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27997124 No.27997124 [Reply] [Original]

Is the alt season over?

>> No.27997498

Crypto is over.

>> No.27997518

It hasn't even begun.

>> No.27997550



>> No.27997612

yeah its over

>> No.27997620

Is this your first time nigga? This is the calm before the storm. If you don't have you bags packed you better get the fuck on it

>> No.27997858


>> No.27998086
File: 52 KB, 920x883, pathtoaltseason_twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the first phase overlap, kek

>> No.27998191

I think it is. Everything is overpriced af. I have sold 60% of all of my shitcoins

>> No.27998224

Gas fees prevent another alt season from happening until "agnostic" shitcoins move to ADA

>> No.27998243

seems to be over, yes

>> No.27998299

Granpda bitcoin woke up for a second and shat all over alt season momentum. Fuck bitcoin.

>> No.27998400

Also, do you guys think that eth is a good safe haven? Or just stick with btc?

>> No.27998423
File: 1.96 MB, 1600x1600, GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're in the first phase overlap, kek
this... People are so new that they are already forgetting that BTC just took like 4 months to fully realize its run, and there is a debatable case that it has another substantial leg up to go...
These alt runs we are seeing are just smart whales getting in early and driving prices up.

>> No.27998477

i dont know this whole run was kinda meh i do not feel the crazines of 2017 run so i think there still big oportunity

>> No.27998637

The phases are correct imo. But what happened with doge and Shiba kinda looks like phase 4, aka meme coins start mooning

>> No.27998679

imagine thingking altseason is over when it hasn't even started lol

when you see a dentacoin valued at 6billion then yes, that's it. Still long way to go. BTC dominance will drop to 25% or so this time, remember 2017? Imagine now the swings with 20x the volume and financial infrastructure.

>> No.27998980


>> No.27999014

Didnt even started.

>> No.27999041

Nah, shitcoins and memecoins mooning now and then happens all the time throughout a bullmarket.

The altseason is when a very large percentage of them moon at approximately the same time. We had a small altseason last summer, when DeFi tokens mooned left and right starting in april-may until august-september

>> No.27999059

Yeah, it's over. Sell all your shitcoins now before it's too late.

>> No.27999131

The alt month is over,
The alt season is just getting started

>> No.27999142

i think it's time for the majors and some old 2017 coins to catch up.

i see a lot of coins exiting a downtrend against eth while also breaking out of long accumulation ranges vs usd. that's money. iota, qtum, eos stand out.

>> No.27999220

Yes, everything is deflating like a balloon. It all returns to zero now.

>> No.27999252

It makes a break now and money goes back to bitcoin. Bitcoin will make new aths and alts bleed. When bitcoin makes sideway movements then alt season again

>> No.27999527
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Nope ROT coin is about unironically 10x fill up your bags now faggots or start a kys thread

>> No.27999578
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We're in phase 4 mid-endgame now.
Penny cryptoville actually...first XRP, now XLM, ADA, Doge all mooning only because whales behind the scene bought them cheap, shill them to latecomer newbs and have them buy them 'cuz they be cheap bruh' on Coinbase and Binance ....and they will dump them HARD, very soon.
Newbs will feel the end of stimulus because they need it to pay bills and survive, not gamble on shitcoins ....plus the IRS FUD will be rearing its ugly head soon.
Long time traders are starting to realize Eth gas fees are real, and they add up....worse still is paying it when the trade fails.
I don't like shorting, but this is peak market now. DYOR YMMV IYKYK YOLO

>> No.28000580
File: 35 KB, 474x664, 1612120460630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin up only 2x
>ETH barely went over the previous ATH
>total marketcap just 1 trillion
>he claims this is peak market

And here I was thinking that such delusion is impossible even for biztards. Guess I was wrong... Pic related will be very used in the following months, kek

>> No.28000763

and eth is the leader. most shit hasn't even made it to the last ath. lots of coins are still in accumulation and plenty of others are barely half way to old ath.

>> No.28001155

he is just fudding to get people to sell
he is a niggerfaggot

>> No.28001753

what an ugly ass.

>> No.28001943

Hope so, LTO can do its stuff once the pump n dump degenerates calm down.

>> No.28002756

No. You guys are so emotionally fickle.

>>> BTC and ETH pull back to where they were a week ago

>> No.28003175

alt season is just starting retards