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27889840 No.27889840 [Reply] [Original]

RubiChads, what the fuck

This is my first dabbling with using Metamask and Eth and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. All I'm trying to do is convert around $50 USD worth of Eth, aka around 0.03 Eth, into Rubic. To do this, it's going to cost $60 USD??! How the fuck is this feasible at all? The fee is more than I want to put in?

>> No.27889951

transfer your eth to probit exchange, trade into USDT then RBC, spend only like 10-15 in fees. Downside is low volume so you're spending more than market price but it's the best option you have

>> No.27890092

Okay, so that high fee is normal then, I didn't fuck something up? How do people here fathom wasting that much money just for what should essentially be unit conversions

>> No.27890194

Not to stack shame but the gas doesn't scale that much with volume, thats why it seems so absurd for your transaction

>> No.27890646

So do fuckers here literally dump like $1000 worth of Eth into shitcoins at a time to justify this price? damn this board is rich

>> No.27890725

I paid a fee for 154$ today. you're lucky OP. 60 dollars is cheap as fuck

>> No.27890751


>> No.27890867

> shitcoins

But also yes

>> No.27890918

Now wait until it's dumping and you are trying to get out of a position.

RUN FAR away from ETH..

>> No.27890930

how much were you depositing? This seems like a colossal waste of money. What's the amount recommended to at least not feel like shit. I'm guessing me trying to just get $50 of Rubic isn't feasible

>> No.27890960
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>he has $1000.00 to spend

>> No.27891065

okay don't listen to them. gas used to be much cheaper, it's gone up significantly as of the past few days, close to $200s. It's also nonscalable fee (as in, it doesn't matter how much you're throwing it'll be the same), BUT, it changes throughout the day depending on network traffic. the current low you can expect these days is maybe $35?

someone posted a guide to getting it cheaper without using ethereum and gas fees, but it's rather multi-stepped and didn't work for me personally. I can find it if you'd like. But yeah, fuck the idiots saying that it's normal to spend $100 on a gambling ticket that involves throwing more money in lmao. That ironically discredits the project more than anything else, since most people with sense wouldn't burn money for an uncertainty.

>> No.27891090

I've found that Bilaxy and probit (pretty shitty CEX) is selling RBC without gas fees. Good way to exit without gas fees when you know there's a dip incoming

>> No.27891103


$13,000 actually, not rich either

>> No.27891126

I think my total was 400 and something after gas fee? but I immediately shot from 60 cents to 90cents with what I was buying so in a couple hours the gas fee was paid for and gains were made. Consider it the cost of being early. Just dont buy something willy nilly because if its a bust, you will be punished hard. Rubic is a great choice by the way

>> No.27891175

this but you have to tell him how to convert fiat to tether or whatever. I wasn't about to do it on Probit after the trouble of signing up with all of their ridiculous confirmations of confirmations. when I tried to transfer usdc from coinbase wallet on my phone it said it didn't recognize the code as valid.

>> No.27891219

*able, not about. Probit

>> No.27891473

Fees are high when you're buying and selling through uniswap, 1inch, etc. I've spent thousands in fees but I just write it in as overhead and make sure I profit more than enough to cover it.

I spent $160 to swing a coin earlier but I profited $220 after the fees. It takes money to make money baby.

>> No.27891516

i'm confused, sorry. bilaxy only has rbc/eth, am i missing something?

>> No.27891541

>and make sure I profit
Damn you got it figured out man!

JUST make sure you profit. Put on your profit hat and...

Man a market bear is going to demolish you people.

>> No.27891577

The point of the project is literally to remove gas fees

DYOR so that we can all make it

>> No.27891690

i know that, i've been in this for a while. but i don't care what it promises, the point is you just can't feasibly have such high costs of transactions without pricing out anyone who isn't wealthy (or stupid) enough to pay to part with their money in hopes of turning a profit down the line.

>> No.27891700

git gud or stay poor

>> No.27891867

good idea. I've been swapping to XRP when I can lately because the transaction fee is so low, usually 1 XRP, then just swap it back to usdt or whatever

>> No.27891874

Its called pajeetproofing bro

>> No.27892458

No. It allows you to buy RBC with ETH directly, kind of like what you'd do on uniswap, or rubic.exchange. There's a number under the price up top that'll tell you what that much eth is worth in usd.

>> No.27892917

What you are realizing is what I realized when I bought rubic at 27c and got fucking assraped by gas fees. I don't think that trying to put $200 into rbc (a reasonable gamble that I am entirety willing to lost on what might be a pajeet scamcoin) and only getting 111 to actually transfer is acceptable in any way shape or form. This experience made me go all in on ADA, and cemented my opinion that ETH is doomed to fail if they don't fix this problem NOW.

>> No.27893349

Yeah it's absolute horseshit. I'm fucking done with all crypto after this week. Literally everything is a scam and my gains are a fraction of what I make trading fiat.

>> No.27893518

what is trading fiat? Just literal trading on the stock market?

>> No.27893678


>> No.27895182

Crypto is a fucking scam. You idiots should just invest in 401k’s and shit

>> No.27895238
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Who the fuck decided this was ok? How did it get to be like this? These are actual questions I'm still a crypto noob and this doesn't make sense to me at all.

>> No.27895311

I'm by no stretch rich but yeah, that's literally what I do. I have all said and done about $15,000 to my name and 0 debt. I gamble a lot more with my cash than I probably should. But I have no wife/kids/whatever so I'm not really hurting anybody. The way I see it, I either make big gains or I don't and lose some cash. If I lose some, it's whatever. It would've just sat in my bank anyways.

>> No.27895312

>ETH maxis will defend this
>ETH maxis are ok with no new money coming in
>Vitalik bows down to the ETH miners union

>> No.27895419

im tired of these dam eth fees on metamask and uniswap. i want out. what do you bros use