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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28114391 No.28114391 [Reply] [Original]

rid of this chink piece of shit?

Do we continue to get played by this fucking asshole or do we put this fucking subhuman in his place?

>> No.28114584

knock it off with racist bs.

If you have a beef with CZ then fine, but when you bring race into the equation then that's where I draw the line. Keep your trap shut if that's how you want to let off steam

>> No.28114933

its always the chinx or the jews, if youw ant to kiss their fucking ass go ahead put your tongue deep i his asshole.
This piece of shit cz binance is scamming the crypto community since day 1.
Its not my fault that race makes or breaks one. Chinx and jews are born scumbags.
And i play the fucking race card, cause thats exactly what i bowls down too.

Shit jews and shit chinx ruin the whole fucking world.
wasnt corona a fucking china virus?
And isnt israel the hedquarter of pedohilia and incest and scams.
Real niggers know what to do, fags defend this jewish chinese shit.
What side are you on?
Dont tell me- your probably lost your foreskin as a baby

>> No.28114977

oh hello wsb tourist welcome to biz now fuck off you retard tranny chink nigger thank you and remember to seethe, dilate and kys

>> No.28115050

Why don't you take it down a notch there buddy seem pretty flustered over there why don't you just cool that burner down

>> No.28115067


>> No.28115109


>> No.28115144
File: 1006 KB, 773x796, chink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slant eyed south chink nigger is here to stay

>> No.28115146

I wish I could complain about Binance, but I can't. Mainly cause they haven't verified my account yet and I can't use it. Maybe next year I'll get a chance.

>> No.28115157


>> No.28115174


Literally dozens of other exchanges that you can use instead, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.28115189

what did he do?

>> No.28115301
File: 269 KB, 1600x1000, 1561407772840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Xi ping pong

>> No.28115303

t. nigger kike spic gook

>> No.28115370

it's made me some good $$ so far

>> No.28115433

amerishart seething.

>> No.28115460


>> No.28115466

start using coinmetro

>> No.28115532

He keeps our funds safu, what's your problem?

>> No.28115534

>oh hello wsb tourist welcome to biz now fuck off you retard tranny chink nigger thank you and remember to seethe, dilate and kys

spotted the wsb tourist, also yikers

>> No.28115669
File: 115 KB, 475x437, 320onl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check'd based and
plebbit faggot spotted. seethe

>> No.28115684

CZ has made me richer than you.
I say we get rid of you.

>> No.28115814

Seethe more, /pol/tard.
Binance is based, and there is nothing you americunts can do. Best CEX ever, and does not require retarded americunt KYC. Now go pay your taxes and enjoy your burguers.

>> No.28115945

Go to /pol/ you stupid faggot I'm making money thanks to this chink so fuck you.

>> No.28116097

DeFi you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.28116155


>> No.28116342

Pretty nice bait, nigger. 6/10

>> No.28116415

>do we put this fucking subhuman in his place?

>> No.28116460

i don't know anything about this dude apart from his twitter account, and from his twitter account, it's quite clear that he's extremely based

>> No.28116467

uniswap is cool and all, but try to flip coins on uniswap when you pay 30$ per transaction

>> No.28116709
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>> No.28117381

because you're not a retarded poorfag that's buying ETH at $1800? If you've been using this stuff for years, your cost basis doesn't change

iif you're a dumb poorfag who has no idea about crypto beyond buying shitcoins on binance and shilling them until they go up, you can come when L2 rolls out with the rest of the plebians

>> No.28117437

Double nigger

>> No.28117481

spoken like a true nigger

>> No.28117526

>If you were early you made it
Reminds me of some spammers that used to post on /biz/, was about burger I think. Great marketing

>> No.28117596

What did CZ do again? You can't win against him so just join him and besides it's not like Binance competitors are any better.

>> No.28117675

This motherfucker allowed you almost everything that is possible at the moment
Coinbase crashes every 2 seconds
All other cexes are fucking archaic offering like 10 coins max with buy limits and kyc out the assss
You should be building a shrine you lowlife fucking shrimp

>> No.28117742

Nice bait

>> No.28117829

it's not about making it or not, the point is if you bought eth att $300 it isn't any more expensive to use @ $1800

iff you want too cut the chink rent seekers out of crypto, this is thee only way

>> No.28118162

he suppresses link big time

>> No.28118628

Shit I would too if I bought a bil at 10 cents

>> No.28119395

fuck this fucking subhuman chinx
chinx arent good for anything, this fuckign country needs to get nuked
everything china touches turns to shit and look at these chinx clones- small dick faggots, all chinx look like fucking women and their women are ugly as fuck
nuke china and nuke israel if you at it, the world would be a much better place without chinx and kikes

>> No.28119548

this but also americans

>> No.28119781

CZ is cool
this post is radiating reddit

>> No.28119922

first nuke china and israel after that USA and germany, just nuke the whole fucking world while i fly with elon to mars

>> No.28119996

check yourself before you rek yourself

>> No.28120020

Imagine being 2 Billion chinks and pajeets and Niggers making on average 250 dollar a month seeing 10Q% APR for a tx at 20 cents... Nigerias central bank tried to lock out Binance. Read the Art of War, and the Art of the deal

>> No.28121196

people still dont get that cz is based

>> No.28121310

his exchange lists monero
for that he has my respect
even if he is a chink

>> No.28121430

heil hitler retard

>> No.28121445

I can't bitch about Binance because it's really good. If the chinese make me money then so be it.

>> No.28121727

imagine falling for this bait. You guys are like twitter faggots

>> No.28121728

poopy nigger