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28039419 No.28039419 [Reply] [Original]

Does the DOGE pump prove that BTC is worthless?
>doge proven to be a superior store of value than BTC
>doge has much faster transactions and can actually be used as currency
>"if people believe it has value, it has value" is working out better for DOGE than BTC
>drug cartels might start using DOGE to launder money seeing as the transactions are so fast and the fees are minimal unlike BTC or ETH
How could BTC possibly have more ""intrinsic value"" than DOGE?

>> No.28039439


>> No.28039495

Bitcoin is limited, there's only 21 million of them. Every year new doge is created, it's essentially infinite. I'm sick of explaining this to you dense niggers.

>> No.28039574

the trade off of those advantages is that the inflation rate of doge is too high for pumps to be anything more than transient

>> No.28039572

>create new DOGE coin called KITTE but with 20m limited supply
>suddenly KITTE is more valuable to you than BTC
Your logic doesn't work out.

>> No.28039633

Being pumped on shilling, hype and hot air, nothing fundamentally has changed, cyas back below 2c by the end of the month . It always ends the same way

>> No.28039642

but actually this argument is pointless. Its supply is finite at any given moment.
Ethereum has infinite supply
Monero has inifinite supply
Doesn't mean they are overinflating and losing value per coin...

BTC maxis need to die so we can build an actually useful crypto economy..

>> No.28039747

If you want an infinite currency just stick to the U.S. dollar, you don't belong here.

>> No.28039754

Doge always gets these violent pump n dumps to where it started, check the chart happens every year

>> No.28039802

>only 21 million btc

if you break it into satoshi it's quadrillions. really who gives a shit. you could batch dogecoin up into bigger units and claim the supply is smaller too. btc is mined all the time too. and doge is faster and just better at being a medium of exchange.

>> No.28039813

My turds are also limited, doesn't make them valuable.

>> No.28039830
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>> No.28039847

All crypto is worthless.

>> No.28039880
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Pure denial

Everything OP said is true

Now we wait and see if DOGE is the BTC killer

>> No.28039900

if you want adaption it needs to be simple and easy for the mases to adopt .

every one wants to adopt doge

>> No.28039910

>posting gifs
ok boomer

>> No.28039978
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I would post a webm but all of mine are sexual in nature

>> No.28039984

Bitcoin is infinitely divisible. This is literally irrelevant.

>> No.28040007

it’s faster and cheaper because of the inflation rate, doge is essentially a farming token. so yes it is actually great as a gateway for getting fiat into crypto, but it’s not something that holds value. social media psyops urging people to buy and not sell are the only reason these whales don’t lose tons of money during these hundred million dollars fiat-doge-cryptosphere transfers

>> No.28040117

double digit IQ retards.

> the supply of gold in the universe is infinite
> the supply of solar energy in the universe is inifinite
> therefore they are valueless

you are literally a brainless retarded faggot

>> No.28040237

>but it’s not something that holds value.

neither is btc. and at least doge is predictable. buy when it drops below 30 sats and wait. every time.

>> No.28040247

BTCtards are the goldbugs / precious metals boomer retards of the 21st century aren't they?

>> No.28040266

Not really. Even with a circulating supply increase, DOGE has consistently remained between .000020 and .000025 BTC. That's a very solid exchange rate for something which you say is constantly going down. Surely BTC should be moving up on the DOGE chart over time if this was true?
The average exchange rate, when the pumps are factored in, would be .00004. So if you buy DOGE at .00020, you can be relatively sure that you are going to make more money than in BTC and your sats won't lose their value.
DOGE is demonstrably a better store of value than BTC, even with an increasingly supply.

According to your logic YFI is better than BTC because there are less of them and the supply doesn't increase.

>> No.28040366
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Most of you retards dont actually know whats going on
Why do you think Elon removed "#Bitcoin" from his bio and started shilling this shit all of a sudden?
Why you do think Doge is getting MAJOR exposure everywhere? To get normies to buy doge. Or more precisely; introduce normies to crypto trading.
Tons of people are getting into crypto trading each day now, a fuckton of them introduced by the doge hype. This is incredible news to all crypto traders because the market will flourish due to the massive influx of new traders.
Elon is probably desperately accumulating more and more bitcoins as we speak, because that shit will SKYROCKET (Im predicting anywhere between $100k - 120k EOY) once the doge fad dies down and normies start buying bitcoin.
Its goddamn genius. Buy whatever fucking coin you want right now, you'll probably profit either way.

>> No.28040463

>According to your logic YFI is better than BTC because there are less of them and the supply doesn't increase.
YFI is better. It offers yield while BTC loses because of fees.

>> No.28040472

Is that dansnewz?

>> No.28040532

yes you’re describing the doge price floor which is maintained at a base level by the main holders/miners who won’t ever sell

>> No.28040764
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new to crypto but maybe its because i'm generally pessimistic but arnt we looming a giant crash right now? i guess the issue finding out if the crash will hit both crypto and stocks or one or the other

>> No.28040838

a giant crash into what asset? no one wants to hold usd either

>> No.28040895

Epic/based post

>> No.28040941

No, it proves you guys will need to try harder next time.

>> No.28041074

DOGE evidences a major flaw in BTC though. It demonstrates that there's nothing special about BTC. It can, and eventually will, be replaced. This really should be bullish for gold but the market doesn't understand that. Crypto has value, and decentralization has value, but BTC is now just an NFT for nostalgia as the first crypto, rather than being better than the rest.

Real assets. Real estate, oil, lumber, iron, steel, gold, silver, anything that can't be affected by market manipulation or the fall of value in anything else. 1 house = 1 house. 1 ounce of gold = 1 ounce of gold. Stocks and crypto are going down together.

>get people into crypto by making them take massive, massive losses on a memecoin
Even if BTC never goes below 40k DOGE is going to go -90% in sats from here. If BTC goes down too then the losses will compound.

>> No.28041304


It's not though You can infinitely divide a number Theoretically but the Bitcoin protocol itself is hard-coded to only support 8 decimal places. You can't just frivolously add fractional satoshis to a live BTC transaction. Also, kys.

>> No.28041453

to emphasize this point, the top 20 dogecoin wallets hold 50% of the supply, there’s a reason the lower bound of the price remains stable while anything above that point quickly collapses
>anything that can't be affected by market manipulation
>oil, houses, precious metals
you are dumb stop wasting our time

>> No.28041600

Except you can. Shares aren't designed to be fractional but brokerage houses will do it for you - they hold the one share and have a ledger which states who owns what percent of that share. Coinbase and Binance can do the exact same thing. Remember that most holders keep their BTC on an exchange wallet. If 1 satoshi is a thousand dollars then they would very easily just sell fractional satoshis.

>> No.28041604

I've been saying this on biz and no one listens. The GME hype is being used to capture more dumb money long term. And crypto is where they want that dumb money.

Go check normie facebook and instagram. Tons of hodl and doge memes.

>> No.28041635
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DOGE is a shitter, but BTC is king shitter. BTC only value is that it was the first and thus most recognizable to boomers and normalfags. Plus that and the fag twins like to make sure it maintains supremacy. BTC is better in the sense that despite being a worse coin it will be seen as a legitimate investment while DOGE is seen as a memecoin that retards like le based Musk shill for as a joke (he's done this several times now btw newfriends)