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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27869374 No.27869374 [Reply] [Original]

You retards want the easiest +100% trade of your life?

DMM / DMG just went down. Shut down.

But most morons have it wrong. They think this is an exit scam, so they’re dumping to zero. It’s not.

This is a regulatory shut down. This means the SEC stepped in. Which is no fucking surprise, the project was a regulatory nightmare. US based, real world assets, guaranteed returns.

Here’s my evidence:
- Consistent messaging. These guys didn’t just shut down all the groups and social channels, they put out a single message, clearly carefully structured by a lawyer. The SEC doesn’t allow you to do damage control or chat in groups about the cause of the shutdown until everything is done, because then you’re continuing to commit fraud, continuing to manipulate a security. Instead you get one message that they approve to explain what is happening.
- Nothing disappeared. The websites are still up, the Telegram groups are still up, their socials are still up. In fact they used their socials, websites, and Telegram group to share that carefully constructed message. Something an exit scammer wouldn’t bother with. An exit scammer won’t make a tweet announcing their exit scam or leave a group for people to chat about it.
- Development never stopped. These guys kept releasing updates on GitHub right up to the end. An exit scammer wouldn’t bother.

>> No.27869436


- Dumbest exit time. It was literally just on its way up. They would ride that shit as high as possible if they were exit scamming.
- Draper isn’t going to tie it’s name to people who will exit scam. They’ve had many meetings with the team, invested in the team, and had events with the team.
- Team was legit. No sketchy backgrounds, US based. 1/3 of the messages in the Telegram right now are “I can’t believe they would exit scam, the team seemed so legit”, and they were right.
- Their other services are still available. You can redeem mTokens, but minting was removed. You can end farming, but not begin it. No exit scammer gives a shit about making sure users can still redeem from their protocol, but not mint. This is clearly an SEC instruction to let people get their shit out without making new customers.

So what where’s the investment?

These morons are dumping to zero. But if the SEC stepped in, DMM’s money isn’t going anywhere. They’ll have to do a token buyback. And if you conservatively assume they have about half the money left from the ICO, then they should be able to buyback at around $0.15-0.2. Last I checked DMG is selling for $0.07.

So there’s your opportunity. Your risk is that they actually did exit scam. Use your brain and look at my evidence and take a risk, or don’t. Doesn’t matter to me, at this point I’ve bought all I plan to.

Also inb4 “you’re just trying to pump the price so you can exit”. As if this fucking post will raise the price.

>> No.27869451

Thanks just bought the dip

>> No.27869512

Also DGH just tweeted they didn't know about it either and proved with their wallets.

>> No.27869535
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>> No.27869584
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>> No.27869590

Not buying your bags

>> No.27869707

So what happened exactly.?

>> No.27869744


Fucking exactly.

DMM was gagged as soon as the SEC stepped in. SEC isn’t going to let you tell insiders to get out early. Everyone finds out at once.

>> No.27869764
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>> No.27869903


SEC just shut them down for being a security. Crypto is in a fucking gray area. SEC can go after basically any project. DMM raised good money and someone probably sent the SEC a complaint when the price dropped from $1.50 to $0.35. Throw in the interest earning mTokens and they’re an easy SEC target.

>> No.27870257

There is a very good reason (((they))) got this one pulled, there is nothing more threatening to the banks then what DMG was trying to offer in the crypto space. but I doubt a buyback will happen, has it happened before?

could also be possible the team pulled a fast one on DGH and did not have the skill or talent to make things work.

my suspicion is the former

>> No.27870310

>spic team
>related to eachother
Thanks but I will pass on your familia token

>> No.27870371

and yet they have nfts on their roadmap like it's worth mentioning, waste of time. I'm looking at DMM since weeks. It doesnt look like true bluechip material

>> No.27870660

Where can i get it? 1inch is not allowing showing currently

>> No.27870758


I just snagged on Uniswap

>> No.27871062
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More likely they were on the radar for awhile and being (((advised))) on what would work and what wouldn't. NFTs were placeholders for onboarding large corporate assets and creating a permanent link into blockchain.

But then new politics takes over and some bureaucrat faggot wants to grade up and you get a sacrificial lamb. Not surprised a US based crypto gets treated like this in the US.

>> No.27871072

my hole village just losing everything this shit coin

>> No.27871080


These posts glow!! TERRY!!!

>> No.27871172

There was a buyback for Confido.

>> No.27871452
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>> No.27871620

>SEC just shut them down
so why should the price recover?