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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28126507 No.28126507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So when is the market crash happening?

>> No.28126708

not for at least a month

>> No.28126732

2 more weeks

>> No.28127191
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Why a month?

>> No.28127227

When you least expect it. It's how they always get you. The big bad boogie daddy

>> No.28127331

it just fucking crashed the hardest its ever crashed in history last march

>> No.28127339

Elon delayed it for at least another 4 months.

>> No.28127471
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>> No.28127805

When interest rates increase so in 3-4 years

>> No.28127842
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Hey, remember Big Bad Voodoo Daddy?

>> No.28128340

>market crash
>sites having trouble handling the loads
>tons of new small, medium and large players coming onto the market
>Tesla announcing 1.5b investment in bitcoin

Crash is at least a month away, end of March at the earliest.

>> No.28128962

>Tesla announcing 1.5b investment in bitcoin
I thought that was REALLY weird. A company that's been pumped up to an insane amount compared to (at least what I think is) their value throws it into another highly speculated currency. I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

>> No.28129063
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in 10 years
Buy stocks with dividends that crab and sell options

>> No.28129067

We already crashed from >40k to <30k you dumb nigger.

>> No.28129235

we probably have until the end of february, first week of march
i already have my USD goal set and im cashing out when i reach it
im not going to baghold again after 3 years

>> No.28129713

idk. could be EOY or in march, who the fuck knows. all i know is if eth hits 2.5-3k i'm cashing out. gonna hold on to my link and uni just in case.

>> No.28129887

i think we have even longer most likely. we haven't even entered mania phase. normies are just beginning to jump in.
the run might even go until early october

>> No.28129960

>mania phase
What's a good barometer of that? I'm unironically thinking the wojak index.

>> No.28129988

1.9 trillion bill in 3 weeks, 6 trillion bill to follow. They wont let it fail no matter what for right now. This will keep the stocks going up for a few more months and coin will skyrocket as well because of all the extra spending will concern the other groups.

>> No.28130046

no crash
only dreams now

>> No.28130223
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It WILL Happen in March. Have you been following the news? Real News, not FOX/CNN/MSNBC bullshit. Crypto is in a hyper bubble. Shitcoins are popping off weekly. 200% Gains. DOGECOIN FOR FUCKS SAKE is the talk of normies. Spend 25 minutes on r/dogecoin...the delusion, greed, etc is rampant. I'm cashing out this month IDGAF. A gain is a gain. Dont let the normie greed turn you into a 3+ year bobo bagholder. Godspeed

>> No.28130322

the market crash will happen when it happens.
make a nice, diverse portfolio and you should be okay.

>> No.28130355

bingo, don't know why retards keep screaming crash crash, there's so much fucking money that's going to be pumped this year it's unreal, there's no crash coming lol

>> No.28130426

2023 to 2024, i think.

>> No.28130435

What would the crash come from? Housing? There will be no crash again, ever. This is a new paradigm we are living in.

>> No.28130513

One day before my Avax stake is over

>> No.28130664

no goddammit it has to be this year i haven't accoomulated enough

>> No.28130706

Dollar go down, literally everything else go up.

>> No.28130758

that literally only lasted a week. it wasnt even a crash more like flash crash. we need a BIG correction, i wanna buy cheap

>> No.28130891

the moment the last baby boomer cashes out their 401k

>> No.28130901

March 9th

Screencap this

I hope you all stay safe

>> No.28130984
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I think this is the answer.

>> No.28131174
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Never I'll just take my bidenbux go to the bank and ask for it all in ones then proceed to pull a lighter out burn it all at the bank while yelling fuck niggers buy bitcoin. Then proceed to get my bitcoin meme gains from social media while helping curb the inflation. Checkmate op.

>> No.28131364

2023, probably. They'll pass the $1.9 trillion, then an infrastructure bill (probably another $2 trillion), then I'm thinking 18-24 months for the inflation to get out of control such that the Fed needs to raise interest rates. Then the party begins.

>> No.28131465

The printing press won't let it

>> No.28131498


>> No.28131513


Fed immediately printed more money. Will that work twice?

>> No.28131575

When poppa Biden says no more stimmy and people realize the price is stagnant and they need the money to pay rent, the fucking exits will make Mecca Hajj Black Cube look like your local dollar store

>> No.28131658

>Crypto is in a hyper bubble
You do realize that bubbles never recover once they pop, yes? The "crypto bubble" popped several times already you nonce.

>> No.28131735

There will be no crash in the spring. Interest rates are at near 0, vaccines being distributed, more money being printed - it will take time for the knock on effects of this