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File: 89 KB, 800x800, AMPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27831478 No.27831478 [Reply] [Original]

You didn't forget about AMPL, did you?
Currently $531 MC. Are we finally going to the moon? https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ampleforth

>> No.27831710

DataDash said 5 billion MC end of cycle, this morning

>> No.27831784


>> No.27831841

let it go, anon.

>> No.27831987
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>> No.27832140

Why are AMPL holder either sub 80 or 130+ IQ with no in between?
(OP) is sub 80 i'm afraid

>> No.27832451

Doesn't matter which I am since at least I'm not a midwit like you

>> No.27832452

No sorry you got it wrong man. Stupid retards don't care about ampl because they don't even understand the implications of what they're claiming to have achieved. Midwits do understand the implications, they get dollar signs in their eyes and get completely dazzled by all the high-flying (but actually quite orthogonal to ampl itself) economics talk, and they basically get married to ampl without being able to see the senselessness of the rebase mechanic in isolation. But to both understand the problem, and see that ampl is a stupid scam solution, now that requires a 130+ IQ.

>> No.27833126
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Wow, you really just did that. You sat down, and took time out of your day to type that out. That shit really happened. Huh.

>senselessness of the rebase mechanic in isolation
That is a big sentence. Do you know what "Unit of account" refers to?

I guess not, because if you did - your post wouldn't exist.

>> No.27833299

No need to get mad at others because you didn't get AMPL for cheap

>> No.27833506
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>> No.27833508

>Do you know what "Unit of account" refers to?
Ah yes you really need a coin with a market cap in the hundreds of millions to be able to base your contracts on inflation-adjusted USD huh?

>> No.27833590

>Are we finally going to the moon?

>> No.27833664

AMPL is a blessed coin. I bought this a 300k just before it started pumping. fastest gains I've ever made.

>> No.27833671
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>> No.27833784

Unless you want to have a centralized entity in control of issuance, stability has to come with usage.

>> No.27833785

>300 k
meant 300 mio

>> No.27833906

Just give up man, you're not even trying at this point. Also go back to r*ddit, they'll probably buy some ampl from you.

>> No.27834458
File: 17 KB, 300x300, best-child-life-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying? You are the one dropping out of the discussion. You invited this, with your post.

But I get it. You jumped into the deep end of pool, and now - when you realize, that actually you can't swim - you are looking for an out.

>> No.27834611

Why did you post this >>27831784

>> No.27835015

it’s been growing at 1% of addresses per day. about 200 per day. that doesn’t necessarily mean 1:1 new users but it’s still a good sign. should have a big spike up and then some stalling when it approaches the top. don’t think we’ll get there for at least a couple weeks

>> No.27835057

Because ampleforth is a scam.
I would like to have a discussion but only if you can come up with some decent arguments. There've been much better ampl threads in recent memory.

>> No.27835260

it’s a scam the market cap is mainly an illusion but you can still make money off of it. it’s only a scam until it sucks in enough bagholders. same playbook as bitcoin except ampl is a leveraged ponzu whereas btc is just a plain old ponzi

>> No.27835288

If you hold AMPL, you are an ampltard ... don't buy this scam coin.

I bought 3 eth worth of this shit in the summer and don't even care to break even at this point. I'm just going to FUD every scamforth thread I see. This is a fucking piece of shit, and the founders will just dump on you.


>> No.27835389

Yeah there's this narrative now that ampl will become very stable (more so than any random erc20 would) once it reaches a very large mcap. Can you explain the mechanics of it?

>> No.27835434

It is literally THE only argument. The innovation that Ampleforth brings to the table, is that it enables a fixed supply currency to have a stable unit of account - even when the demand for it is volatile.

Is the price volatile in the short -to medium term? Sure.

>> No.27835605

They know AMPL will flip Tether.

>> No.27835870

>a fixed supply currency
u wot m8? even though the "unit of account" (we can just say "price", it's easier) might be somewhat stable, the supply varies all the time. That's the great flaw, there's no way to really put the stable price to work because supply adjusts automatically.

>> No.27836174

More liquidity, more users, and fairer distribution means that a single person can't dump all their AMPL at once and cause a crash.
Same as btc when it reaches peak adoption.
Right now there's a lot of slippage because there are only a potential 25,000 confirmed buyers of AMPL. If the top wallet dumps $1,000,000 worth, the rest of the 24,999 can't absorb it all. Simple as that.
I guarantee that without cex listings like binance and coinbase that AMPL won't reach that point. It'd have to wait till eth is scaled or move to a sidechain. Only people who use uniswap have access to it now and that's incredibly limiting.

>> No.27836315
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>the supply varies all the time

Sure, it does. But what do you think this supply sprung from.. A supply of 0?

Ampleforth has a fixed BASE supply, that it expands and contracts from. That is why you can own a FIXED PERCENTAGE OF THE NETWORK.

You know. I wouldn't make fun of midwits if I were you.

>> No.27836460

>More liquidity, more users, and fairer distribution means that a single person can't dump all their AMPL at once and cause a crash.
Ok, so far this goes for any fixed supply erc20 as well.
Oh wait I thought after that sentence you would expand your argument but that's literally it. "If it gets bigger it will be stabler". Well no shit, it's trivially true but it's also no reason to use ampleforth versus any random fixed supply coin.

>> No.27836650

>Ampleforth has a fixed BASE supply, that it expands and contracts from. That is why you can own a FIXED PERCENTAGE OF THE NETWORK.
Is this supposed to be some big insight? Literally every coin with a fixed supply has this property.

>> No.27836853

there are speculative and new ways to grow it; like if AMPL is used as collateral on AAVE. basically the team is trying to discover new use cases, new ways to gamble.
you can call ampl a scam but you might as well call 1inch a scam.
AMPL made it to 685M mcap with 20000 holders.. but you'd be surprised if you look at 1nch and sushiswap right now and their mcaps and holders.

>> No.27836924

First of all, AMPL is chain agnostic - so it will be present on Polkadot and NEAR soon, for example. It is not limited to ETH. It doesen't have to scale with ETH.

The elaboration that you are looking for, is that Ampleforth will reach a supply/demand equilibrium at a certain point. This happens, because at this point, the price will have a low enough volatility profile for the arbitrage (trades above and below the target price zone), to be a reliable, profitable trade.

>> No.27837029

It seems like you kind of read the words in my post, but didn't understand the meaning of them, all together. Fantastic, really.

>> No.27837072

>there are speculative and new ways to grow it; like if AMPL is used as collateral on AAVE.
Yes, this is also not specific to ampl and has nothing to do with the rebase.

>> No.27837157

>there's no way to really put the stable price to work because supply adjusts automatically.

That's not true at all though. Amples are the perfect unit of account for debt, because you know that 1 ampl will always be worth the same amount, so it allows lending without exposure to inflation.

>> No.27837268

no defi protocol will touch this ponzi with a 10 foot pole
the only usecase for algo stabelcoins is stealing money from rubes

>> No.27837387

>The elaboration that you are looking for, is that Ampleforth will reach a supply/demand equilibrium at a certain point.
No it won't.
>his happens, because at this point, the price will have a low enough volatility profile for the arbitrage (trades above and below the target price zone), to be a reliable, profitable trade.
There is no arbitrage. If the ampl price were somehow "sticky" throughout a rebase, so that someone would be willing to buy or sell just after a rebase, for the pre-rebase price, then such a trade would work. But this is just never gonna happen, because everyone can see that a rebase has happened and by how much, so everyone will instantly adjust their orders. It even happens automatically on uniswap et al because the pool is also affected by the rebase.
This is the key point of my criticism of ampl: the arbitrage trade that is supposed to make it stable is a guaranteed losing trade for the other party, so there won't actually be anyone willing to make that trade. In practice people will just trade on price*supply and then it behaves like any fixed-supply token, rebase or not.

>> No.27837565
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Your fud sucks faggot. At least put some effort in

>> No.27837606

What? You said "you can own a FIXED PERCENTAGE OF THE NETWORK" as if it were some fantastic unique property of ampl, I'm only saying it isn't.
You don't need a coin with a billion mcap that uses a 2019 usd price oracle to denominate your loans in 2019 usd. If that's what you want, just use the oracle directly in your loan smart contract.

>> No.27837739


>> No.27837847

I can't believe you are still here, actually typing things in this thread. You have absolutely no in-depth knowledge when it comes to how elastic currencies work.

>There is no arbitrage.
>This is the key point of my criticism of ampl: the arbitrage trade that is supposed to make it stable is a guaranteed losing trade for the other party

But what you are failing to take into account, is that the demand isn't necessarily dictated by traders looking to profit in the market. Your whole argument collapses, when you have a whole ecosystem with financial products, contracts with expiry dates and so on.

Stop posting, start reading.

>> No.27837924

>The market adjusts faster than I can react therefore it ain't working as intended

The purpose of ampl isn't to make fast traders money, fast traders are just a mechanism ampl uses to achieve its goals. You're effectively containing because you're not fast enough. Boo hoo nigga

>> No.27837977

wAMPL argument again? At this time of year? Localized entirely in this thread before a mega pump? Pshaw!

>> No.27837979
File: 3.45 MB, 4000x2666, 1_K2MqaSmzRDhtk4bsQ0nm9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you originally said that it essentially wasn't a fixed supply currency. So which is it?

Again, I wouldn't make fun of midwits if I were you.

>> No.27837994

Buy BenchMARK! Better version of ampleforth. Dyor and start making money. It is pumping right now with 20m marketcap

>> No.27838029


lmfao nice argument
the fact is you CANNOT put this shit in a curve pool with real stablecoins less the pool get rekt

I am happy to be proven wrong, feel free to post any stabelcoin pool with AMPL in it. You can't because it'd be suicide as it is not a stabelcoin, it's a ponzi and you are desperately trying to find more idiots to sucker in to dump on

>> No.27838141

makeit/suicide stack?

>> No.27838192

what about the balancer ampl usdc pool

>> No.27838378

Make it: 0.01%
Suicide: 0.001%

>> No.27838766

Uh, oh. He’s gonna have to research that one on the internet for a minute, before he can string some kind of reply together. Lmao.