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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2781279 No.2781279 [Reply] [Original]

>He does NOT send out 10-15 emails every morning to companies complaining about his dissatisfaction with his recent experience with their products while mentioning they've been otherwise excellent to him and get a bunch of free coupons, products and giftcards every week

It's like you don't want free things.

>> No.2781289

Yeah, because I value my time and I'm not a piece of shit.

>> No.2781305

>Look Mom I muscled myself!

>> No.2781310

I once complained to superstore that their staff kept approaching me to sign up for their credit card every time I went and wouldn't take no for an answer. They said they would look into it. I've only been approached once in the last year and they fucked off immediately when I said no. Sometimes complaining works.

>> No.2781327

Hey yeah! We can also put hair in our food when we eat out, get hit by cars on purpose to sue, and burn our own houses down to submit insurance claims! Then we can grow some curly hair and change our names to Goldbergstein.

>> No.2781341

>not jewish
>uses biz anyway

But seriously that stuff takes effort. This is quick as fuck. Literally 30 minutes maybe 45.

>> No.2781346

That's not the same guy.

>> No.2781391

thats what I think too

>> No.2781425
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Doesn't mean a change like that is not possible, though. Found this here yesterday

>> No.2781435

I've started lifting 1 week ago and I can already see some benefits. Diet is so expensive though, I don't know for how long I'll be able to keep it up.

>> No.2781441

Look closer, it is. That is what steroids do, they turn betas into alphas.

>> No.2781442

It genuinely is.
Adie is an old /fit/ trip that doesnt post much anymore

>> No.2781443

Are you trying to lose weight or are you trying to get buff? If you're just trying to lose weight then eating less would be the most effective (more effective than working out).

>> No.2781468
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my wife does this during her periods. gets us free shit

>> No.2781478

She's a keeper. My mom is like this and even though I hate that she sends me like 50 clickbait articles a day she's shrewd as fuck.

>> No.2781485

>get hit by cars on purpose so you can sue

I do this. Not as a pedestrian, but when I'm driving I try to put myself into a position that makes it easier for other drivers to fuck up and hit me and for it to be their fault too.

I try to stay in their blind spot so they merge into me on the highway. I drive very close to the curb when there are parking lot entrances and exits. If someone is next to me and we're both making a right or left turn at an intersection, I travel close to their side hoping they change lanes mid intersection.

Obviously it's not a stable income as I've only had this happen twice, but the other person's insurance sent me checks which I pocketed. 2500 the first accident and 400 the 2nd accident. Both times damage was just to my front bumper which is already fucked.

>> No.2781490

Lmao I love biz

>> No.2781499


>> No.2781503

I'm trying to get buff. I've been underweight most of my life and pretty weak.

>> No.2781512

Lmao if you have an old car you don't care about then do it. I live in new york city and I love being aggressive with yellow cabs just for fun. They always try to merge into my lane at the last second, I purposely don't let them in

>> No.2781526

Going to do this honestly. Haven't driven for a couple years to save money though

>> No.2781533

You will have to train yourself to ignore your reflexes. I've had at least 10 scenarios where I would have gotten successfully hit if only my stupid reflexes didn't fuck it all up.

>> No.2781535

I'd love to do this but I'm not very well spoken and it would take me at least 30 minutes to come up with something professionally-begging sounding

>> No.2781545

Just act angry. Don't think; type. If you're an old customer and suddenly your shit stops working, you bet you'll be fucking pissed.

>> No.2781550
File: 1.08 MB, 680x680, shia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drive in a roundabout
>someone about to merge into you
>he's driving a new volvo
>you in a old 90s bmw thats about to get crushed since wont go through inspection
>reflexes dodge the crash

>> No.2781561

Scum of the earth right here. I hope your kids get rickets.

>> No.2781576

I used to do this pretty regularly but recently found a better way to get free stuff from companies.

I received a letter of demand for an outstanding debit order and have been using it as a template to demand damages from companies. For every 20 or so I send, one pays up.

Only do small things like "the milk was off and my client's daughter required immediate medical attention" or "the bleach started leaking through the seal and caused cosmetic damage to the surrounding area".

Ask for a small payout of like $700.00. You'd be amazed how many companies just pay up.

>> No.2781584

is this illegal?

>> No.2781595

>I'd love to do this but I'm not very well spoken and it would take me at least 30 minutes to come up with something professionally-begging sounding

Just do it. You're just pretending to be a customer it doesn't need to be written like a formal legal letter. The key thing is there's no downside, your time investment is minutes.

>> No.2781598

sometimes i want this to happen when mother fuckers take left turns wide as possible and swing into my lane

>> No.2781602

Absolutely. Use fake emails and a proxy. Payment is more tricky. I'm not getting into how I cross that particular bridge.

>> No.2781613

What am I doing wrong anon? Im not forcing them to crash into me.

If they're not checking their blind spots when they merge or they change lanes mid intersection, they should be punished

>> No.2781619

You're doing everything right. As a pedestrian I've been almost hit by cars so many times that any vengeance on these people is too little.

>> No.2781652

My mother watches alex jones and is addicted to politics. Nothing like having a hardcore libertarian family to make you appreciate not being raised with poor fag scumshit

>> No.2781700
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>>Is this legal?
>Absolutely, just make sure to cover up your identity down to laundering your money.

It's probably semi-legal, if a cop watched you and saw you do it systematically he could probably find a few things to cite you on. If someone has a backwards dash cam and you're seen tailing them, then speeding up when they start merging, for example, that's very questionable behaviour. Usually, a hit to the back or back/side of a car in my country means that you're very likely to be judged as responsible - the car hitting someone from behind that is, as they're almost always the ones driving unsafely. Rules are such that it's almost impossible to hit another car with your back, if you follow them, therefore rear accidents are usually the cause of whoever hit the other one.

Anyway, hopefully you meet someone in a particularly hefty car doing that curb-cruising one day (a large SUV, Jeep or truck), and you can get a real good payout. If you wake up again, that is.

>> No.2781727

Oh god I remember Adie, he was such a fucking faggot goddamn

>> No.2781826

I am very intelligent to make sure my accidents would seem like accidents. I don't speed up when I see someone merging. Basically what I do is just let the situation unfold and not react to it.

I have a front dashcamera running. Both incidents were helped by my footage because they proved I wasn't at fault.

1st accident, car to the right and a little in front of me, driver fell asleep at the wheel and quickly merged left. He hit me on the side/front bumper and pushed me into the left curb. I could not have avoided that by braking, he jerked the wheel too quickly.

2nd accident I was stopped at a red light. An 18 year old spicy Latina girl was in front of me, in my lane. She was 1st in line at a light so I thought when the light turned green she'd go. Instead, she cut the wheel to the right and put it in reverse and backed into me. I can only assume she decided to parallel park in the spot to the right of me, was looking in her right mirror, and didnt see me behind her and backed into me.

The kicker is when I got out to ask who the fuck backs up at a red light, she came out and started yelling at me asking why I hit her. My car wasn't moving, I was waiting at a light. My dashcamera footage helped here immensely because with out everyone would believe that I rear ended her when she hit me. Her insurance paid for me car and her rates went up. Sweet Justice.

>> No.2781896

you'll be glad to know he lost all his gains

>> No.2781991
File: 63 KB, 836x584, adie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you not love the guy?

>> No.2782016

he's the kind of turbomanlet that makes them all think they have a chance

>> No.2782053

no he didnt

>> No.2782061

he did, check his instagram


>> No.2782082

that sucks

>> No.2782091
File: 1.20 MB, 2050x1036, IMG_0812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow man 2013 was 20 years ago that's crazy hope he does get back to it

>> No.2782096


>> No.2782108

I would love to get on steroids to look like that, but i dont want to go bald and I have the MPB gene so im fucked.

>> No.2782111

>caring about free sandwiches and shit
>being this poor

>> No.2782120

>on the highway
you could die lol

>> No.2782126

>diet is expensive

Sure, if you're just shoving everything you can into your cart.

>> No.2782200
File: 102 KB, 1024x625, 1495891702447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I might have to do roids then. . .
Unless you think a transformation like that is possible natural

>> No.2782216

Those both sound like actual accidents, I guess.

>An 18 year old spicy Latina girl was in front of me
>18 year old
>spicy Latina
Crop her out of the frame and post.

They turn betas into dysfuntional betas with more muscles. Your life won't magically improve, and your gains will be air. As soon as you start drugging, they'll go away.

Watch some scoobie videos or something.

>> No.2782229
File: 62 KB, 538x445, 1496965401590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a defensive driver that has avoided many idiots, I fucking hate your kind. Get out of blind spots you fucking faggot. Blind spot riders deserve swift death, IM TRYING TO FUCKING LANE CHANGE GET THE FUCK AWAY

>> No.2782240

having a great physique won't magically make your life better

just get on a solid exercise program and eat clean

>> No.2782285

pretty sure he was a natty turbomanlet, if you're a lanklet it'll take you way longer to look the same.

>> No.2782305
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1500012997609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when they merge
You're supposed to give them the right-of-way you gigantic faggot. I hope a semi-truck hits you, and you slowly die in your burning car. See you in hell, you literal fucking nigger. Kys faggot

>> No.2782314
File: 12 KB, 512x384, King Of Kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy item on eBay (from company not privet seller)
>item arrives
>message seller
>item hasn't arrive/item is broken
>seller has the refund or resend
>either you get 1 item for free or 2 for the price of 1

>> No.2782339

If they are just half a car length in front of me in the lane next to me when they start merging, how am I to see their turn signal? I live in new york city, here the highways rarely go faster than 50 and gaps between the car I needn't of u is usually less than a car length. We don't have so much space to keep 5 car lengths gap between every car. Nobody drives like that here.

>> No.2782367

I'm referring to merging onto interstates. Are you talking about just switching lanes rather than merging? Anyway, it's not surprising that you're from the kike capital of the usa. I hope you die in fire

>> No.2782410

he said he was injuried...

let me guess, deadlifting fag went to snap city

lol at doing anything but machines and dumbells

>> No.2783565

>you're supposed to give them the right of way
No, you're not actually. Its the duty of the person merging to yield to traffic on the highway and merge successfully.
Stop being a shit driver and a complete faggot

>> No.2783924

>having a great physique won't magically make your life better

no but its nice to be able to stick your dong in fresh girl meat

>> No.2784065

Which companies should I contact for this? Anybody?

This thread got derailed. I want to know who the email about this because I'd totally do this.

>> No.2784082

>I drive with the intent of causing accidents
>What am I doing wrong?

You fucking retarded kike, intentionally driving in people's blind spots hoping for an accident and all the other things you just mentioned are reckless driving offences. I would break your bones if you tried that on me and I would have the rear/front dashcam footage to justify it.

>> No.2784244

If you save pics of adi youre definitely a manlet

>> No.2784331

>complain to hipster coffeeshop barista that my moche latte didn't taste right
>get told to fuck off by faggot owner with stretched vagina ears
>throw brick thru front window when i was walking home drunk a couple days later
sometimes things do work out. life can be pretty kewl

>> No.2784962

a rajeet tried this with me and he got a full cup of timmies through his window.

>> No.2784980

This. OP is scum and what he's doing is no different than stealing

>> No.2784989


>> No.2785000

Until someone merges into your lane, hits you, spins out, and fucking crashes into someone. You're a piece of shit and a day get to other people. Fuck you

>> No.2785004

Why does he look way taller on the right? On the left his torso is two head lengths. and on the right it's 3. His proportions are way different, it's like he took the Captain America serum.

>> No.2785021

Has anyone ever tried Amazon refunding? As long as you've got a decent account history, you can order something expensive on Amazon and then say you've never received it. So long as you have a good history as mentioned above you will either get a refund or a "replacement."

Easy money. I also know of some good shops where you can buy aged Amazon accounts

>> No.2785323
File: 1.46 MB, 1635x2999, 1497993564291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally trying to kill yourself to get into Lambo land
top fucking kek, I hope you make it there alive Anon

>> No.2785341

Fag because on the right pic there is a door behind him. He is 5.9 feet. And he grew by 2 inch through muscles.

>> No.2785442

>eating less is more expensive
>inb4 the "junk food is cheaper" meme

>> No.2785518

First guy ddnt do steroids though, he was well know in the fit community for being a funny cunt, u can also tell by his shitty chest, he stopped posting when he said he was going to do roids or got a gf or something

>> No.2785537

junk food is cheaper

>> No.2785547

Tims coffee is shit tier

>> No.2785555


I can go to McDonald's and get ~1100 calories for 5 dollars. The mcdouble is god tier for bulking if you don't care about your health

>> No.2785574

Under developed chest, will never make it

>> No.2785585

How do your emails usually go? How much free stuff do you get?

>> No.2785603

unless those pics aren't recent, he's bigger not smaller

steroids didn't do it all, one cycle isn't the difference between a and b

adie roided, he is a manlet though

he definitely roided

>> No.2786063

That's possible after 6 months to a year.
If he was on roids he should be way bigger. Fucking shit roids than.

>> No.2786079

did you /fit/izens see that cockroach thread?

>> No.2786089


>> No.2786126

Things will work themselves out....they always do

>> No.2786234
File: 119 KB, 173x261, adiebrah1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless those pics aren't recent, he's bigger not smaller
umm, idk about that sweetie :) x

>> No.2786239

im pretty sure he just stopped lifting because of a gains goblin

>> No.2786259

probably cos you're retarded af, he's much bigger there, just higher bf aswell

leave your room once in a while

>> No.2786262

DYEL? he even said he stopped lifting you fucking moron, don't pipe up when you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2787289

this is off the steroids reddit

>> No.2787344

yeah? well the nigger store called, and they're all out of you.

>> No.2787536


>> No.2788061


I was waiting in the car for my asian takeout and lmao'd at that, good shit