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2791666 No.2791666 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me why I feel depressed?

I've inherited over a million in real estate and will eventually inherit around 15 million in assets. I still work, albeit it is in the field of my passions so it doesn't really feel like work. I've made 500k from cryptos (threw in 100k) and have some small side business that I've had for years that make decent money.

Life should be good, but I feel empty. Why? I have an ultimate goal, but I feel like my access to resources makes me too lazy to achieve this goal. How do I motivate myself to work and not just bang high end escorts?

>> No.2791680

Nice larp

>> No.2791697

eat Prozak and goto street

>> No.2791703

Life isn't about money or material. It's about meaning.

Getting everything you could want without effort doesn't provide meaning.

Find something that requires real work and then pursue that. You'll find meaning in it. Remember, the goal of life isn't to pursue short term happiness... but meaningful existence.

>> No.2791714

regular exercise + regular mediation

also reduce larping, honesty is better karma.

>> No.2791721

what is that goal?

>> No.2791788
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Why is this so hard to believe? My family is middle upper class. This is not an uncommon scenario.

>> No.2792004

>"middle upper class"
Lol. You're depressed because you're a sheltered retard. Aww, you're sad because you're too successful? Poor little baby. Hurry up and kill yourself. No one in this life gives a fuck about you. The sooner you realize that the sooner you'll be better off.

>> No.2792020


In medical school they teach doctors to ignore the psychobabble about "meaning" and other nonsense and that happiness is having:

-Someone to love
-Someone who loves you
-Something to do
-Something to look forward to

>> No.2792032

>Life should be good, but I feel empty. Why?

You're a fat parasite

>> No.2792052

probably this, honestly

are you a genetic failure? could any woman truly love you and not just your money?

>> No.2792200
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>> No.2792262

Maybe you have a mental illness and should go to the doctors

>> No.2792304
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Are you the guy from the last thread? People need goals, mate. If your needs are already covered you must find a distant goal where to put your effort. We the humans are made to enjoy the suffering of the process. Once we get it all, there's no other motivation.

My problem is exactly the opposite; I have no money (in some months I will probably be on the street, because I can't find enough jobs or money), and so many goals to reach. Helping others might make you feel better, why don't you try?
BTC: 18FxdnX4kri4VqQDaae5F8Wj5N86xWUuMm

I made pic related in a pretty nice morning.

>> No.2792370

In all honesty, I could analyze this for you and help you reach some state of awareness and on the road to recovery.

However, my time is valuable. We can talk on telegram, in exchange for BTC. You would have me at your disposal until you feel you can do this on your own. Is this something you are interested in?

>> No.2792416

You ever use god mode cheat codes on vidya games and then get bored with it afterward? That's your life bro...you didn't work for your level up.

>> No.2792448

Bro whenever I'm sad I just fly to Frankfurt (for free in first class) and eat some Döner Kebab at this one place near the main Frankfurt station

>> No.2792477

First, your "ultimate goal" is not a goal you want to reach, it's only a goal you want to have. Find things that you actually want to do, and not want to plan to do.
Second, a person who is bored is a boring person.

>> No.2792796
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>I have an ultimate goal
well fucking tell us also nice satanic trips

>> No.2792852

Friend, one approach that helped me cope with, and to some extent overcome my depression is to take on a perspective of health and salutogenesis.

SOC, Sense of coherence.
1. comprehensibility.
2. manageability.
Last but most important is
3. meaningfulness.

The last is most important because it it the motivational factor for the two other factors.

This is the salutoogenetic perspective of health.

Health is defined by the UN (WHO) as: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

My approach was, how can I strengthen the 3 factors of SOC? I managed to do so by cognitive reflection, to find my core values in life and approach them in a way that made sense to me.

In my experience it has been more valuable to find the meaning in life (subjective), than to search for the meaning of life.

For me some small things in life i identified as factors that gave me joy and i started to focus on those and to pursue them. When all felt like shit i worked hard to find the small things that could make the situation feel just a little bit less shitty, and I took it from there.

I dont believe there is a universal method that fits all, we, and our situations are far to complexed for that. Try to find your own way. I have no expectation to be fucking happy all the time, I think that is for movies, commercials or fairy tales.

God luck man.

>> No.2792859

You are not being generous OP, people can accumulate all they want but true happiness is found in giving.

Gib me bitcoins 1AjZdL66RJCAK3AVqjK7XQr6UmPhK3oxTH

>> No.2792891

>to be fucking happy all the time
i really believe in duality

no happiness without sadness

>> No.2792926

Tip me to gain credibility.
Only then people might reply seriously.
BTC: 157uad8XaFekfnJvBTtLrxkYNCtGx13Rm9

>> No.2792951

I agree, I find that most ppl that claim to be happy (all the time, or most of the time) are fucking hypocrites. If that is because I have a prejudice or not does not matter to me, its my subjective experience and I am fully entitled to it. I tend to avoid ppl likt that and fond social interaction or conversation with ppl that openly have tha balls to state that they sometimes feel like shit, or that the fucked up at some points in life and have faults and flaws, that is what makes them human to me.

>> No.2792976

Enlist or OCS
guaranteed fix

>> No.2792995


Easy cure for depression & feeling like shit...

Help others in your locality.

>> No.2793043

yo fly out here to london ontario canada and we can bun n toke n shit and you wont be depressed mate

>> No.2793055
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I am in a similar position as you. I was born into a middle class family (2-3 million in assets) and then ended up starting my own business a few years ago which was wildly successful and will net over $5 million in revenue this year (record). If that wasn't enough, I made around $220k from bitcoin in the last 18 months and of course my familys fortune is continuing to grow as well so my inheritance will be quite large (I'm currently managing one of their 1.1 million dollar properties in Los Angeles for fun).

Anyways, I've never had a single hardship in my life and probably never will so I can definitely feel your pain. The monotony of it becomes melancholic in a way. The only thing that makes me happy at this point is setting up goals to reach higher tiers of income, so basically making significantly more money (making the same amount is boring since you adapt)

Also ignore the assmad poorfag responses. They don't have the genetics to compete and never will so they don't know the pain of conquering the world (easily might I add) and the emptiness that comes with it.

>> No.2793065

Middle class is a few million?

>> No.2793075

Yes, in America at least

>> No.2793091

>assmad poorfag responses
I don't think I'm wrong at all. >>2792304

A few millions isn't that much nowadays. Money worths less than in the past.

>> No.2793095
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ok which one of you is the vegan?

>> No.2793102


Just GTFO of the house and travel some.

>> No.2793145

>tfw useless assholes like OP come into good fortunes by being born with a silver spoon in their mouth
>you have to claw your way out of poverty on your elbows and knees while flirting with homelessness and starvation surrounded by the scum of society and drug users, no support possible if you fuck up even once
>feel like I've dodged a hundred mines trying to lift myself up out of the sewer I was born into
>I'm a statistical outlier
>OP is lounging around, eating whatever he wants, sleeping in a house with no worries about how the hell to pay rent, no worries about spending a year in limbo trying to convince some employer to give you a job when you know you're smarter and better than the rest but just have no way to prove it

If I had 100k I would be set for life. I have so much I want to do, that isn't even expensive or materialistic, but lack of money is holding me back. And this privileged little asshole. God damn shit fuck, I try not to be bitter but man oh man. OP, so give it the fuck away to some struggling poorfag family and go through the hell the rest of us have to.

>> No.2793151
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You utter larp fag, proof

>> No.2793156

Scientists have proven that LARPing is a direct cause of depression OP.

>> No.2793158

Try SSRIs.

>> No.2793166
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>born into millions of dollars
>poorfags don't have genetics to compete

So you're saying the secret is to be born into millions of dollars of wealth. Intradasting.

>> No.2793175

>you now own 100K

what do you do?

>> No.2793180
File: 9 KB, 381x362, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo OP pass some of those btc so one of us can at least make ourselves happy

>> No.2793183

I used to model when I was younger. My mother was an actress and she got me into it.


>posting personal information on 4chan

you would NOT be set for life with 100k. Raising a kid to 18 years of age cost an average of 1 million dollars.

>> No.2793384

>Can someone explain to me why I feel depressed?

Stop being a degenerate.

>> No.2793425

I just made all of that up.

>> No.2793487

OP let's get real. Your life is but a vapour. You're relatively wealthy, while there are people in the world alive right NOW who have spent 50+ years working body and soul destroying labour just to barely eat enough. There are tens of thousands of people within 50km of you right now who are being broken apart due to lack of access to resources. You exist within a CONTEXT. Your wealth doesn't come from nowhere. The rich man and the poor BOTH go down into the grave, both lose their bodies and cannot enjoy their wealth.

Throw your money over to me, Rahab.

>> No.2793495

You have to make your own meaning. You'll only appreciate the money afterward

>> No.2793499

Here OP lend me a few btc and I'll bet it on Mcgregor, and show proof


>> No.2793502
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Of course you did, just like OP.

>> No.2793533

Maybe you need friends/more hobbies. I'd be your friend anon. Need to surround myself with successful ppl.

>> No.2793605

I actually didn't though. I just said I did so I wouldn't have to prove myself while also being able to cash in on the shock value of my initial post.

>> No.2793875

>Raising a kid

Haha normie detected. I don't want kids, friends, pets, a house, material possessions, a nice vehicle, nothing.


>dump it in stock market
>10-20% returns
>live super fucking cheap, possibly abroad like in SEA
>pursue my interests and work sporadically
>extra income goes to /trv/

I currently live on 6k in the US. I could live easily on 10k-12k. Big years give extra savings for tight years. Never have to work again, but work if I want to. Bartending is pretty comfy as long as you aren't relying on it to pay bills. Other work that I wouldn't mind, like working for the forest service, seasonal stuff in my field, etc. I also have a hobby that could potentially make money, 5k chunks here and there. Like I said, any extra could go to /trv/. I live cheap and travel cheap. New laptop every 5 years and a new phone every 5, all I need in life.

>> No.2793909
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Clean your room.

>> No.2793932

>Anyways, I've never had a single hardship in my life and probably never will so I can definitely feel your pain.
>it's a silver spoon fed faggot thinks he knows what pain is like

>> No.2794000

how do i marry this

>> No.2794028

>-Someone to love
>-Someone who loves you
>-Something to do
>-Something to look forward to
I have
>-Someone who loves you
Though only conditionally, if they found out I had faggoty inclinations they'd disown me

>> No.2794039

liquidate all of your assets and go long on coal

>> No.2794058

you sound so mad, go back to your safe space on /r/LateStageCapitalism/

>> No.2794153


Because happiness isn't based on personal possessions

>> No.2794756

it's because the gene pool doesn't want you, lol. No girl above a 3 will sleep with you, and you're addicted to porn, therefore you see no need to breed.

you should like a future child molesting rapist, btw.

>> No.2795615

Because man doesn't live on bread alone you fucking faggot.

>> No.2796093

Have 8 children and then guide them to do what you did 8 times over

>> No.2796137

if the first condition is to acquire financial means to secure freedom and financial independence, then it is obvious you have met that condition and now seek a new goal.

Money is not the goal, my friend. Money is the springboard which frees you from the basic everyday shit worries and troubles and lets you do what ever the fuck you want.

You need to search within yourself for what is that next thing you feel you should divert your focus to. Could be anything, so long as it gives you a sense of purpose and drive. Build a shed, or a summer jalopy, grow spices in a greenhouse on your estate, plant flowers and find beautiful color arrangements, go scuba diving, establish a bar.

Or you could just create a family of your own. It'd be a lifelong commitment, so you'll have something to stand for till the day you peacefully die in your sleep.

>> No.2796182

This is actually extremely uncommon. $15M in assets put you in the top 0.3% of the US, top ~0.02% of the world. You have a higher chance to be born with genius level IQ than to own that level of wealth.

>> No.2796204

Dumb people have a tendency to assume they're the reference point. So even if a few millions puts you firmly in the top 5% of the US, which is one of the richest countries in the world, they see themselves as middleclass.

Same story as convicts who believe themselves to be more moral than the average person. Intelligence is the greatest equalizer. No matter how much money you have, you can be as much of a dumbfuck as a borderline retarded rapist.

>> No.2796215

I've endured a lifetime of poverty and I would cry of joy if I woke up and became that rich overnight. I really don't understand richfags

>> No.2796242
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This is a surprisingly good analogy actually.

>> No.2796251

>Dumb people

A few million IS middle class you fucking retard. Go read a book and take a sociology course before you start labeling people intellectually inferior.

Middle class is a social status, not the middle section of a distribution curve. Just because you earn the average medium income doesn't mean you're middle class. If the economy is fucked, then the majority of people become lower class and being middle class becomes a rarity.

People here are so stupid.

>> No.2796372

>Middle class is a social status

based on what?

>> No.2796379

With that money you get to play dangerous games.
Be a fucking super hero, become a street racer with exotic cars, throw some crazy hedonist raves. Do some crazy shit only money can buy

>> No.2796389

Why do they always do this? Are they just wanting to show off? Subconsciously or not?

>> No.2796421

>I have all the bread but I still feel empty inside