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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27840756 No.27840756 [Reply] [Original]

The price is shit. We know. Marketing, exchange listings, hype, are all things that will eventually come. Kleros has the drawn the interest of many big names, and is theoretically sound. But will anyone actually use it? The answer so far seems to be a resounding no. There's rarely more than 1-2 cases per week, and the rate of growth does not change much. No major platform has integrated Kleros or shown interest in doing so. So far it is just used to solve petty crypto disputes on a very small scale. I have a very hard time believing that this will be used in a meaningful way in the near future. You can spout off all of the theoretical applications for PoH etc, but that does not mean Kleros will ever be adopted.

>> No.27840821
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it's over

>> No.27841855

We had a ridiculous pump last year on virtually nothing.The entire crypto space is useless speculation. Kleros has a lot more use than the average shitcoin currently mooning.
We will recover.

>> No.27841961
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The USD price is being sustained around 10c by eth rising, as soon as eth crashes pnk value is going to drop like a fucking rock

that's when i'm going to load up, don't tell anyone

>> No.27842191

Surely we should pump against ETH when it drops

>> No.27842196

I still believe it'll find solid price action sometime in the future.
That being said...
Could have bought almost anything besides this and bare minimum tripled your investment since january.
Have we hit a bottom yet? Where even is the bottom?
Trying not to sulk over the opportunity cost here.

>> No.27842223

Your mom has a future gurgling my balls

>> No.27842322

Kleros shitposting is back?
must really be bear season

>> No.27842378

makes me want to slam my dick in a drawer

>> No.27842424

When your main meme is an indian, you know its a scam.

>> No.27842473

Maybe, but because a huge chunk of the pnk price now is determined by liquidity pools paired with eth, eth going down is guaranteed to downward influence on pnk in usd terms. Doesn't mean this won't be offset by people switching their eth back into kleros during the dump like you suggest, but the downward pressure is definite while the upward pressure is maybe.

>> No.27842832

This. Where is the fag that initiated these memes?

>> No.27842934

fuck these frenchies being too prideful to work with a major CEX and get a listing
>we pride ourselves on decentralization and you should use uniswap!

Yeah, and get fucked over by gas fees and slippage. Also telling crypto noobs they need to first buy ETH and then withdraw to a private wallet and then connect to uniswap and then switch to some random-ass coin among millions, with absolutely zero social proofing to build confidence among normalfags.

>> No.27843159

The pump last year was because it was a promising new project that was actually making good headway in delivering its project. It pumped to 20 cents on the back of successful test cases, and optimism that continued progress would happen and that they'd be getting something like a coinbase listing.

>> No.27843217

They explained in the telegram that they arent against a cex per se, but Binance tried to impose on them certain market making demands like wash trading which they disapproved.

>> No.27843296
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>> No.27843298
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Our only hope.

>> No.27843398

I know, this is all part of what I said about these naive frenchies being too prideful. They refuse to play ball and suck it up, and as a result their otherwise-good project languishes in obscurity. Fuck their highground, they need to suck CZ's cock and get a listing.

>> No.27843562

I am considering selling. Actually, this is a god chunk of my portfolio and whilist I have had pretty good returns from RBC or other microcaps I feel lile there wont be any upward movement for the time being due to the lack of hype, adoption or cex listing in the near future.
Should I swap all of my pinkies for RLC?

>> No.27843641
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>$200 tx fees
biting the bullet here bros
Sold half my pnk for bnt
fucking hell, this project lost all momentum. Fuck it
Hope I can make up for some lost gains on this play

>> No.27843814

This is the time to buy.

>> No.27843845

Consider that it has been on this trend for 6 months and that everyone else is thinking the same as you. What would happen to the price if you become the last person who thought this?

>> No.27844013

These guys hate money, if pnk moons they can get more funds to hire more people to accelerate bulding but they're on that high horse

>> No.27844185

Pnk is going to tank hard when ETH drops, but I don't know when ETH is going to drop, could still be months away. In that time, PNK could appreciate against ETH.

It's very hard to know if now is a good time to buy or if PNK might be back in the 3-4c range after ETH "crashes"

>> No.27844457

By all normal metrics and advice, you should generally cut your losses with something that's stagnant like this with no prospects in the immediate future, rather than just holding a bag for the entire bull run while everything else moons.

That said, my pnk bag only makes up a very small percentage of my portfolio, and I'm not going to lose sleep over it, even if it goes to zero. But if I held a big bag and it made up a large part of my portfolio... well, I probably would've cut it long ago. Whatever.

Exactly. They're a bunch of overly-idealistic academic retards who can't grasp the way the real world works. This should've easily been a dollar by now, and all they ever had to do was agree to the CEXes' terms instead of sitting on uniswap-only where it's automatically assumed to be yet another dime-a-dozen p&d shitcoin.

>> No.27844934

They continued to deliver, more is happening every day, but as other anons have said these frogs are delusional and far too idealistic. They need to cut their early investors some slack and get us a listing. I bought in 2019 around current ETH prices, I was never expecting it to come this low again.

>> No.27844993
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oh no no nooo my little pnkies. WHAT WAS THA!?

>> No.27845238

>no prospects in the immediate future
the eth pair chart is textbook capitulation; we're knocking on the door of a reversal and when proof of humanity comes this month, we'll break that fucker down.

>> No.27845261

No. Courts on the blockchain is such a pipedream at this stage. Need more scalability, adoption, and integration of the base layer protocols first.

>> No.27845522

I know the underlying tech is still making good progress, I get all that. But like you and I are both saying, it all comes down to marketing. You can have the best tech in the world but it doesn't matter if you're just selling it out of your garage. They have zero outreach.

Literally all these needs is a valid listing. For one, to give more normal people a better way to get access rather than jumping through a bunch of hoops they're not familiar with, but also to provide social proofing. Most people don't have the aptitude or time to do in-depth research of every project out there. If you have a coin that's only available on uniswap, it's going to be assumed to be a pajeet pump and dump scamcoin.

fuck TA, I'm talking FA. Hopefully PoH delivers and they actually start listening to the userbase and focus attention ona CEX listing. But until then, we can't just naively say "well it's at rock bottom PNK/ETH valuation so the only way to go is up"

>> No.27845634

Lets see:

Vitalik Buterin shilling Kleros.
Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter following Kleros.

Yes, I'd say it has a future.

Binance is coming.

>> No.27846058

Lol those two names are exactly why it will fail. Jack Dorsey lol.

>> No.27846126

Do you think people are going to want to have their face/name attached to their wallet address?


>> No.27846237

>By all normal metrics and advice, you should generally cut your losses
The thing is that I bought the ico and if i got out now I would break even in terms of eth put into this.
Thinking of swapping it all for rlc or lto or some other solid project.

>> No.27846294

Checked and correct. I’m going to keep holding. It’s a smaller percentage of my portfolio now than when I bought in even though I’m at breakeven price in ETH now. Other things are keeping me afloat. I think, as with other projects, it can seem like not a lot is going on, but it’ll all happen at once and the fomo will be biblical.

>> No.27846417

RLC is another funny one. They are both french projects with amazing tech stacks that have been undervalued for far too long. The iexec team is actually beginning to act on the community's suggestions though

>> No.27846457

Who knows, I remember thinking augur was a good idea but no one actually uses it.
It's a bet at the end of the day but I think it's a very reasonable bet, it at least has a shot at being big, while 99% of other coins and tokens have clearly no future

>> No.27846551

No we will dump even harder

>> No.27847128

When UBI arrives and PoH is required to sign up? Yes.