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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27840389 No.27840389 [Reply] [Original]

if we're wrong, we can just close out for a small loss. It's a high probability trade.

>> No.27841241

Go back and hibernate. WE don't need no stinking BoBoS on our board right now

>> No.27841269

this is a bull market you fag.

>> No.27841343

38k was the top?

>> No.27841492

I shorted $gme at $290, closed today. knew the meme was falling apart, never bought into it to begin with. basically I just followed the jews lead and made money. feels good.

>> No.27841810

nothing is crashing relax

>> No.27841909

BOBO, my blackberry shorts aren't going so well...

>> No.27842035

INCREDIBLY based play

>> No.27842482
File: 87 KB, 828x612, 51FF8511-CC4D-431E-8CF7-F76786C3E360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? But they’ll just print more money lol.

>> No.27842746
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while we still have time, do yourself a favor and grab some waves and nsbt, still way to go

>> No.27842936

just DCA out like you DCAd in

>> No.27842945

Pls pump my nsbt bags degens!

>> No.27842970

In the meantime, you can stake on waves.exchange to earn money if you are still thinking to buy crypto money.

>> No.27843023

based jewish money-borrower

>> No.27843097

I have big hopes from WAVES too

>> No.27843119

if you don't want to be wrong, you will get waves, my friend

>> No.27843291

The market goes up more often than it goes down, so good luck predicting "the top", whatever the fuck that means (relative to this week? this month? this year? all-time? etc).

>> No.27843458

>>what is apy on waves?

>> No.27843557

>short the top
>it keeps going up


>> No.27843567
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The bear has left its cave forever.