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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28119641 No.28119641 [Reply] [Original]

Pls dont shill:
Rubic - Slav dev known for rug pulling (4chan pajeets)
AVEX- turkish ceo (erdogan wont make it)
COR - woman ceo (fuck off)
BAO - self taught dev (noob kek)
Reef - hello putin coin
Dogecoin - nigga I can code this too
LINK - Devs selling so niggadad buys lambo
ETH - lol vitaril vitalik nigga should I pay 50$ for one transaction?

>> No.28119829

Buy the lawyer coin
>1 mil mc
>binance very soon

>> No.28119895

Unironically, Crypto KEK (KEK) its a dextools competitor in the v1 stage. The team is public and you can communicate with them in the TG. I can see this going from 5cents to 50 cents in a short period of time.

>> No.28120055

Why is the coin needed?

dafuck is lawyer coin?

>> No.28120605

Regulations are coming its time to lawyer up before you get tax raped and buttfucked. Jur are doing a bunch of shit but the main one is they have been hired by the goverment and the top law firm in the most English country of the world to help modernise the legal industry and help arbitration deals.
>Wtf are are arbitration deals?
I've got you my lad, its lawyer speak for deals rich people do consisting of millions of dollars. They happen very slowly because rich people don't trust each other. Jur solves this problem see the telegram if you want details but the crux of it is lad millions of jur is going to be purchased on the open market by the foundation on behalf of rich people.
What that means is at 1m marketcap and binance soon we are headed to the fucking moon

>> No.28120898
File: 233 KB, 1280x983, 1612690357286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to get in these ICOs and failing that, wait one hour before release before thinking about buying.
Warning, first 2 were shit.

>> No.28120994
File: 303 KB, 1024x851, Cryptokek-Flowchart-Version2-1024x851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It unlocks different tiers of access and bots. Voting in the DAO.

>> No.28121215
File: 160 KB, 1068x580, pancakeswap-finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically the future of defi, on a real smart chain

>> No.28122023

its a no brainer

>> No.28122152


Highest TVL increase in last 7 days in whole defi market

$5 mil market cap fully diluted , 500% APY on staked LP Tokens


>> No.28122426


>> No.28122514

LTO, Too much to explain but lots happened in the LTO generals this week. It all started when an anon posted something cryptic telling everybody to DO THE MATH on LTO. /biz did the math and holy shit its literally the coin you never sell as its all about the APY. Less than 900 make it stacks left on binance.

>> No.28122636

Unironically ADA and DOT. They're the only 2 smart contract platforms that matter (other than ETH obvs). No they're not 'eth-killers'. They will be alternative platforms, much like Windows/Linux/Mac. In the short term they'll act like layer 2 solutions to eth (eth gas fees are insane etc.) as they'll have bridges to eth network, meaning shitcoin gambling on the uniswaps of DOT and ADA. Sure you won't have all the shitcoins, but this is literally happening on Binance Smart Chain right now. See pancakeswap and the amount of liquidity locked there. Last I checked it had 1/3 the trading volume of sushiswap and similar ratio for liquidity locked which is nothing to sneeze at.

>> No.28122703

ASKO. mainnet and new website launching this week. has the potential to do another 10x, they will be marketing heavily this week

>> No.28122716

reef is not good very many scammers in team

>> No.28122949

How to get in on umbrella?

>> No.28122965

go on to the website of flashstake, understand what they do and prepare to be amazeeeed

>> No.28123041

Get in on $ZIL in the next 30 minutes