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28051026 No.28051026 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28051105

Just keep your mind on the golden vibrating rod, OP.

>> No.28051156

You are now calm and comfortable resting in Focus 10

>> No.28051161

>giving yourself self induced schizophrenia
never going to fucking make it

>> No.28051191

you ever just sat and pure silence and know for sure there is another presence in the room?

>> No.28051223
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>"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


>"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.28051247

when you view into the remote, the remote views also into you

>> No.28051298


>> No.28051348
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you've provoked entities in the multidimensional space, you're unironically fucked, next time don't fuck around if you don't want to find out.

>> No.28051460

I just started with an introductory tale from Monroe, lasted halfway through and turned it off. Definitely made me enter a fairly deep state of mind but I need to do more research first. I'm catholic and we are always told it's basically opening wide the gate for demonic entities to enter.

>> No.28051506

>following /biz/ advice
Imagine being this newfag. Even /b/ advice is safer.

>> No.28051628
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This. You better read up on Gnosticism and learn how to battle interdimensional demons like the rest of us.

>> No.28051979
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>> No.28052132

Is this gateway stuff some agency psyop, or is it beneficial? Are they trying to turn us into an heros

>> No.28052235

How do I do this meditation?

>> No.28052351

imagine not even entertaining the thought that something seriously investigated by government agencies might not be bullshit.
Imagine being that much of a soulless onions-guzzling midwit.

>> No.28052364

Somebody on /x/ will have it. It's guided meditation + binaural beats + some hypnosis even though they deny it as such. INSCOM used it to train some of their remote viewers.

>> No.28052416

You can buy it for $1000, or you can torrent it.
Google "Monroe tapes Gateway Experience"

>> No.28052445

not gunna read that 29 page CIA doc. What's the tldr?

>> No.28052522
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>listen to biz
>lose all your money
>terrorized by demons


>> No.28052531
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>> No.28052586

imagine thinking this isnt a shitpost

>> No.28052583

You can achieve higher states of consciousness, out of body experiences and defy time and space and CIA seemingly believed it was all true

>> No.28052722


>> No.28052729
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>> No.28052736

There are millions of people who would post it unironically, on reddit. Nowadays on /biz/ you can't be sure who you're talking to

>> No.28052804

Search Monroe Hemi Sync on YouTube. Close your eyes. Sit quietly. Breathe evenly. Let the sound guide you.

First time I did it I was startled out of state by the feeling of absolute certainty that there was something sitting next to me. The idea that it was malevolent or there are inter dimensional demons waiting for you to meditate is fucking retarded though.

>> No.28052841


>> No.28052856
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>> No.28053071

>he’s not friends with the intelligent non-corporeal energy beings yet

>> No.28053104

Have you ever noticed there's a deep level of closeness / intimacy whenever you get that feeling? It's because it's your own mind, not a foreign presence--discursive thought and mundane awareness is like an echo from this deeper level of mind. Heidegger goes on and on about the 'mineness' of dasein. Huang Po says many fear to surrender to this feeling for fear of losing themselves, even though it's their own mind they're falling into

>> No.28053251

Oops sorry, thought you replied to my other post.
This is the clip I listened to.

>> No.28053256

meditation always gets me calm and focused, but the only "higher" states of consciousness come from psychedelics (illusory I believe) or transcendent experiences that occurred in dangerous or sexual situations. Higher states are real, but there doesn't seem to be any recipes to success here.
Evola on Abraxas was pretty good, but he wants you to go off into alchemy. Any idea where to find more on this outside the CIA stuff?

>> No.28053278

The fearfulness of surrendering to that feeling is VERY real. I'll try to think about it being my mind next time it happens. Often time feel i most when im on a psychedelic but it definitely has happened just with me being sober.

>> No.28053345

How to tell it's your own mind and not an actual fucking malevolent predatory entity from another dimension?

I prayed before and during and didn't have that feeling thankfully.

>> No.28053570

The body is a machine and most people are completely out of tune. This is just an instructional pattern to help bring your entire body into a productive state. Read the secret of the golden flower for more info.

>> No.28053595

I tried psychedelics and never achieved anything other than good fun kek. I never tried to meditate while on them though.
The thing that impressed me the most were hole doses of MXE. The experiences had an almost supernatural quality to them and I wondered if it's just the drug or if the human consciousness was actually greater than I had thought.

>> No.28053641
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welcome, now get out

>> No.28053837
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I once got sucked into some void-state where I communicated with something. It was wack, happened after I listened to one of the Focus 12 tracks. It was like I was a point of compressed awareness and when I asked questions mentally something was beaming the answers into me through a beam of light.

Anyways, I might continue using them to LOA my life in a positive direction. I notice a lot more synchronicities when I practice these.

>> No.28054040
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I have had mild tinnitus in both ears due to genetics since my earliest memory, and it makes me unable to completely focus when listening to the binaural track or when meditating in general. I will likely never know what true silence is like.

>> No.28054131

tinnitus is your brain trying to find patterns in the white noise, you just need to calm down

>> No.28054177
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>> No.28054209
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>> No.28054297

re-read what I said;*but for me the only "higher" ..."
But I think that some psychedlics, or psuchedelics in combination with rites some sort of practice create sort of a horizon to the outer edges of the mind. Like >>28053104 posts.
Haven't really read Heidegger, but does he mention anything about the possibility of going past dasein?

>> No.28054310

My only advice is to have faith in the imperturbability and sovereignty of your mind--have no worry. Mind is fundamentally empty. Meditation is merely stilling the moving mind and recognizing this fundamental nature. It's like moving towards the center of a spinning wheel. Rest assured, any fear or suspicion you have during this process is a fabrication, the spinning of the wheel. It's a distraction. Same advice for >>28053278 heed no mind to your worries and hangups, it takes you further from stillness

>> No.28054632

I was raised a protestant and became an edgy militant atheist in my teenage years. Developed some fairly serious mental issues as a result of existential dread and started studying all forms of philosophy (ancient religious texts, greek, stoic, monastic, modern). Added hallucinogen experiences onto that shortly thereafter and met what I believed to be extradimensional beings across multiple trips and also rediscovered "God" - did not revert back to christianity, but also not an atheist. My beliefs have become a syncretic blend by seeing the commonalities of these experiences represented across all cultures in ancient history.

To this day I could not tell with certainty whether they were merely manifestations of my own mind (purely hallucinogenic), a perceived "outer" being that is in reality part of the "one" which we are all also part of (eastern philosophical take), or if they were completely extrinsic to my being (i.e. christian, gnostic take). Any of these perspectives I would consider reasonable - and for this reason, it leads me to believe that what is "real", really does come down to what you believe is real. Similar to the issues encountered in quantum mechanics, the act of observing affects the outcome. Change the mode of observation, change the outcome. Your perception on "what is real" will affect how you interpret the experiences.

Personally, I believe the whole "good" entity vs "bad" entity thing is a noisy way to interpret our place in the universe and our natural antipathy toward entropy. We are part of a machine that has set out to restore order, yet we are still highly limited beings. We understand the purpose on a sort of subconscious level and it gets reflected in all religion, philosophy, social theory, trippy experiences etc. In conclusion, the "demons" represent chaos and the fear of them represents our fear of failing the meet the demands of our very existence.

Now lets see if the thread has died.

>> No.28054753


>> No.28054763

Dasein is being. Going beyond being is like picking yourself up into the air. You can't go beyond what you are.

>> No.28055047


Part of meditation is learning to disallow the senses from pulling you out of calm. The idea that tinnitus makes meditation impossible is a self limiting belief and entirely untrue.

T. Meditator with horrendous 4 distinct tones at all times tinnitus

>> No.28055164

That which attempts to 'go past' contains the whole works (being), if only we'd totally halt our activities for a moment and look. There's a zen case about this--"Fire god goes looking for fire"

>> No.28055238

Interesting anon. Recently at work some weird shit has been happening with objects moving positions and no one touches them. At the same time a new woman has been working in our department and she is high strung and always bad mouthing other employees. She has also noticed shit moving and it freaks her out more than anyone else. My guess is either she is causing this because of her constant negativity or she has some fucked up shit following her. How would something like this fit into your model?

>> No.28055389

I think you're spot on with some of your takes. There's just so much to the act of "being." Trying to reconcile this idea of existence with what we've learned in science over the past 100 years is also insane. I don't really think humanity has caught up with these advancements. Or perhaps I haven't read enough philosophy on the matter.

>> No.28055438

>I listened to one of the Focus 12 tracks. It was like I was a point of compressed awareness and when I asked questions mentally something was beaming the answers into me through a beam of light.

I really wish I could achieve something like this. I have been doing these tapes daily since October 1st and have never really had any experiences like this. But I keep working on it because I think if nothing else it’s beneficial in terms of just being quiet and focused for a while every day.

Also- for anyone interested in experimenting with this, make sure you use the FLAC/ALAC versions and WIRED headphones. If you are using shitty Bluetooth earbuds and some shitty mp3 rip the resolution is so low it cuts out a lot of the cool sci fi sounds that are layered into the recordings.

>> No.28055506

My detective skills tell me
>high strung and badmouthing other employees
>freaks her out more than anyone else
I'm guessing somebody affected by her unkind words is fucking with her. Actions have consequences. If I was aching to get to the bottom of it I'd set up a camera but if the perpetrator notices I bet stuff will stop getting moved

>> No.28055628

What about demons
No attacks?

>> No.28055635

This is key, you cannot let your own perception of "negative" distract you. Merely observe it and allow your mind to remain receptive to everything. Again, the act of applying your own perception on the experience will alter the experience. If you feel "negative" and then cling to that perception, it will be. If instead you feel "negative", and let it flow on by, it will pass.

The moments leading up to what I will, for lack of better words, call "meet the infinite, unbound, eternal all-being of creation"; I felt like I was dying. I was meditating and focusing on my breathing for a few minutes before I could no longer feel myself breathe. I felt the air growing colder until I started to shake uncontrollably and my body felt like it was melting. I just focused on sending the breathing signal "in my mind", trusting that my lungs were receiving it even though I could not directly feel it, and did not allow these sensations to distract me from focusing on emptiness. I lost feeling from my extremities up toward my chest and finally my head - then, I left my body. It led into an experience which helped me pull myself out of suicidal depression and psychogenic seizures. Do not attach yourself to the negative perceptions, let them go.

>> No.28055776
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/x/ is leaking again

>> No.28056072

OP here I turned off the lights but I'm too scared to stop browsing the Internet on my phone so I don't feel alone.
Am I too much of a sissy for this whole stellar travel shit?

>> No.28056195


>> No.28056452
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what's going on in this thread?

>> No.28056537

Anywhere or anyone have the tapes? I’ll be damned if I have to spend 1k on it.

The first YouTube link was fun, wanna go further.

>> No.28056861

>What about demons
>No attacks?

Hahaha no I haven’t been attacked by demons. Maybe because I’m just not a spiritual person and just not open to the idea. For me it’s just been listening to the tapes and going through the steps and feeling calm and relaxed. I wish something like that would happen for me. But even like the “roll over slowly like a log in your mind” is VERY difficult for me because I’m too aware of the fact I’m lying flat on my back and not rolling like a log. I’d appreciate any advice from someone more successful than me on how to experience this more.

>> No.28056879

you idiot, you imbecile, you simpleton, you vagabond. the demons can see through your EYES. they are inside you, they know your seed phrases, they know your wallet codes. the entities are going to take all your bitcoin, all your etherium, all your doge, and you can't fucking stop him you goddamned fool. evil doesn't even want your soul it's so fucking pathetic it just wants your CRYPTOCOINS and you JUST gave them over. it's the real crypto scam, the real pajeet ruse, demons all over the world are trying to get fucking MORONS like your DUMB ASS to do this shit so they can steal your wallet for free instead of investing and using their own $ASTRAL coin. with your money they will shill more of this gateway meditation program bullshit and steal even MORE money. evil isn't going to take over the world through spells or rituals it's going to BUY the world from the STOLEN CURRENCY of FUCKING DIPSHIT ASSHOLE BITCHES like YOUR DUMB ASS YOU FUCKING CUNT

>> No.28057000


The joke is on them- I’m not smart enough to memorize my seed words.

>> No.28057061

I can make your tinnitus go away for a brief period if you want to experience silence. Let me know if you're interested

>> No.28057083

Are we talking about the middle pillar ritual? I like that one but I'm too much of a spazz to do it often.
I like is Israel Regardi one, he is jewish though.

>> No.28057763

LOL just read through this. What a load of horse shit. Probably just some bs to get the soviet union to waste time on it. Good kek tho.

>> No.28058208

tl;dr? the cia is apparently a bunch of literal commies so i don't doubt it's retarded

>> No.28058762
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what the fuck are their schizo larpers in the CIA? LMAO what in the fuck is this? This has to be a red herring.