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27977726 No.27977726 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese cryptos will be the biggest gainers in 2021 and 2022

> China escaped covid-19 unscathed and will dominate the global economy
> Chinese are bullish on crypto unlike the majority of the western world
> The Chinese Digital Yuan will be the first national digital currency and will rapidly appreciate in value then flood into crypto

Get out of western bullshit cryptos before the next black swan

>> No.27977862

fuck should i all in on trx before the digital yuan is built on tron?

>> No.27977987

oh thank god you posted this again, anon. I didnt see it the first 500 fucking times. suck my nuts

>> No.27978190

Shill me on JOE coin. Because China will be a focal point, will the Big Guy be a Good Buy?

>> No.27978219
File: 77 KB, 467x699, bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Chinese stocks

>> No.27978720

This. Made easy gains in 2020 from Chinese stocks. Bullish

>> No.27979080

alpha is going to be huge basically leveraged farming

>> No.27979119

fuck chinks and their dirty shitcoins

>> No.27979268

TRON? Seriously? It's a dead coin

>> No.27980504

The digital yuan will be built on something centralized because that's what governments do

This is unironically the second time I posted it
Don't you have something better to other than read every post on /biz/ all fucking day?

No idea wtf joe coin is
Sounds gay

Definitely chinese stonks also

Alpha already went up 100x so it might be overbought in the short run

I said china you fucking retard
Look at where tron is on the map

>> No.27980610

they will always have 3 inch dongs tho

>> No.27980707

How will an Asian stablecoin suffocating under inflation increase significantly in value compared to more traditional assets like btc, gold, US bonds, and blue chip stocks? AFAIK stablecoins have never turned a big profit for anyone.

>> No.27982079
File: 111 KB, 1642x988, yua-sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Asian women love white men. Get rich with Chinese money and then you can have any Asian whore you want as your sex slave.

>> No.27982177

How do i talk to girls? In highschool i never even was able to take a girl out because i had crippling anxiety and would black out and have panic attacks if i tried talking to one. Been living neet the past 4 years in and out of community college and coding bootcamp which i failed out of due to emotional stress and soul crushing anxiety.

>> No.27982255

why didnt we do military style lockdowns like china? it was unironically necessary. and better then jamming an unsafe vaccine in everyone.

>> No.27982413

Who said anything about stablecoins?

That's a question for /pol/

>> No.27982425

alpha is unironically the next aave

>> No.27982470

except for the part about chinks being pajeet tier scammers

>> No.27982534

Why do virgins keep shitting on China, they're based
>hate niggers
>hate Muslims
>no globohomo sjw shit
Apart from "hurr they eat dogs", I don't see any disadvantages

>> No.27982707

Honestly saw this place talked about on r/wallstreetbets and im officially done, racism everywhere, homophobia everywhere, anti semitic conspiracies. I have no idea why i even gave this shit hole a chance. I sincerely hope you all grow the fuck up.

>> No.27982858


>> No.27982973

You will never be a woman.

>> No.27982999


>> No.27983049

Chink stocks are the crypto for boomers

>> No.27983281

I assume they're actually putting their money into BTC but just doing so off the books

>> No.27983768

Get the money and some xanax then practice

>> No.27983905

China is big on BTC but they recently pumped Alpha 100x and it looks like they're getting ready to do a pump on Nervos next

>> No.27984494

Alpha might be overbought. It already went 100x.

>> No.27984658


>> No.27984893

China chinks are worse than niggers

>> No.27985046

Ching Chong Ching Chong

Me Rika da BrockuChainu

>> No.27985304

Tron is based tbqh, incels here just can't handle the chad personality behind it.

>> No.27985438

Fuck off nigger. You'll never be a woman.

>> No.27985570


>> No.27985948
File: 3 KB, 250x250, Nervos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nervos (CKB) pumping right now

>> No.27986286


>> No.27986318

Thanks anon, just bought 500€ of Nervos.

>> No.27986400

The only issue with nervos I see is the supply.

>> No.27986438

Because they’re completely untrustworthy and will scam you the second they find a way and you don’t notice.

>> No.27986995

swung my REEF into CKB, let's do this

>> No.27987145

fuark i shoulda done this