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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27841707 No.27841707 [Reply] [Original]

this is too much stress i cant take it. if i had other shit going on in my life like friends or anything i enjoyed it would be better but all i can do is refresh the same charts all day and they never move i am in a constant crab fest.

i get fucking nowhere and then i just keep throwing more and more money in and getting nowhere because it all takes so fucking slow. i am miserable. and then on top of that i have to worry about fucking taxes and just give money to the government that they just fucking throw in the air and burn when my life fucking depends on it.

>> No.27842366

are you me

>> No.27842538

I was in your spot recently, and since I've decided to go with funds for most of my money. It's way more passive, pay once and let it be. Check a week later and it has gone up, not by much but it's way more comfy than the stress of stocks.

>> No.27842684

>if i had other shit going on in my life like friends or anything i enjoyed it would be better
that's your entire problem anon, and that will not magically solve itself once you have tens of millions either

try to find out what you genuinely like to do and chase that till death, simple as

>> No.27843282

i wanna go more heavily into stocks but everything has like doubled since march its fucking scary it looks like its gonna crash or flat line but i cant stop buying

>> No.27844823

Yeah I would wait out the reddit pandemic for a while before going in to anything really.
But if you are interested in stocks I would do some research in the meantime. Concider what type of companies you are interested in, look up how they have been doing, any news that could drive up the stocks, any indicators that another company is better than the one you are looking at, what will be popular in the near future, which company will be first to do that?

>> No.27844954
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oh fugg :DD

>> No.27845128

right now im just going balls deep in arkf and meme etfs and just letting them manage it for me

>> No.27845244

You are not alone anon, going through the same.

>> No.27845615

Alright man, sounds solid. I wish you the best of luck with your gains :)

>> No.27847037

chill out dickhead

>> No.27848503
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>then on top of that i have to worry about fucking taxes and just give money to the government that they just fucking throw in the air and burn when my life fucking depends on it.