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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27849268 No.27849268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sacrificing myself and my time for the community of MetaWhale, where 98% are just lazies, waiting for people that really believe in something to spread the word and getting green candle rains just to dump their shit on you.

Anyway, I'm here trying to make you aware of MetaWhale, as I firmly believe it can shift Crypto as we see it today into a more positive, valuable and sustainable direction.

In "short":
During the grand rug pull defi season, everybody jumped on .finance coins and 95% where to late to the party and got left behind, loosing money on clones. MW changes the game and lets everybody participate and being able to win. Prolly sounds cheap, buts its like that.

MW builds reserves of non-mintable and deflationary assets like PAXG or BTC, while running a deflationary SELF-RENEWABLE monetary policy on whose end, holders of a certain MW token are able to redeem their share of the reserve that got filled during the turn from initial supply to 1. Like a gold pot on the end of a rainbow. :D

Then the protocol starts again from the beginning, minting back to initial supply and the game start again. On the way down to 1 MW(X) - tokens get burned on every tx made, and in case of MWBTC, also bitcoin gets burned and therefor incentivizing appreciation in value of the own reserve. This is literally possible with every coin that is not mintable!

If you just take a look (or 5) at the provided documentation, you should realize how revolutionary this is. In my opinion this protocol can not fail, is unclonable due to its complexity and scientific development and will turn some heads sooner or later.


FYI: AT 5 PM EST (like 50 min from now, kek) the dev Dr. Mantis will take a snapshot of $MWG holders for an airdrop incentive of the release of $MWBTC on Sunday this week.

Hope to get some engagement here. I'm ready for your trolls and questions on the topic, GFY!

>> No.27849717

Listen to this guy. this protocol is going to revolutionize the defi industry

>> No.27849770

Totally agree! The level of innovation DefiLabs Ecosystem is bringing to space is definitely what draws me the most. These are the new frontiers of monetary systems, with predefined cycles and with the added dynamism of the DeFi space.

With enough volume, I see this project, with all honesty, as the opportunity of a lifetime.

DYOR people. Read the docs. If you read carefully you'll understand the depth of these words:


>> No.27849909

Link to MetaWhale website:

Link to documentation:

>> No.27849923

I'm not going to buy your shitcoin and I'm going to talk other anons out of it, get fucked.

>> No.27850081

jesus you are schilling way too hard for me to bother even reading two sentences

> CTRL + F "tokenomics": 0 results

>> No.27850147

if you've seen these threads before everyone believes these tokens are revolutionary, innovative, etc.

its because its true.

If you haven't read the docs, do it. Whether you buy some or not it covers important issues in economics / crypto, and provides MW and PRIA as a solution and an example for future currencies.

>> No.27850272

if youre just searching for a PnD youre not gonna make it man

>> No.27850306

Thats ok sir. Im fucked already.

>> No.27850388

Your engagement here makes me already happy. Its your decision, read it up or leave it.

>> No.27850581

MWG & MWBTC are changing the DEFI game. Love both projects, also great read!

>> No.27850931

The "whale it" option and window following dont tell me what this is. Is that staking? Even reading the documentation doesnt clarify why I'd want to store my fiat in tokens in your reserve.

Theres no APY indicator, what are rewards?

>> No.27851433

Deflationary assets reward you for holding, while inflationary assets reward you for spending money.

Because of that:
Deflation causes less circulation in the economy, while inflation increases it.

MW combines these two systems, meaning you are rewarded for holding, while the circulation of supply is incentivized.

As stated in my post, for example the MetaWhale Gold token is backed by its $PAXG reserve. This reserve is redeemable for all holder (and their share of the total supply) when burn stops at 1 token. Then the game starts again with initial supply.

Just fyi, MWG already has a reserve of PAXG worth $150k after 1 week trading.

Check the holder list, MW is #65 and will get higher fast

>> No.27851724

I truly hope you all aren't missing out on this one

>> No.27851909

Post the back of your hand or I won't believe you.

>> No.27852118

xD I only got dick pics. That enough?

>> No.27852352

Should I get this? Will it going to moon?

>> No.27852355

Lots of shilling here...

>> No.27852461

Yes, Dr. Mantis will make you rich. Buy $MWG now.

>> No.27852506

you answer yourself xD

>> No.27852626

But it feels like me, looking every morning into the mirror, asking me the same question, giving me this answer.

>> No.27852699

Think Ill stick with staking on projects with a github and a visible team

Why would the MW tokens be worth anything if they have no usecase?

>> No.27852709

>"Why am I brown?"
>"Because I was born a poo in loo."

>> No.27852823

confirmed all of these three namefags are the same person. Look how “whaleorian” responds to anons posts by just fucking typing a message after them instead of (you)ing them. Literally a retarded pajeet streetshitter coin. Get fucked OP

>> No.27852952
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How do I participate? I don't have much but would like to partake.

>> No.27853025

Finally I'll be early to something thanks stranger!

>> No.27853154

you are not so smart are u. u QAnon member? Thats literally my first biz thread you cunt, i feel like in 1999

>> No.27853191

I've thought of the idea of shilling a shitcoin online to pump and dump it too OP, you need to make it less obvious and format posts differently for 4chan and Reddit you fucking retard

>> No.27853309

thx for the advice, where to learn pls

>> No.27853321

See these random namefags? Nobody does this besides chink/indian/russian shills. Nobody actually uses the name field like this. Nobody. Only shills and scammers.

Avoid this scam like the plague.

>> No.27853347

I'm in the TG, I don't think we have a true /biz/ rep. I suggested how to approach the board and someone told me to watch a youtube video. kek
Read the docs and go to the TG if you have questions that's all I can suggest for now. Its legit.

>> No.27853365

Wow! Great project!

>> No.27853512

Ok i found out how to respond directly fml

>> No.27853633

MetaWhale Gold just paste contract form the coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/metawhale-gold
Good project Ive been in for 2 weeks

>> No.27853642


>> No.27853659

get the fuck out 3rd world scamming fuck

>> No.27853681

Look at the posts in this thread and tell me with a straight face that you think (a) anyone on /biz/ talks like this and (b) the "conversation" is organic

Does it seem forced and fake? If it doesn't may I kindly suggest you lurk for longer than 5mins

>> No.27853754

Nobody or shills and scammers?

>> No.27853907

Thats problaby because im the only fuck that brings up a biz post and i ask the tg members to participate? COULD IT BE THAT SIMPLE?

>> No.27854020

Sounds like designed to rise systematically, that's enough for me to ape in

>> No.27854153

I'm shilling it solely to have an archive to point to when its over $50 and people ask why it wasn't shilled under $5.

>> No.27854256

I know one of you stole that $400 contest from me with a fake account

>> No.27854365

But i totally get it that u people are so anti here as 99% of all shills seems to be garbage of scammers and u also got burned listening to those in the past. I tried to create initially a non standard post with super hardcore shilling but it seems that u even get butthurt by what i wrote, which seems pretty conservative to me. BUY MWG! NOW ! OR BE LEFT BEHIND FUCKTARRDS! What u want to hear?

>> No.27854380

if you think its a scam dont buy you will not be missed

>> No.27854412

Hello sirs thank you for this financial advice will buy coin sirs

>> No.27854486

Finally someone with reason. And such a gentlemen.

>> No.27854593

Correction: "Without super hardcore shilling" oc

>> No.27854847

Maybe just watch this fucking video that just got released for a summary of MW

>> No.27855086

Nice another one archiving. Cant wait to look back to this days then.

>> No.27855198

wow great project I will definitely be spending some dollars in this great and amazing project thank you Mr hope to become soon very rich from this bodacious prospect

>> No.27855381

Be left in the dust, gonna post this archived thread in the futurrrre.

>> No.27855970
File: 69 KB, 300x300, peepoHappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

airdrop soon frens

>> No.27856050


>> No.27856153

Losers on here who are trashing this post. GTFO. This token has as much use case as any other and the genius is that it doesn't implode like your shitcoin does. It's called inflation arbitrage. Perpetual inflation arbitrage. And people bashing the writer for shilling, WTF does anyone do on 4chan besides shill? Don't buy. Don't make money.

>> No.27856418
File: 236 KB, 960x724, 1477950006177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you literally retarded?

>> No.27856645

Just so u know, i didnt ask for this. I asked for serious content and no pajeet style in the TG. But its at least funny isnt it?

>> No.27856749

Thanks for the backup <3

>> No.27856914
File: 36 KB, 400x426, 1478843623370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just pathetic, if im totally honest. i was unironically looking into MWG yesteday, now i rather chug my cum jar

>> No.27857029

Fair enough :D

>> No.27857123

May I ask why u dont like MWG?

>> No.27857223

where to buy MWG?

>> No.27857311
File: 69 KB, 500x517, 1494959450115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just killed it, and im never looking into it again.
get the fuck off this website and dont come back please thanks bye, retard

>> No.27857372

Where to buy? Why no telegram group?

>> No.27857436

Good sirs this is not the quality I expected when I hired your team to shill campaign me on internet. I will be emailing you serious business, I request refund now. Regards.

>> No.27857531

you have serious issues, have a good life you can t trigger me with your bs

>> No.27857611

google metawhale or read my post. There is the webpage xD

>> No.27857694

Read this with indian accent: Sir please give me your credit card number, we need it to help you remove the virus from your computer please sir.

>> No.27857944

haha u are such assholes :D I literally said DYO Fucking Research. Buy it or leave it. Whatever, u dont even understand what i wrote there, you cant grasp the magnitude of it.

>> No.27858243

I just bought 3200 mwg this better make me rich! all in!

>> No.27858303

It's 3 dollars so far can this go? I'm willing to invest.

>> No.27858306


>> No.27858422

bought it already. lets see where it goes. nice and unique project.

>> No.27858520

wow! look at all of these totally normal, organic responses! you niggers are faggots. no one is buying your bags.

>> No.27858667

do your own math...if it is backed by tokenized gold and everytime the temp. reserve gets filled, the contract buys more PAXG. This creates a rising price floor and for the rest itdepends on the popularity how far it can go up...hard to throw numbers arround, but i would say next leg up breaks ath of 5.82$ in the next days. Depends also on the market...just join the TG


>> No.27858702

You reacted like an offended indian scammer, it's so cliche, I can smell the curry from here, go suck your fathers cock poo in loo, I know you want a bahtroom for your family to have comfy shits so you can stop shitting on the street but this is not a good way to achieve that

>> No.27858855

heyyy uhhhhhhh shut up

>> No.27858960

Your level is so low man, you cant bring me down there and you wont hurt me feely feeling with your dark generic 4chan troll lines. I hope one day you find someone that is able to love you.

>> No.27859186

Sanjay I'll pay you $50 in bitcoin if you upload a timestamped picture of yourself, with your face visible. Timestamped means you write '/biz/' and today's date on a piece of paper and show it in the photo.
Post the photo and your bitcoin address now.

>> No.27859266

Just bought 1k of this shitcoin. Don't let me down guys.

>> No.27859391

jesus christ give up pajeet it's starting to get really sad and pathetic, we aren't low IQ retards or old people with reduced brain blood flow for you to scam us, close your browser and lay in bed for a while and think what went wrong in your life to be here lying and trying to scam people, you saw GME and thought you could do the same but you are too stupid to pull it off, atleast that quality of yours, being a mongoloid, is good for everyone else because it keeps you from scamming people. Sniff sniff, what is that that I smell? Ah shit it's curry, the fucking curry, PAJEEEET

>> No.27859476

I dont need your 50$ and i certanly dont need my fucking face on 4chan. Next step is you guys send a SWAT team to my home and get me killed for fun. What would it change for you?

>> No.27859489

It's dropping pretty hard let's see where this goes.

>> No.27859659

doubt anyone can swat you in Pooinloo (indian province)

>> No.27859741

i bet you this is the guy who bought the peak at 5$ now hes shilling to break even and dump:DDD get fucked dude. get on a actual project thats actually doing something and not just scammers

>> No.27859754

Great story! You are so smart that you cant leave it to keep this thread aliv,e because you need to try to suck normal peoples energy for to fill a gap in your fucked up personality because uncle joe touched you when he took u from the kindergarden back when u where a child.

>> No.27859762

Not sure if I can trust you due to all the misspellings.

>> No.27859845

got airdropped, and bought same amount at 1.35$

>> No.27859895

>I'm sacrificing myself
Didn't you read that this pure and brave soul is sacrificing himself for our benefit?

>> No.27859930

Im no native english speaker, but im from europe. yeah yeah, i know every generic pajeet would say the same

>> No.27860059

Cunts awaited snapshot time for airdrop left

>> No.27860128

"and left"

>> No.27860135

post the back of your hand right now and prove you are not a pajeet, it's your only chance to redeem this thread

>> No.27860266

I think you are the fucking indian here, who the fuck knows such thing!! Nrbody, just pajeets and scammer that fuck there sissies to the ground!!

>> No.27860268
File: 33 KB, 885x735, BrainStop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, they screwed themselves by writing too much... they should know that we dont read anything with more than 1 block of text. fuckin reddddit spacing too

>> No.27860282

Just got an error on uniswap can't buy it.

>> No.27860353

use whole numbers, increase slippage. Read the docs please before you ape ffs

>> No.27860457

i've seen many videos of indiand scammers getting fucked

>> No.27860531

lmao an actual scam thread

>> No.27860592

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.27860611

I'm learning your ways! You give up all your secrets, unless this is some twisted reversed psychology and part of your vicious plans.

>> No.27860715


>> No.27860753

u only read the bashing or did u read 1 line of what i wrote?

>> No.27861253

Okay gotta go and let this thread dry out, my sister needs me in the bathroom. Was fun chatting with you. I come back someday with the link to the archived post. If u have just 1 braincell left, at least try to get a bit of information on the project and dont be so ignorant on this. Till then assholes

>> No.27861402

have fun raping your sister ranjeesh

>> No.27861533

the gas fees are batshit insane right now

>> No.27861572

you finally said something that makes sense

>> No.27861607

just tell me what to buy and when to sell

>> No.27862209

OP, your transparency is refreshing. Spend a little more time here and tell the jeets in your telegram not to samefag and to avoid posting if they can't actually type in clear English. If you play your cards right you'll get a feel for what kind of shilling works and what doesn't. The contrast between your sincere passion for whatever the fuck this project is and the tenor of the "natural" responses to it are what make this so easy to spot.

>> No.27863285

This is the most retarded shilling I’ve seen on here. Having said that, I’m interested.

>> No.27863473

Give me one way in which the world would be negatively impacted if all Indians died

>> No.27863698

are you giving him advice on how to scam better or do you believe in this shit?

>> No.27863908

As a honest dude, why do i have to write here in some kind of Biz style to be taken serious?
Don't all the scammers here use this Biz style?
And the most successful scammers are the best Biz style shillers?
Perhaps normal dudes want to spend time in serious research instead wasting time by learning such garbage language like Biz is offering.

>> No.27864063

The former kek

>> No.27864134

I aped in for $2k. The idea does seem kind of interesting. If it were a rug, it would have rugged by now. The Liquity pool has like 300k in eth.

>> No.27864351

First of all things, I killed my nametag^^. Thanks for your post, its also refreshing. I think I will eventually get there.

>> No.27864458
File: 178 KB, 760x663, 170508-pepe-frog-mn-1015_d426fa9c41cb6f5d75cac2e042652bdb.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to tell you this but noone can buy ot even if we want. I tried.

The ethereum fee on uniswap is 200$ right now.

Ethereum is dying as we speak. Its over

>> No.27864513

Hope you could find a nice entry on the post snapshot dump.

>> No.27864637

Yeah I know, thats fucked up. Gas only comes immaterial if you buy min. 2k MWG atm

>> No.27864791

Got in at around $2 so not bad. Up 50% almost already.

>> No.27864829

Thats a valid point. Its all about psychology and how to manipulate people. Its sad, really..someone will always be scammed baka. Human greed has no morals.

>> No.27865115
File: 11 KB, 330x330, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gz! Just know, all volume - also selling adds to the PAXG reserve of MWG. We (steel holders) actually are okay with big sell offs as it burns MWG and adds to the reserve. So its a nice token for traders as well as for holders. But thats just my humble opinion.

>> No.27865384

So once this runs it's course, gold will theoretically have the same value in every market or some shit?

>> No.27865430

Hmm... every time i see here 100% Biz speak, i stay away.
When some normal dude comes here and writes in a style that i can easy understand , it's not containing racism, sexism etc.... only based on product and facts - that's when i listen.
Got not scammed one time.
For me these sort of guys are likely already in the 7 figure club, while Biz style writers are nobodys .

>> No.27865751

this unironcally looks legit.

>> No.27865928

DYOR. I'm in. how long til we make it?

>> No.27866098

2 days until the MWBTC launch guys.

MWG is great and will keep building a huge reserve of gold, but MWBTC could be extremely disruptive and be a 1000000x coin.
Think about all the bitcoin maxis when they see this contract burning their bitcoin, while prophesizing the implosion of it. Gonna be a fun time in 2 days when this starts

>> No.27866137

I honestly believe that most of the accusations of scamming leveled on this board are just bluster. The reality is that a lot of projects will fail despite the good intentions and competence of their teams. It's less emotionally draining to just regard a project as one that has the potential to do well or one lacking in those fundamental traits. This of course doesn't apply when considering actual low effort scamcoins like the numerous RFI forks or flavor-of-the-week animal tokens trying to capitalize on the market penetration of DOGE. And it's also the case that a perfectly legitimate project will be marketed in a scummy way by people hoping to make short-term gains. All just a byproduct of the lack of regulation. I personally enjoy it a lot.

>> No.27866298

i dont wanna make MWBTC sound like a replacement for MWG though, the whole ecosystem benefits together

>> No.27866373


>> No.27866375

Yeah gold is deflationary (at least on earth). PAXG tokenized it. Once the moment of truth comes (when mwg is burned down to 1) anyone is able to call the big reset function. In the time of 35 days any holder is able to redeem the PAXG (depending on their share of supply of MWG from the collected reserve. Just saying, after 1 week trading with okay volume, the contract bought $150k of PAXG and added to its reserve and is like TOP60 holder of PAXG. MWBTC will do almost the same, just Bitcoin as its reserve + buying and burning bitcoin. Its all in the docs, but it needs some time to digest all the information.

>> No.27866855

Lmfao at all the dumb motherfuckers thinking this is a scam.

No one in their right mind would create a project this complex, part of which creates a claimable gold reserve for holders, and it be a scam.


>> No.27866882

Didn't mention it yet, but all MetaWhales will benefit $PRIA SIE NFT (ca 300 circulating in total) holders, market buy $PRIA from its reserves and add to the airdrop reserve of PRIA, all on % basis that makes sense. That's where it is all sort of tied together. You can find everything in the documentations on the website.

>> No.27866930
