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File: 94 KB, 996x940, Nigerian Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27832144 No.27832144 [Reply] [Original]

Why do governments hate their people?

>> No.27832428

Crypto is the go to for the 'Nigerian Princes' and the Hushpuppis in Nigeria.

>> No.27832492

They are black.

>> No.27832508

>>try to short sell it
fucking idiot, don’t shill on /biz/ with this shitty shitservices u idiot
trading with best analytics and different bots is on Bot Ocean now
but still you can find a fucker who will buy your fuckbot

>> No.27832652

I am Nigerian, It's because most 419 boys (what we call scammers) use crypto and arent paying taxes on it so Nigeria feels no need to facilitate the behavior.

>> No.27832674

The government is the ultimate "gibs me dat", just look at taxation and loans from China. Gimme gimme gimme

>> No.27832723

just standard african things preventing their own development, not surprised
what the fuck
this is definitely a bot

>> No.27832975

Nice quote retard.

>> No.27833055

Actually let me add something. The government is hyper corrupt and hates its people.

>t. dad is an extremely high ranking elected government offical


>> No.27833171

how new are you
im not replying to a bot you retard

>> No.27833248

Post hand and prove it

>> No.27833393


>> No.27833563

Oh please, quit with the scammer prince narrative. Millions of Nigerian young people just want to live and prosper.

>> No.27833716
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I don't live in Nigeria because it's dangerous for me to be there now. People like me get kidnapped all the time and get held for ransom (kids of politicians). A bunch of niggers tried to kidnap my mom a couple of years ago and I've never been back.

>> No.27833746

I don't understand how this is a bad thing though. If the scammers are scamming crypto from foreigners, it's a much needed cash injection/investment into the local economy when they cash out all coming from foreign sources. If they're converting local goods and services into crypto it deflates the local currency and keeps the Naira big and stronk. If they just hold crypto forever it makes no difference either way. I doubt they were filling out tax forms before crypto. Nigerian govt retarded af

>> No.27833752
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flag fixd

>> No.27834053


while there are good Nigerians, the majority of the time if a western-based exchange/crypto-ATM/etc has fund flow to an African exchange (broader Africa-centric such as Luno or Nigeria-specific like Remitano MyPatricia etc) it is fraud. I have seen 1 legit remittance payment ever, I'll let you guess how many were not lol

(not saying the Nigerian gov't is doing the right thing btw, but the stereotype of Nigerian scammers is statistically based)

source: compliance advisor for exchanges

>> No.27834104

Omo naija, Ghanaman here. Make I post address make you sort broda man out. Ghana hard jorr

>> No.27834121
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>quit with the scammer prince narrative
I dont think you realize how rampant scamming is here. I think 70% of the Nigerian men below 27 I know scam.

Allowing scamming gives Nigeria a bad name and scares off foreign investment. A couple of months ago mobster assassinated an American entreprenuer that was working on a start-up in Nigeria. They chopped up his body in NYC (pic rel). Nigeria is trying to fix itself and attract foreign business.

Also most of these faggots just spend their scamming money on foreign cars and design shit, things that have nothing to do with the Nigerian economy.

>> No.27834195

Sorry to hear that. Living in a place where not only you're going to be poor but you can't even invest the little money you have without the leeches at the government trying to get their part has to suck

>> No.27834305

How much is nigerias policy dictated by the CCP.

Any chance China could block crypto? Z not up on global politics

>> No.27834338

I'm not even remotely close to poor.

>> No.27834547

I mean the average nigerian

>> No.27834550

Don't you fags get it? This is what all governments will eventually do to any memecoin that gets too popular. Tight financial controls are the only reason organized crime has dropped in pretty much every single developed country, and governments aren't going to let crypto shit all over what has been achieved in the last couple decades.
The decentralized nature of memecoins, their main selling point, are why they will never be anything more than a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.27834555

golden shield does deep content inspection
politics was always dictated by those with information sovereignty

>> No.27834752
File: 311 KB, 1600x900, 201009133501-01-nigeria-police-sars-police-brutality-protest-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tensions and riots in Nigeria have been rising. People hate the government but whenever a protest starts the police just start killing everyone in the crowd. I wonder if civil war could ever happen in Nigeria.

>> No.27834845

Also, SARS is basically the Nigerian secret police. Like the Gestapo.

>> No.27834879

Omo why una dey unlook me?

>> No.27834978
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Fuck. Isn't Cardano heavily invested in Nigeria? or am I thinking of some other African country?

>> No.27835013

They want to kidnap you because your dad is more likely than not, a typical corrupt Nigerian politician, which of course would be hard for him not to be one since all of his boomer politician friends are milking the state too.

I know niggers can be such leeches though. Too many young people out there in Nigeria, wasting away.

>> No.27835170

excuse me sir, how fucking based are you?

>> No.27835179

>your dad is more likely than not, a typical corrupt Nigerian politician

Yes, he is corrupt and I hate him and the entire government but they don't want to kidnap me to protest the corruption, they want the ransom money.

>> No.27835224

Shut up, scamming nigger.

>> No.27835298

What the fuck are you saying, speak English.

>> No.27835381

Lol I'm not a scammer. Just another underpaid African graduate asking a brother for help.

>> No.27835400

this right there is why nigeria is the smartest country in africa by far

>> No.27835403

How honest. Good on you fren.

>> No.27835425

You don't speak pidgin?

>> No.27835499

Yes so be honest and not say you're Ghanaian. You are Nigerian.

>> No.27835586

Keep accumulating brudda. Hold those assets. One day you'll open a foreign bank account and be able to withdraw it all or your government will be overthrown, wagmi

>> No.27835756
File: 779 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20210205_172528_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm actually Ghanaian. I just have Nigerian friends and speak a little bit of their creole. I just thought to use it cux you might relate better to it.

Also, prepare yourselves for a bearish market as Nigeria is a large part of the crypto space in Africa and this news will lead to mass selling.

>> No.27835768

I'm too Americanized to speak it. I can understand it a little when I hear it but not when I'm reading it.

Nigeria could honestly make something of itself on a global stage if the government wasn't so utterly fucked.

>> No.27835908

Peace bruddah breh.

>> No.27835974

Also I'm Igbo.

>> No.27836171

I want to hear your opinion, how do you feel about Eko Atlantic? I think its crazy they're already building on the sandbar. Is this just more corruption funneling money into contractors that are family friends?

>> No.27836246

The country should just split up at this point. Can't keep tethering.

>> No.27836372

Are you saying he was murdered because he scammed the wrong people ?

>> No.27836445

That's cool. So care to help a brother out?

>> No.27836546

I was wondering when this would come up. I’m part Yoruba living in the west, whenever I talk to relatives they always have some story about scamming Hausa-Fulanis. It’s quite the divided country that’s stuck in a pickle but only the Nigerian people can get out of their reality.

>> No.27836636

No comment.

It's most likely just more corruption like always. That's honestly how most "planned supercity" projects are like Akon City in Senegal.

>> No.27836702

damn some parts of africa have shit you only see in movies.

>> No.27836738

White Organised crime realised there is way more money to be made legally. Most union bosses in big cities have ties to Mafia.

Nigger organised crime still continues as is.

>> No.27836790

Honestly, the GME stonks situation redpilled normals on how corrupt the West too. Not making any excuses for Nigeria though.

>> No.27836838

i live in upstate ny. its literally worse.

>> No.27837077
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>> No.27838250

it's over Temmy

>> No.27838383

can i do anything w/ my clovid?