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28031281 No.28031281 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle me this....

Literally HOW do normies wage slave 9-5 in an office for 40+ and happily spend their money on dumb shit like luxury cars on finance/loans, expensive clothes and other consoomer shit AND sleep well at night?

I have to go back to my wage slave job tomorrow however I'm living frugally as hell and investing every scrap of my pay check that I can with the ONE and ONLY main aim of never having to work ever again and being a NEET.

How the FUCK could someone be more bothered about useless material items than freedom??

Its all so tiresome.....

>> No.28031823

Competent in job and besides that be fucking retarded

>> No.28031923

Because most jobs are easy and some people, unironically, actually like their jobs.

>> No.28031936

im tired of it too. hopefully wagmi.

>> No.28032060

>was speaking with my dad the other day
>he's 54
>he wants to buy a bentley on lease to offset interest against rental income
>complains later in the convo about how he'll have to retire at 65

>> No.28032208


I’m a NEET, lived frugally and managed to build up a rental portfolio so now I passive income(albeit not a huge amount but enough for me to do what I want). I drive a 98 Toyota Camry, I don’t wear designer clothes, but I do have freedom, and I’m so comfy being able to wake up when I want every day.

I can assure you I’m happier than most normies on $150,000+ a year who drive BMWs and shit and have ‘corporate’ jobs

>> No.28032492

It's called having a work ethic. Anyone who works the 9-5 jobs get major respects from me because it's something we should all be doing instead of being filthy leeches on society and I'm pointing my anger towards neets, welfare bums and lazy no good rotten dregs of society.

Asians, Mexicans, Indians are the hardest workers in the world. The most productive and the people who we should all look up to.

>> No.28033048


(OP here on phone) I’m not leeching off anyone. I earnt my way, didn’t make retarded financial decisions, put money into assets not liabilities and now I don’t need to work. I made my bed now I’m comfy in it.

>> No.28033126

Asians yes

Beaners and pajeet scammers? No

>> No.28033407

lots of people find meaning in their jobs

>> No.28033516
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>How the FUCK could someone be more bothered about useless material items than freedom??
Because ignorance is freedom. Most normies are oblivious and blame their failure on all the external variables. The echochambers of social media have only made it even worse.
So most people are too dumb and/or lack the skills to have high market value. What this means is theyre stuck with whoever gives them any job offering with no say in their conditions or have no chance of getting any raise. They're also treated like children by their employers by being constantly monitored (and rightfully so).
I work for a company that gives me pretty much total freedom. As long as I meet the anual objectives they dont give a fuck if im watching porn at my home half of the year. Obiously this wasnt always the case as I had to build this trust up.
What Im trying to say is stop being a close minded retard who thinks having a job is inherently bad/cucked. If you don't get offered a job you enjoy doing and pays well chances are you are another low intelligence and unskilled normie who is above in terms of self awareness.

>> No.28033621

>It's called having a work ethic
he fell for the jew meme

>> No.28033926

>Blacks literally build america for free
>m-muh beaners make da frutiz and scamming indians

Bootlicking idiot

>> No.28034130

Who could be behind this post?

>> No.28034440

working hard is for minorities

t. white skinned white collar professional

>> No.28034511

I work for what I would consider to be a high-tech company. I probably don't have the brains nor the skill to ever get a salary that would bring my towards my goal of having a net worth of 3-4 million.

That said, I worked my way op from the bottom, now have a mid-level management position and I earn enough to be able to put money aside to invest whilst still maintaining a decent living standard. I don't have a desire to become a CEO or high level executive, it's exhausting. I just want to buy or build a normal house with a nice plot of land (say >2 acres) and live a quiet life. Not a neet, but also not wanting to reach for the stars. 3-4 million would net me $5k+/mo for the rest of my life, which is more than fine for me. Not everyone wants to be a king.

>> No.28034556

yeah fuck off

>> No.28034611

>managed to build up a rental portfolio so now I passive income
Pls tell me about this, this is what I'm trying to do.

>> No.28034705

>when "waifus" is right next to it
jerking off to anime is as far from being ascetic as you can get

>> No.28034806

kill yourself commie

>> No.28034856

Get too deep into relationships/start a family so they have no time to better themselves financially or take risks.

Plus they hate home life so much that waging brings them pleasure.

>> No.28034896

More money. People naturally seek pleasure and spend money on things they find worthwhile, be it cars, gym equipment, art supplies, etc. It's not that alien of a concept.

>> No.28034961

Wagie since graduated college - did not buy Fordmustanger when got first promotion. Did not leave out side means. Now make 100k and live like I make 33k. Don’t get to hang with the cool kids or live in a nice place or have new plastic tech shit. But one day I will be able to buy nice sailboat and travel the world in leisure.

>> No.28035034

Probably the realest answer here

>> No.28035133

>ITT: NEET apologetics

>> No.28035231

From the time we're children, all that's presented to us is being a good boy in school, getting good grades, so you can go to a better school so you can get a job to work hard enough to get better jobs/positions and climb the corporate ladder. Starting your own business is often laughed at by your peers and generally discouraged with shit like "Yeah but you'll work harder than you would at a job" and shit like that.

>> No.28035316

most normies aren't autists and end up having families and other obligations.

as much as wage slaving sucks it is currently the most stable option for normies that need a steady income and health insurance

>> No.28035766
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It's sad. They were fed all sorts of propaganda about rugged individualism and the protestant work ethic and they've taken it to heart. Not only are they proud to work, they make it a competition! Oh, you worked 70 hours this week? I worked 80! Yeah! I'll bet you actually use your vacation days too, pussy!

I watched this play out with my own parents. Both were public servants who planned on retiring at around 65 and then they would finally have all this free time and money! Oh boy! Just like the gobberment promised! But then my mom came down with brain cancer and died 1 year before retiring, leaving my dad alone in his retirement and twilight years. He's an empty shell of a man now and I can only just barely muster the ability to feel pity for him.

The American system is absolutely fucked. Normies willingly and readily eat up the propaganda because they were never taught to think for themselves. Meanwhile the owners, executives, and landlords reap the profits as the wagies destroy themselves and act proud for having the privilege to do so, yessiree!

>> No.28035869
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Depends on the job 2bh I work as an engineering consultant and its comfy af with only 3 projects max a year would off myself if I had to do something mundane thats the same shit every single day and over and over till I died tho

>> No.28035944

They like it.
The reason we see it as a hell is because we have the ability to think and don't want to follow rules and processes.
They hate unplanned things and creativity more than anything.

>> No.28035991

>blacks built america
lol what kind of historical revisionist bullshit is this? look at africa without whites, just a bunch of mud huts and cannibals. whites built america and the nigger slaves did as they were told (and probably did a shitty job do)

>> No.28036220

>3 projects max a year
How, i mean it depends on scope, but i always have like 3 projects pipelined into each other and like 5-8 projects a year

>> No.28036373

>be grateful you have a job sla- i mean anon.

>> No.28036410

I get to pick 3 "normal" projects and 2 long term (1-3 years) but the long term ones are just a ton of meetings and shit I do in the background since the majority of them are goverment contracts and hence bureaucracy is rampant

>> No.28036732

>Meanwhile the owners, executives, and landlords reap the profits
Owners get fucked on behalf of their employees in every way possible. Your employee presses the big red fuck up button and ruins your everything, you pay for it, even if it costs you everything. Executives have to work 24 hours a day and sacrifice just about any sort of actual life because the kind of responsibility that justifies the title and paycheck does not care for your human limitations. Landlords need to constantly manage and work with and around the absolute dregs of society for a living. One of your rentals is a neglectful parent and their son Xayden decides he doesn't want to take his 'behave in school' meds anymore and trashes your fucking drywall, there's nothing you can do but eat the costs and hope none of the miles or red tape strewn about at random to prevent the exploitation of renters doesn't get wrapped around your throat for someone else's easy money.

Nobody's happy. Nobody has it easy. Your big bad guys that are supposed to be the antithesis to wage cucks aren't having any better time than you.

>> No.28036818

>work ethic
oh wow

>> No.28037239

They justify it to themselves with "but anon, you'd get so bored not working! I'd bet you'd be miserable if you retired!"

Yet nobody NOBODY wants to work until they the day they die. But I guess working until your body is too old and tired to enjoy life is great.

Otherwise it's a failure in delayed gratification. They have no self control and the short burst of happiness they get from buying a new fucking iphone year after gets them through the work day at least.

>> No.28037270

I reached a point where I now have an aversion to the mere thought of waging
I've made more in the past month in crypto than I have in a year of waging
I'll eat ramen for a decade if it means not going back to that life

>> No.28037492

OP isn't advocating for leech neeting, just being financially independant enough to retire early. Being financially responsible enough to do this is harder than working most jobs.