jobs.
Brainpower matters not a damn if the person / team has no vision. No one at Algorand is capable of leading the industry.

>> No.28160935

i take it back anon. you're not an idiot.
you're a niggertard.

>> No.28160948
File: 256 KB, 1125x2436, 1B1ACBF1-70F9-42C4-B0B1-80DBA742C1F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky pinkies... how much is a make it stack?

>> No.28160998

1 mill

>> No.28161076

>gem of the 2018 - 2020 bear market
because it was heavily shilled.

>> No.28161234

>implying XRP isn't being used right now by banks to establish the new financial system

Definitely ngmi

>> No.28161801

>Sergey dumps, but these funds were used to grow the protocol, leading to further reach, more usage, higher price. Average user has no use for LINK because they do not perform jobs.
$40 million dollars per week? Is this a joke? You can't even ask him what he's doing with that money - the dump wallets lead straight to binance where he cashes out, so the "it's all to subsidize the node operators" doesn't stack up. A lot of it is subsidizing the nodes and customers, yes, but the other 20 million dollars every week is going straight into his bank account. The guy is literally paid a million dollars an hour by his "investors". There is no possible way you can justify this. Even with the 30 new hires, unless they're taking home 300k every month it doesn't make sense.

Alternatively I can go on telegram right now and ask where the kleros funds are held and what is being done with them and get a straight answer. It's apples to oranges. And because it's decentralized I even hold a vote over what is done with the treasury. Your average 10k link holder gets no say because LINK is a centralized shitcoin.

Finally, if the average person has no use for LINK, why does sergey happily dump 1.5m tokens on them every week?

>> No.28161887


>> No.28162015

I will NOT sit here and let you talk shit on PNK. it is based and you are not. get over it