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File: 27 KB, 1280x720, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27806273 No.27806273 [Reply] [Original]

>*does absolutely nothing in your path*

What a fucking piece of shit, can't believe I fell for this meme.
Everything is fucking mooning and surpassing its ATH and this fucking piece of garbage is still sitting at a quarter of its 2017 peak.

>> No.27806923

>buy high sell low

>> No.27806972

>he bought a meme

>> No.27807042

don't buy it as a long term hold
buy when you need it for real world use cases (you know what i mean)

>> No.27807157

lol privacy shit you must be a criminal and you don't deserve money buy litecoin retard

>> No.27807351

Could have been worse
>Fell for KMD
>Cooming over DPOW and atomic swaps
>Lost my mind when they had one of the first working dex
>Got hacked, hacked the hacker and recovered all my precious KMD
>On the richlist
>wait through the last of the bear market
>wait as everything else moons
>All the defi shitcoins pump on uniswap or pancake
>Sell everything
>I'm out

>> No.27807380

If you can hold through the year you'll get profit. If you're a flipper kyc
lol still use this rubbish and believe in this schiller's shit
don’t be so tarded dude, nft is new pearl
wanna see it by yourself? support fucking top playcent and forget about that nibba rubbish you use now

>> No.27807474
File: 103 KB, 1024x731, 346452354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not supposed to invest in Monero. I sold all of mine at $140 after holding for months (bought at $78) and finally realizing that. It will never go to $500 or $1000, nothing like that. It's just a solid project that is meant to be used, not invested in.

>> No.27807609

Wish I fucking realized that sooner.
It's a shitty fucking stablecoin, not an investment.
Can't believe I kept sinking money into this garbage, never again.

>> No.27807624
File: 92 KB, 1485x926, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this retard as well > >>27807157

XMR, LTC, BCH, NEO are all the same tier 2017 hype shitcoins that will never bring you high ROI compared to many other coins on the market.
These dead coins will never touch their ATH again or even come close to it. It's over for them.

>> No.27807744

It's okay brother, it took me a while to realize it as well. After I noticed how all my other alts keep going up 100-200% and Monero is doing absolutely nothing I finally realized.

I'd recommend checking out GRT, AMPL, LINK, 1INCH, UNI. They've went up a lot so DCA might be the best option right now, instead of pouring a lot of money in them at once.

>> No.27807827

>this piece of garbage is still sitting at a quarter of it's 2017 peak
just sell haha

>> No.27807860
File: 394 KB, 558x739, 3v3m0glEZsjSc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already balls deep in LINK and still holding my 400 UNI airdrop.
Just wishing I bought more of the actually good coins instead of sinking money into Monero each month as well. Never buying it again. The shilling bagholders from the XMR general can go fuck themselves.

>> No.27808030

You're doing better than 90% of this board then, man. And better than 99.9% the XMR general morons lol.

Mistakes are bound to happen along the way, it's a good lesson. Godspeed brother, WGMI

>> No.27808185

>decentralised cryptocurrency works exactly as intended
i fucking hate you newfags

>> No.27808201

Monero will still be worth something for decades to come. Can you say the same about your shitcoin?

>> No.27808240

>These dead coins will never touch their ATH again
until they do. then you cry

faggot :)

>> No.27808245

I bought some of it last summer and it has only x2'd kinda cringe

>> No.27808313

Ngmi. Monero is a top 5 crypto for a long-term portfolio.

>> No.27808317

Then it's not something worth investing in, just buy it when you need to use it.
Stop shilling XMR as an investment, it's a stablecoin.

>your $1000 shiny boomer rock will be worth something decades from now Timmy, buy now!
Lmao, at last I truly see the levels of cope from XMR bagholders. Fuck this dinosaur coin.

>> No.27808411

Yes bro, wait for Monero to MAYBE touch its ATH in 3 years and you get to 2x your money, while I 50x mine in the meantime. Good luck, brother.

>> No.27808437

It will rise anon. Just not anytime soon. Bit when you least expect it. Also there is A LOT of resistance for XMR to go up. There is definitely active price suppression here.

>> No.27808444

>Stop shilling XMR as an investment
when did i do such thing? i just stated it's working exactly as intended, and clearly pointed out it's the faggot zoomers looking at it, like all other crypto, as an investment and get rich quick scheme

>> No.27808496

Use it to not pay taxes dumb fuck

>> No.27808547

>muh price suppression
The cope is real.

There's a lot of people who are shilling it and saying it will go to $500, $1000, some retards even spit out numbers like $3000. The bagholders are emotionally invested in the coin. Everyone knows what happens when emotions and money are mixed together.

>> No.27808628
File: 475 KB, 945x745, 1609794533617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so poor you can only buy one crypto at a time, you faggots are fucking moonboys, you wine now and will seethe when youre priced at which point you will whine more when having to tell your family you had the keys to the citadel but you lost them gambling on transparent shitcoins

>> No.27808761
File: 189 KB, 633x344, monero holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP clearly stated that he's heavily invested in LINK and he's also holding UNI. You're another coping muh annonymuz legion fight the goberment privacy retard that will stay poor.