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27979311 No.27979311 [Reply] [Original]

>$30K savings
>$5K in crypto

Am I a pussy? Every time I withdraw to put money in crypto I feel like i'm losing money because money go down in saving account.

>> No.27979343

There you go, you can look at number go up.

>> No.27979406

Nigger do you really have 30k just sitting in a bank account?
At least put it in a Vanguard account

>> No.27979479

how can someone this stupid manage to save 30k?

>> No.27979488

Yes, I get anxiety whenever I try to do something with it. I want to ape into crypto with like $10K but I’m worried everything will dump the second I buy, like usual.

>> No.27979504

I had this problem for a few years. Had saved 100k and never wanted my account to go below 100k again

Did the calculations after a few years of that and realised that even if I’d just shoved it in an ETF I’d have made at least 25k. More if I’d gone into crypto

It doesn’t worry me anymore. Cash is dead money, put your money into literally anything else

>> No.27979509

the old system is dying dumbass

>> No.27979526

i literally have $1200 in a checking account and $160k in crypto.
you're just afraid of risk. the problem is cash is a big risk right now.
you need to do some more research. and realize it's important because what little you do have may soon be worth far, far less.

>> No.27979545

Same here

>> No.27979551

>I’m worried
just buy bitcorn you spastic. worst comes to worst you have to wait 3 years for gains but its still better than letting your money rot in a bank account

>> No.27979596

You're not a pussy, you're a fucking giga pussy. Now put another 25k in crypto of you might as well just kill yourself right away.

>> No.27979606

consider that fiat is one of the only things guaranteed to go to zero

>> No.27979609

i have 400k in crypto and 400 in my bank

>> No.27979619

OP is going to buy the SENT top at 250m market cap.

>> No.27979645

You're losing money to inflation letting it sit in that account
You seem to have very low risk tolerance and I don't want you to have a mental breakdown from crypto, but at least put it in an index fund

>> No.27979671

I'm 50% stocks 15% crypto and 35% cash (EUR/GBP/USD in equal amounts)

>> No.27979684

if you're <30 years old then yes you're a huge pussy

>> No.27979706
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18k in crypto,
4k in savings I have slowly accumulated as a sperg, watched link go from 0.2 to where it is today, im in australia so ill never pull out of crypto all together. but yeah it is hilarious that I have so much faith in something I cant use because of where I live, I hope its just integrated somehow in the future or ill move to sweden heard they have atm's there where you can cash it out.

>> No.27979708

>ib4 stock market crashes and index funds do -40% next year
you know it's going to happen soon

>> No.27979765

I was the exact same as you OP. Sacred of taking anything out of savings due to boomer programmed thinking. If i had pussied out I wouldnt have bought Link at 40 cents. My hands were legit shaking when i hit the "buy" button for the first time. What pushed me over was the thought of "no risk, no reward". Looking back now im glad I did it

>> No.27979790
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how do you not gain anxiety by holding us dollars?

>> No.27979822

at least put it in QQQ my dude

>> No.27979857

Not in US

>> No.27979889

30k in savings is pretty gay, put it in whatever Dave Ramsay says so you get interest at least. as for the crypto, cash it, dude. tonight.

>> No.27979898

in my opinion you're good

you don't want to be one of those retards gambling their savings away, don't you?

only invest want you can effort to loose!
crypto has done -90% more than once!

Maybe put 1k every month in in index fund, starting now

Keep the 5k in crypto - maybe it will 5x, maybe you'll loose everything

>> No.27980005

My dad died late 2019 and left me 40k, put 3k into crypto yesterday now it's worth 3200, I am also tempted to double or triple my portfolio I've also invested 3kin stonks last week and that's also +5% now. I will never get my hands on this money ever again as I make minimum wage at McDonalds, but looking at what I've done I could just put it all into crypto and stonks and never work another day. I would never forgive myself if my family knew I blew it all on "gambling"

>> No.27980045

Every thread like this we deserve to kill OP five times.

>> No.27980046

you are a moron

>> No.27980072
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>puts $ sign

>> No.27980278

at least earn interest. that 30k will probably be worth 10-20% less in 2 years with your current path

>> No.27980303

It's not as easy as you think. You're just getting lucky and soon you will see if you start being careless

>> No.27980323

>47k in crypto
>1k in checking

>> No.27980373

Just don't get greedy. It's way easier to lose money than it is to make gains.

>> No.27980384

A nice boat is safe in the harbour. But that's not what it's built for. You will never be rich if you don't take a risk and go out to sea anon.

>> No.27980457

Are you me

>> No.27980503

>$300 on bank account for food
>$50k worth of crypto
>everytime I cash out crypto I feel like i am loosing money when I see my ETH going down
anyone else like this?

>> No.27980529

230k in USD, 20k in crypto. Beat that fiatlets.

>> No.27980618
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>85k of own money (life savings) into ETFs at the start of last year
>I've only made 5k returns so far
Is this shit even worth it or am I being memed?

>> No.27980626

30k cash, 25k stonks, 10k crypto

>> No.27980672

If you bought ETH and BTC a few months ago with $30k and just left it there (not buying any shitty uniswap alts) then you would have way more money

>> No.27980699

etf are not meaned to make you rich

you use it to stay rich

>> No.27980720

My portfolio is currently $52k in crypto and $$17k in stonks, I started with putting $8k in each

>> No.27980766

It's just a good way to beat inflation and save money for your retirement, whatever that is. Not a get rich quick scheme.

>> No.27980801

Then take $10K and go into safe cryptos. Stick with eth/link/snx etc

>> No.27980836


>> No.27980903

Yep Vanguard S&P 500 ETF.
Way better place than a savings account for storing money.

>> No.27980919

>$10k Gold + Silver
>$10k Stocks
>$10k Crypto
>$5k cash

>> No.27982252

Bro just put 1k a month if you're such a pussy. Reinvest profits into more coins and in a few months you'll want to get out of fiat completely. You don't have to go all in at once tough.

>> No.27982358

DCA your way into any solid known coin and you will be fine long term
DCAing is the best way to avoid being worried about investing. It goes down? Good buy more. It goes up? Good you made money.

>> No.27982390

Literally me but with $150k
If I wasn't a pussy I could probably use this money to never have to work a day in my life ever again but anxiety dude.

>> No.27982990

>what is Australia

>> No.27983487

How's this portfolio for holding long term:
>$3K Efferum
>$2K DOT

>> No.27983586

you underestimate the power of normalfags. I kept 10-20k cash in my Chase "savings" account throughout college because I thought stocks and crypto were scams at the time. I cringe whenever I think about it now

>> No.27983750

Yes, well until like the past 1-2 weeks.

I've got $5K in crypto right now.

I've list like $1,000 by being a retard and swinging meme tokens + paying hundreds in gas but i've learned a lot. I think now i'm just looking to hold long term and maybe play around with $1,000 on shitcoins after I sort out a good portfolio of say $10K

>> No.27983771

Are you german?

>> No.27983894
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>> No.27983996

Are you me anon?

>> No.27984025

can you take the money out whenever you need?
i got 70k sitting in a savings account

>i just want to see 100k in the bank

>> No.27984123

Hahaha do you want to be poor?? You're ngmi it anon

>> No.27984163

What's so weird about that? I have €30k, which is about $36k sitting in my bank, and an additional €30k in actual cash at home. Nobody here invests in anything, every single person I know just saves to their bank account and never does anything with it other than buy a house or car at some point.

>> No.27984190

I had this mentality when i had about 60k. then i realized that i'd much rather see that 100k sitting in an S&P ETF. You're literally leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

>> No.27984257

Over 50% of all USD ever created were pritned last year.
That is 50% inflation. Are you fucking serious you rather put all your saving into governments hands?

>> No.27984269

but most of the people you see that are doing really well probably invested for years in addition to saved. I figure, if I can accept the volatility and high degree of risk, I could quite realistically make like $100K+ if I put in $10K or so for a few years. That's years worth of savings.

>> No.27984355


>> No.27984366

I should add that I'm from Germany. I can assure you I don't know a single person that invested in anything. I've tried talking to a lot of people about it and nobody cares. Everyone here thinks that working is the only way to make money, and then just lets the rest rot in their bank account.