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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27991358 No.27991358 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /biz/, what's the deal with rubic? Some people here act like buying now would be like buying LINK in 2017. I mean Linkies used to get laughed at too back then.
What's a redflag to me is this
>all RBC threads are filled with dumb memes and reek of pajeet/trannie discord servers
>no one can tell me what it's use is
People say transaction without gas fees but why the fuck does it have high gas fees itself then? also this brings me to
>shitty rubic.exchange that hardly works

Not a rubic hater but just curious. No one seems to be able to tell my why it sucks as well, people just say "pajeet" but never explain why it sucks. I mean the graph doesn't look to bad, steady growth, nothing insane.
Redpill me about rubic

>> No.27991388
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Also can someone tell me how much I have to buy? How fucking high are the gas fees? It always says funds insufficient

>> No.27991437

people are scared to lose money
rubic is a hot topic, because it has out performed many coins on here

>> No.27991459

pls sirs, village need new donkey

>> No.27991501

ok here is the honest-to-god truth (I'm a RBC shill)
biz owns most of the coins, so all the unorganic shilling is really due to this.
rbc started out as something aching to ASKO, a pnd for a quick 10x, but the team and stuff proved to be semi-legit so it actual has "potential". keep in mind, it's still a shitcoin nobody thinks it's the next ADA or whatever. whether it will have a good EOY depends on whether the russians will deliver or not

>> No.27991530

the whitepaper is the biggest red flag to it being a pajeet scam with no future

doesn't mean you can't make money on it if you get in and out at the right times

>> No.27991544

Its a very good time to buy now cuz of dip, its guaranteed to hit 1$ EOM wich is FUD
>go to webpage and read whitepaper and check doxxed team

>> No.27991571

>the platform is garbage with nothing to new to offer
>UI is atrocious, they didn't even try
>team of full of unknowns with no achievements
>token is literally copy paste of chartex, also does nothing

pretty much

>> No.27991583


>> No.27991593

Indian ponzi scheme that hired people from fiver to shill on here
Anyone who touched this will be investigated by the FBI once it collapses

>> No.27991612


>> No.27991616

created by same people as Neo and myWish, what do you think?

>> No.27991623

Been watching since it started, it was spammed non stop for like 2 weeks filled with what my gut could only call totally inauthentic, RBC is a scam but enough idiots have legitimately bought into it which has kept the pump and dump going.

Most positive response you see about RBC will just be the same canned meme responses like they're from bots or imbeciles, just go look into some other coin where you can figure out what it's use case actually is.
Biz spam is good news but only when you can also see where the people shilling it are coming from, if not, it's a scam.

>> No.27991627

>cheaper gasfees already
> UI isnt that bad, have you tryed it ? compare to uni nigga

>> No.27991632

First, the Rubic exchange not working is due to retarded amounts of demand over the past week. It used to work fine before that. I wouldn't worry about it, since there doesn't appear to be any inherent problems related to scaling.

Also, the high gas fees still exist because they have not yet implemented L2 intergration, which they want to get up by the end of February, start of January, as stated in last week's AMA. To try and the soften the blow in the meantime, they've dropped all charges from any transaction you do.

Main reason to buy in:
>Cross-exchange swapping
>L2 integration coming
>Major CEX listing incoming (next few weeks)
>The ability to put limit orders incoming in the next month (only DEX that would allow such an action)
>Private transactions

>> No.27991646

People were shilling the eth to bcs like the revolutionary new tech
niggas the panama bridge already existed, they did absolute nothing

>> No.27991645

Reading your post I just realised I have invested thousands in this coin and I have never actually been to the website lmao.
brb reading whitepaper.

>> No.27991660

I made a x38 on this. Don't understand why people are losing their shit over a 20% dip.

>> No.27991717

Platform with cross-chain swaps, the 2 most used chains, aiming to make fees super low and compete with UniSwap. Upcoming implementation of Polkadot and collaboration with LINK, limit orders coming, marketing team starting to contact people and major exchange listing at the end of February.

It has a lot of shilling behind it because biz owns a lot of the coins, but the project is actually solid and fudders are most likely seething negros who even fudded at 1 cent and missed on this easy 50x, that is going to be a 500x in a few months

>> No.27991724

>cheaper gasfees already
Same fees as 1inch cause guess what, they're using their API
wake up

>> No.27991728
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Thank you to the whales who dumped last night. As a Rubichad who is very close to the top 100 wallet holders, I checked just now and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I am now 3 spots closer. Keep this up and I expect to be in the top 50 holders by the EOY when RBC is on Binance and trading at $10. :)

>> No.27991753
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>new dex implementing functions no other dex has
>very vocal and innovative team
>certified /biz/ coin
>50 mil mcap it's nearest competitor is a 10x away it's farthest is more than a 100x away
>large exchange listings coming very soon
buy the dip anon, become a chad you wont regret it. The fud is strong today but we've already been through this. RBC is going places.

>> No.27991756
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RIP everyone who FOMOd in at 80 cents lmaoo

>> No.27991760

Dude I own a lot of RBC myself but it is in no way guaranteed to be 1$ EOM

>> No.27991764

As for whether/when you should buy. Founder is adamant that it will be minimum $10 by EOY, but that's not too surprising. Project has promise, and this current dump I feel will bottom out between 45c-40c. Then, it will probably slowly crawl to 60c, before another moon mission with some major announcement (probably related to a CEX).

Of course, it could just shit itself and go to nothing, but I don't think that's likely.


>> No.27991769

larper spotted
>hurr durr, im a whale

>> No.27991783

>like buying LINK in 2017
You got memed pal. This was always an overhyped pnd. They don't offer anything special or anything that competitors can't offer in the same timeframe if not sooner. The only coin with early link potential currently in terms of both fundamentals and ROI is Parsiq.

>> No.27991790

because they bought in later obviously

>> No.27991813

That would genuinely suck. Got in at 10c, so this dump still stings, but holy fuck that was not a good choice.

>> No.27991825

Dead shitcoin

>> No.27991847

You got memed pal. Overhyped pnd, they dont offer anything special or anything competitors cant replicate in the same timespan if not sooner.
The only coin with link potential in terms of both fundamentals and ROI is Parsiq.

>> No.27991860

Note the formatting, recycled memes from the previous threads, canned responses, emotionally manipulative verbiage, emphasis on drawing comparisons to working established products, inclusion of /biz/ in the sales pitch, lack of self awareness.

It’s going > $1 EOM, but just pay attention for next time.

>> No.27991928

Rubic is basically LINK on steroids. You can compare the two charts and see how Rubic is repeating the LINK trend way more faster.

>> No.27992064

The founder of Rubic created the first BSC project - MyWish.

Now ask yourself this;

>Would Binance have an incentive to help make a normie friendly exchange accessible to masses that would help to transition users en masse from bloated Eth chain to BSC?

Answer to this question will tell you whether you should take this project seriously or not.

>> No.27992087


>> No.27992104

OP asks for qrd fud/shill on rbc. We provide and you call us pajeets essentially and then go on to agree with our point that it's going at least to $1 before EOM.

>> No.27992139
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still higher than it was just 2 days ago, not feeling too bad about this

>> No.27992178

Based and actually trying to figure it out pilled, gmi

>> No.27992182

Does anyone here use probit for exchanging rubic? I guess I would be free of gas prices if I transfer my RBC from metamask to probit. To transfer to probit do I just use my eth address from metamask?

>> No.27992246

Around €30 for me. You need to leave out extra eth for the gas fees since those are not deducted from the amount of RBC you are trying to buy

>> No.27992249
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>recycled memes from the previous threads, canned responses, emotionally manipulative verbiage
Literally copy and paste what I just posted into a /biz/ archive and you won't find shit. That's an original post, that I wrote off the top of my head.

Note that I also said in my very next post that it might not be worth a purchase, and could hit 0, just like any shitcoin. You asked for info, I gave you it.

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.27992265

The redpill is to DYOR, why do so many people on this board feel the need to be told what to think?

>> No.27992388

>Note the formatting, recycled memes from the previous threads, canned responses, emotionally manipulative verbiage, emphasis on drawing comparisons to working established products, inclusion of /biz/ in the sales pitch, lack of self awareness.
What the fuck are you even talking about? This is literally every other shill post you find on biz, maybe excluding the talk about biz being majority owners (which is true tho)

>> No.27992398

Thanks for all the insights everyone.

What a shitty website, so I have to calculate it myself? Big redflag

>> No.27992476

you've never used uniswap have you? you can thank the money skeleton for that

>> No.27992488

Dunno too much about the tech but it does have a similar hype that LINK did back in the day. Most coins are going down in price today and after a massive rise like Rubic did it makes sense for there to be a correction. Most whales are holding though which is a good sign and I imagine the price will likely go back up though at a somewhat slower rate.

I'd buy and hold this dip if I were you as I think this will be a long term investment. The lead guy says $10 end of year but I reckon 5 is the max.

>> No.27992501

>What the fuck are you even talking about? This is literally every other shill post you find on biz
Uh how is that contradictory to anything? You just realized /biz/ is like 70% scams. Took you long enough. You know those threads for the NEXT BIG ALT 300$ EOD 10000X? Start comparing the memes and you'll notice it's always the same thing. Next watch the chart for those coins and you'll notice those too are always the same: pump into a certain value followed by a huge dip.

>> No.27992557

Yes, you need to subtract the amount of eth needed to cover the gas fees yourself from the total amount of eth you have in your wallet. It's sucks but this doesn't just apply for RBC though but any transfer carried out on uniswap, sushiswap etc.

>> No.27992600

Yes, RBC is a ERC20 token

>> No.27992609

>the whitepaper is the biggest red flag
there is no whitepaper

>> No.27992637

That's my point tho faggot, no matter if the project is legit or not you'll have these gambling addict threads because the shills know exactly what will draw people in. It doesn't fucking matter how eloquent you're trying to make your $1M mc shitcoin. IT'S STILL A $1M SHITCOIN

>> No.27992762

Every investment really comes down to one thing, trust. Do you trust the project? Do you trust the people involved with your money? You can do research and read white papers until the cows come home but if you do not trust them on a personal level, you will never make the investment.

For me, I was a little sketchy on the shilling so that put me off initially even though I had done the technical research. It was only really once I began to see the members of the team that I decided to jump in. I know it sounds illogical to make a decision like this but seeing a team of 7-10 people working on it gave me faith that it will be successful.

Naturally I haven’t given this coin all my money but I trust it enough to give it a (Relatively) large amount.

>> No.27992769

A little confused by your post, anon. I genuinely believe in the project. I just steal other peoples memes because I think they're funny.
RBC is still in it's infancy, keep that in mind.

>> No.27992796

Use probit instead bro. It's got a UI similar to binance and you avoid the ridiculously high gas fees which you might as well use to buy more RBC instead

>> No.27992891

It was a fun ride, but the rug has been pulled, it's over bois. For me the last nail in the coffin was the CEO engaging in price speculation on live stream. I'm out, next meme.

>> No.27993025

Fair point but you're a little too high IQ for this market


>> No.27993114

Bro, he said “not unrealistic” for it to be $10 eom. What are you smoking?

>> No.27993139

I'm talking about this
rubic dot finance/assets/pdf/WhitePaper.pdf

If this isn't the real whitepaper or whatever then fine, I stopped looking into rubic after seeing this, which absolutely reads like a scam.

>> No.27993151

I guess you have a fair point, that's too bad cause I really liked rubic.

>> No.27993178


>> No.27993197

It absolutely doesnt, devs are doxxed and known in the space. You are Just a other retard who soll miss out

>> No.27993268

>I genuinely believe in the project

No you don't. The only reason you bought in is because you saw a thread shilling it on 4chan /biz/

>> No.27993361

Waiting for dump

>> No.27993416

I'm sorry you bought the top of a pump and dump brother, I used to be a newfag just like you and I know it sucks

>> No.27993466
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>loses 40-50% of its value
>waiting for dump

>> No.27993477
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>> No.27993504
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You're aware we have IDs here right?
Fucking dumbass

>> No.27993571
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>fudder doesn’t realise that /biz/ has IDs

>> No.27993574
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>> No.27993585
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FUD Faggot

>> No.27993626
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Explain or gtfo

>> No.27993651

Rubic literally is the next LINK. The anons here who bought in big against all doubt and FUD will make six figures if not more.

>> No.27993730
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Oy, wtf

>> No.27993741
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Bobo what the fuck have you done

>> No.27993745


>> No.27993760

Are there people on here who don't buy/sell on probit exclusively ?

>> No.27993830
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>> No.27993936
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>Volume drying up while crabbing.
>RSI low but climbing.
>MACD about to flip bullish.

If you haven't bought the dip yet you're running out of time.

>> No.27994125

Thank you for your financial advice, are you by any chance a financial advisor ?

>> No.27994141
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Still waiting an explanation for what you did.

>> No.27994201

This bullishness is making my cock drip. Buying 2 eth worth of the next 100x

>> No.27994223
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I am a CHAD Advisor and therefore will never tender my services to the likes of you.

>> No.27994369

Well, I've officially been here enough to notice copy paste rubic fud threads... this is at least the third time word for word OP.
Real bullish for my cubes though.

>> No.27994477

Because some people are not you and have not had your experience, you ego-centric solipsistic autist.

>> No.27994562

Buy zeedex you fucking sheep. 1.5 mil market cap. Feeless dex

>> No.27994597

dips are healthy. also redistribution of coins from whales to newfags means more stable price action in the future. buy the dip and ride this train to at least $1 eom.

i bought the top last night for 4 eth but i'm not willing to sell unless it hits $10

>> No.27994651
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LMAO. Faggot fudders.

>> No.27994725

>Q1 2022
>RBC at $100
>I’m at $6.6mn off a 10k investment.
Rope myself over the 6k RBC I lost swinging/panic selling.

>> No.27994779

Based Rube. We're in it for the long haul. Comfiest hold in all of /biz.

>> No.27994786
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>> No.27994994

Thx anon, I gained 10k today swinging.

>> No.27995013

/biz/ "our coined" RBC, but the project is pretty decent. There's a lot of raiding on here from the Rubichads group which is a separate group from the main channel. There's been drama lately because the old Rubicchad admin fucked up a swing especially after he would shit on others for doing it, started banning users who laughed at him, then rage quit and deleted the group. He's been working full time to spread shit loads of FUD since, it's honestly pretty pathetic.
A lot of these raids/shilling are community oriented due to the project not having full time marketing team yet but they are anticipated to start in coming weeks.
the project itself, as everyone else points out, is legitimate. At this point it's just whether the team can pull it off.
I'd suggest checking out both the AMA's the team did, as well as following their blog on Medium.

>> No.27995041
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>> No.27995140


>all RBC threads are filled with dumb memes and reek of pajeet/trannie discord servers

the problem is that ll coins, legit or not, have this. even LINK has always had this. you need to do your own research, unironically. rubic is promising to improve upon existing defi, implement L2, has an actual team that has been in crypto for years. it might not succeed, but there's actual promise here unlike the 1000x shitcoins shilled by pajeets with copy/paste websites.

>> No.27995292

hey MassEffect, you won't get my rubic IM NOT SELLING

>> No.27995307

>u Wak, nigger
Why are you being mean?

>> No.27995549


doesn't that make them smart?

>> No.27995646


>basing a decision on 2 days of price movement

confirmed for retard that will sell on the next correction.

>> No.27995690


>> No.27995699


>> No.27995787

It pumped really fucking hard despite basically only being held by biz.
It also has a functioning product and isn't on Binance yet, which it should be in March, and that will probably make it moon hard.

>> No.27995789
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>> No.27995798

Don't forget he's now shilling and fudding for his mcdcoin.

>> No.27995831

it's a pump and dump. read the rubic threads, you'll never see anyone talking about what they do or what makes them special or sets them apart from competitors

>> No.27995864

Where is this binance in March bs coming from?

>> No.27995883

their AMA
so their own mouths

>> No.27995952

Absolute retard

>> No.27995996

>random shitcoin with near zero trade volume gets shilled on /biz/
>all the idiots on here fomo buying dramatically raises the price because of no trade volume and low mcap

thats literally all you need to know. Buying Rubic or any other shitcoin like this is just pulling the lever on a slot machine.

>> No.27996256

> near zero trade volume
> 24hrs volume = $12 MILLION

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.27996306

obviously it does now you fucking retard. I'm talking about when it was shilled here at the beginning.

>> No.27996330
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Checked and sorry you lost your RBC swinging like a faggot.
Stop the dumb fud and buy back in.
I doubt you'll push it much lower before we are above a dollar forever there big shoots.

>> No.27996532

But if you bought at the beginning, even with it falling to 40c, you'd still be sitting on obscene gains...

>> No.27996534

I hope you make money dude but don't get cocky and know when to take profits.

Hope I don't see you fuckers in the inevitable pink wojak threads.

>> No.27996690
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I‘m sorry good sirs, we had a tough day in the village today and i didn‘t properly read your post

>> No.27997063


It doesn't need to be the next ADA - it can be the next BNB or UNI.

>> No.27997069

My gains arent obscene but my stack is only 2x now, not 3x. lol

>> No.27997167


Lol imagine reading philosophy for beginners and then trying to use solipsist as an insult. Stay poor.

>> No.27997242

$100 EOY

>> No.27997340

Why would that be hard to imagine?
>lmao imagine drinking water
This is what you sound like.

>> No.27997475

ah yes the midwit

>> No.27997517

>this is all just a ploy, advanced shilling techniques to discredit the fudders
godspeed, rubic ranger.

>> No.27997658
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it's simple, we stack green cubes

>> No.27997695

0.50 is good deal with this coin I see a x10 from here to be pretty likely

>> No.27997811

Why is everybody so mean to each other on here? We all just want to be content in this world; can't we be nicer to each other? Getting jaded and brutalised by life isn't noteworthy or admirable, it just makes other people (who are themselves struggling to cope in a world that is unsocial and unnatural) not want to associate with your negative personality. Choose to try to be the unjaded person, the person your younger self would have like to become. Such people are a welcome breath of fresh air to others and more of a surprise to them than just another negative angry jaded selfish person who lacks perspective on what matters.

>> No.27997850

use probit if you aren't buying a large amount. you will overpay per coin but save money on gas fees in the long run.

>> No.27997873

pump and dump

>> No.27997974

>asking for it to go below 0.50 to buy back in
do it now faggot

>> No.27998048

When you come to a website where nigger and faggot are common responses to anything, that happens. It gets tiring. Everyone you don't agree with is a retard, everyone who does anything is a Pajeet. I prefer that to reddit, but I do miss not being surrounded by this.

>> No.27998076

I'm convinced now that FUDers are the Pajeets. They're eternally sour grapes 3rd worlders bitter because they'll never make it.

>> No.27998091

The real info on rubic is that a wannabe whale called masseffect dumped at the wrong time in an effort to swing two days ago. He lost out big and now, with his cultists of personality is trying to save face and money by having them coordinate shitty dumps in his honour. The whales are holding, which speaks volumes, and so am I, because why would you sell before its been listed in the upcoming exchanges unless you're scared or coerced?

>> No.27998157
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>> No.27998252


>> No.27998383

>tfw I'm still up 3000% even with the dip

>> No.27998397

>mfw it could be braindead idiot pajeet who doesnt know what id's are
>mfw it could be a rubic ranger, making a self fag post, to discredit FUDders to indirectly shill in people like >>27995789
>mfw it could be just a prank from chaotic neutral nocoiner


>> No.27998522

>x10 is likely

No its not, you have no concept of marketcaps. RBC only pumped because of constant shilling + countless crypto noobs joining /biz/

>> No.27998561

dude. bottom line is this is a legit project no matter which way you spin it. And the dev team is moving FAST. There is buy and sell pressure on both sides which any healthy token has. It has potential to climb to much higher marketcaps no doubt. This has proved itself to be a hold for at least a few months.

>> No.27998595

This is all the proof you need. If anyone is making guarentees about the future price of a coin you know they are full of shit.

>> No.27998645

i think we found our support at 45 cents

>> No.27998752

I keep readin that name, that MassEffect guy seems quite powerful

>> No.27998790

dude the market is taking a dump. For rubic to retrace like this is fine and does nothing to reflect the potential of the project.

>> No.27998823

>potential of this project

Which is...?

>> No.27998849

Yes ?

>> No.27998852

He's not, particularly. Just a hypocritical retard who couldn't just laugh at himself but instead started rage deleting like a worthless fucking beta. He also lied about how much he made on the swing, and kept doubling down with all the FUD. Also constantly whining about women.

>> No.27998953

He was the admin of some unofficial telegram or discord group or something. YouTube tier influencer, which can make or break a coin, but I'll go with the judgement of whales and upcoming listings/project, personally.

>> No.27999007

It's just normal consolidation after a large rise. Give it a few days and we will start ticking up again if the market is ok..people have zero ability to hold past 3 days.

>> No.27999322


>> No.27999496

Bought in at .49. Didn't even know there was a dip

>> No.27999499

Almost every thread does exactly what you say they don’t. Go fud else where.

>> No.27999517

Some other faggot will likely be able to tell you more, but this masseffect goon ragedeleted the telegram when he failed his swing.

>> No.27999693

it would be priced at 8 dollars given current market cap. You're a fucking idiot. Fuck you and leave my thread bitch.

>> No.27999753

blah blah blah no one read and no one cares

>> No.28000093

Wow we are gonna make it arent we

>> No.28000982
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>> No.28001391

Overvalued coin
>dev team are a bunch of literal who's
>based in st. Petersburg, known for rugpulling
>woman on the team
>CEO got cucked by money skeleton according to AMA

>> No.28001944

faggot pajeetnigger retard

I'm only joking anon, you sound like a cool person. You can be my friend if you want, we can go shoot guns and grill burgers and play video games and stuff.

>> No.28002434
File: 393 KB, 958x536, 1612211616030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha oh uh

uh oh rubic stay cubic

>> No.28002775


You are a lost soul. Poor thing. World was so cruel to you wasn't it?

>> No.28002783

Right, I'm a rubichad from .04 here, 100k bag. I think what happened was that rubic was origianly intended to be a PnD but biz have eaten their dips so fast and instantly that its actually developed into a real, actual, good investment. Its like the orignal pump and dumpers didnt know they chose an actually good project. Its like something happening straight from Lord Kek's playbook. Theres an image of some texts between the "original scammers" on that phenomenon, (whether real or fake) that are pretty funny if anyone has it.

>> No.28003004


>> No.28003069

The way I see it there's two options, neither of which this dip has any impact on
Either A, you think the devs will be able to deliver and make good on their promises, making any holders a shit load of money.
Or B, the devs will fail, not being able to deliver what was promised and causing those who bought in to lose their investments.
Though I guess it's unpopular to take a level headed unbiased look at the situation.

>> No.28003172

>literally already has cheaper gas fees plus L2 integration and the binance bridge will make all other defi swaps obselete
>Ui is not that bad, better than ones like 1inch, its new and they're working on it at every stepping point
>What? Just straight up lies now? Team is actually doxxed and has a history with working with good projects in the past, Vladimir has 17 years in IT experience and is the head of DDG with a PhD in C.S. All of the team members have tons of experience, some decades even.
>Chartex? Actual who? nice try pajeet
>Get rekt norubi babaji, get priced out forever.

>> No.28003288


>> No.28003480

literal whos? All the team members having at least 5 years working in crypto, with others with decades of banking exp are literal whos...? Jeff bezos before amazon was a who too.... just working a few years in banking for places nobody cares about.

>> No.28003557

Lol fudders get btfo'd. Rubic always has best memes kek.

>> No.28003584

what's wrong with mywish?

>> No.28004366

Let me lay down some facts for the paperhanded cucks that are thinking of panic selling right now -

1) There is no legitimate FUD which has caused this dip.
2) The dip was caused by a large whale who bought in at ~30c taking his profits and exiting at 70c. This means nothing to the future of Rubic.
3) None of the top 20 wallet whales have changed their positions, they are still in.
4) We are still up over 100% this week and 5100% this month.... think about that.
5) Price corrections are healthy and happen to every asset crypto or otherwise.
6) If you had faith in the project before this dip then you should still have faith now as nothing other than the price has changed.
7) Stop being little bitches.

Get a grip kids. Buy the dip.

>> No.28005118

C. The devs take longer than announced causing you to baghold and miss out on alt season

>> No.28005309

I get that Vladimir has verifiable experience, but what about the other devs? Can't find much on them except some empty github accounts

>> No.28006185
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1612220547921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm gonna double my RBC stack just because of you. Thank you.

You have saved my life from evil. I wish you and your family the best.

>> No.28006209


>> No.28006267
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>> No.28006429



>> No.28006617
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Post yfw the meme graph was actually prophetical

>> No.28006753
File: 407 KB, 498x474, A8CD1113-5DBB-495A-A3BE-9F998EFE6A47.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people last night were loading up on bags at the bull trap

>> No.28006802

kek textbook. this coin was way too overvalued with the amount of development made into it lmao

>> No.28006948

I hope someone is reading this that called me a moron for pointing out that a dozen threads up sounded too good to be true. I hope that someone aped into RBC at 70 cents thinking he was smart money and so much smarter than the people fudding.

I'm so fucking hard right now thinking about that misery.

>> No.28007191

It's not about the project desu, it's just the whole "hodl" mentality is absolutely darwinian in it's ability to ruin the lives (or atleast short term financials) of those who seek quick cash and don't have the ability to know when to sell
t. bought at .20c then sold then bought at .40c and sold (made just over a grand)

>> No.28007203

>buy overvalued coin
>be surprised it goes back to its actual value
kek they deserve misery.

>> No.28007255

Rofl, they still try to tell about this scam on topic

I am not an idiot to join it
>want to bring rewards? participate in stakenet and forget about cheap scam trash tokens
Buy XSN! Listed on Bitfinex. Layer2 DEX!

>> No.28007606

I just lost 12,000 rubics... I'm never swinging again. What a fucking joke. Literally gas fees out the ass.

>> No.28007634

>so I have to calculate it myself?
You mean budgeting? Does your mom still wipe your ass for you?

>> No.28007758


>> No.28007797

You missed a 10x don't act so smart lol
t. bought at 13 sold at 58

>> No.28007852


>> No.28007941
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>> No.28008058

Back to .5c we go. Hope you bought the dip anons

>> No.28008145
File: 67 KB, 236x154, 1612492275170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

managed to increase my stack 50% swinging on the way down but meanwhile in dollar value it halved did I fuck up re-buying bros?

>> No.28008483
File: 8 KB, 250x201, 1612620155159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me how this shit is only 20c on probit?

Is this a scam?

Whats to stop me from loading up on 20c rubic and selling it for 40c on UNI?

>> No.28008623

the blonde woman was a slav gold digger, probably the ukrainian village bike
you incel fucks trusted her with your money ahahaha

>> No.28008673

20c is the real price, good luck selling at 40c

>> No.28008944

what the fuck it's fucking dumping

>> No.28008997

/biz/ doesn't not have nearly $100 million between the users who bought into rubic

>> No.28009001

ive never seen a real time dead cat bounce before holy shit lmaoo

>> No.28009283

already 40c again

>> No.28009372
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>> No.28009636

>up 160x in 3 weeks
>a dump, impossibru!

>> No.28009939


>> No.28009977 [DELETED] 

low liquidity