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2802159 No.2802159 [Reply] [Original]

>26 years old
>make only 50k as a first year trades apprentice
>most people my age are already making six figure income, own houses, have masters degrees or their own business started

Who else /loser and failure/ here?

>> No.2802174


>only 50k

Fuck you faggot, most people where I'm from only make 30k, if not less due to minimum wages. (Midwest white trash town)

>> No.2802185
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>tfw only make 400k USD per year
>also have a 500 word essay due by Friday

Just end it now bros

>> No.2802196

>most people my age are already making six figure income,
Not as many as you think. Most people are still in shit tier jobs that are only barely better than yours.
>own houses
Yeah, and are in serious fucking debt with their mortgages.
>have masters degrees
Yeah, and are in serious fucking debt with their student loans.
>or their own business started
Literally nothing stopping you from doing the same thing.

>> No.2802209

It's a start.

At least you're not a stagnating-wagecuck.

>> No.2802213

I made 25K working as a waiter, a job where I needed to wake up at 3AM and work till 6PM, all the way needing to interact with customers that are your typical boomers and rich fucks.

>> No.2802214

Nigga, I'm 25, and was working minimum wage and had 4k in saving before getting into crypto in February. Now I have over 70k in dollars and will be going back to school this fall.

Fuck you.

>> No.2802215

>makes under 250k/year
Never reproduce

>> No.2802221

>>in dollars

>> No.2802270

where do you idiots get the idea that 26 year olds own houses and have six figure incomes etc., lmao

>> No.2802324

>making anything less than $1 mil

why even live

>> No.2802333


reminder that if you earn more than 30k a year, you already are top 1%

>> No.2802433


they watched too much wolf of wall street or they compare themselves to brilliant smart people that work at top companies in innovative positions.

Those people are driven and work more than 60 hours a week. Most people here can't even work 40.

>> No.2802540

Where? In Zimbabwe?

>> No.2802597


>> No.2802608

>most people my age are already making six figure income
No they aren't. You're right around the 75th percentile for your age at $50K. A bare minimum six figures ($100K) would put you at the 96th percentile. Median for age 26 is around $32K.

Unless you live somewhere the cost of living is astronomical or you have a ton of debt (student loans, medical, big credit mistakes), you can make a lot of headway at $50K a year, especially if you are single and have no kids, which is fairly likely at age 26 (and on 4chams).

>Yeah, and are in serious fucking debt with their mortgages.
Eh, as long as you aren't stuck with terrible mortgage terms or a house in a terrible location, mortgage debt is fine. It's a lot of money tied up in one thing, but you're building equity, unlike renters.

>> No.2802618

We're talking about normal countries

>> No.2803213

>Fuck you faggot, most people where I'm from only make 30k, if not less due to minimum wages
But $30k in some shithold white trash town probably gets you pretty far. If OP lives in a city then $50k ain't getting him shit.

>where do you idiots get the idea that 26 year olds have six figure incomes
Very doable as a professional in almost any city. But again cost of living eats away at most of that.

>> No.2803224

>most people my age are already making six figure income, own houses, have masters degrees or their own business started
No they don't. You're doing well for your age bracket.

>> No.2803246

>25 years old
>make 25k as a PhD student
>TA some undergrads
>they tell me about six-figure jobs in Intel and Qualcomm they are getting

>> No.2803266

I'm 30 and earn 20k per year because the job market in Western Europe is fucked up and I had to move to SEA to actually land a fucking job. A job that is complex enough to actually get me 6 figures if I was in London or New York. But noooo, nobody trusted the guy with no experience.

Fuck you very much.

>> No.2803311
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n-no bully senpai

>> No.2803323

If you start comparing yourself to others, you'll only ever be disappointed.

>> No.2803340
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>20k per year
>job market in Western Europe is fucked up


>> No.2803342

I'm 28 and make $125k/year with an average $10k bonus/year. Do I wish I made more? Absolutely. Am I going to obsess over what others in my age are making? Nope, because I can spend that time reaching my own goals.

Don't idolize others.

>> No.2803352

>most people my age are already making six figure income, own houses, have masters degrees or their own business started

Statisticaly wrong

>> No.2803361

I'm 27 and make $399k/year with an average $100k bonus/year. Do I wish I made more? Absolutely. Am I going to obsess over what others in my age are making? Nope, because I can spend that time reaching my own goals.

Don't idolize others.

>> No.2803387

>24 years old
>make only 120k as a trial volunteer intern
>most people my age are already making 7 figures, own multiple investment properties, have PhDs or their own breakout startup IPO.

I know how you feel OP.

>> No.2803393

Not that hard. I'm literally 26 (will be 27 in early August) and I own my own home. I also made 75k last year. That being said obviously I have to pay a mortgage every month which eats up a good chunk of my earnings. That 75k was also a lot of overtime since my base is about 55k.

So yea it's not farfetched at all. And I work a stupid grimey job that only required a HS diploma when I got hired (now you need 60 credit hours in CC/university)

>> No.2803402

What do you do anon

>> No.2803409

I'm 21 and make $850kshekels/month with an average $1b bonus/year with jetstream privilege points. Do I wish I made more? Absolutely. Am I going to obsess over what others in my age are making? Nope, because there's no such thing as a free lunch.


>> No.2803414

How's detroit anon?

>> No.2803419

if you're paying a mortgage you don't own the house, dummy

>> No.2803435

Correctional Officer. I work in one of the most populated counties in the U.S. which is the reason for the decent salary for the type of job. Eventually gonna be a police officer.

Also didn't try to come off as an asshole last post. As someone said, statistically most people my age aren't achieving the goals in OP's comment. But there are a lot of weird/random jobs out there that people don't think of or think they're above that can make you /comfy/ if you don't mind the bullshit.

>> No.2803459

Semantics. Obviously I don't own it outright but hardly anyone living in their own house does. If OP meant he knows 26 year olds that own house outright then that's total BS

Close, but not right.

>> No.2803464

It's ok anon, I'm a loser too. I'm 25, finally got my BS, and I can't find a job. I'm sitting here, still living with my parents, in an area where I need to make $80k to be ok (i.e., at this amount ~85% of each check will be going to rent, insurance, student loans, internet, etc.), watching my pathetic savings continue to dwindle.

Every time I hear about someone my age making $100k and buying their first home I legitimately want to kill myself. I hate my life.

>> No.2803478

When people talk wages, is it before taxes or after taxes?

>> No.2803495
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>Tattoo on forearm
> Trying to act like old money
Nice try Roastie

>> No.2803502

Almost always before

>> No.2803509

midwest doesn't even count.

50k is pretty shitty unless you share an apartment in the civilized world.

>> No.2803517

25 years old, working on my second undergraduate in math/computer science...

I'd like to say that, in 6 years, I'll have a job lined up that will pay me more than I know what to do with.

I'm a bit disheartened by how hard I work compared to the results I get (I studied my ass off this semester and managed a 3.82 GPA... which is good, but I feel like there's something missing, otherwise I'd have a 4.0.).

I feel like I'm not getting enough out of my education. I wish I could tell myself that, by the time I graduate, I'll be worth recruiting but it is certainly not looking that way for me at the moment.

I want to think that I can keep pushing myself and I can keep getting better, but I can't even push myself since I get distracted too easily. I think the reason why I didn't do very well in school this past year is because I sit down and tell myself to study but I don't actually know how to focus. I guess I should focus more on studying smart rather than studying hard.

Thanks for being my WordPress guys. Gonna try to crush the last 30 pages of Irrational Exuberance in a single sitting then read some Islamic Law

>> No.2803534

Kek. You have a warped view of reality kid. Moat people your age are living with their parents and have 50k in debt.

>> No.2803539

No shit? You nearly described me and I can't get a fucking job. I'm 25 and just got my BS in CS with a minor in Math about 2 months ago. My overall GPA was shitty (3.2) by my in-major GPA was 3.7 and I received multiple academic honors. It feels like, at least where I live, just doing well doesn't mean shit (getting degree, good GPA, working hard, internships) and you need to also go to a prestigious school or found a company or something too. That or suddenly have 6+ years of experience right out of school.

Good luck to you.

>> No.2803548

What a surprise. The STEM meme is just that, a meme. I thought a 3.2 was considered really good (~3.5) in other majors.

>> No.2803649

It might be, I'm not sure.

>> No.2803707

yea, it matters if its in usd or speculative investments like crypto..

>> No.2803737

Yet you see them driving around in brand new trucks and SUVs and buying all sorts of stupid shit. They can choose to improve their situation if they actually fucking moved. Midwest is reserved for farmers and it should be like that yet you see these podunk towns where the retards decided to converge and work at the single McDonalds/Subway/gas station in town

t. rural midwesterner

>> No.2803745

>be me
>work low effort service desk job
>make 60k + unlimited overtime

how do people struggle so hard in life

>> No.2803887

My CGPA is about 3.85 at the moment. Which is really good, but not great.
I'm not sure what the best thing for me to do will be: I don't think I'll have the skills to get an excellent job that pays 45k+ after graduating (Cucknadian here). That'd be a pipe-dream. Which is sad...

But maybe if I work hard and never put a book down I can achieve more than I think. I did finish Irrational Exuberance since posting, btw. Haven't had the diligence to sit down and read 30 pages straight in God knows when.

>> No.2804351
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What do you do anon?

>> No.2804427

This thread is depressing me. I only make 120k a year. Why is everyone so much better off than me

>> No.2804438
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>graduated 4 years stem degree
>$60k starting

And you're not in debt either

>> No.2804444

Fuck off. I only make $105k a year after tax and I'm 24... I hate my shitty programming job

>> No.2804478

if you have a partner and both make 30k, you're in the top 5% of the US nationwide, but not necessarily in the state you live in.
The top 1% not only cross the 6 figures - they're making almost half a million every year.

>> No.2804535

30k/year would still put you in the top 1% in "normal countries"

>> No.2804548

Even for the cucked measurement that has you compete against people who don't have an income, 30k is 15k away from the 1% in the top 25 countries. There's not many civilized countries left after that, and i don't think posting here from one of those is normal.

>> No.2804596

I'm 28 and have never had a job

>> No.2804639

Did you get a bs in computer science

>> No.2805052

dont worry dude comparing yourself to others is a never ending game. Wherever you go you will always find people who earn more, are better looking, etc.. Imagine you get promoted elsewhere and make 200k. You will start to hang out with colleagues and bosses who make a million and will still feel shitty. Be happy with what you have a lot of people couldn't dream of earning 50k.

>> No.2805084

Fuck off larpers, I bet my 45k/y is more than most of you and your moms make combined.

Some people get legit depressed over this shit.

My only word of advice - come to EE where 45k nets you 40k and life costs are sub 500/month. Then start a business and lol @ overtime-cucks who work 80h/week so that they brag on 4chan during their 1 hour commute.

>> No.2805406

its a bait thread you fucking imbicile

>> No.2805432

i wonder if the girl is literate enough to understand what is written on the shirt the kike put on her before taking the picture

>> No.2805464

Spare a thought for me. I'm only the 3rd richest person on Earth. How do you think I feel, not fulfilling my potential and seeing others do so much better than me?

>> No.2805472


get the fuck out of california

>> No.2805483
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>10 years into my career

I fucked my shit up by ragequitting a shit job and then having to just take any job offered.

>> No.2805870

This is true. A meme. You always hear in media that there is demand for "STEM" but you have to remember the source, it's typically USA Today or some shitrag that has misinterpreted polling. There's no more demand for "STEM" than any other jobs. It's such a large basket as to be meaningless. Certain groups within STEM are growing quickly, of course, which is usually what they're driving at.

Where I went to school (Chem Eng major), CS jobs were everywhere. Shitty ones, some of them, but not hard to make decent money. Whereas I had no experience and a crap GPA, picked up a service tech job off Craigslist and whored my way into an engineering position after a year and a half. Today I use almost none of what I spent my time in school doing, like a lot of degrees it only serves as a salary cushion.