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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 220x229, téléchargement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2791536 No.2791536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm convinced these memes are created by third parties to attempt advanced mind control techniques. Something about them irks me. They don't feel right...dosent look like something made by anons

I've been perusing /biz/ for a couple years now being a precious metalsfag, and it used to be a very slow paced board, I saw a noticeable explosion in April when all of this crypto shit went down. Never once (besides maybe /pol/) have I seen a sub board's culture change overnight.

its weird as fuck

>> No.2791543


It's pretty hard to state this without sounding like a /pol/ack or edgy redditor, but memes do have sway. There everywhere within social media and people already harness them for gain, fame or defamation. Nobody should like wendy's twitter feed. It's a fucking fast food chain. Why would you follow that shit? Brand awareness through the fucking roof because of spongebob memes, nothing to do with the garbage food or menu that never radically changes.

>> No.2791550

>They don't feel right...dosent look like something made by anons
im so sick of /x/ fags concluding there's some massive conspiracy based on no evidence but that something "doesn't feel right" to their women's intuition or whatever

fuck off

>> No.2791556

look at wojack , this shit is sadistic

>> No.2791577

fucking aliens bringing down muh bitcoin

>> No.2791581

not made by anons , shills r trying to kill this thread

>> No.2791582

Op needs to quit watching Alex Jones and YouTube conspiracies..the tinfoil hat is showing

>> No.2791617

Snowden leaks showed that meme warfare is real and all global intelligence services have capability of influencing public opinion in social media.

Not to mention this is standard practice in marketing these days even though it's not always legal.

>> No.2791620

What is the meme called? trying to find the origin..

>> No.2791621
File: 152 KB, 853x764, 1418584888931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's sadistic therefore it c-couldn't have been created by 4chan
how fucking new are you faggot, you're probably so new you don't even remember poo poo pee pee which was like 2-3 years ago

>> No.2791631

"pink wojack"

>> No.2791643

not my point , and ye i remember that shit

i mean that the meme is too sadistic for biz dosent belong here couldntve been made by biz ppl

>> No.2791652

pink wojak doesn't turn up shit, except for some /biz/ threads. Is this a /biz/ exclusive meme?

>> No.2791657

>r biz dosent belong here couldntve been made by biz ppl
I really think you underestimate how vicious 4chan is, we laugh at people who lose their life savings on /biz/ but you think there's some grand conspiracy behind it lmao

go back to r*ddit

>> No.2791660

I have been saying this for a while. This pink angry face is NOT made by us. This is meme warfare. Remember the NSA was working on a meme database? We saw leaked slides showing there was funding going into studying memes? This is part of the outcome. It's flat out MK ULTRA. Very, very weird stuff taking place on this board. It was an overnight change like OP said.

But why? What is the subliminal message they are working towards? What would the end goal be?

We are dealing with a lot of different shit right now in regards to crypto and most of us will literally become rich overnight when the time comes. Stay strong and question everything. Very fishy activity taking place right now on /biz/

>> No.2791663

Pink Wojak is a confirmed PsyOp, hell it isn't even posted by humans anymore. Trading crypto bots post them here automatically during dips and selloffs, to try and fuel their shorts and so they can accumulate cheaper coins.

>> No.2791674

yes it only used by this board which is weirder

>> No.2791695

exactly , the proof is that it was an overnight change

>> No.2791701

The end goal is kys. But only after you have given us all your money.

Seriously tho, I'll tell you what's changed: money is involved, and criminal money to boot. Pump and dump scams are not just illegal, it's criminal behavior, and there are some nasty individuals among us, you can bet. Same as it ever was? Yeah sure but more than ever now.

>> No.2791705

>meme spreads quickly because it's funny
>this is proof that it's a conpsiracy guise
lol... you really can't fix stupid

>> No.2791729
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1483469404681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of us will literally become rich overnight when the time comes.

holy fuck you cryptocucks are a goldmine

>> No.2791733

keep posting that occultic meme retard

>> No.2791738

We are the new elite, dude. Deal with it.

>> No.2791739

i think i will just to troll idiots like you into believing theres some shadow organization making pink wojaks in order to make you upset or whatever

lmao what a fucking moron you are

>> No.2791742

You're one of (((them))).

>> No.2791755

Some biz whale spent a week in photoshop to drive up fud to drive down price

Ohohohohoho mysterius world we live in.

>> No.2791782

The NSA wants us all to sell back into fiat to prevent us from becoming the new elite. Make no mistake, even 1 BTC will propel you into the top 1% in the coming years.

>> No.2791794
File: 570 KB, 801x595, uzYAsH2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a collection of rare pink wojaks if you want to have fun by triggering conspiracy tards like OP


>> No.2791798
File: 653 KB, 1200x800, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else misses this guy?

>> No.2791818
File: 185 KB, 950x218, 2be56ce6212a13d576d39e4a10a18afb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2791841

This is serious you faggots. We are being infiltrated. Get your game faces on. They want us all to feel like cucks and sell coins back into the worthless fiat system. We have to fight back.

>> No.2791851

who is this?

>> No.2791853

top 1% of losers with no money

>> No.2791873

I'm not sure if the memes are the biggest problem quite yet, but it is pretty suspicious how many overnight changes this board has really had. Niggercoin being spammed on every single thread for a weekend and the ridiculously quick change of sentiment on Ethereum (before the ICO shittiness even) are the two biggest ones that I've really noticed.

This thread in particular is quite weird. What OP is talking about goes on quite frequently throughout the internet, and while this board may not have the reach of other places, I don't think OP's conclusion is quite as big of a stretch as many are taking it.

It's probably more along the lines of something like the Dragon's Den which infiltrates /r/bitcoin.

Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme by Richard Brodie is a good read on the subject.

...but keep thinking every goofy meme you see on the internet is just completely innocent with no ulterior motives

>> No.2791876


>> No.2791888
File: 12 KB, 225x224, 1499741395807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is only getting more popular, and more popular = less board quality

t. /biz/newfag and pink wojak enthusiast

>> No.2791897


>> No.2791918


>> No.2791920
File: 1.81 MB, 1200x1505, 1499729511368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know my man but I need more of this exclusive Wojak

>> No.2791929

I bet you're one of those retards who files for the "ctr_sample_pack_0549_please_rename.jpg" filenames on /pol/

easiest people to troll of my life holy shit, love farming (You)s off you retards

>> No.2791950

Hey some of these are kind of dank. They're not all evil. I think it's got potential to keep evolving.

>> No.2791955

These warps remind me of that time that Paul Joseph watson memes got spread all over /pol/ That seemed ompletely synthetic and a way to make hom look bad.

That+ the lack of artistic creativity in making them (just using stupid warps and funny mirror techniques, convinces me that this is an astroturf project.

How many pepe memes have stupid warps? almost none, they are real.

>> No.2791968

hmm you've got a point there

>> No.2791970


>> No.2791976
File: 5 KB, 225x224, 1499728912193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The motive behind PJW memes are obvious enough but who could possibly stand to gain something from the circulation of upset Pink Wojaks?

>> No.2791985


We are now aware. And with the influx of new BS threads just made- they are trying to slide this. Watch how these will now evolve. We have spotted them. Keep fighting. Keep buying. Crypto is bigger than Jews and they know they can't control this- and their enemy, us, the goys, ARE GOING TO BE the new elites. Their biggest fear is coming to fruition. Even just 1 BTC will propel you into the 1% once "the big event" happens.

>> No.2791987

Maybe to brainwash all the really young people here but they didn't have a chance anyway. Brainwashing was probably the best thing they could hope for tbhwy

>> No.2791991

baiting retards into thinking there's some conspiracy theory is enough satisfaction for me

>> No.2791999


Pink/demented wojack. They appeared when ANS crashed during the conference.

>> No.2792022

Pink wojacks started out pretty simple. it was just that one image and a lot of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Then some variations popped up, usually just a distortion of some sort. Then it started gaining more momentum and there were threads specifically for pink wojacks and called for OC. some people would tip OC posters.

No 3rd party was involved. this was entirely from the biz board. I watched it unfold and even contributed a dozen or so pink wojacks of my own, a few of which are commonly used today.

>> No.2792059

the real Satoshi

>> No.2792061

You know I was kind of half tuned in to what you were saying at first, but the more you talk, the more I'm inclined to just nod my head and grin.

So, what other gems to you got for us?

>> No.2792081

>tfw this thread motivated the creation of like 10 new wojak threads since it was made
Good job on getting trolled faggot OP and encouraging them to shit up the board

>> No.2792082
File: 41 KB, 540x537, f16716a0799b1964f3e4da2966a469d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly we need a hero to combat pink wojak and the misery he has wrought.

>> No.2792101

We're better than the fucking Jews man. We're better than them.

>> No.2792102
File: 173 KB, 678x407, Digisurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is, I call him Digibyte man

if everyone buys Digibyte again we will surely repel the pink menace

>> No.2792128


Those Ideas500K threads? Data collection. Noticed how those stopped? We became aware of them. They want demographics of this board. That was never more obvious. This board has become Cambridge Analytica &a Shareblue. The rabbit hole is deep. And we are dealing with the next currency. Do you really think they want a bunch of autists being the new 1%? No. Remember Fox had an article the other day about Bitcoin reaching 1ML per coin? You'll start to connect the dots. They want MORE people, from wider demographics buying in.

>> No.2792142

this is what shills want you to believe

any archived threads or ur talking outta ur ass

>> No.2792189
File: 8 KB, 256x197, noaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz was created because crypto was being discussed on pol. it was slow because of the bear market. the bull market brought pajeet and pajeet and pajeet and reddit faggots like yourself.

>> No.2792215

/biz/ has been invaded by occult meme invaders to destroy crypto

>> No.2792220

see?this is a healthy normal 4chan /biz/ meme compare it to pink wojack , its obviously made by a third party

>> No.2792285
File: 480 KB, 808x805, HHAHAHAHHAHAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm the original creator of 90% of pink wojaks and I started the first 20 threads
>now this thread
this is a strange feel

>> No.2792303

How does it feel to be at the forefront of a massive global effort to stymie the new autistic "elite" from their lambo dreams?

>> No.2792307

you should make more out of spite

>> No.2792327

The warp is an integral part of this meme. That's the whole point. The warping of the wojak comically conveys the emotions that people are experiencing when their shitcoins go down.

No wait I don't think it's anons on 4chan having fun and representing current events with memes. It's more likely to be a conspiracy.

>> No.2792330
File: 65 KB, 345x301, DEM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol search for them yourself. It's your fault for not doing your own research and committing yourself to silly conspiracies.

Pic related: one of the first demented pink wojacks I made

>> No.2792339

Uhm warps were common with the blumpf2scoops meme tho

>> No.2792343

it's because this is /bizpol/ now...you almost answered your own question.

>> No.2792358

im bumping pink wojak threads now just to trigger op desu

>> No.2792369

This, pretty much. It doesn't need a conspiracy to be plausible. I still think it's kind of a shitty meme, but whatever. Shitty memes are all that's left these days.

>> No.2792384

That's pretty obviously because despite what salty nocoiners say, the boom that crypto had in april and may was something completely out of this world. It brought a bunch of newfags and retards who don't know shit about investment, crypto or economics to the market and to this board thinking they would get rich. This was also one of the biggest reasons for the situation we are having now, too much dumb money entered the market.

>> No.2792392
File: 179 KB, 774x500, 1499786390890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792395

Push prices down lower, make it seem like there's more fear than there actually is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't pink wojaks appear around the time the board was spammed with the dead Buterin stuff? The market started moving down around then, but perhaps these memes were made as part of some effort to push prices down even further. Or people find it funny, I don't know.

>> No.2792401

It was just one guy forcing the meme and spamming it along with "MY AAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAANTS" and shit like that and it caught on because of the ant-shares volatility. Nothing more to it than that.

>> No.2792412
File: 247 KB, 400x416, 1498691475684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Wojak belongs to /biz/ now, forever and ever!

>> No.2792414
File: 287 KB, 480x480, eth pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen this one much lately.

>> No.2792418

Pink Wojak started with Ans as far as I know, no coin left as many bagholders as that one.

>> No.2792434
File: 193 KB, 802x854, d3d7a532f726309660f76fb22245f33cab9c4f0e3b4ff8772304253feb21f8fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warps and palette swaps don't require artistic skill, Pink Wojaks are procedurally generated and posted by bots to meme your dreams into screams. You must fight the digital golem.

>> No.2792467

I'm pretty sure the explosion in pepes and the 'rare pepe' meme was launched on r9k as a form of 'disruption' sowing by the NSA or something. At the time, r9k was developing a strong 'male consciousness' identity, it was a hive of activity. Then the pepes started flooding in and "rare pepe" became a thing. "tfw too smart", "easter toad" and the current one - "just give the boss a firm handshake" appear to be forced memes but whoever's behind them is going to an incredible amount of effort to launch 'stages' and 'evolutions' of the meme to make it look more organic...the collective then begins to believe these memes were organically originated.

>> No.2792492
File: 37 KB, 680x680, Ceci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa yeah dude someones forcing memes on the internet must be the nsa

>> No.2792507
File: 11 KB, 239x211, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>poo poo pee pee was 2-3 years ago

>> No.2792526
File: 24 KB, 255x255, t_93dc88ae7591af84e1a60359bd34730b-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not using applied memetics to disrupt swarm intelligence
Here's one of their first experiments.

>> No.2792541
File: 227 KB, 1417x2268, bizguidetotrading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share this image and nobody will need pink wojak meme anymore all will have lambo good luck trading fellow 'pedes.

>> No.2792543

>impllying pol or bmw ever get shit done

>> No.2792550


>> No.2792564

Nice try, NSA. We're onto you.

>> No.2792583

thats how it started. every time antshares dropped 1 sat he posted a further distorted wojak.

>> No.2792593
File: 1.71 MB, 2560x1600, itllallbeok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Make PinkWojakCoin
2. shill on /pol/
3. ???
4. Lose all your shit cause even /pol/ doesn't fall for magic internet lambos

>> No.2792596

Please make more so the autistic /pol/ and /x/ faggots will leave out of fear

>> No.2792597


>> No.2792605

guys please stop unnecessarily posting pink wojak. I've created a convolutional neural network that recognizes him and autobuys crypto when the rate of posting reaches a certain threshold, and you guys are really throwing off the bot

>> No.2792608
File: 41 KB, 558x592, b93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792612
File: 4 KB, 225x225, thingken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand /pol/ (even though I still think it's a little pretentious) but /biz/?
How relevant is fucking /biz/ that it would be targeted? What do we know that others don't? How can a literally who <3m post board that is slower than /cgl/ have any impact? /biz/ is mostly just gambling frogposters.

>> No.2792631
File: 1.42 MB, 500x200, the fire rises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gambling frogposters run the crypto economy

>> No.2792637

well played anon, well played

>> No.2792638

what people don't understand is that /biz/ is pol now , pol is redditors and shills

>> No.2792656

There are definitely eth whales here. Even the /biz/ ark node thing raised $100k+

>> No.2792662
File: 809 KB, 853x480, facedroolingwithdelight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to plebbit, then?

>> No.2792665


>> No.2792668
File: 410 KB, 956x1196, alsker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, so you finally figured us out OP. Honestly, I'm suprised you were able to see through our plan so early on. Nothing personal, kid, but we'll use all measures necessary to get our gains - even use the occult against you

>> No.2792676

No more wojaks!

>> No.2792683


>> No.2792691

>/biz/ is /pol/ now
Please end this association immediately.

>> No.2792698

/pol/ jumped hard into the crypto meme, and even went so far as trying to make their own. (Nigger, chancoin, wojaks)

They pretty much flooded the board, and are famous for their unsettling use of memes.

>> No.2792705


Good night sweet prince

>> No.2792708


>> No.2792723

im not scared bring it on jew

>> No.2792725

>Market is bullish, everyone is making money, pink wojaks are funny
>Market crash with no end in sight, butthurt everywhere

It is clearly deranged wojak's fault

>> No.2792727
File: 824 KB, 640x640, No wojaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2792729

when people freak out about pink wojaks and then someone eggs them on with more oc

>> No.2792787

dont post pink wojack again its an occultic meme made by third parties

dont post pink wojack again its an occultic meme made by third parties

dont post pink wojack again its an occultic meme made by third parties

dont post pink wojack again its an occultic meme made by third parties

>> No.2792788
File: 28 KB, 220x229, IMG_7419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw these memes are designed to close your third eye and calcify your pineal gland

>> No.2792813

Whatever this is., when you see the president of USA posting reddit memes on twitter and it makes the national news, OPs idea is not that far fetched.

>> No.2792867
File: 732 KB, 640x640, 1500156185887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792904
File: 233 KB, 808x805, IMG_7416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792919

It isn't the meme existed before. All people did was photoshop them and use the warp and blur tools to make them more demented.

It's a refection of our souls and unbalanced mental state.

>> No.2792927

can someone add an effect to my pinky

>> No.2792942
File: 85 KB, 320x568, RK7FezITAhspkWV6goI1VWjoApa-qsp3VVUt-NzsgwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was a bastardization of this guy

>> No.2792943
File: 64 KB, 800x800, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have made pink wojak / jackson memes where i change the facial expression through drawing but i made this one as well to be the opposite

>> No.2792949

>Pump and dump scams are not just *illegal, it's criminal behavior
*in Western countries
Lots of these P&D scams are ran out of the Third World

>> No.2792954

This desu. Sick of plebbit complaining about the bantz

>> No.2792966
File: 157 KB, 454x223, CANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2793016

>couldntve been made by biz ppl
>underestimating autism
A guy with Photoshop went all in on ANS just before it started tanking and the wojaks were his way of venting. He made a shit ton and spammed them so much that enough people saved them for it to stick, that and the timing was just right as that was when the entire market began to slump. On top of all that we've had a huge influx of plebbitors flood in due to the huge bull run through spring and they're all trying desperately to fit in by regurgitating everything they see posted. Pink wojak was created at exactly the right time to get spammed like it has been.

>> No.2793017
File: 430 KB, 808x805, 1497894491066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love your meme

>> No.2793045

top meme lad

>> No.2793074

Nigga literally every board has their own memes. Fucking newfag Go back to pol

>> No.2793080

That's how memes start. They blow up overnight and then eventually become stale and people stop posting them. Pink wojack has already started to become stale.

>> No.2793109


>> No.2793117

>/pol/tards are busy finding conspiracies in the dumbest of places but are too stupid to notice russian black propaganda infiltrating their brain over the last year

sounds about right. i bet OP read it on RealTrueNews or the Denver Guardian

>> No.2793128
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1497637908333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian propoganda
Do people unirocally believe this?

>> No.2793141

This desu

All the true pol who were libertarians or ancaps are here now

>> No.2793155

Where do we get these AI cryptobots? Can we be sure of their loyalty?

>> No.2793169

There is a shadow org and it is called /biz/.

>> No.2793170

>do people unironically believe in facts?

I'm not saying America the west hasn't had shit on our hands for the last few decades but it's your loss if you choose to ignore this.

>> No.2793178


This one a shit

>> No.2793182
File: 17 KB, 220x229, bloojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a whole new /biz/, baby.

>> No.2793185
File: 80 KB, 260x260, 594350-1207-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /pol/ doesn't understand the streisand effect

>> No.2793190

Hmm, can't really say the boards have been worse. Managing this shitpile must take a toll on you though. There has always got to be somebody to take the torch.

>> No.2793211

Weaponized meme have been around for a very long time. We used to call it just black or white propaganda.

>> No.2793230
File: 731 KB, 520x522, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminder nu-metal is the official music of this meme

>> No.2793233

Time to make a new board like /crypto/, stockfags and metalfags can just take over. /biz/ was to only get the cryptofags from making so many posts on /g/

>> No.2793242

There weren't this many crypto threads 6 months ago.

>> No.2793322

I concur, this started fairly organic, at this point it could be forced.

>> No.2793526

You're correct in noticing something suspicious and coordinated. I won't detail the telegraphs because I don't want them to improve.

>> No.2793563

reddit is just tumblr, imgur and pornhub now

>> No.2793570

They're turning the frogs poor. We need meme filters.

>> No.2793570,1 [INTERNAL] 

Please-please-please, giive me the collection of pink wojaks or my lust will not cease!