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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1280x960, BC41550D-DA22-45E7-AF7E-5A0F4D9BE0EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27937122 No.27937122 [Reply] [Original]

>Mainnet-Launch in 8 days
>Team not ANON
>Aave competitor
>Aave has 6b market cap right now (you do the math lol)
>Revolutionizing Proof of Locked Liquidity. Askobar network uses a suite of innovative smart contracts to provide the next level of security to decentralized finance.

>sneekpeek of new website got leaked (that is dropping next week). Actually this platform is in build over a year, passed security audit and have a full working product.

My personal opinion? Easiest x10-x1000 for now. This is looking rock-solid.
Thanks for the faggot shilling it 2 days ago.

If they succeed even 1% of aave that would still be a x20


>> No.27937324

22k stacklet reporting in, will i make it frens ?

>> No.27937453

I believe the phrase is 'the ship has already sailed'

>> No.27937548 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27937582

ASKO is the next big thing. We are shouting from the mountaintop to GET.THE.FUCK.IN.

I hope we all win frens; do yourself a favor and get a stash!

>> No.27937631

I thought that about Rubic and my buy in at .29 went to .75 in two days.

>> No.27937632

7M MC.
Bao has x10 more. (Uniswap fork by solodev).

Anon, you cant be serious..

>> No.27937638

How does 220k sound by summer?

>> No.27937640

>what is mcap
stop goofin around anon..

>> No.27937796

in my opinion it will go up 100000000000000% so don't miss out on this completely legit coin!!!

>> No.27937940
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>> No.27937972

Look at the white paper and market cap this is actually a gem aside from the shilling

>> No.27938068

ya know you say that, but get this
>the memes
if you think anything else matters, yngmi

>> No.27938083

Where can a new fag buy this at.

>> No.27938131

uniswap, bilaxy

>> No.27938191

Im glad i got in at 0.05$ this shit is going straight to another galaxy nig

>> No.27938202

my god

>> No.27939002
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it's going places

>> No.27939010 [DELETED] 
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>oldfags don't shill
>newbs get mad they couldnt buy

>oldfags shill
>newbs mad that oldfags shill

what do you want.

>> No.27939069

fkin ded

>> No.27939352

How to buy this?

>> No.27939682

just bought another bag because of this

>> No.27940375

It's at 0.078, too late to all in?

>> No.27940641

look at the fucking mc

>> No.27940651

x20 to reach BAO Marketcap
x1800 to reach COMPOUNDS Marketcap

early as fuck

>> No.27940937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27941018

For fuck sake

>> No.27941046

sorry but not buying into ath kys

>> No.27941064

>error: undefined
what does this mean

>> No.27941124

Remove decimals and increase slippage, uniswap is very clogged atm since everyone's buying and no one's selling

>> No.27941156

increase slippage to 2%

>> No.27941227

Who the hell makes all these literally who coins? What purpose does it serve to make random crypto when there's already a million different kinds of crypto?

>> No.27941372

>almost at .09
We're actually going to reach .10 today, holy shit.

>> No.27941448

fast money for the ones who bought at start so they shill so people buy it from them and they move to the next thing

>> No.27941478

Free money?

>> No.27941510

which is the competence of asko?

>> No.27941575

If I deposit money into okcoin to buy ETH from the bank can I move it to metamask immediately or do they keep you from withdrawing for a few days?

>> No.27941638

More volatility, more opportunities to pump and dump. It' good for YOLO plays but if you wanna be real there's only 4 crypto coins that have any real "fundamentals": Bitcoin because it's the the OG and has by far the most mindhare, "digital gold", then ethereum because let's face it if DeFi takes over the world it's not going to be on a literally who platform, it's gonna be ETH, them XMR due to privacy nd all it entails, and finally DOGE as the default meme coin that pumps every time a financial bubble becomes mainstream.

>> No.27941694

Pajeet pump and dump, beware of this shitcoin with anon team.

>> No.27941753

Suicide stack how big ?

>> No.27941784

10k stacklet reporting in

>> No.27941920

All you have to do is go to their website and that should put you off of ever investing in this shit

>> No.27941957
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How long till 0.20 predictions?

>> No.27941997

why tho

>> No.27942070

mainnet launch is in 3days
askolend launch is on 13th.

you brainlet

>> No.27942115

what does this coin do? the main website seems to be down

>> No.27942146

240k stack, is it enough

>> No.27942154
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weakest fud broski

>> No.27942189 [DELETED] 
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go on telegram and ask. Buy, get comfy
yes anon

>> No.27942315


>> No.27942358

Dip buying time

Might be the last time we're below 10c before the asian market wakes up, think they'll take to it?

>> No.27942433

anon, ... there is no... dip....

>> No.27942470

holy kek

>> No.27942614

30c till release easy

x4 from here with no risk basically in one week and once its live sky is the limit

>> No.27942764

why you are comparing it to bao? It is completely different project. They will allow you to take a loan in crypto with uni swap tokens as colloteral. For now they have +20 coins ongoing and AAVE have like 10 and 6bilion marketcap

>> No.27943109

3,500 ASKO stack let here... what am I in for?

>> No.27943246

Well fuck I think you might be right. Congrats to anyone who packed their bags before this pump, I'm gutted I didn't throw more in.

>> No.27943279 [DELETED] 
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good ride

>> No.27943327

thats funny, their website is what made me all in

>> No.27943425

pump its not even started we are week before release

>> No.27943650
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>> No.27943913

I coom, let me buy more

>> No.27944172

holy shit. if you understand any of that, you will make it.

>> No.27944361
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>> No.27944438


>> No.27944440
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coins that will be avaliable on release (ava have like half of this and 6b marketcap)

>> No.27944834

You got me, I am in

>> No.27944898

What is going ooooon

>> No.27944993
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>> No.27945370
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It's saying insufficient liquidity for swapping on uniswap what do?

>> No.27945554

increase slip

>> No.27945782

Gonna take my gains I got on AXIA and dump em here. Let us get to the go!

>> No.27946131

nice ant image. fuck this scam

>> No.27946355


>> No.27946378

Did axia pump? I shot myself and sold a few days ago

>> No.27946448
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>> No.27946681

just bought a shit ton of this gem

>> No.27946697

yeah it blew the fuck up. from .16 to 1.30ish i was too scared to ride anymore and got off.

>> No.27946795

for fuck sake another shot missed. I am such a fucking retard

>> No.27946874

I hold 100k I bought at 0.015 and my dick is small and I’m gay

>> No.27946942

I miss shit all the time. I only put in 100$ because I was scared. Just remember that if you play it relatively safe and hedge your bets there will always be more opportunities. If you blow up your account you're done.

>> No.27947010

shut up nigger go shit in the street somewhere else

>> No.27947033

DFT is the next one. Whales just dumped it down near 3 bucks. Cleared 4 today already and volume is gaining big. This is the next one anon

>> No.27947242

Nothing wrong with being cautious but you won't make any money without a little risk, in fact you might end up losing it if gas fees are unfavourable. Even if your $100 does a x2 you'll likely use a quarter of it's value on gas, and you already used another quarter to pay for the initial transaction so you haven't actually gained anything at all.

>> No.27947259

niggers you did not miss that.Its 10m market cap with current price. it will go x3-x4 till realease and after if it hit 1% of AAVE mc its like x6 from now. Comfy as fuck reload at 8-9 cents tomorrow and enjoy the ride.

>> No.27947375

i know money= jews n all, but whats all this talk about gas? does this mean transaction fees?

>> No.27947645

Yeah this is what's stopping me from throwing money at new alts that are shilled here. In the space of 15 minutes the gas fees just tripled because of the volume of trading for asko and then it even rejected the transfer. I'm already priced out.

>> No.27947704

Yeah the miners charge you ETH for processing the transaction. The more you pay, the faster your transaction is processed.

>> No.27947873

I just swapped on Uniswap and they took my ETH from my CB wallet and sent nothing back.

>> No.27948005

add custom token?

>> No.27948027

Pay attention to the gas tracker if you didn't know about it already:
Or I would recommend looking at tokens on networks with much lower fees, like BSC. The volume isn't anywhere near as high so you won't see the same kind of astronomical gains, but you're also paying a few cents for a transaction which is a swingers paradise.

>> No.27948190

Literal scam.

>> No.27948239

+2000% already in 30 days.

A huge drop must be incoming.

>> No.27948338

Exactly, it's about to drop and they'll go cry to their moms

>> No.27948344

You have to add the custom token (contract) to your metamask wallet retard. Damn, read up on this shit before you rush in

>> No.27948394

I’m using the CB wallet and I never had to add any coins manually. Usually they just appear. If I look at the transaction on ETH scan it shows it went to my CB wallet however it’s just not here. I can’t find a spot to add the address for the token either. The UI is fairly limited.

>> No.27948463

0,11$ barrier reached

>> No.27948599

What? Do you know how many coins i see that are up like 10000% in the past 30 days?
Seriously are you retarded or just new

>> No.27948697

You gotta make sure you read before you rush to reply mate. It’s a common Coinbase wallet issue. My coins are visible on UNI

>> No.27948837
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Why not going through on Uniswap?

>> No.27948953

must be the new GME and DOGE fags we got recently
they cannot even do basic research

>> No.27949039

try refreshing

>> No.27949897

>gas fees.

Burgers are cucked. MXC is where its at.

>> No.27949923

Not working.

Something weird going on.

Will wait.

>> No.27949973

Holy shit the chart looks incredible right now

>> No.27950006

$1 eod

>> No.27950010

Remove decimals from ASKO, only buy whole numbers. Increase slippage

>> No.27950418

Total noob here,first crypto. How do I buy this? I have metamask and tried buying ETH w/ wyre but didn't go through. Do I buy ETH on binance/coinbase, then connect the wallet to uniswap?

>> No.27950455

Stay away from this shitcoin, it's a proven pump and dump run by pajeets.

>> No.27950484

refresh and put how much ASKO you want to buy instead of how many eth

>> No.27950553


>> No.27950661

Ah got ya. How much do you normally increase slippage by?

>> No.27950765

how's 35000 dollars sound?

>> No.27950767

post ethersan?

>> No.27950802


>> No.27950859

It's dipping now, better buy it up before we hit 0.15 faggots

>> No.27951236

No one is talking about the use of this project

>> No.27951405

Wow a new coin with a bunch of people somehow excited for it that also went up 100% already! Totally not a scam.

>> No.27951926
File: 31 KB, 796x270, Screenshot 2021-02-07 at 01.10.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open metamask and go to activities. Click on the pending transaction and there you will have options to add more fee to speed it up

>> No.27951979

Is this real?

>> No.27952290


>> No.27952492

With all pump and dumps just get in and out quick.

>> No.27952725
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needs a x1600 to reach compound.
developed by compound devs.


>> No.27952848

Just to let you all know. nobody has "missed" Rubic yet. You won't 100x by buying it, but a 5~10x throughout the year is not a bad idea. I aped into ASKO though, wishing you all well :)

>> No.27953655

same brother

>> No.27953749

compound devs? really?

>> No.27953912

EOW predictions?

>> No.27953987

prob 28c

>> No.27954093

Ass bros unite!

>> No.27954256
File: 237 KB, 1170x916, 351F0940-2FF7-42C1-98F1-ED21C5BC3650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So trying to swap out my initial investment back to ETH, keep getting unspecified error. Any suggestions, anons?

>> No.27954326

All I hear is "put the top anon, but my bags anon. lel. no thx

>> No.27954469

Increase slippage to 2%

>> No.27954516

>shitty website saying BUY
>anonymous team
>medium posts lead to fake or empty pages
>forgotten facebook page
>deleted telegram channel

Essentially, nothing is legit about this coin, 99% it's a pajeet pump and dump scam.

>> No.27954579

Pushing towards the line of resistance

>> No.27954784

It's pumping again lol, lets fucking goooo

>> No.27954822

lmao christ

>> No.27954878
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You guys really hate free money don't you. When will you learn?

>> No.27955265

Another ATH broken, the only way is up

>> No.27955282

Have 5k green ready to invest. Still waiting..

>> No.27956223

Didn’t work. What did work is changing Asko to a whole number with no decimal places. Super comfy.
Don’t forget to take profits, anons

>> No.27956396
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>> No.27956522


>> No.27956549

>when she got big stronk legs from hoppin on dick all day

>> No.27956613
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>> No.27957101
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>> No.27957531
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>> No.27957681

>Where can you buy it?
>Uniswap, Bilaxy, MXC, 1nch
i just bought on probit

>> No.27957738

>have you missed out on on Fridays shit coin Y and last hours shit coin Z, well be ready for the next 30 seconds of opportunity before my curry smelling hands will strip you of the last 20 cents you have on that shady exchange you regretted to sign up to begin with

You know the market is imploding when barell scraping gets this desperate

>> No.27957874

This time its different

>> No.27958062

Lads i got 4000 yesterday in my coinbase wallet but the usd price doesn’t update to todays rates?

>> No.27958068
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Buy or get left out
Mainnet soon

>> No.27958354


>> No.27958563

Anyone know anything about askolend? What sets it apart from the other lending dapps?

>> No.27959250


>> No.27959478

do i put my last $50 in

>> No.27959532

probably not, I mean thats less than the cost of gas

>> No.27960263

We are literally buing because of askolend. They will have +30 uniswap coins that you can take loan agains them and its all buid by compound devs (3b marketcap)

>> No.27960405

use this

>> No.27960997

wheres the staking website?

>> No.27961319

Why is my order on Probit taking fucking forever to complete be filled?

>> No.27961426

How solid is 25 k

>> No.27961464

Technically it's feasible the price will reach $51.28 assuming it reaches the same market cap as compound. Otherwise, if it reaches one tenth of Compounds market cap, we're looking at $5.128.

$1 is fucking easy. You have no idea how early /biz/ is with this.

>> No.27961481

Oh nvm it just completed.

>> No.27962025

solid af

>> No.27962980

I just started buying some right now ... I swear to god, if you fags rugpull on me, I'm gonna come to your house and beat the living shit out of you

>> No.27963501

>"He bought? Dump it."

>> No.27963626

this coin is great for coomers, it's literally got ASS in the name

>> No.27963667

>shit ID

>> No.27963939

I sold at $0.117 for a 300% gain
waiting for a correction to buy back in

>> No.27964009

why is the price not updating on coinmarketcap?

it's updating on coingecko, just not on cmc

>> No.27964114


>> No.27964530

Whats ASKO contract so i can add to metamask?

>> No.27965127

You're telling me I'm getting hundreds of thousands of dollars? Damn I'm early to ASKO

>> No.27965416

Why won't it let me buy on uniswap?

>> No.27965498

Remove decimals and increase slippage, uniswap is very clogged atm since everyone's buying and no one's selling


>> No.27965502

Try increasing your slippage to 4%

>> No.27965768

Does Rubic usually take awhile to exchange your coin my ETH didn’t move

>> No.27965808

Are you getting an error? Change the AKSO coin number to a round number.

>> No.27965907

Thanks anons, may be an ASKOlet but I'm excited to see where my 3000 stack will take me

>> No.27966175

GET IN NOW!!!!!!!!

>> No.27966402

Question is should I just go all in, have another $1600 in tether just doing nothing right now

>> No.27966548
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Assko is a good bitch, yesyesyes

>> No.27966596

new general:

>> No.27966625
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I'm balls deep in ASKO

50c in March js fud.

>> No.27967261

try 1inch or rubic.exchange

>> No.27968357

Guys i was testing gas fees in uniswap and rubic exchange, but i noticed that for 0.03 eth they give me 390 ASKO and on rubic exchange they give me 466, WHY?

>> No.27969527
File: 1.45 MB, 1011x1280, 1612472087422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the future, my rubic stays cubic

>> No.27969633


1inch gives me even more (like 6 more lol), but im a rubic chad so i will use rubic exchange from now on

>> No.27970106

BAO and RBC are both like 1-2 months old. You haven't missed anything. In fact since they're both dipped right now, this is the perfect buy-in time if you've been watching them.

>> No.27970236

>tfw too brainlet to understand the litepaper
They're sharing profits from dApps they make, is that what this is?

>> No.27971580

>doesn’t post any proof

>> No.27972016
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, 1586460085937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>images pulled from thispersondoesnotexist.com
the rugpull will be epic. coinbreeder 2.0

>> No.27972274

lol this

>> No.27972301
File: 8 KB, 189x266, download_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha Anon, you can still buy in. If not > pic related

>> No.27972339

Explain how they're going to rugpull when the power of whales has slowly diminished as the price went up?

>> No.27972531


Anonz leave 'em. They will regret. I've been shilling this since 2c. They just won't believe.

>> No.27972810
File: 40 KB, 640x480, gromit_angry_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post portfolio

>> No.27972895


>> No.27972962

Realistic price for this?

>> No.27973259

0.5-1$ by the EOM. Seriously look at what Rubic did. Same shit

>> No.27973926

Same error. Used 1Inch and it worked instantly.
>15k stack

>> No.27974079


Should i buy now or wait for a dip?

>> No.27974266

just swung +12k ass-kos

>> No.27974999
File: 410 KB, 1080x820, Screenshot_20210203-132157_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only missed out on RBC if you're reading this in the archive

>> No.27975064
File: 209 KB, 512x512, tux pepe having a hardy kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pinned medium article links to 3 twitter accounts
2 don't exist the other one is some random wigger bitch kek

>> No.27975362

ok anons help me out here.
I got the metamask thing, got to the asko website.

Now I buy etherium and trade it for asko rigth?

Now comes the part i'm lost.
If I want to sell it later how the fuck do I make it go back to regular money I can buy tendies with?

>> No.27975552

Just do the reverse of what you did to get the asko. Asko up top, Ethereum below.

>> No.27975845

sorry for being dumb can I ask another question?

Would it be possible then to buy Ethereum on Binance > send it to MetaMask > Buy asko with it

and to get it back I do the following:
Sell asko > send ethereum from MetaMask to Binance > sell it on Binance > real money on my bank account

i'm asking because i'm dumb for these crypto stuff and will most likely get scammed and/or lose money

>> No.27976251


>> No.27976304

Yep. Inversely you can just use an exchange like mxc and avoid the gas fees. If you're transferring money then I'd recommend sending USDT on the tron/trc20 network so they don't charge you a nominal fee to transfer between wallets.

Metamask is good if you want to keep it there since asko is an erc20 token and the volume is much bigger than what you might find using an exchange.

>> No.27977301

2% man shit read the thread.

>> No.27977663

New to crypto, got in at .015- is this a healthy correction or do you guys think it will continue to dump? Kinda kicking myself for not taking profit earlier- Holding regardless

>> No.27978431

Hold, welcome to crypto. It may take some time but things will go back up. Just the nature of the beast.

>> No.27978596

Ass bros unite!

>> No.27980092

My heart can't take this

>> No.27980715

We are on bilaxy.
30m marketcap before launch

>> No.27982081
File: 48 KB, 735x367, kingshill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

issa scam :*(

>> No.27983381

im not going to let a thread about one of the two obvious moon shoots on biz die. shameless bump

>> No.27983546

Why do people make new threads without checking the catalog? Thanks though, anon.

>> No.27983618
File: 78 KB, 734x1280, 8F74141B-2E29-4E61-B6D4-08EFB780B1B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a preview of the new website design that they are dropping

>> No.27984137

nice got this in a better resolution?

>> No.27984218

naw. but a bad resolution pic of the new website is still better looking than the current website. so im pretty hype about it

>> No.27984487

Anyone would be crazy not get in now.

Anything below 0.20 is a steal.

Go in heavy so you don't kick yourself later.

>> No.27984829

i took a fourth of my RBC gains and put them into ASKO

>> No.27984943

Going to bed in an hour. Where will asko be when I wake up?

>> No.27985180
File: 84 KB, 500x692, IMG_20210207_103309_456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASSKO bros let's go
0.1$ is the new floor

>> No.27985191

good night sir. i hope you double your net worth overnight

>> No.27986081

bought the dip @0.08. Sitting with a 46k stack. Everyone get on board quick- this thing is going to kick off fast. $2 EOM is fud. WAGMI

>> No.27986308

ye i'm already ordering my space lambo

>> No.27986554

based bumping

>> No.27986599

thanks for reminding me. just bought another 100k

>> No.27986726

I get this error on Uniswap:

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: undefined. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

I got my ledger connected to metamask

>> No.27986773

I had that issue before trying to trade one non-top coin for another. Had to convert my shitcoin into ETH first

>> No.27986780
File: 35 KB, 511x671, 1597798776061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non shit id version
Technically it's feasible the price will reach $51.28 assuming it reaches the same market cap as compound. Otherwise, if it reaches one tenth of Compounds market cap, we're looking at $5.128.

$1 is fucking easy. You have no idea how early /biz/ is with this.

>> No.27986821

I trading eth into ASKO, still get the error

>> No.27986836

i think you either need to increase allowed price slippage.

>> No.27986838

When you make an order put amount of coins that you want to buy instead of for how many eth. Worked for me

>> No.27987028


Got it, thanks guys.

>> No.27987036

i hope you all successfully placed buys. i want you to have a nice surprise to wake up to tomorrow

>> No.27987100
File: 142 KB, 750x1057, three asskos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah u guys I made a lot of cash with that shit.

>> No.27987220

This shit is about to fucking MOOOOOON

>> No.27987313

Are we finally going to break 14c today, lads?

>> No.27987411

fuck your typical shill language. this is how you get people to not buy into something
>the next ____ (insert link, rubic, bao, etc.)
>am i gonna make it?
>copy pasted low quality ms paint meme templates
>stack title rankings

>> No.27987915

Your gmi

>> No.27987979

Will this suit make it to $1?

>> No.27988013


read it. and buy asap

>> No.27988175

I read. Not selling

>> No.27988466

Not for americans

>> No.27988522

Use expert mode

>> No.27989055
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, 1594460378974m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i thought about buying it at 0.03
>didnt buy because of the website and dead facebook