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File: 16 KB, 745x187, basedkiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27841868 No.27841868 [Reply] [Original]

My band of choice edition


>> No.27841954
File: 123 KB, 634x634, 1562813728404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought when it was under a cent

>> No.27841975

Why are “people” shilling a literal shitcoin with 0 (zero) uses?

>> No.27842041
File: 58 KB, 982x726, dogecoin%20elon%20musk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27842055

Well Pornhub and Chaterbate recently adopted DOGE as a payment method

Coomcoin = $1?

>> No.27842077

you can buy porn or e-whore with it, what more do you need?

>> No.27842097


So why are people shilling any crypto?

>> No.27842104

Pornhub and Chatchurbate accept it now.

>> No.27842125

le ebic billionaire is tweeting about it and people think they'll just get rich by holding it

>> No.27842155

>literal shitcoin with 0 (zero) uses?
you can buy pornhub premium with it amongst other things unlike with your shitty shib ripoff, dirty pajeet

>> No.27842171

fuck thats actually pretty bullish

>> No.27842197

dogecoin has actually more adoption than buttcorn

>> No.27842248

sorry sir I'm too busy cooming with my new PornHub™ Premium™ account that I've purchased using my DOGE™ wallet

>> No.27842276

Is doge a scam? There is literally no reason for the resistance
>be billionaire broker
>dont want the masses to get rich
>buy billions of doge
>let the price rise then domp eeet
>laugh as thousands of people loose their paychecks
>buy again when it dumps
>rinse and repeat

>> No.27842346


>> No.27842417

capitalism is a scam
see GME
rules for thee but not for me

>> No.27842432

if he did this his plan misfired horribly because his pump caused a widespread adoption and it is no longer possible to dump it back to the bottom, only to cause temp dips

>> No.27842440

fill your pockets with dipshit's stimulus check 101

>> No.27842534
File: 35 KB, 450x334, Screenshots_2021-02-03-13-11-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that big wallet bought the paltry amount of 0.02052021 Dogecoins multiple times and lots of people think it's code for 02/05/2021.

Any bets on something big happening today?

>> No.27842552

You can also buy anime and air filters.

>> No.27842622

the floor has risen 1 cent per day for 3 days now.

>> No.27842636

big event = doomp

>> No.27842707

Fuck, I might have to buy another 10k dogecoins


>> No.27842785

Doesn't this also incorporate people randomly sending to this address?

If I send this exact amount to this wallet, will it display on that page?

>> No.27842790

hey elomn musk her doomp it now

>> No.27842794

Oh no, oh no no no no no guys, I don't think I can make it much longer. I'm gonna, I'M GONNA


>> No.27842942

If fagot whales would stop setting limits sells every time it goes up 1 cent we'd be at a dollar right now. Fucking chinks/jews

>> No.27843027

what's the quickest an altcoin has gone from 5c to $1?

>> No.27843101
File: 386 KB, 881x1520, Screenshots_2021-02-05-10-51-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've no idea to be honest

Unrelated, Crypto.com is now dealing in Dogecoin, so that's another platform for normies to trade on

>> No.27843179
File: 25 KB, 939x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder dogecoin has max number

>> No.27843227

Most likely RECEIVED from trolls, anons, redditors, or literally whoever.

>> No.27843248

I’m going to get an aneurism reading this kind of stuff. Anyone can send any amount to any address, it doesn’t imply someone is secretly “buying” to send a message besides the pumper and dumpers doing it. I say this as someone who holds a lot of doge.

>> No.27843294

I'm on 95k doge and next week I'll put another $1k in.

>> No.27843301
File: 134 KB, 1440x293, dogesupply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that cap was removed

>> No.27843312

The supply is infinite senpai. Circulating supply is the amount of coins minted. As it says right there, 10K are minted every minute.

>> No.27843386


>> No.27843416

Wasn't that already priced in the pump ?

>> No.27843429

fuck this.
what faggots.
The entire market is sky rocketing and this doge is a piece of shit stable coin going back to sub .01.

>> No.27843434

people who pay for porn and ewhores arent financial advisors

>> No.27843446

>Anyone can send any amount to any address, it doesn’t imply someone is secretly “buying” to send a message besides the pumper and dumpers doing it.

>> No.27843519
File: 167 KB, 876x768, 6106DCA2-310F-48EC-B4B5-615D4081C6C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27843522
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 892a6ada93d94d0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me straight is it still a good idea to get in?

>> No.27843549

>The supply is infinite senpai.
The supply is theoretically infinite, assuming infinite time. They're only the same thing if you're retarded.

>> No.27843608

this is to make up for all lost doge and shitty transaction fees over time
there's a lot of lost wallets

>> No.27843629

Yes but I imagine we've yet to see the ripples from their adoption

>> No.27843704

Because making crypto seem valid and not just ubermeme bullshit is apparently not on the menu.

>> No.27843720

cope harder

>> No.27843726

sure just don't spend more than what you're willing to lose

>> No.27843739



>> No.27843758

Or how about:
> be richest man on planet
> purchase defunct, yet cute and recognizable crypto at low low low prices
> use your billions to edge the graph up, build up hype
> announce you are taking over the dev team, and adding robust features to Dogecoin
> become richest man x100

>> No.27843763

People keep mining, the amount of coins keep incrasing, the price naturally goes down. Inflation 101. Learn something before calling others retarded, will ya

>> No.27843767

No. Crypto is gambling.
Do it anyway, if only for pocket money. Just to say you were part of it.

>> No.27843800
File: 911 KB, 524x480, todamoojoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27843815

you still have to mine them though

>> No.27843816

real currencies don't have a cap anon

>> No.27843869

i hate this faggot and this band so fucking much, but yea i'm buying more doge

>> No.27843917

don't be a simple jack.
Or... if you wanna, I have some GME @ 440 to sell you.

>> No.27843923

And every day more people get into mining DOGE.

>> No.27843968

HI Elon!

>> No.27843981

>only adds a few billion every year
>eventually more will be held than can be made available at one time
Are you planning on living forever? If no there will be a cap in your lifetime.

>> No.27843992

The mining difficulty rises the more coins are in circulation. Crypto 101. Mining isn't a free ticket to infinite money.
How many USD do you think are currently in circulation? How many €? If doge becomes widely adopted we'll be seeing deflation for a while, not inflation.

>> No.27844118

the best thing about putting all my funds into doge is that the whore of my ex wife has no way to take them away from me

>> No.27844129

But I didn't buy GME at 440. I bought Doge ~.004.

>> No.27844153

and so the difficulty rises which means it will be harder to mine so expect a drastic decrease of supply
just look at how hard it is to mine btc
same will happen with doge if it keeps rising

>> No.27844170

Based and dogepilled.

>> No.27844232
File: 31 KB, 614x586, 1611924263508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this god damn it i am so tired repeating this to retards in fact i am going to prove it to everyone right now i am going to send 0.69696969 doge to that wallet right now

>> No.27844320

You two retards, BTC has a different mining system in which the block rewards are deliberatedly decreased every year to avoid abruptly reaching the coin cap and to account for the increasing amount of miners.
DOGE has a constant reward of 10K DOGE per minute. Go read a bit about the topic.

>> No.27844334

Cryptocurrency the choice of men with gold digging ex wives confirmed

>> No.27844367
File: 62 KB, 631x475, DO_IT_FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27844387

i don't know anything about how crypto works i'm just here for a lambo

>> No.27844409

a coin with a dog on it, how delightful

>> No.27844432

Better yet. Send 0.[your post ID] to prove those retards how deluded they are

>> No.27844481

>let's pump
>it dumps

Many such cases!

>> No.27844487
File: 349 KB, 1536x992, 1514181901562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didnt pump to dump.

you werent around /biz/ during the first bitcoin rally?

Impossible to cash out?
Have to pay taxes?

The true endgame doesnt include any of the two above.

When the adoption is finnsihed there wont be a need to cash out, or to pay taxes on trades

>> No.27844558
File: 30 KB, 600x434, ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27844580

Listen up you faggots, there's going to be a mass Dogecoin DUMP tonight at 9pm EST, organized by some reddit fags. Sell NOW.

>> No.27844586
File: 58 KB, 1080x793, FB_IMG_1579222266396_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I'd like to see this

>> No.27844629

fuck off

>> No.27844638

it is still a huge wallet, and it does not seem to be an exchange.

>> No.27844639


>> No.27844642

but that was yesterday

>> No.27844678

fucking kek

>> No.27844734

i just sent it, it will take a while for my wallet to sync and then the payment to verify but you should see it soon hopefully, like an hour at most 1,69696969

>> No.27844746
File: 181 KB, 450x405, 1610838262859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shan't be selling my 134 dogecoins

>> No.27844826

>no cap
>will end up as inflated as fiat
This is the worst possible ending

>> No.27844828

So that means BUY BUY BUY at 9pm, got it.

>> No.27844856

>Pornhub ruined their site to appease CC companies
>They pulled out anyway


>> No.27844914

listen up faggot, they tried this yesterday with multiple days of boosting and all it did was move from .045 to .048 back to .045

>> No.27845004
File: 9 KB, 200x311, 1519082762298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought 50k coins @ .052

>> No.27845058

sorry anon the society isnt a fucking hivemind and everyone is looking out for himself

>> No.27845089



literally anyone can send coins to any wallet that is how crypto worls for fucks sake

>> No.27845100

t. rajeesh devi

>> No.27845151
File: 203 KB, 528x528, 1401746021528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't plan on selling when it hits $0.052 to break even, do you anon? Don't you wanna hold on to your Dogecoin and get rich? Or do you wanna be a poor lurker for the rest of your life?

>> No.27845177

when they said pump they dumped so i guess now that they're saying dump it's going to be a pump. thanks for the heads up.

>> No.27845243

much more peaceful than current fiat

>> No.27845250

dogecoin will never be $1, a price of $1 would put it at #3 in terms of marketcap. dogecoin has an infinite supply. you're retarded if you put any money into this pump and dump

>> No.27845255

Their “massive” dump last night was barely registered if you bought before .03. All theyre doing is giving me a discount when I buy all the dips.

>> No.27845331
File: 189 KB, 462x450, 1610070617098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be damned, I've been grifted by retards for days thinking this was Elon's wallet

>> No.27845350

Thing is, there are a lot of retards out there.

>> No.27845358
File: 385 KB, 720x712, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27845360
File: 97 KB, 582x437, 1511812468091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but then there are two options, exchange, doesnt seem likely.

look at the first transactions, someone is testing the wallet buy transfering 100 back and forth, then the irregularity doesnt seem like a big corp.

whale, possibly, but who?

>> No.27845380
File: 119 KB, 578x584, 1590392753402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge looking bullish as fuck

>> No.27845421

I have the sell limit at .058 and I'm rebuying when it dips back to .04.

>> No.27845449

I mean, it could still be though, there aren't that many people around willing to put 100 million dollars into a fucking meme

If it isn't an exchange wallet, that is, but that's also unlikely

>> No.27845482

it can still be elon's wallet considering the billions of dollars being put into it. all this shows is that anybody can send money to it, but people who actually understand this stuff already knew that.

>> No.27845484


>> No.27845494
File: 748 KB, 736x721, 1612547624741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever gotten dubs before?

>> No.27845541

i can't believe you are trading crypto and don't understand how wallets work

it could be elons wallet, but all those small transactions are just meme fags sending shit there
if you see a transaction like

instead of

then you will know it's elon, because nobody will send like $100k worth of coins there for a meme

>> No.27845539

You've been warned.

>> No.27845572
File: 145 KB, 620x346, 1503626105230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on it, this is fud, _IF_ doge gets adopted as a currency globaly, the new coins will just about make up for lost wallets, etc.

>> No.27845600

I wanted to sell off at 5 again then buy in at 3 or so like I have a couple times.
Think it's going to dip again after it peaks over 5 another time?

>> No.27845628

You realise you can still squeeze profits from this? Yes its risky but I've literally made 100s this week just buying low and selling high

>> No.27845632
File: 244 KB, 400x397, 1546052507260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if it doesn't dip back that far?

>> No.27845668
File: 26 KB, 283x288, 1489637537368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt the US Dollar also unlimited according to the Secretary of Treasury last year?

>> No.27845679
File: 631 KB, 1024x768, screenshot_2019-10-29_at_10.44.17_am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the free money faggit

>> No.27845697
File: 399 KB, 640x480, DOGE MOON RIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are two parts
>the dogecoin address
>the dogecoin wallet

>> No.27845719

i am not claiming this isn't Elon's valled what i am saying that all the small amounts of doges sent there in the last few days wasn't elon just some normies having fun
when is see a transaction worth like 100k dollars with some meme number like 9112001 i will believe it's elon

>> No.27845724

if you look at the chart, the first pump was due PnD group, second pump through elon and normies... so its pretty much over

>> No.27845729

someone has to hold the bags

>> No.27845749

Oh it will with the amount of PnD tards on this coin

>> No.27845800

Seriously what the hell is with the celebs endorsing it?

>> No.27845881

Have you?

>> No.27845909

And now it holds at double the lowest it reached after the first dump? If you bought the dips you'd be doing great right now. I think this is just getting started.

>> No.27845915

hey how about you build a rocket that DOESN'T explode on landing for once?

>> No.27845923

Yes, just wanted to point that out to anyone blindly reading, but yes again, the memeish numbers and dates obvi. are "fakes"

>> No.27845942


>> No.27846067

My plan for this year is to have 100k in Doge.
This doggo is gonna free us from wage slavery. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.27846069

what kind of exchange would keep a billion fucking dollars of some shitcoin?

>> No.27846075

I'll be honest with you choom, I'm relatively new to crypto. I've been putting my spare change into Doge since September for the meme, but since it jumped to 1¢ in early January I've been looking at it as a solid investment and the last few days have shown impressive growth. That said, I'm still learning about blockchains, wallet addresses and the other nuances of crypto, so this little stint was a good learning exercise for me.

>> No.27846076

yeah cause the bagholders think something wil happen again, but there is nothing left

>> No.27846090

Same thing happened to Bitcoin before it mooned.

>> No.27846208

Do you think similar conversations were had two years ago when it jumped to 1c? If everyone holds their bags, eventually it will pay off. People are holding because they fell in love with stupid, shitty Dogecoin.

>> No.27846219
File: 13 KB, 643x69, probitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking pieces of shit are going to keep my doge coin forever aren't they? FUCK PROBIT!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27846242
File: 87 KB, 768x768, 069e5028-0cfe-11ea-afcd-7b308be3ba45_image_hires_161139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27846286

We need onlyfans for it to break .2

>> No.27846384

most likely this was set up by Elon and it's program running it

>> No.27846393

What is a good dump target to buy in?

>> No.27846453

my sister has OF i will talk with her about it and see if she can push it on her other OF thot friends as well

>> No.27846511

poor anon, were with you

>> No.27846525
File: 289 KB, 442x761, 1514114911586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27846543

I believe you ill sell at 8:58 and rebuy and 9:05

>> No.27846566

Anything below .04 at this point.

>> No.27846575

ask them to email onlyfans and to ask for dogecoin to be accepted as payment

>> No.27846602

based anon pimping out his whore sister

>> No.27846611

Gene's buying in early and waiting for the pump so he can dump his bags on all the diamond handed goyim. Absolutely based and kosherpilled.

>> No.27846633

Link your sister's Onlyfans or you're a faggot

>> No.27846659

Just wait and hold. There are no peaks and dips right now to exploit, it's been pretty stable today.

>> No.27846672
File: 350 KB, 568x590, 1580014259371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to ride the waves
>get bogged and have to stare at hours of bullish waves due to having bought at like 0.047 each

>> No.27846690

so... whats happening with this shite coin today? are we gonna get another pump and dump soon like last night? that would be cool esp with floor sitting around 0.045 now.

>> No.27846754

Yeah, 15 minutes.

>> No.27846834

will be really funny if two months later doge is worth 0.00001 and the dogecoin subplebbit will be still full of plebs posting diamond hand memes waiting for the moon

>> No.27846900

This dog doesn't stay stable very long, there will be a breakout soon, dunno if up or down though

>> No.27846955

When these normies and boomers get dumped on we are all going to pay the price for it.

>> No.27846974

Based onlyfans

>> No.27846992

Will literally never reach that value again
at MOST, it will stablize on 0.02 if it gets fully abandoned

>> No.27847035
File: 23 KB, 432x513, 1611150656201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically bought every single top like a fucking retard and now I have to wait

>> No.27847049

If it follows the pattern we should see some movement in about 4-5 hours.

>> No.27847063
File: 8 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27847067
File: 13 KB, 976x475, Screenshot 2021-02-05 163754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably down

>> No.27847137

i need to fucking sleep. same here tho anon

>> No.27847181

This barely affects the breakout direction dude.

>> No.27847190

Imagine thinking reddit can do shit after that piss poor "9pm est" meme last night.

>> No.27847237

well it won't go away without a bang
there is no way the leviathan will just do nothing let's the coin fall into obscurity with 1 billion riding in it

i could see something like some for example dog shelter that starts accepting dogecoin donations because it's ironic and the leviathan will do a public stunt where he donates like 500million coins to them

>> No.27847271

fuck this i'm going to get rich with grt

>> No.27847340

Doesn't this literally mean demand is low and supply is high? Plus the metric tonnes of sell walls make it unattractive for poomping except for redditards.

>> No.27847380

Don't forget your HRT

>> No.27847425

that's elon musk and other billionaires' problem if they're trying to make it a new world currency

>> No.27847513

Don't let us down, anon

>> No.27847646
File: 87 KB, 800x800, laughing_cheetah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27847863
File: 53 KB, 849x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take solace in knowing that at least this isn't you

>> No.27848094
File: 42 KB, 600x455, 1254172884282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.0049 here.

>> No.27848105

pretty much, nothing we can do about it anyway with our pathetic 10k holdings
ife musk, bezos and gates coordinated and each pooomped a billion in it would shoot up so fucking high so fucking fast

>> No.27848131


I wonder if "jollyoljoel" is gonna be jolly when this gets dumped on below last week's levels.

>> No.27848217
File: 3.22 MB, 491x704, 1595216330380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought at .070
>brought my average down to .050 by swinging

>> No.27848266

There isn't a difference between the usd and doge
If it was in chinas interest to pull the rug from underneath the usd then dogecoin might actually become the peoples coin unironically and the little guy still has money thats worth something
this is actually a genius move holy shit.
Based elon owning 36 billion

>> No.27848316

shit, the leviathan must really believe in doge
even with the pumps constantly failing and the doge constantly falling back down to 0.04 and shit the leviathan still keeps buying insane amounts, he bought another 2 billion doges today

i wonder if his plan is to buy so much he starves the entire market

>> No.27848375
File: 3.92 MB, 300x272, beer me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its payday
are we poompin or what?!

>> No.27848399

it's probably some arab oil tycoon in the UAE or something buying it because he thinks it's funny

>> No.27848442

Probably his plan which is good for us, but if it's not Elon we're kinda fucked, as soon as he dumps the whole coin is over.

>> No.27848496


>> No.27848517
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1611952634720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump starts now
Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.27848524

>as soon as he dumps the whole coin is over.
i don't see that happening, unless he has like 10IQ he would realize that dumping even 10% of his bags would crash the coin to 0.01 and make his massive bags worthless

>> No.27848547
File: 598 KB, 1800x2400, 1612455052112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.03 chad reporting

>> No.27848576
File: 37 KB, 540x359, catscrem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw elon musk puts 100 bn of his 200 bn networth into doge

>> No.27848606

i should probably PM him some links to pink wojaks, he is going to need them

>> No.27848713

He will still profit a literal crap ton, isn't that the whole point? It's either an investor who actually wants the coin to go up in price by diminishing supply artificially or he's waiting to take the biggest dump in history.

>> No.27848720
File: 184 KB, 566x949, THANK YOU BASED SHITCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27848723

psyop to delegitimize crypto, they are trying to create another 2018 crash

>> No.27848786

the .046 wall is too strong

>> No.27848810
File: 10 KB, 222x312, 1612478711641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27848858

Nah I bought at .46

>> No.27848872

>another 2018 crash
You spelled investment opportunity wrong.
Crypto is the future. It's not going away.

>> No.27848880


>> No.27848901

.016 11k400

>> No.27848944


>> No.27849003

Thank you based shitcoin

>> No.27849007
File: 222 KB, 682x468, 75134-Huell-Dat-Lip-Bite-meme-Breaki-nRFJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27849053
File: 629 KB, 1414x1270, Danger Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27849118

Newfags don't understand supply and market capitalization

>> No.27849127
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>> No.27849195
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You know who else has 0 uses?

>> No.27849279

Please dump on this absolute kike.

>> No.27849299
File: 53 KB, 887x560, apu0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go above $0.05 already?

>> No.27849303

he's obviously trying to raise the value, as you can see he's only obtaining more and more doge. I actually do believe that's elon musk's wallet and he has what it takes to make this, and market it as, some fun internet currency that you use on popular websites and at fucking disney land and shit. it also could be babby's first investment - parents letting their kids get some to buy something off of amazon or an apple store gift card and then watch and see how much any remaining doge goes up over time. that's just the kind of potential I see in it any way. it seems like the perfect normie babby crypto that can be adopted into actual currency right now simply because we know it's being endorsed by billionaires who honestly can do whatever they want with it. another extreme example would be elon making a tesla that you can only buy with doge. is that going to happen? lol fuck no but he could if he wanted to.

>> No.27849304

You read the red text, which means you knowingly denied danger dog. You literally cast danger dog aside, and gave up all immunities. You can't agree to something then cop out without consequences.
If you didn't read the red, why reply with an immunity post?

>> No.27849386


>> No.27849391

He didn't say he bought six figures worth.
Plenty of people have six figures of doge.

>> No.27849445
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>> No.27849463

why so greedy fren?
monies won't buy you happiness

>> No.27849568

can we just get a little mini pump?? talking to the whales. i need to go to bed

>> No.27849585

Danger Dog is stronger than any curse.

>> No.27849607

>monies won't buy you happiness
No, but it will sure as shit bring me closer...

>> No.27849652


>> No.27849736

I will be very much happy if I don't have to go to work for the rest of my life

>> No.27849740

>monies won't buy you happiness
Never having to wageslave again would buy me a whole lot of happiness.

>> No.27849808

Bullshit. Money will take care of a lot for me.

>> No.27849856

Holy fuck that kid should commit sudoku if he bought Big. I’m comfy at 0.01

>> No.27849887

Guys, I just swung 5000 coins into 5001. WAGMI

>> No.27849948
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>> No.27850001

This 0.046 is a wall for today seemingly, no big pump for us

Apparently more redditfags are gonna dump it at 2am GMT again so careful lads

>> No.27850015

less stress over stupid shit is always good anon

>> No.27850043

invested 13 bucks, when do i get rich

>> No.27850045


>> No.27850095
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Panic sold and scalped my own bag once though

>> No.27850122

> dump it at 2am GMT
is this because they are planning another pump that will end up in a massive dump?

>> No.27850156


>> No.27850196

Hahahahahaha bless you anon

>> No.27850211

3500 @ .038

>> No.27850233
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remember 9pm yesterday? LOOOOL I lost so much

>> No.27850271

nothing reddit says they're going to try to do matters, they keep failing massively.

>> No.27850401


>> No.27850426

It only doesn't if you're a whale and completely break the game of survival by having infinite HP hacks, otherwise it's pretty comfy to earn money since poorfags appreciate it a lot more too.

>> No.27850429

oh shit boys we at almost 0.05
get ready to DOOOOOOOMP

>> No.27850494
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>> No.27850497


was in at 0.035
back in now at 0.045
floor keeps rising

>> No.27850503

17814 @ 0.04932

gonna try and lower my DCA more

>> No.27850517

Odds of this hitting. 09 today?

>> No.27850523

nevermind i looked at a wrong number

>> No.27850577


>> No.27850593


virtually 100%.

>> No.27850615

not even close
0.06 at absolute most
courtesy of whales

>> No.27850622

Would be nice but ultimately unlikely. Wait until tax returns and stimulus

>> No.27850638

.09 is more likely in 5-6 days

>> No.27850642

shits too stable to that

>> No.27850666


It'll hit 0.09 just like it did yesterday at 2100 EST.

>> No.27850668
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i'm tire of this

>> No.27850698

its going to hit sell walls for a bit, give it till the end of the month

its either gonna die, or take off beyond 1 doll hair

>> No.27850760

Stfu, its based as fuck proving it to be a stable coin

>> No.27850768


>> No.27850793

It'll coast up to 7 cents and then shoot up to 25 for like 5 minutes

>> No.27850882

It's actually stuck, all of the whales have a sell wall setup at 0.046 and normies don't give enough of a fuck anymore to bump it past that, the few retards still pumping it are actually damaging the plot rather than helping it, we need to dry out the whales at some point.

>> No.27850930

I'm feeling comfy today, ever since the big pump and dump last week, this has steadily risen from about .025 to .045. I'm almost starting to believe we're gonna make it.

>> No.27850992
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You need to stop looking at the 1m chart.
For your own health.

>> No.27851011
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Last two digits, check em

>> No.27851050

thank you based shitcoin

>> No.27851090
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So... 11% chances?

>> No.27851106
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>Enter doge thread
>Pajeets already seething
Like pottery

>> No.27851179
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Who else here just fapping and shitposting and being comfy while they wait for moon instead of swinging like degenerate gamblers?

>> No.27851200


>> No.27851229

with the amount of whales every pump is gonna end in a massive dump. It's pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.27851241
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massive bullish consolidation

>> No.27851272
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>> No.27851305

As I said above

>> No.27851358

have the big bag holders already sold since this shit still keeps going up

>> No.27851501

Me. For some stupid reason I have faith in this little guy.

>> No.27851513

or a massive dump incoming

>> No.27851548

Shitposting coomer reporting. I'd swing trade but even i'm not poor enough to bother with swings between a tenth of a cent.
So i'm just spending my time shitposting, fapping and smoking a lot of weed while checking for movement every know and then.

>> No.27851753

It hasn't go down .039 in like 6 days.
Hasn't go down .043 in like 3 days.
This is stable now.

>> No.27852068

dump came last night

There is another sell wall at 0.06 that will have to be dealt with, beyond that, 1 doll hair

>> No.27852142

This P&D scheme worked great for verge so should work again here

>> No.27852144

>There is another sell wall at 0.06 that will have to be dealt with, beyond that, 1 doll hair

More like beyond that, sell wall at every cent.
Let's be real anon.

>> No.27852302


>> No.27852312

Dubs are true. But will it reach a dollar or more?

>> No.27852366
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meh the whales were in at fractions of a penny. The walls won't be a high to climb over, trust me.

>> No.27852382

I feel like there is a sell wall at every half cent. So from 60 we have to fight for 65 70 75 and and so on.

>> No.27852391

Yes but it could take from a month o a year or more.


>> No.27852447
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Why the fuck not anon?

>> No.27852498

These famous niggers should buy eth or bitcoin.

>> No.27852513

I'm aiming to have 120k doge soon. I can wait.

>> No.27852552

Market cap. Do you know how much money has to be injected into this market for DOGE to raise to $1?

>> No.27852619

It's not impossible but it won't happen anytime soon. It requires doge to hit a HUGE mcap, to the point it's like #3 among all other cryptos. It's very unlikely to happen. Possible, but very unlikely.

>> No.27852667

buying eth or bitcoin doesn't get you twitter clout

>> No.27852689

Why its accepted as it is already, its gonna pomp. Gene Simmons just bought 6 figures worth.

>> No.27852713

It doesn’t have to reach a $1 to make a decent profit. Even .10 or .15 would be a killing.

>> No.27852735

about 3 billion usd

>> No.27852743

It is free money

>> No.27852776

6 figures is pocket change compared to the money you need to get to $1

>> No.27852873

marketcap is meaningless anon
its all about demand
lets say this coin magically rises up to $0.50
you would have a lot of people wanting more and rising the price
thats how bitcoin happened

>> No.27852916

>$1400 stimulus checks about to be sent

Oh it can happen anon, what the fuck else is there to do with the money? Vacation? lol

>> No.27852991
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>Gene Simmons just invested 6 figures
>Gene Simmons
>Early life
Simmons was born as Chaim Witz on August 25, 1949 at Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel, to Jewish immigrants from Hungary. His mother, Florence Klein (née Flóra Kovács), was born in Jánd and survived internment in Nazi concentration camps.

>> No.27853004

Let's hope Elon REALLY like this coin then

>> No.27853075

Did you just have to look up Gene Simmons? Not even a KISS fan but wtf man.

>> No.27853134

for me its gene simmons

>> No.27853222

on binance, what is the formula to calculate the fees to sell and buy doge (from BUSD)

>> No.27853229
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they're pretty old anon, and we're getting older too

>> No.27853253
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I bought grt but didn't sell my doges. Have you been following the news? This is a ticket to the moon and you don't want to get left out

>> No.27853302

Kiss is enough of a meme that everyone at least knows it to some minor extent

>> No.27853303

holy fuck this coin has been flatlining for 6 hours what do we do bros

>> No.27853358

Even if somehow by clown world standards this becomes next currency and billionaires buy it up, it will just be the same motherfuckers at the top holding all the wealth. How does this benefit the people at the bottom?

>> No.27853369
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>> No.27853392

I sold my doges during the pump and dump and managed to recoupe some losses. When should i buy back into this beautiful coin, is 0.045 pretty stable or should i wait for like 0.04

>> No.27853443

Did you end up here because you are too ADD for stocks?
Yeah, that was part of my reaction as well. We need to make it before it's too late to enjoy it.

>> No.27853483

>sitting on 50k dogecoins
>diamond hand it to $50 a coin

Math and patience = $2.5m (minus 25% tax)

>> No.27853494

Well if you buy know, you could be slighlty better than the bottom. Its not like many billionaires or even millionaires give much of a shit about doge. Just elon really

>> No.27853524

get in while you can loser

>> No.27853540
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Thank you based shitcoin

>> No.27853556

Waiting on my funds to clear transfer on robinhood so I can move to coinbase

sure hope the next massive pump occurs after my transfer ;-;

>> No.27853562

Its been at 0.045 literally all day.

>> No.27853582

fomo's starting to set in but so are the whales lifting up their sell walls

>> No.27853585
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We wait

>> No.27853601

I'm seeing insane'ish volumes being dumped and pumped on binance right now, is there a pump in progress?

>> No.27853609

>How does this benefit the people at the bottom?

You had 5-10 years to get in early. They are paying a billion dollars for what you could've bought for $2,53 in 2015... NGMI

>> No.27853612


SpaceX is going to accept dogecoin for space trips, you heard it here first

>> No.27853613

>Bought DOGE at 0.01
>Bought more at 0.03 and 0.07
>didn't sell at peak
>FUD'ed and sold at 0.033
>kept FUDing and rebuying/selling
>rebought in at 0.055 with 100 extra dollars
>still only at 6k unlike the 10k i had previously

don't be a paper handed retard like I was. I'm down $100 even though I could have made a profit by now. Always set limits and don't even look at the price after that. Given the rising price floor I'm expecting 0.09 today. Going to sell at 0.09 and rebuy at 0.045 to get back to 10k DOGE for when it moons to 0.12

if you're paper handed you'll just lose and FOMO even more.

>> No.27853663

Thank you based shitcoin

>> No.27853713
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>posting the shoop

>> No.27853764

>Gene Simmons just bought 6 figures worth.
Gene Simmons bought six figures. Yes. Of doge. 6 figures of doge, not 6 figures WORTH of doge. L2R.

>> No.27853871
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thank you based shitcoin

>> No.27853968


>> No.27853985

I have actually learned so much from this meme coin. I feel like DOGE is a good quick crashcourse in volatility and how to not panick/fomo sell buy

>> No.27854015
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You mean Gene Simmons and I are in the same bracket of doge wealth?

>> No.27854041


what makes you think it'll clear that?

>> No.27854055

>infinite supply
Over infinite times. It will take about 25 years for the supply to double, then 50 to double again. Not to mention the fact that crypto is lost at an unknown rate every day too. Dogecoin will never feel the effects of inflation in your lifetime

>> No.27854123

yeah seriously valuable lessons have been taught to me from this coin
kinda funny really

people think this thing will die but it will do anything but

>> No.27854170

I'm right there with both of you. I made some quick decisions before I learned the real value of setting limits and not panicking. Still an absolute beginner at this but I feel like I'm getting there.

>> No.27854358

BOOM. Gained +8 whole coins in swings today!

>> No.27854368
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Most valueable lesson is that if you mined this shit by the boatload, you get rich for free.

>> No.27854468

Where you live that electricity is free?

>> No.27854479

For Doge to be $50 a coin it would need half the market cap of gold.

>> No.27854512

I sold my mining stockpile in 2018 because I thought a few hundred bucks was the most a meme could ever make me. Back then I did not believe in meme magic, but I do now.

>> No.27854541

Some apartments/homes have caps on electricity bills, which is a godsend for miners

>> No.27854546

Feels pretty good doesn't it?

>> No.27854655

>people think this thing will die
Doge has been around for a while. It's pretty much ancient for a shitcoin that still gets activity.

>> No.27854717

Okey, Smart Aleck. I cost me three days of electricity.

>> No.27854789
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>> No.27854889

how soon? I need sleep

>> No.27854912

my apartment has all bills included. Run my AC on 65. My roommate mines, idk much about it but I know he does it and started entirely cause of the cap on the price which isnt even bad

If our shit wasnt capped our power bill would be atleast 200 a month and cant even imagine during summer months