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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28009279 No.28009279 [Reply] [Original]

Order some fries and a drink too frens

>> No.28009918

The message that I have communicated to our team and one that I would like to communicate to our community is regardless of the disrespect we are shown, regardless of the noise others create in an attempt to distract us, we must remain positive and humble at all times.

The people who do not support us now each has their own motive. The negativity does nothing but act as noise as an attempt to distract us from our goals.

At the end of the day we can only control how we execute and deliver the most utility to the platform for our community. I urge you all to take the high road.

Do not engage in pointless squabbles with people who only want to see you react badly so they can then leverage this reaction publicly to prove their point.

Our revenge will be our product. We will let the product speak for itself. We will listen and take notes, sure. But let us not stoop to their levels.

Right now is the time to be strategic. We do not have the backing of AVA labs... So what. What we do have is the freedom to develop and partner with who we want.

Our independence is also our strength. Don’t forget the power of the under dog. We will kill them with kindness because doing anything else is a waste of time. Focus on the goal.

— Zero Exchange CEO

>> No.28010269

If Pangolin do not release soon, it may be too late for them, looks like Zero Exchange is going to gain some traction, when do the team plan to do marketing?

>> No.28010533

Last I heard in the Telegram, once bugs are fixed and support docs are polished (about now), there will be more pairs added and marketing will begin.

Hopefully it kicks off sometime next week.

>> No.28010702
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as long as you have AVAX bags your döner is secured

>> No.28010768

Zero Exchange still has to wait until Apricot to list more pairs, correct?

They could end up polishing the DEX before Pangolin even release, especially considering it could be this week - I haven't had a look at their Github in a while, will check it now.

>> No.28010841

Of course sir.

>> No.28010938
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Will order a pizza for me and dad tonight, cheers!

>> No.28010959

I believe additional pairs can be hand crafted by the devs, but it’s time consuming. So a handful of new pairs could be added soon while we wait for Apricot.

>> No.28011180

I didn't know this, hopefully they add more soon to entice more people to use the DEX.

Are you farming? How are the returns looking if you are?

>> No.28011647

I'm farming about a million ZERO. The APY is rather high

>> No.28012773

I’m farming also. The rewards are generous, just have to watch price movements for Impermanent Loss, but that’s the same everywhere.

>> No.28013185

What is the FUD about zero all about?

>> No.28013445

Zero has taken DEX first mover from Pangolin. The assumption was Pangolin would be first to launch, but alas, the free market stepped in.

It’s going to be great having two killer DEX apps running on AVAX, I honestly don’t understand the resentment from a few folk towards Zero. It’s important for the ecosystem as a whole to have both.

>> No.28014450
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anon dev, gave misleading statement about ETH bridge, project created in December 2020
not saying it's a scam but plenty of red flags, user beware

>> No.28014814

We are familiar with the fud.

Desu, you are the biggest Zero Exchange buy signal in this thread.

>> No.28015084
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and you're the shill (paid or unpaid) who's making it more shady
I'll wait and see if the rug is coming

>> No.28015121

I don't quite understand
what did anon dev say about the eth bridge and how does it relate to zero?

>> No.28015501

Ava labs is developing an official ethereum bridge but ZERO dev team, (anon btw) decided to build their own using anon relayers. When asked about why in the telegram, they dodge the question and get really defensive. Telegram is toxic as fuck, they ban anyone that doesn't conform. Honestly really hope its not a rug pull cause it could damage AVAX image.

>> No.28016172

I recognize that pepe fren were you asking about NFTs earlier?

I delegated ALL my avax until EOM so I'll make them when it unlocks.

>> No.28016295

See here is an example of blatant Zero Exchange fud and lies.

The Zero devs built their own bridge because they were tired of waiting for the official one that has still not been released. Most hate directed at Zero is just misdirected anger on behalf of the AVAX devs who missed their milestones.

All Team Zero are guilty of doing, is moving fast and pivoting as required. The very qualities that are found in the official dev team and should be admired.

The only people who are damaging AVAX right now are the Zero fudders who will not be remembered fondly when both DEX are up and running without issue.

>> No.28016476

One of their admins claimed Changelley was a relayer, then they said the messages were fake after Changelley denied them. They claimed the creator of Chainbridge set the relayers up for them, but Chainbridge denies ever working with them.

I hope Zero do well, but the fud is justified and not baseless.

>> No.28016558

Is it retarded to wait until march 9th to accumulate say 3k usd more of this in the hopes that token release tanks it a bit?

>> No.28016654

Yes, it'll be over $30 by then easy. Just buy and stake.

>> No.28016689

Yes very retarded

>> No.28016695


>> No.28016986
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the train has no brakes
it gonna print another massive J

>> No.28016988
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My guess is they'll rug pulled the locked token and call it a hack. A very convenient excuse from anon dev.

nope that's not me fren

>> No.28016995

Very much so

>> No.28017133
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Avalanche hivemind reaches consensus in under a minute

>> No.28017150

unrionically think it'll be $60 or so by unlock, and may dip to mid-40s at most

>> No.28017234
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>nope that's not me fren

>> No.28017844

My guess is you’re a fucking space cadet.

>> No.28018482

You're trying too hard buddy, next time be more subtle

>> No.28018673
