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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27988185 No.27988185 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being in aave, compound and syn at a $5m market cap.

Aave - $5.5bn
Compound - $2bn
Syn - $2.2bn
Surf - $5m

Surf will offer loans, options and syns based on their stablecoin. Not to mention their passive income pool where stakers get rewards forever. They’re also one of the few cryptos that generate outside revenue.

10m hard capped supply that is fully distributed. Suicide stack is 10k. First crypto to do ubi and the airdrop for that is on the 14th. Obvious moonshot.

>> No.27988379

how does this work? sounds like bitconnect?

>> No.27988408

Alright I'll bite. Team legit? Chances they'll rug or scam? And where tf do I get some?

>> No.27988595

Surf is based on their whirlpool, they bring outside revenue to it and reward the stakers. Supply is capped. They have their launchpad and the first project is launching this month. They own a portion of betgalaxys bankroll. They have the harpoon which they send LP’s out to other farms to bring rewards back to the holder. They are currently working on a stablecoin solution for the harpoon to reduce risk. They have about $300k AUM that they can use however the community decides to grow the project. Plus everything else they’re working on including what was mentioned above. Good solidity devs are rare and surf has 3 of the top devs in this entire space. Dev does ama’s every other week or so. He’s also white.
https://vocaroo.com/1itsSWwfWo7m It starts around 40 seconds.

>> No.27988694

Team is as legit as they come. They did a $2m buyback for the whirlpool to get more rewards to the pool. They’ve been building since September, released early November and have been building since. It can be had on Uniswap.

>> No.27988890

There were plenty of opportunities to rug during the hype of the initial farming phase buy instead the devs did a massive buyback. Since then they allowed the price to dump, squeezing out the weak hands while the devs kept building and leaking alpha.

>> No.27988963

ok this sounds more legit. but is it decentralized? how do I know dev wont run with my cash if hes so smart lool

>> No.27988981

I get aave and maybe compound, but I don't get the other two. Unless I miss something they look like abandonware.

>> No.27989131

Read OP. It’s one of the most active projects in crypto. Calling it abandonware is blasphemous.

This anon gets it

It’s been audited by 3 different parties. It’s decentralized and you can even make $600 in surf by calling one transaction in Peps atlantiscore. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmS6eKE61fnsU9To9nXPMh9azVNuQyzP9btRXE3VdqY2GF/

>> No.27989142 [DELETED] 


>> No.27989147


Dev bought back 2m dollars of surf, he could be snorting crushed glass off a hookers asscrack in Malta right now but he's building and making us all filthy stinking rich

>> No.27989232

ok but where does this $600 come from? I get it for free?

>> No.27989252

There are literally more lenders than borrowers lol. How do you expect this day dream to take off.

>> No.27989355

It’s allocated by the devs to pay out surf for each transaction called.

Being short-sighted in a project like surf won’t help. The day dream brings in revenue that the community doesn’t need to work for. It’s unironically taking off regardless.

>> No.27989362
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Discord announcement from a few days ago:

The TOWEL Token and The Beach

- A contract that offers a fluctuating amount of passive income in the form of SURF
- 35% of the SURF rewards The Swell (Decentralized SURF faucet - Details coming soon) receives will get distributed to everyone with a TOWEL staked in The Beach
- 10,000 initial TOWEL supply
- 3,820 TOWELs to the community vault (200 will be immediately used to seed the TOWEL liquidity pools)
- 6,180 TOWELs can be claimed
+ A total of 4,180 TOWELs can be claimed for holding SUSHI, guaranteeing at least 2,000 are available for the SURF community to claim
+ These 2 groups of TOWELs are claimed on a first come first serve basis
- TOWEL/ETH and TOWEL/SURF liquidity pools will be created using 100 TOWELs in each pool, and the ETH and SURF backing 1,000 LP tokens in community locked liquidity
- A snapshot from February 1st at 10am EST will be used and any Ethereum wallets meeting any of the following criteria will be eligible to earn up to 3 TOWELs (There's 1/10th of the total TOWELs that we initially planned so up to 10 per wallet was too much)
+ Holds any amount of SUSHI
+ Holds any amount of SURF or has any amount of SURF available in SURF3d or Whirlpool dividends
+ Holds any amount of SURF/ETH LP tokens
+ Holds any amount of S3D
+ Holds a SURF Board NFT
+ Holds a Leviathan NFT
+ Has any sized deposit in SURFstacker
+ Has any amount of SURF/ETH LP tokens staked in the Whirlpool
- All claimed TOWELs will be automatically staked in The Beach and will earn passive SURF income once The Swell goes live
- You can mint and stake a new TOWEL by locking up 0.1 ETH worth of SURF for 500 days (You get it all back)
- You can unstake a TOWEL by paying 0.1 ETH worth of SURF. This fee drops by 0.0002 ETH per day, making TOWELs free to unstake after 500 days
- The TOWEL unstaking fee will get recycled through the ecosystem
- You must stake and unstake a whole number of TOWELs

See you at the beach! surfpepe

>> No.27989479

as a gay muslim man, I hold chainlink because of its vigorous defense of homosexuality. what can surf offer someone like me?

>> No.27989504
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Sex on the beach

>> No.27989551


Enough passive income to afford the stones you're gonna need to through at the competition my halal brother

>> No.27989713

$10 by next Sunday

>> No.27991023

there's airdrop?

>> No.27991116

February 14th. It’s free money. Claim it, stake it and collect daily rewards forever.

>> No.27991386

So why would i buy SURF now, if on the 14th they will airdrop SURF ?

>> No.27991542

Theyre airdropping their ubi token, not surf. The ubi token will get rewarded daily with surf though.

>> No.27991590

Alright I boughf myself a stack, team seems legit and desu that's my biggest concern with any project.

>> No.27992537
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Enjoy the massive wave this month

>> No.27993113

Okay i bought a amount i feel like is a 'suicide stack'. That podcast/vocaroo convinced me.