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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 994x947, IMG_20210208_080046_783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28110602 No.28110602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's happening. The meme moon mission with the best audited code and tokenomics out there has bull flagged and is breaking out.

X10 incoming FAST.



>> No.28110678

easy 10x ever

>> No.28110729


>> No.28110733


Holy shit. Mooning HARD!!!!

>> No.28110797


>> No.28110846

Biz is full of retaaaaaards!!!

>> No.28110861

It's doing pretty well yeah ill give it that.

>> No.28110970

Fudders crying and rekt so bad soon.

>> No.28111011

In since last night...this is gonna moon so hard kek.

>> No.28111048


>> No.28111166

Cant find it anywhere

>> No.28111255


>> No.28111356


>> No.28111397


>> No.28111459

Twitter is exploding about Bunny now!!!!

>> No.28111653

Gotta go through uni
Its pumping rn but gas fees are pretty high so you might want to wait

>> No.28111741

already did 2x in few hours.. this thing is from another planet

>> No.28111751
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>> No.28111855

Ez money 100x no breaks
Pumpamentalz over 900000

New floor being set
Biztards better be worried for not picking up

>> No.28112043


Facts. X30 from here = FEG

>> No.28112223
File: 63 KB, 920x898, 463464353499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz doesn't buy in until after a 10x pump. Cheers bunny bros

>> No.28112236

I'm so confused
I looked at the trade history at dextools,
and no one is buying. Since you guys were writing that it is mooning, 2 people have sold and one bought

>> No.28112550

the coin is a day old anon, you weren't late to the party were you...?

>> No.28112552

Tokenomics are incredible with Rocket Bunny

Rocket Bunny is a deflationary token with a max circulating supply of 777 Quadrilion. Each transaction incurs a 4% tax that is distributed in four equal parts: 1% to holders, 1% burned to The Rabbit's Hole, 1% locked liquidity, and 1% as a bonus to liquidity providers. As volume increases, the amount burned increases logarithmically, eventually leading to an exponential decrease in supply.

>> No.28112795


Facts. They are always late and cry scam muh lol.

>> No.28112816
File: 10 KB, 562x313, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but why do you say it's mooning

>> No.28113258


Those are tiny sells broken in increments. Check the chart fudder. New support is being built here.

>> No.28113758

good dip going to ape in

>> No.28114191

>two posts by this id

>> No.28114312

Reddit ether trader talking about bunny:


>> No.28115539

can someone shoot me the dextools link, the one I pulled up the chart isnt working

>> No.28115770

>10 posts by this ID
are the scammers so poor now they can't afford more than a handful of VPNs? that's just depressing

>> No.28115846

Breaking out to all new moons

>> No.28115870
File: 88 KB, 1007x777, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it seems very organic

>> No.28115876


I can smell your poverty from here anon.

>> No.28115922

Get in before we 100x

>> No.28116682

Absolutely based, this is going to take off shortly.

>> No.28116707

This is going to be the memecoin of the week. Can't wait to watch a bunch of retards get rich.

>> No.28116727


Here anon:


We are early asf guys.

>> No.28117130

Jesus is this thing crazy, safe 5x from here, AT LEAST!

>> No.28117420

Copped a bit on that dip, small bet, let’s see where it goes

>> No.28117478


At bare miniminum anon. Probably a X20.

>> No.28118307

unironically gonna run up tonight. stupid fucking animal coins

>> No.28118443

shut the fuck up nigger and read the rest of the thread, all of that is addressed

>> No.28118636


>> No.28118671
File: 16 KB, 896x368, bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom is in guys buy now or cry later, Bullish flag!!!

>> No.28119027

Bunny coming up HOT

>> No.28119076

this thing is from other galaxy

>> No.28119491

there's nothing there

>> No.28119493

This thread is awful.
When will you pajeets learn that this is an IMAGEboard.

I’m not buying any of these shit coins but compare this one to MCDC or even HOGE and i wouldn’t touch this coin with a 60 ft pole. Mcdc and hoge at least have organic discourse and is made by people who browse biz


>> No.28119575


>> No.28119737

>hold mcdc since .02 and bunny

food and animal tokens are retarded but they pump. this is like buying mcdc at .01

>> No.28119750

thanks, mate.

>> No.28120259

u guys are fucking pathetic

>> No.28120927

This thing is going breakout HARD. Sellers get the rope.

>> No.28121047

dev was doing an AMA earlier

>> No.28121154
File: 12 KB, 220x220, IMG_20210208_145820_348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bunnies are in town!!!

>> No.28121821
File: 175 KB, 1432x1080, 1612814788839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for bunnies

>> No.28122046

Dont underestimate our meme power.

>> No.28122132

Bump bump bump bump bump

>> No.28122204
File: 8 KB, 215x215, Qz3hLLLh_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are these tokenomics
Do you guys seriously not understand how fucked you are once the curve on the token burn picks up? Am I literally the only non-pajeet/newfriend in this thread?

>> No.28122359
File: 144 KB, 1280x834, IMG_20210208_151054_293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You obviously dont understand anon:

>> No.28122468

Tou told the poo in loos its an imageboard so they literally come with google images. Cant make this shit up.

>> No.28122669


Seriously, pajeet shitskins need to do the needful and kys

>> No.28122869

>17 posts
You do you if shilling these things feeds your village, but you are seriously brain damaged if you're holding this.
This is the most insidious scam that's come out since the shitcoin boom started a week or two ago. Don't blame me when you tards get exit scammed by the dev's bots seconds after the circulating supply gets torched.

>> No.28123215

It’s probably people from the telegram chat. They do the same thing with all the latest shitcoins. Nothing but over the top hyperbolic shilling and completely unrealistic price predictions to try to get retards to pump their bags after they get dumped on. I wish they would go back

>> No.28123223


You obviously cant read code. Stay poor raheesh.

>> No.28123277

I am a newfriend, but even I realize it's a scam. Can you explain what "how fucked you are once the curve on the token burn picks up" means?

>> No.28123491
File: 381 KB, 604x565, 3d5v1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking rekt. Seriously, this is some Chinese-boy level copyright infringement. Be wary of giving your money to the chinks boys.

>> No.28123792


Go back to your village pajeet. The code on this is legit asf.

>> No.28123896
File: 560 KB, 1600x936, chaddoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the chinks stole the code too.

>> No.28124056
File: 141 KB, 979x979, IMG_20210208_152918_497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders rekt very soon.

>> No.28124385

Admin just banned all fudders in telegram. Bye bye pajeets.

>> No.28124475

Ape u bums

>> No.28124705
File: 29 KB, 760x610, IMG_20210208_153555_166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 370 holders still guys. We are early asf.

>> No.28125008
File: 64 KB, 512x512, armup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets called out for stealing mascots
>starts banning people pointing it out
>totally not a chink scam tho guys, trust me

>> No.28125422


Lop go back to your taco bell shift darius.

>> No.28125467

jesus fucking christ nigger, this shit obviously is nothing serious, but you're a special kind of retard for calling out a stolen website when there's literally a credit for the original source and inspiration for it in the footer

>> No.28125640

Anything to set this apart from the dozens of pump and dump scams that come through here daily?

>> No.28125673

Chinese government sponsored corporations stealing IPs is always something serious anon. Avoid all chink scams.

>> No.28125748
File: 531 KB, 1125x1479, IMG_20210208_154559_678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are real

>> No.28125909

If you plebs could actually read code you would realize just how based Bunny really is. Keep doubting us though. This is an original code that combines the best of several sucessful projects built from scratch. Dev is proven with a great reputation.

>> No.28126522
File: 504 KB, 720x406, qHQ3VT0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original code
>combines the best of several successful projects
So it literally is chinks stealing code and patching it back together. Wow.

>> No.28126585

scam, shilled by pnd group. based

>> No.28126671


Ffs we get it. You miss everything early because you are too scared to invest until its X50 already and others told you its safe. Go buy more link faggot.

>> No.28126944

Don't you have a meeting with the suicide nets in an hour Chang?

>> No.28126950

hey that's me, easiest x10 of my life. On to HOGE again.

>> No.28126995

Reddit is joining the party as well:


>> No.28127057

That was hilarious, HOGE is organic, ayy lmao.

Stay poor faggots.

>> No.28127714

hold both

>> No.28127764


Hoge is a shitcoin. I know 2 developers who noth agree the bunny code is innovative asf.

>> No.28127780

im in ;)

>> No.28128012

>4 posts
Your life has no value, you're the scum of the earth

>> No.28128017

Its pretty tough to sell this shit. Would avoid at all costs

>> No.28128241


Thats because you have the IQ of a fucking amoeba. You are the type to sell the bottom then buy the very top. Retard. Bunny is going to explode. Nest code of any meme token by far.

>> No.28128362
File: 185 KB, 1200x857, 2787E08C-486C-4C01-B99A-FA03AEC367AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol its not tough, it only becomes an issue if u you holding more than 1% of supply. throw half an eth and let it 30x

>> No.28128461

its tough to sell anything right now at those gas fees

>> No.28128645
File: 129 KB, 1009x1279, IMG_20210208_161800_107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28128883


>> No.28129517
File: 50 KB, 600x742, ROCKET BUNNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas dropping

>> No.28129539

I love this dip. Holders like me earn more and more as plebs sell. Then when we bounce holders make huge Xs. Easiest money ever.

>> No.28129789

What’s the current gas fee?

>> No.28129811

Giga chad rabbit

>> No.28130254

Copy pasted from a reddit thread that I found to be quite eye opening:

Please do your own due dilligence then you would know that this is not worth getting into. But I will help you out a bit:

A good looking website is not an achievement that legitimizes a trustful token even more so when you see the website is a cheap ass copy paste of an already exisiting one - and the website is not that high effort, far from it actually. The logo was bought/stolen (the feg one as well btw) which you can find out in 2 secs if you do inverse image search. The token contract and tokenomics are copy paste (e.g. from RFI) with maybe very minor adjustments. "Liquidity lock" or "no dev/team wallet" or "sell limits" doesn't mean shit because it doesn't prevent privatesale/presale tokens to be distributed to a number of insiders. The people involved in this and FEG have been involved with the same or very similar tokens in the past (e.g. SIFI) that already pumped and dumped and they are trying the same thing over and over again.. Need any more? I hope not. Stay away!

>> No.28130441

You can't sell more than 25% of your coins in a single transaction on this project if your stack is above 1% the tokens in circulation.
Token burn is exponential.
The rest of the math is pretty simple.

>> No.28130726
File: 63 KB, 596x1024, 1612361890943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing to do with the actual code you filthy jeet, anyone who's been in crypto for more than a couple days can see how fucked the tokenomics are

>> No.28131142
File: 10 KB, 203x248, IMG_20210208_150139_852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tokenomics are legit asf. You are clearly a noob.

>> No.28131197

buy the dip

>> No.28131270

Prove it Chang, run down the tokenomics for the class.

>> No.28131533
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>> No.28131566
File: 37 KB, 480x689, 218430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just laid out how scummy they are in this thread, posting bobs and vagene isn't going to fix that.

>> No.28131705

Next $FEG or $SHIBA oportunity

>> No.28131801
File: 503 KB, 990x496, 435746874685797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no doubt that this will fly like the rona in the following hours.

>> No.28131907

$HAM went down, bunny still hopping, we good here