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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28031317 No.28031317 [Reply] [Original]

To not have a job
not have a boss
not being told what to do
wake up anytime you like
do anything you want
eat whatever you desire
say anything without being looked down on
being racist around anyone

Fuck being a wagecuck. I feel sick looking at them rushing everywhere like a cockroach, to do something so pointless, spending their salary on (((subscriptions))), travelling and work attires, thinking the only way to be rich is to have a job.

>> No.28031422

Wrong, I'm already a NEET I just also like to gamble

>> No.28031907

Anon if you want to be racist around people so badly you should just kys

>> No.28032040

I just want to have a nice house in Florida and become a falconer while drawing furry porn on the side. That is my dream.

>> No.28032163

this is me to a T, unfortunately, trading crypto is bullshit. I'm trying to find ways to earn income in other ways and diversify my assets

>> No.28032433

What avenues are you looking at to earn income? I'm looking at setting up a web shop on Amazon.

>> No.28032526

for me, i want to make it so i can end racism. #punchnazi#imwithher

>> No.28032547

Neck yourself nigger

>> No.28032735

Faggot. It is okay to be racist. To appreciate diversity, races should not live together. There should be separations. Look what happened to Japan, no neighbours, nuked twice, lost the war, but still developed and have good techs. Why? Because being among the same race tricks you into thinking you are one family and everyone is your brothers and sisters causing you to contribute everything for your race and country.

Now look at every multicultural and multiracial countries. Consistent infighting and no new tech development. India vs Pakistan, Turks vs Kurds, Chinks vs White, etc.

Look into webdev. It is the easiest for 4chan lurker type to make money, or start a non-commentary youtube channel, can be on anything.

I want to make it so I can kill jews
#punchjews #imwithhitler

>> No.28032740
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that's got to be one of the most retarded things I've read all week

>> No.28033085
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I work 10 hours a week and make 50k/yr in Louisiana. I don't worry about money and I don't need for much.
You couldn't make me look at charts if you paid me.

>> No.28033694

Just have to double 1000 ten times in a row to make a million, if youre smart you can work for another few years and never work again. High risk medium term moonshots you think can make easy 2xs, cryptos that are extremely volatile and can x2 easily. Rinse and repeat and incrementally increase your float where you can do higher and higher stakes, so youd raise your 1k x2 cash outs to 2k and so on till you can reinvest it all into long term holds. Its all risk management and you need to turn the risk dial up

>> No.28034551

How nigga?

>> No.28035132

I grow veggies and sell them at the farmer's market down the street.
It's a nice and simple life without much stress. They do not scale well with profit so you don't get much competition in the way of big companies. I just grow in one room of my house and it pays rent and bills plus I get to meet a ton of people.
Highly recommended if viable in your area

>> No.28035931
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I just want to clear the air about one thing on this picture. In reality modern office has a fantastic ventilation with pretty clear air, we had actually tested it with our buddies. I think they use some hepa filters.

>> No.28036306


>> No.28036649

yeh. hate that term though. sound pretentious.

>> No.28037193

i could take being a wageslave if i could work 100% remotely until the end of time and if people didn't take their job so seriously. but no, it's back to the wage cage as soon at the coof is over. and even now it's incessant fire drills like it's the end of fucking world whenever some dumbass problem pops up. mr. shekelstein taking a big fat shit that rolls downhill so all of the wagies have to scramble and stress out over meaningless bullshit so we can make jew shareholders even richer.

>> No.28037704

based. i already have a grow light, might try it just for fun since i'm too autistic to sell it.

>> No.28038074
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>Anon if you want to be racist around people so badly you should just kys

>> No.28038277
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>>Anon if you want to be racist around people so badly you should just kys

>> No.28038471

or just do it and stop being such a pussy

>> No.28038853


>> No.28039304

i need to get my shit together, i have money to start a business, but all the brainwash sinfe i was 10 to get a degree and get a job makes me too worried to quit the job i hate and building something myself

if any of you haver have child, please dont brainwash them into beeing a slave

>> No.28039344

>Because being among the same race tricks you
Funny that you admit you're living a lie but think it's a good thing. Truth is the only way, everyone is my enemy.

>> No.28039792

I'm with you bud. Just taken a 14k loan to buy video production gear to work for myself instead of a bunch of low ballers in my agency

>> No.28039840

>if any of you haver have child, please dont brainwash them into beeing a slave

i always wondered why so many jews accepted liquidation in the holocaust, or why so many nigger slaves just worked 80 years on a plantation. now i know hy.

>> No.28040000

>har har I am on my own
>gets killed by group

>> No.28040116

>this wojak has finally come full circle back to just wageslave for 50 years lmao

>> No.28040144
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Do most on /biz/ actually understand the technical shit people talk about in white papers and can you make it without?

>> No.28040246

Lol I'm unemployed and a NEET. So . Yea.

>> No.28040431

Good, always call out racists when you see them

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Edit 2: 327 upvotes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between!

Edit 3: WTF 600 upvotes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever

Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow /biz/raelites. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O_o 2000 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot!

Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you!

Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4chan.com/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person.

Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/

Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable.

Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!

>> No.28040498

kin selection is not a falsehood, neither in the primary, secondary, tertiary or universal forms. Kin selection is the only reason people believe in human rights.

>> No.28040845
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>Funny that you admit you're living a lie but think it's a good thing.
It's not good, but it is better than your hardwork's output funneled to your enemy instead of your non-enemy.

Homeschool is the only way. Bring them to library so they are exposed to broad areas of topic. Most imoortantly, mathematics, especially on calculus and stats/probability.

>being a wageslave if i could work 100% remotely until the end of time

Yea mine has hepa filter.

Thanks. I already know this but for the newfags out there, investing is the way to be rich and crypto is the easiest route.

This is worthy of a new thread but I will entertain you. I never read a single whitepaper and I have done more good trades than the bad ones. One can do this if you are able to sniff what biz and others are buying.

Kek. Praise you stranger.

Can you type that using simpler words anon? What are you trying to say or how is that refuting my post?

>> No.28040997

I already do all those things, because I'm an autist that's blacklisted from society. They won't even give me meager labor because of how disagreeable I am.

>> No.28041014
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>> No.28041189

>Can you type that using simpler words anon? What are you trying to say or how is that refuting my post?
I would guess he wants to say that kin selection is not false within the family, community, nation and finally race.

>> No.28041213

Hoppy HEPA !

>> No.28041289

>Just have to double 1000 ten times in a row to make a million
double = 2000
double = 4000
double = 8000
double = 16000

>> No.28041433
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>Anon if you want to be racist around people so badly you should just kys

>> No.28041551

Lol why are you here then

>> No.28041842

Okay this is epic

>> No.28042025
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>> No.28043219

What do you do now, fren?

>> No.28043846

Collect $500 a month from the government and pray God gives me a windfall through crypto.

>> No.28045032

why florida? I've lived here my whole life, and I can tell you our days here are numbered