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File: 118 KB, 730x408, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28138052 No.28138052 [Reply] [Original]

Please and thank you!

>> No.28138156

Ethereum is dying
Cardano is replacing it

>> No.28138300

ghost chain with nothing to show for after years and years of 'development'

>> No.28138413

Cardano is superior tech. That's all you really need to know

>> No.28138456

Bitcoin is generation 1
Ethereum is generation 2
Cardano is the best candidate so far for generation 3

>> No.28138464

t. stacklet

>> No.28138757

So nothing? No one can explain a basic explanation of ADA? or Cardano?

>> No.28139370

I just bought 3k ADA
See you at $4!

>> No.28139413

A youtube video can explain any crypto better than anyone here can. Do your DD and then come back and ask specific questions about Cardano or Polkadot or whatever.

>> No.28140550


>> No.28140662

Its an epic p&d

>> No.28140771

- Smartchain
-Native tokenisation (a la erc-20 but with as 1st party citizen)
-Ability to use any programming language to write smart contracts
-1000tps base and 1000 extra per node
- formal verification of code
- stable APY (5%) on the native token

Tokenisation already on testnet and released in mainnet end of this month and SC released end of yea. Cotipay, Africa government partnership.

If you buy is at least a 1 year hold and projected price is 10$ per ADA, don't listen to the muh market cap faggots because 70% of the total supply is stacked.

There you go, now get fucked guckin gaggot

>> No.28140883

>ghost chain
>up 1000%
I dgaf if it's a ghost chain or not, Charles Hoskinson has made me a shitload of money

>> No.28140896

Cardano is a Blockchain and ADA lives within the Cardano Blockchain. So basically, Cardano can do exactly what bitcoin does. It’s a decentralized immutable ledger, making it a currency. Add on proof of stake. Now you don’t need expensive hardware and crazy energy usage to mine. Anyone who owns ADA can stake it and earn rewards. Think of it as compounding interest. Now add on another layer: Smart contracts. Pretty much re-engineering the financial system. Now all of this development has been done through peer reviewed papers with the best cryptographers in the world. Making it the most thorough project on the market in my opinion. Essentially, it’s able to do what Ethereum does but much more lol.

The creator of Cardano (Charles Hoskinson) is one of the OG members of Ethereum. Jeremy wood is also on the team he was one of the early Devs on Ethereum back in 2013. Cardano is like a swiss army knife with many survival tools but digital with the possibility of adding more tools.

Honestly in laymen terms think of it this way:

Bitcoin = Generation 1
Ethereum = Generation 2
Cardano = Generation 3

The only other project competing that’s outperforming Cardano at the moment is Polkadot. DeFi is also the future so there’s a lot of demand in this area

>> No.28141230

Can anyone explain how I can safely buy ADA right now? I'm still not verified on binance. Every other method I can find either requires verification or will put a hold on funds before I can transfer

>> No.28141445
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Was gonna make a thread but I'll use this. I'm this close to buying 2k dollars worth of ADA and just hold for years. My question is, how do I stake it on etoro? it's the only app that I can use here that lets me buy ADA

>> No.28141769

Send your ADA to daedalus and stake from there.

>> No.28142057

you need to use either yoroi or daedalus. Yoroi is lightweight, Daedalus requires you to download the blockchain

>> No.28142147

send BTC to Kraken wallet, trade for ADA

>> No.28142155

>Send your ADA to daedalus and stake from there.
thing is, I cant find any way to withdraw crypto in etoro unless its a popular one like BTC ETH and LINK

etoro wallet doesnt support ada but I read that etoro automatically stakes your crypto if it supports it

>> No.28142473

Are you able to sign up for binance? You might be able to buy eth/btc on etoro, send it to binance and swap for ADA

>> No.28142883

So do you guys really think ADA has the potential to reach ETH levels like over $1000? I could see it if it gets adopted but I keep seeing people saying it will peak at $10 too.

>> No.28142893

So follow up question, how can I do that when everyone wants to hold the BTC until funds clear my bank? I bought some earlier on coinbase but it said it would be a few days before I can transfer

>> No.28142927

yeah gotta wait then, sucks

>> No.28143025

Lmao imagine being this retarded.

If anything AVAX and ALGO will replace it, considering they're better than ADA in every single way and aren't still in a contractless centralized testnet after 5 years.

>> No.28143057
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>be charles
>move in with some cool guys
>create ethereum
>everyone has a great idea
>Charles has different plans
>basically wants it to be shit
>get the fuck out of here charles
>hmm what should Charles do next
>create "cardano"
>shill it to jap businessmen as a "lifestyle coin"
>premier high on CMC and get attention as an "eth killer"
>don't actually kill eth
>live in test net for four years
>nothing happens
>no dapps
>no development
>no toolkits
>every single blockchain engineer rejects it
>bull run
>hey guys were gonna replace eth again
>repeat same thing as before
That's basically it

>> No.28143398

>how do I stake it on etoro?

You fucking drop etoro that's what you do.

They didn't just fuck over GME meme holders...


>> No.28143645

Based on the supply 5$ is the likely near term peak. 10$ would put it above Eth. 40$ to match bitcoin itself, anything is possible but best to ignore moon boys because they usually overestimate by a factor of 100.
What it DOES have going for it is stacking. This moderates the price, 6% sustainable returns is investment quality.

>> No.28143748

Why the fuck do people buy it then? (Serious question, I don't have any ADA)

>> No.28143915

>muh TPS
>ghostchain with no dapps

>> No.28143936

I got verified level one, is that enough? I didnt do the ID one

>> No.28143960

I bought doge coins for 150eur at 0.06, will it ever reach 0.1?

Also, do you need to tax crypto made money?

>> No.28143991
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>> No.28144041

I think that's enough to swap cryptos

>> No.28144050

Yeah ya gotta tax it or ya might get in trouble fren

>> No.28144086

because it is about to win

>> No.28144159

Cause they're fucking retarded, and they're dumb enough to think that Cardano should be ETH's marketcap.

>> No.28144214

What if i just store it on paypal or some shit and never actually send any to my bank?

>> No.28144240

last question, can I immediately transfer BTC from etoro to binance? reason is because there is a giant fucking bubble happening on BTC and I dont want to buy it before it explodes.

>> No.28144241

considering Cardano can scale, it should be 10x Eth's marketcap, just not right away.

>> No.28144242

Assuming there is a massive crash, what price can we expect it to drop to? 0.2? Less?

>> No.28144292
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I want reddit to go.
No, no it won't. Doge is naturally inflationary. This makes it a great currency, but a terrible investment.

>> No.28144331

everyone will be heavily buying at 50 cents

>> No.28144366

no idea, I don't trust those broker apps though, but if you say they let you withdraw it should be fine, but I don't know how long that will take

>> No.28144460

~.4-.5 I think

>> No.28144559

Thank you, im learning the ropes, also dipping my toes in BCT but i cant afford thousands in investment

Are there any general tips for beginners?

>> No.28144573

I think if you cash it, you have to tax it. If you store it on Paypal you still "cashed"/took out the profits from crypto. You can always cash the profits into USDT and have it sit in an exchange.

I'm not a financial advisor.

>> No.28144580

But mainnet launched months ago with staking, smart contracts are coming in March.

>> No.28144628

>believing charles
That was your first mistake

>> No.28144701

My exchange has a 24h cooldown when I put fiat in before I can send to a different wallet, but it's not etoro so not sure

>> No.28144706

>fucking pajeets
>fuck all progress in 3 years.
>founder shills on YouTube.
>*drool* $0.7 so cheap *drool*
>solano exists

>> No.28144827

>native assets /tokens hardfork-recombinator event coming this month.
>Solidity smart contracts coming March/April
>Plutus smart contracts coming March/April
>Marlowe smart contracts coming March/April
you might have a point anon, but metadata is already live and is being used by Cardano's Native Identitiy management platform Atala PRISM. Did you not know that 2million+ people are about to be onboarded onto Cardano vis-à-vis Atala PRISM? oh dear... are you COPING anon?
Atala PRISM demo
Atala PRISM website
Multiple million people onboarding (start at 8:50)

>> No.28144831

Best thing that happened to me as a beginner was experience a pump and dump with small money. That way you learn a lesson through loss but still don't lose a big amount of money.
Literally my advise is to fuck around with like a hundred bucks for a week and learn things

>> No.28144916

Sure, the crypto market is highly cyclical so dollar cost averaging is your friend. Buy stuff you have researched and believe in for long term holds. Feel free to make side bets on projects you think will gain hype as short term holds. Never chase a pump and be wary of strait up scams. (ie. most, but not all, coins on Uniswap)

>> No.28144976

Thats was my goal with doge but it hasnt moved since.. well 2013 its been around 0.05 - 0.07

Are small amount short trades of bct something that i can get the hang of? Im using crypto.com if that means anything.

>> No.28145006

>fluid staking (no time locked), way easier to use and understand than most blockchains
>decent Tx time (avg 10s until first confirmation, max 20s, possibly faster on layer2)
>peer-reviewed consensus and scientific approach, infinite evolution
>worldwide contributors, most active and decentralized git repo
>security and stability, not what you want but what you need
>basically the best crypto for anyone who doesn't care about crypto

>> No.28145067

>Never chase a pump
Does this mean “dont get greedy when you see a pump?

>> No.28145243
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Believe the science
Believe the development velocity
Believe the projects moving to Cardano
or don't, and post your bleeding wojak in april
here's a video for you OP.

>> No.28145356

Yes. I would say this is the most important tip of all. If something is going parabolic, 4 out of 5 times you will lose money if you buy in. Conversely, you are much more likely to make money by slowly buying into a sharp decline.

>> No.28145499

So i want to buy in just as prices begin to drop and not wait for the lowest, or i might miss the window it was still worth it?

>> No.28145650

It takes practice and is highly situational, but yeah, buy low not high. You don't have to enter a position all at once and historically averaging in is the better play, in crypto and everywhere else.

>> No.28145753

Thanks for the tips. If you believe in karma i hope something good happens to you soon

>> No.28145796

go to the IOHK website and follow the link to the Daedalus wallet (Mac, PC, Linux all work). Here's the IOHK page so you know you get the right link to daedalus.
here's the link to the daedalus website directly (but I always navigate from the IOHK site to make sure I have the right link)
download the wallet software (this is the official Cardano wallet software). Install and create a wallet, follow instructions. Send your Cardano from eToro to Daedalus using an address from your newly created wallet. Staking from Daedalus is VERY easy.
>tutorial video


use the official light client to create a wallet on your PC, Mac, Linux Computer or on your mobile device. It's called Yoroi (developed by a Cardano associated organization called Emurgo located in Japan).
The yoroi light client wallet is great as well. The choice is yours.

>> No.28145944

What you just read is an ETH bagholder cope post. They are terrified of Cardano, as are BTC maximalists, AVAX shills, etc. They attack and slander Charles ad nauseum. They know Cardano is going to fuck them right in the ass as they hold their ETH bags into oblivion.

>> No.28146179

no one can predict what is going to happen with price. That said, look at what is coming for Cardano. Smart contracts are finally coming to market after years of development... this is why cardano is pumping. Investors know this.
Here is a video on what is coming and how things are developing:

>> No.28146324

I've been putting small amounts into things that I see popping up on /biz/, after reading up on if it makes sense or not. I bought one EGLD a few days ago, for example, and now that worked out nicely. Of course that's not a way to get rich, but it's nice to make some profit on a "side" thing.
I'd say hang around /biz. and you'll recognise bullshit hype threads and legitimate projects with a future.
If you want something less time-consuming, spend some initial time researching a few coins and then pick one/two and DCA. And BTC is always a safe bet. Although keep in mind we're probably in a high right now.

>> No.28146507
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basically don't do (pic related)