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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2812141 No.2812141 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW I found out that lying on your resume is crucial

Why was I honest for so long...

>> No.2812146

it's called padding. it's more exaggerations than outright lies. everyone does it.

>> No.2812148

No I literally added I worked at a company that is closed now and got more responses in two weeks than I had in months.

>> No.2812152

haha just hope these companies never did business with whatever you chose.

>> No.2812158

another noob in the same boat as OP

>> No.2812167

They're unlikely to have. It's rather shitty jobs anyways.

>> No.2812180

Always lie for your first jobs experience if your resume is empty

>> No.2812207

Wish I learned to lie years ago. There is literally no downsides to it.

>> No.2812226

yes there are. I think im blacklisted from a few sites for applying years ago with legit resume and now sending the fake version, they find out and never hear from them again

>> No.2812544

Hmm that seems pretty unlikely for that to occur. Is it for more higher end jobs?

>> No.2812559

Not really, testing / qa lead or mánager positions. I been unemployed 2.5 years

>> No.2812564


>> No.2812589

Damn how do you survive senpai

>> No.2812843

doing this automatically is a bit stupid, since you could have decided for whatever reason to not mention one of your previous experiences

If you are tampering degrees, that's another dimension

>> No.2812852

Most "by the books" you're not suppose to omit this stuff though, right?

>> No.2812863

My resume is also becoming faker every week.

>> No.2812882

Change your mobile number. No one knows it anyway.

>> No.2812919

>What are tax records

>> No.2812936

>thinks employers look at tax records

You've never had a job have you?

>> No.2812963

Do you really think an employer is going to ask me to bring in my income tax forms and paystubs to verify I worked there?

Will he also request my elementary school record stamped and signed?

>> No.2813009

There is no loyalty in business and I don't ever think there ever was in the first place so why not lie?

It's not the same as personal relationships where loyalty matters.

>> No.2813016

Holy shit I just had the greatest idea. I'll make a resume generator!!!

>> No.2813058

>tfw thinking about lying I graduated from my university when I have another semester to go

Should I do this?

>> No.2813086

Fuck no dude, if they end up hiring you they'll ask for your graduation papers. The fuck will you do then ?

>> No.2813210

About experience and previous jobs you stupid nigger, of course everyone knows you didn't attend college.

>> No.2813247

Larger corporations higher 3rd parties to investigate a candidate. I lied about my degree and was shitting myself but they didn't find out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2813334

Never once had a company ask me for my graduation papers or my transcript. However, I don't see ow you could work around that lie because you have class still

>> No.2813491


I went to school for graphic design, got hired immediately based on my portfolio, but never had to show my degree. I could have saved 4 years and just built a bomb-ass portfolio and lied about my credentials.

>> No.2813873

nigga, don't all jobs do that?

>> No.2813893

Can I see your portfolio?

>> No.2814042

My current employer wanted to see my W2s and then offered me a 20% bump on what I was making. Sure, they might ask you to prove it if it was within the last 10 years and you're claiming a high wage.

>> No.2814846

Post examples of what you lied about and what job you got

>lied about driving experience
>got a job making 14+commission where I was only making 10/hr before

I think I can do better though bros, need some crafty lie ideas so I can keep moving up.

>> No.2814933

The point is that even if you worked some place that has since closed its doors, there are tax records which would prove that you worked there (or not).

>> No.2814968

I've never seen personally or heard about a fucking employer asking for tax records to verify your history.

Maybe only a really high dollar job would do such a thing.

>> No.2815047

I bullshited my way into one of the biggest IT companies, by saying I used ti work for the competition.
They never investigated shit.

>> No.2815117

Are you competent enough to do the job tho or u just went for it anyway?

>> No.2815158
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>Says he worked for Radio Shack
>Gets job at Geek Squad

>> No.2815266

Live with parents, borrow money from the bank that i will never pay back