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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 386 KB, 1152x2048, 2013-10-18 22.48.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
278596 No.278596 [Reply] [Original]

Any other porn entrepreneurs here?

I started out February last year monetizing 4chan girls, but I've branched out since then.

Anyone want to share methods and marketing strategies?

Pic related

>> No.278622

this is an interesting topic. I'd like to see where it goes.

>> No.278670

What do you mean monetizing 4chan girls?

>> No.278675

so you made a cam website?

>> No.278672

I hired girls from 4chan and made a profit from them?

>> No.278674

>where cute girls step on huge bugs

>> No.278685

>He hasn't heard of Dream Crush even though I've been shilling every board for over a year now


No. I film porn.

>> No.278687


that website doesnt work op

>> No.278696

That's because it's down. We are revamping the website and restrategizing while taking in residual income from orders from customers.

We have a placeholder site, but it's shameful to show to anyone. It's too pleb

>> No.278699

so you fuck fat girls from 4chan?

>> No.278701

>No. I film porn.
How do you go about finding irls in your location? Or do you move a lot? I still can't picture how you can make porn from girls on 4chan honestly

>> No.278715

Fat fetishes are a big deal

>> No.278716
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>any of my girls

I'll let you try again for 500

We do remote and local shoots, so there's no limit to distance. 4chan girls are usually hot so they check out, I recruit in person as well though. I've gotten girls from /r9k/ to /v/ to /cgl/

Pic related. I got her from /soc/

>> No.278722

It's very hard to believe.

"Hey I just started a porn site. Wanna suck my cock for money?"

How much money do you make anway ;^)

>> No.278727

None of my girls are nude and there's no sex. As the pic suggests, they step on bugs. Niche porn is the way to go these days and it's much more profitable due to the heavy competition in the main porn sectors

>> No.278729


>> No.278732
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This is where your lies unravel.

>> No.278735

Is this a fucking joke? There are people who pay to see girls stepping on bugs?
I feel like I'm being rused.
If not, how much do you make OP? Be honest.

>> No.278737

Holy shit, you actually did it. I'm impressed.
I talked to you on omegle about this shit for a while.

>> No.278739

What did we talk about? I might just remember you anon

>> No.278748

How much money do you make

>> No.278755

Not going to tell you the exact amount, but I make a reasonable bit of dosh.

>> No.278762

>Not going to tell you the exact amount

Confirmed for no money


Gtfo faggot

>> No.278769

believe what you want kek

>> No.278775

wrong thread :^)

>> No.278782

>implying it's a good idea to dump your revenue reports to anyone but investors or other interests

Nice samefag

>> No.278791
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this is the worst thread

>> No.278793


>> No.278796

Do you live off the income?

>> No.278799

Yes, i do.

>> No.278811
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ok m8. Whatever you say

>> No.278815

Fucking disgusting

>> No.278820

Deal with it skrub :)

>> No.278821
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>> No.278823
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Fuck off kissless virgin

>> No.278826
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You first m8

>> No.278851

I remember what you looked like. You asked me if I wanted to help, or if I wanted to get some girls I know to help.
Shit, yeah I remember that conversation.
It was a long time ago.

>> No.278855

Ah yes, I remember you. You're the white guy on cam.

Why'd you disappear so suddenly bro?

>> No.278860

Yeah, haha, I was. I was moving around. transfered schools and got caught up in life.
I've just now started coming back.
How you been?

>> No.278872

Good enough man. Business is going well and I've covered multiple boards by this point as far as girls go. I also started a volunteer group but it's iffy on whether it'll be successful. Also took the semester off from uni to focus on stuff.

Other than that just playing video games, started lifting, and trying to get a gf.

You should add me on skype btw. This thread is bound to die soon.

>> No.278875

sure man, what's your skype/email?

>> No.278880

I typed my Skype in in the field.

>> No.278897

I started my own cartoon porn site in december, gonna be working on it full time in a month or two. In the meantime is brings passively 6-12$ a day.

>> No.279054

how do you expect to expand on it?

>> No.279063

I animate original animations, just keep on making new games.

>> No.279065

Hey OP, I remember your thread on /g/.

Are you still looking for a web dev?

>> No.279071

Yes I am, but none of you guys got back to me from last time so I assumed you all were joking around when you offered.

If you're actually interested in the position though, I'll leave my Skype I.D. in the email field

>> No.279074

Sorry, Skype doesn't respect my freedoms.

>> No.279076

Then I expect prompt correspondence through email. Once again, it's in the field.

>> No.279079

Sup /biz/
How do I make money as an 18yr old fresh out of HS

>> No.279083

Take 20$ and multiply it by 50,000

>> No.279088

Holy fuck, is her real name Mandy?

>> No.279089

You're freaking me out anon

>> No.279104


If you're serious, that's fucking hilarious. Her dad is loaded as fuck.

>> No.279110

are you her friend or something?

>> No.279117

Check your email

>> No.279116

In high school. Link to vid, there's no way i'm right.

>> No.279122

Why wouldn't you leave the website running and rebuild/update a copy of the website locally then upload once its done. You would have less downtime.

>> No.279124

I can't say why. It's too embarrassing. ;_;

>> No.279125

OP why did you start a thread if you're not willing to share more information about what it is that you do.

Answer me this
>You live off your income, but is it decent? Give us a rough number.
>Do you pay your girls? What percentage/number?
>How much do you make on each video?
>Do you sell image sets as well?
>Have you considered partnering nudes with the videos?

I sell my panties to men off Craigslist for money, so maybe that's edging closer to the porn business. But I'd like to remain anonymous and keep my face off of anything that is specifically designated as fap material, so I haven't pursued anything such as your bug squashing videos.

>> No.279131

You don't know how, or your using like wix.com or someshit for your website?

>> No.279142

I've answered most questions though. And I started the thread mostly to share strategies with other entrepreneurs and producers more than answer questions.

>You live off your income, but is it decent? Give us a rough number.

yes i can, and I'll say it's never below $1000 a month. I never give exact finances except to investors.

>Do you pay your girls? What percentage/number?

i pay them a standard flat fee plus commission

>How much do you make on each video?

Videos sell in numerous clips. A minimum of $3 per video. It adds up quick.

>Do you sell image sets as well?

We dont do those

>Have you considered partnering nudes with the videos?

Yes, that will come later.

>> No.279149

Sent an email ten minutes ago. Waiting on those samples/resume bro

>> No.279151

How do you go about recruiting for that kind of thing?

I've been reading up on investing but I don't think I can turn 1k into anything sizable. Don't have a job.

I know porn sells no matter what you do, but its best to do fetish. Thinking torn clothes and clean porn (I know I get sick of seeing cum and dirty vag everywhere, figure there's guys like me out there)

Any licensing you have to go through?

>> No.279157

No licensing but you do need a studio and if you break 8k you'll need to form an LLC or get a license to operate depending on the state

>> No.279158


Kill yourself you fucking freak

>> No.279159

Someone's real mad.

>> No.279160

how does it feel to be engaged in an illegal operation that can get you 5 years in state prison. The only state it is legal to film porn in California. All other states it is very illegal.

>> No.279164

I'm pretty sure he's in California

>> No.279167

So if someone were to rent an office out they could use that to hold, er, interviews?

Also I've heard a few rumors...

Mostly about the "mafia" straight up taking businesses, I think its bullshit but I figured I'd ask.

Also what is reasonable wage for a model? Could I pay less with them knowing they wouldn't be coated in semen and that the guy would be clean as well?

What is the "legal age" paperwork like? A fucking headache? I know you said you don't work with nudity but if I got into this I'd plan on it. Any profitable fetishes you know of in particular? (other than bug smashing)

>> No.279171


Show me the law that says porn is illegal everywhere except California.

Much less, tell me where it says it's illegal to film non-nude, non-penetrative videos in everywhere but Califorinia.

10/10 b8 m8

>> No.279180

Feet, belly punching, femdom, vore, goldfish swallowing, GTS (Giant women; 2D, 3D modeling, and live), and tickle torture.

I can't advise everything you'd need on the contract here, as it's a lot to cover. The legal paperwork needs to be tight and sometimes the wording must even repeat itself to be clear.

Reasonable wage depends on your results and what you can market to people. Could be anywhere from $100 to $2000

You have my skype info/email posted ITT if you want to talk to me further on it

>> No.279187


>> No.279193

tell me what state you are in and I will tell you what state laws you are violating. trust me I tried to open a porn site in my home state of PA and was arrested 6 months in

>> No.279200

I'm in AL atm, but main in FL.

Not only is porn produced heavily in FL all the time, but we do not film legally obscene videos, as there is no penetration or nudity in our videos as the precedent states.

>California pandering statute did not criminalize the hiring of actors for non-obscene adult films.

Not my fault you didn't check the laws first anon.

>> No.279221

you are violating several different laws from chapter 847 in florida state law dealing with obscenity. Yes right now there are many illegal porn producers in FL but that could change in an instant when the state unleashes an indictment against them.

>> No.279240

do you even know the miller test?

the only concern I'd have for OP is goldfish swallowing, which can have him in hot waters with PETA. perhaps have them swallow something else instead? (digestible items like cooked salmon fillet?)

>> No.279242

>chapter 847
there is nothing in that entire chapter that relates to bug crushing because you fail to understand the legal definition of obscene content

>"Actual Sexually Explicit Conduct" i.e. obscene is defined in law thus : 'sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person' . If your content does not fit this description, then it is exempt from the record keeping requirements.

None of that relates to girls stepping on bugs

>> No.279244

links related

>> No.279308

DUDE, make it to where it's made explicitly clear that these girls are clean, don't fuck around, don't do hardcore porn, ANYTHING, and you could probably make a killing off of /r9k/ers and wizards, especially if the girls are 4chaners

>> No.279320
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>None of my girls are nude and there's no sex
so how is this in any way pornographic?

You're not a pornographer, just some niche artist catering to sick fucks.

>> No.279542

>sick fucks
>judging people based on what involuntarily makes their dick hard
>putting your personal opinions into what makes money

lel you're in no way fit to run a business. You should've been stopped from being a producer. Fuck off fag

>> No.279546

eBay Jew here. Started in nov and up to $2k monthly turnover. Increasing at around 20% a month.

>> No.279551

whatcha selling anon?

>> No.279555

>>judging people based on what involuntarily makes their dick hard

I'm pretty sure 99.999999% of the world's population doesn't get aroused from watching bugs get squished. So yes, you cater to people with mental issues.

>> No.279559

Manufacture labels

>> No.279562

You could say the same about GTS, inflation, vore, or most of the people on /d/. Fun fact: you'd be wrong anyway.

>pretty sure

You're pretty wrong. Recent stats we've collected totals crush fetishists in the amount of 5+ million and counting.

I always was put off by people like you, who not only tell people what they can masturbate to, but also let their opinions get in the way of what sells.

It's called "niche" for a reason fag.


What's your overhead like? Where do you plan to go with this? Lastly, what to you think your revenue cap will be for where you are?

>> No.279698

I want to do a reality show based on porn.

>> No.279791

I know it's been 2+ hours now since the thread was active, but I seriously want to know how you even went about approaching 4chan girls in the first place. Like how do you even convince them your financial offer isn't bullshit? It's 4chan afterall.

>> No.279902

Skype is wonderful. /soc/ is wonderful. Then it snowballed

>> No.279904

How do you even convince them to add you in the first place? Or are the camwhores on /soc/ really that easy?

>> No.279907

I used to book for an escort agency. I would answer emails to inquiries pretending to be a girl. Never had less dignity in my life.

>> No.279913
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They weren't camwhores, except one last year, but she fucked off. Most are honor students, NEETs, waitresses, etc. I even got an ex-military girl off of /cgl/ last month who did lolita vids. Pic related. They just thought it was easy money and there's a binding contract so they jumped on board. It's not that far fetched.

You can't go through life thinking everything is a scam

>> No.279924

I let girls who live with their parents conduct camshows out of my spare room.

Get a % depends on which whore, and i have also banged a % of them.

>> No.279926


Also I just put ads up dude. I let people know in various threads.

Well it worked didnt it?

What's stopping you?

>> No.279946


>> No.280250

Earning cap is unlimited. I have access to machinery worth many millions which I leverage. Only thing holding me back is no automation with product creation yet which I'm working on with a software engineer.

>> No.281173


This right here is fucking genius

>> No.281195

Who the fuck cares, OP?
You're hardly making any money at all, and you put a lot of effort into your work. I literally couldn't care less about fucking whores from /soc/, I'd rather have a substantial amount of money coming in instead.
Might as well go live as a trashman.

>> No.281202


What prompts you to say that anon?

>> No.281206

>all this butthurt

That's an awful lot of shame coming from someone so adamant that he isn't fucked in the head.

>5+ million

Oh, so it's 99.92%. My bad,

>> No.281208

That working in such a way isn't worth my time and it shouldn't be worth yours either.
That is of course, unless you literally have nothing else to do with your life.

>> No.281209

But what concerns me is you claim I dont make much money. I'm asking where you got that conclusion from

>> No.281218

Given the fact that the industry is already really weak and that people in the porn industry never made that much money to begin with, it's rather safe to assume that you aren't making sufficient money for it to be worthy of my time. Obviously, the main enjoyment for you, is that you get to meet young girls and potentially have sex with them, while it being a part of your so called work. The thing is, however, that this is /biz/ and not /teenageaspirations/ so that is quite irrelevant information.
I'm sure you'd have a lot of people wanting to be in your place if you made a thread on /b/ or a board of the likes, instead of /biz/.
And on top of it all, like I mentioned earlier, it takes a whole lot of effort to be doing your work, and there is no way that the return from it alone would make it worth your time, but I suppose that being able to stick your penis in warm, wet holes makes it all worthwhile.

>> No.281554

>it takes a whole lot of effort to be doing your work

Not him but what ? If he is enjoying filming/editing I don't see how It's a lot of effort at all.

Also after getting business big enough and getting it on it's rails I don't see why he can't hire a person to do all the filming and shooting and maybe even recruiting.

Also how is discussion of nontrivial businesses ideas is not /biz/ related ?

Btw I want to congratulate you on all your knowledge about niche porn market without ever looking into it.

>> No.281712

>I don't see why he can't hire a person to do all the filming and shooting and maybe even recruiting

currently training people to do that now actually.

>> No.281725

You seem like a smart man so i figured. I just don't see where all the hostility of that guy comes from.

He probably didn't read the thread and just wanted to scream his opinion.

>> No.281733

Thanks anon. I actually didn't really read much of what he said in his latest response until now. I assumed he was just fuming, and apparently I was right since all his assumptions are wrong.

I expected to have good discussion about strategies, marketing, and techniques ITT, but it's mostly been questions about what I do so far.

>> No.281745

Send some of your videos to PETA. That will sure get you some publicity.

Also how about some slow-mo squashing ? Or squashing on a glass.

Talking out of my ass m8 just trying to help a good cause to spread.

>> No.281750
File: 9 KB, 615x456, 1396564418216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread
>mfw bug crushers

>> No.281755

Anything sent to PETA is bad publicity. Plus they don't care about bugs and already know about the bug crushing market and usually leave it alone.

Every producer that tried slow motion got reamed and got rekt, or got reamed enough to cut that shit out.

Underglass crushing..I dunno. That shit sells but I'm not hardcore enough to pull that off. I can't deal with it if a girl falls through the glass and gets cut up.

>> No.281771

There is some sturdy glass out there (look up x art "Up Close and Personal" video for reference).

Also are you sure you are using all the the terms and word combinations for bug crushing when you do SEO?

>> No.281782

Probably not, since there's always something to miss.

>> No.282483

You do realize he is learning how to do shit which could be useful for other endeavors in the future?

>there is no way that the return from it alone would make it worth your time
More money can be made if he can optimize his system and copy it to several other niche areas.