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28147715 No.28147715 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every day, unprompted, he comes up to me and says bitcoin is going to crash soon. How do I tell him to fuck off? Its like he WANTS me to fail. Today he said to me
>I noticed bitcoin went up by a lot today, that just means its going to come down really quick
ITS LIKE IM LIVING WITH FUCKING PETER SCHIFF. Fuck you insufferable cunt. He would literally rather see his own son fail than just be wrong about something he doesn't understand. My god I want to punch him in the fucking throat sometimes
>inb4 he's right anon
I'm not a dumbass and realize he may very well be right, but with my measly 24k I'd rather risk it for something substantial in the future

>> No.28148659

Yeah it's funny to see these people under zerohedge tweets on red days for btc with their "About time" quips

>> No.28149777

it's sad but people want you to fail. your successes are a reminder of their failures and their inability to have done what you have done. nothing brings this out more than money.

>> No.28149883

It is going to crash idiot I wonder if you are my son

>> No.28150034

Trips of truth

>> No.28150122

Kick him in his balls and tell him to fuck off

>> No.28150124

this. hes just freaking out that youre going to lose money

>> No.28150212

You just ranted about your father on 4chan. That's disgusting. He raised you you son of a bitch

>> No.28150222
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make a bet with him that if it reaches a certain price point he has to read pic related

>> No.28150317

can confirm

>> No.28150470

just to add to this, i'm sure your dad and friends love you etc. but obviously we all have thoughts and feelings we aren't proud of. this is just one of those things that happens. it's ugly to see it. best to stay quiet. he won't share your enthusiasm and no one else will, no one close to you anyway. if you make good gains brag on /biz/, don't put it out into the world.

>> No.28150524
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>> No.28150536

Why did you tell your dad about the 24k that put into Bitcoin (or any investment for that matter)?
Seriously, it's only going to make him worry, even if his stance is retarded.
Just don't tell your dad about what you're trading because it's not something he should have to worry about.

>> No.28151295

I haven't really told him anything. About 4 years ago I had 2k saved by the end of high school, which my parents would hold for me. In sep 2017 when I went to uni I asked him for it and told him I wanted to invest in cryptocurrency. Funny thing is, back then he had no issues with it. It was only once it went parabolic in 2017 that he started acting like a fucking bitch. When the market crashed in 2018 he would literally send me articles about crypto dying atleast once a month with a snarky remark like "see I told you to sell". Every time he asked me if I sold I said no, and in 2018 he pretty much called me an idiot and declared victory over me "its okay, you learned your lesson for next time" and he pretty much let it go since then. Then in late 2020 around Christmas, the faggotry starts up again
>did you ever end up selling your bitcoin?
>realizes im way up
and now were here again

>> No.28151377
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>> No.28151737

Thank him for raising you

>> No.28151797

Lucky trips of truth

>> No.28151883

How about you just ignore him he's obviously a retarded boomer. Alternatively, just tell him you sold, but you don't.

>> No.28151947

I had a buddy literally every day


I've literally been holding since $4-5k, bro, I don't give a fuck about a "crash" to $30k.

Now of course it will probably pump to 50-60k and he'll be shit talking if it dips to $40k again.

>> No.28151977


>> No.28152020
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The truth is your dad is right. BTC WILL crash and millions of normies will lose all their money. Your gamble is that you are smart enough to time it. Thinking differently is indicative of mania. In 2017 my dad did the same shit to me, but he was just trying to protect me.

We're all degen gamblers anon. You don't have to listen to your dad but understand he is just trying to protect your financial livelihood.

>> No.28152243

>Your gamble is that you are smart enough to time it.
no, my gamble is that it will hit $500k-1m by the end of the decade. I only own a about 0.5 of a BTC which I've held since Sep 2017

>> No.28152328

btw I'm OP in case that wasn't obvious. switched devices

>> No.28152409

my boomer dad literally listens to everything peter schiff says and also FUDs bitcoin