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2797906 No.2797906 [Reply] [Original]

Being emotionally attached to your investments is worse than being stupid

>> No.2797919

Excellent picture, thanks, now I don't have to say it in words every time someone posts "hodl"

>> No.2797922

I like how the chart is going up in both pictures.

>> No.2797935

>day traders

>> No.2797936

The point is that it's the exact same fucking coin and market, just two different (one of which is retarded) trading strategies

>> No.2797943
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It's the same chart you infinite retard.

>> No.2797944
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>> No.2797956
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>thinking you can time the market

>> No.2797961

>implying every earthly transaction performed in space-time doesn't involve timing the market to some extent

>> No.2797966
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>> No.2797973

I also like how /biz/ is literally unable to imagine a downward-facing chart, and assumes my problem was with them both being the same.

>> No.2797976

This is awesome. Where'd you get it/get the data?

>> No.2797985
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>using a straw man argument

>> No.2797997

and buying in late is beyond retarded summerfag.

>> No.2798003

can you explain this chart to me? does it mean those who have held coins since the beginning of year 201X have lost that much? what the hell does "price multiplier" mean?

>> No.2798007

can someone explain this chart to a retard?

>> No.2798013

This is kek. I fucking love this.

>> No.2798015
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You mean like this?
Can't remember where it comes from, but from the research I did at the time it seemed to check out. Keep in mind, of course, that those are averages and that some coins that aren't BTC or LTC of course gained with years as well.
Not a strawman. Your argument is a non sequitur if you're now claiming that timing the market is irrelevant.

>> No.2798020
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Precisely this. Besides, most coins have a short moment of "mooning" after which they go in a downward spiral (even when Bitcoin is stable), and if you missed that moment, any HODL is unlikely to help

Still, whoever is stuck with heavy bags, you'd better wait till August

>> No.2798022

Retarded panic sellers trying to lower the prices so they can buy back in. Nothing worse than that.

>> No.2798027

You can't catch a falling knife. It's hard to predict whether something will fall further than your sell or rise higher than your buy.

In other words, OP is a retard and so is everyone agreeing with him. You buy if you think something is undervalued and sell when you think it's overvalued. Nothing else matters

>> No.2798030

I've done the top picture sucessfully like 8/10 times over the last 5 years. You don't have to time the market just to avoid the worst of a dip/crash, retard

>> No.2798035

>Not knowing what timing the market means

>> No.2798040

Price-multipler = how much a coin multiplies in value relative to USD over time. Days since float = start at an arbitrary value of 1, then measure increase/decrease with time. The years correspond to an average of higher-valued then-new coins. Meaning, for this year, imagine Golem, Aragon, Bancor, and all these other trendy Eth-based "coins" and what it would look like if you averaged the price multiplier of all of them.

>> No.2798048

see >>2798030

>> No.2798051

I know what it means, and if you think successful hodling doesn't require timing the market correctly, you're a retard that deserves to lose his money.
Hint: hodling works if you're actually an early investor, not if you start on top of a bubble

>> No.2798066

Wow very lucky anon. Keep doing it and come speak to me in a year

>> No.2798078

Do you think $1900 is the new ATL and it's only uphill from here?

>> No.2798082

>not getting the joke

>> No.2798102
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The current crash was predictable. When the triangle resolved downwards, you already knew it was going down from there on. And also August 1.

>> No.2798103

I can't fucking stand all the self righteous dick cheezits that prop themselves on a pedestal and patronize everyone to HODL HODL
>my sweet summer child, all you have to do is hodl and you'll be alright
I hope they all die and then hold their shitcoins to the grave

>> No.2798108


proof again /biz is full of autists

>> No.2798121

reading the responses to your post gives me an idea of why people here actually lose a lot of money on their investments. i genuinely used to think the pink wojak and bitfolio pics were just memes.

>> No.2798125

Saved, thanks OP

>> No.2798136

>very lucky
Again, You don't have to be lucky when you're not trying to time the market, not being retarded is enough.
My latest transaction was selling my BTC at 2250 which means I "missed" the ATH by 25% and two weeks. I'm still doing better than holdtards

>> No.2798137

>meme triangles


Possibly? Nobody here knows about short-term movements.

>> No.2798142

holding made sense in a bull market, but if you do it through a bear or a crash or correction, you're just retarded. period. sure, maybe ans will go to 20 bucks some day. But my initial 100 ans became 140 ans just through buying dips and selling them.

>> No.2798148

>Possibly? Nobody here knows about short-term movements.
I'm not talking 24 hours, I'm talking over the next few weeks.

>> No.2798160

You sold at a profit and got lucky that it's crashing now for you to buyback in. Well done. Caring about missed ATHs is retarded because you can never know when the pin drops

>> No.2798171

superb graph, OP

>> No.2798172

This could be the floor for all we know for the next few weeks. It could drop lower depending on how August 1st politics go but nobody knows and that's my point

>> No.2798182

I bet you look at skinny people and think "Heh, you got the high-metabolism gene, nice luck"
The point is that unless you sell at the exact bottom before a peak, there's no way you can lose relative to a guy that just hodl's. You will always receive the same he does, PLUS the percentage you didn't hodl through.

>> No.2798194

Sure, it could be, but what's more probable? That this is the EXACT bottom, or that this is somewhere between a purchase-high and the exact bottom?

>> No.2798202

>sold in the middle of a weeklong ongoing crash
>You just got lucky that it's crashing
lol dummy
>Caring about missed ATHs is retarded
Yes, that was the entire point. You're the fag who talks about timing the market. When I said I've done it sucessfully like 8/10 times, I literally mean that I've done like 10 BTC transactions since 2013 and like 8 turned out well

>> No.2798204

this is a meaningless argument because the thread is comparing two strategies. one of them is far less efficient for volatile markets/prices. holding requires MORE luck because there is only one transaction. would you take the average of 10 shots on target or just your first one? you are presuming that everyone is just as dumb as you and cannot identify trends/media attention beyond the charts themselves, too.

>> No.2798227

Man I'm so lucky right now. I went into Tether at 1900, went back to BTC when I noticed the trend reversing at 1840, then back to Tether again when I noticed the trend reversing again at 1910, and now back to USDT at 1870. Total luck. Who could have possibly predicted that making conservative, low-percentage estimates during a volatile time could have yielded results? I feel stupid for not just hodling until 3000.

>> No.2798236

There should be some emotion attached to hodling btc right now because it is part of the antidote to ZOGs. It's a little bit more than just business.

>> No.2798240

*back to BTC at 1870

>> No.2798242

what does it mean

>> No.2798246

>Trusting tether.

Good luck.

>> No.2798256

It means if you hodl altcoins, you better have 10 points in luck.

>> No.2798264

>10 points in luck
many anons don't know this is the most underrated skillpoint to have in most rpgs

>> No.2798268

I don't understand this. Yeah, it's connected to a Taiwanese bank. Yeah, there's risk involved in case there's a bank run or similar. Same thing applies to virtually any exchange. It's not like I'm hodling Tether either, I'd just cash out if I was.

>> No.2798277

Kinda ruins the game when 10 minutes into the game you find a million bottlecaps and an Alien Blaster though.

Agility and constitution m8, react to market trends quickly and have strong control over your hands.

>> No.2798285

>I'll just cash out

Famous last words. I hope it keeps working for
you because one day it won't and there won't be a thing you can do about it.

>> No.2798301
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>mfw i am all in on agility and speech for my trading character

>> No.2798319

>mfw all in on gambling and speech skills (fallout 1/2)

>> No.2798326
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>mfw your id is dindu
cant gamble your way out of this