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28075227 No.28075227 [Reply] [Original]

For some reason I get along really well (by really I mean it sometimes gets raunchy) with older women, starting from age 30 up to 50.
I have absolutely no chance with girls my age, but I'm pretty good with older women.

I know it's probably heavily unrealistic, but I want to try and see if I can get some to pay me for sex, or something along the line, like gifting me shit and taking care of me while I give them attention in exchange.

>> No.28075500

If you have no chance with girls your age, how the fuck will any rich woman fall into you. Imagine yourself as a rich middle age man, will you fuck some girl that is too ugly or awkward for guys her age?

>> No.28075534 [DELETED] 
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yes its possible & fun too

>> No.28076142 [DELETED] 
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Having one of these is a requirement tho

>> No.28076222

there's a trend here in the states and probably europe where lonely old rich white women get african sugar babies and pay for all their immigration stuff. my mom's friend is married to a guy from africa who spends half the year back in his home country fucking his other wife. she also helped his nephews immigrate to the US and pays for their apartment.

>> No.28076233

Older Japanese women will meet attractive young white men in hotel bars in Bangkok and pay for sex.

>> No.28076301

It's possible but if you dont have game for girls your age, how will you get with an older woman?

It's fun though especially if you get one with a nice phat soft milfy butt

>> No.28076412

>tfw no lonely older Japanese woman gf

>> No.28076452

top kek
digits confirms it

>> No.28076472

Yo thats my mom

>> No.28076549

>wow, im so good with desperate old horny childless women
nice one, chud

>> No.28076585

WHere do you meet older women

>> No.28076592

I just started seeing a 42 year old woman. She is amazing in bed and absolutely loves to just suck my cock for hours on end, not even meming. So hot and perfect tits. Last time she pushed them into my eyes like that based pepe meme and I couldnt stop laughing internally.

Mature women are so uncomplicated and they are so experienced in bed. Go for it anons, they will show you an entire new world.

>> No.28076603

remind me what fucking board im on again?

>> No.28076734

Where do you meet them?
On my tinder there are like 4 women over 40 even if i set the range to like 20 miles

>> No.28076765

you're on pajeet's snake oil carrousel, don't forget to buy the dip

>> No.28076794

>how the fuck will any rich woman fall into you
Because some hot young stud is a better fuck than a 50+yo old fart. Women his age, I'm assuming young women, get a shitload of attention and resources from men who are 5-15 years older than OP. OP does not have what young women want, older men do. OP has what older women want that older men don't have. If OP becomes an attractive manwhore, getting a sugar mommy is possible, but you might die.

>> No.28076862

I had one when I lived in China. She was almost 40 and a virgin. Didn't want to have sex before marriage. But I got a lot of nice meals and rides in her fancy car

>> No.28076875

I met her on tinder. I have tinder gold so I see when I get likes and she liked me which is rare, I never get liked by older women, so I feel very lucky.

>> No.28077069

>Where do you meet them?

At the gym. Use some of your crypto gains to buy some good roids like tren/test/var/HGH and do a 2-3 cycles. Focus in arms, chest and butt because mills/cougars go crazy for these things. Also make sure not bald, if you go bald due the roids it’s game over. Older bitches at the gym will be all over you.

>> No.28077777


>> No.28077828


>> No.28077880


>> No.28077930 [DELETED] 
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My ex used to pay for meals, and buy me shit. She wasn't older than me or undesirable, she was just really big in being a provider. So that kind of person definitely exists.

You could always go for the older asian market if you're willing to live over seas.

>> No.28077946

Any semi fuckable woman under 60 can get dick for free. Unless youre top 5% your arent gonna get shit

>> No.28077978
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>> No.28078149

can confirm true

>> No.28079125
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Checked and boobapilled. Pic related what was I felt like kek

>> No.28079318

I am a poorfag, in a stable good relationship with a girl younger than me, but she is sort of my sugarmommy.. I am ashamed of it, but.. but whatever.
She drives me in her Porsche/Landcruiser 200/BMW/Gelandewagen and buys me stuff and food. Been with her for 2 years now, we think of getting married.
Am I worthless?

>> No.28079385

good life, have her invest in crypto

>> No.28079493

OP here, so how did you do to meet her?
Is there an app or some bullshit along the lines?

I wish I could tell you but I am just not cut out for younger girls I guess, my ex-gf's older sister who's in her 30s used to always make sex jokes around me and try to force the sexual topics in the conversations, going as far as asking me my tastes and making jokes about us having complementary fetishes.

Never tried anything on her because I used to love my fd, who didnt actually love me back and didnt give a shit about the relationship. Now I regret.

>> No.28079519 [DELETED] 

you're worth isn't just how many dollars are in your bank account anon. Just appreciate her and try to be a happy productive person in whatever way you can

>> No.28079551

In what world is 30 an "older woman". Jesus.

>> No.28079609


>> No.28079730

Yep, I always try to surprise her with something. Also I help her with work, repairing stuff etc etc.
We are pretty happy together, so everyone has a chance for a girl like that if you are a good guy (I was literally NEET for a year before I've met her, but she helped me to man up and all that)

>> No.28079896

Got a 44 year old who cooks for me.

>> No.28080162

in the eyes of a 21 soon to be 22yo man it is, youngest woman I could have sex with is 35-36.

>> No.28080704

Lol I lost my v card when I was 18 to a 32 year old, then dated various 27 to 30 year old before it balanced out around 22-23

>> No.28080776

>Mature women are so uncomplicated

>> No.28081105

>ID: 6 STD's

>> No.28081226


>> No.28081572

Nah, my rich gf gave me one of her cars to drive for the past year and let’s me have free access to her houses. Gave me credit card in my name and pays for everything except when we eat out. She wants a baby tho.

>> No.28081858

You're a semen donor/body guard.

>> No.28082015

fuggg :DDDD. kek's spoken

>> No.28082131

I'd say I am more of a caretaker/orgasm toy
Maybe she is with me only because she cums like 10 times every time we have sex and I can make her squirt at any time given
She does the same for me tho, so idk
I just enjoy time with her and try to care less

>> No.28082191
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>> No.28082410

>I just enjoy time with her and try to care less
Disgusting. You're wasting her time. Just bust a nut inside her already and get her pregnant.

>> No.28083450

kek and you can't even do that? it's really the least you can do since she's taken responsibilty for the tasks that men typically feel the need to provide.

>> No.28083570

The reason you are "good" with older women is that they see you as a child and like the attention of younger men, period. It doesn't mean they find you attractive, for that you have to, you know, be attractive.

Girls can find sugar babies because they are attractive and even men their age would fuck them, that's why old disgusting men pay them for sex, so if girls your age don't suck your cock for free weekly then you have no chance of finding a sugar mommy.

>> No.28083821

>The reason you are "good" with older women is that they see you as a child and like the attention of younger men, period. It doesn't mean they find you attractive, for that you have to, you know, be attractive.

Kek so much cope. Mature women like attention from attractive men period. Rest is just pure guesswork and subjective as hell. Mature women dont just pick random losers or uggo virgins because they like childish men and their attention, no they choose the attractive chad that can provide the same just 50x better, because women have a lot of otions.

>> No.28083832

>white women are the downfall of civilization
How to profit off this

>> No.28084074

I'm willing to bet my life saving's that OP is not a "hot young stud"

>> No.28084427

but they look so much worse than a college girl

>> No.28084435

OP is never a hot young stud.Unless we're talking strictly about a newly built house burning down.

>> No.28084563

Matter of taste. Brains and experience is sexy on its own right. Either does not exclude the other, plenty of 40+ women are sexy in light of their age.