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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27801176 No.27801176 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27801216

>still 10x overvalued
Long way to fall yet

>> No.27801250

Will tomorrow finally pump?

>> No.27801262

I dont trust this. I trust OXEN

>> No.27801282
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>> No.27801328

Nah GME has a liquidation value of $13, and I would say despite all the stock pumping has a fair value of $25-$35 depending on how much of this news coverage and shit actually resulted in people unironically shopping at GameStop.

>> No.27801346

How can it moon when the jews have restricted buying on all platforms?

>> No.27801361

i won't fall for jewish tricks

>> No.27801433

oy vey

>> No.27801458

You didn't hear? Robinhood announced 5 hours ago that they would finally lift the trading restriction on GME for this Friday. GME is unironically gonna pump

>> No.27801467
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Im loving this. Those reddit retards who bought high and sold low are crying now.

>> No.27801596
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>> No.27801599
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>finally lift the trading restriction on GME
Hmm it seems like the hedge funds already did everything they needed to do, so they don't care anymore.

GME is basically an empty carcass already picked to the bone. Buy if you want lmao.

>> No.27802744

gonna kill myself thanks to knowing all life is rigged now

>> No.27802830

maybe. but what if they too got too greedy?

>> No.27802889
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You guys are so mentally ill. God this is a treasure trove of cope. I hope you stream your suicides at least.

>> No.27802930

If fails-to-deliver are still high after today then it's still on while unlikely.

And I've never seen nobody address FTDs. Next week will be certainly interesting.

>> No.27803681
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Through monday, supposedly short% went down from 122% to the mid 50s while price plummeted and the volume was less than 1.5X the shares supposedly covered. We have records from the sec since even when price was low in December that show consistently high (mostly 1-2% of float) Failed To Deliver, which indicates a churning hidden short against clearing houses where they are always effectively in 3 day stonk debt. This is done by selling and covering with stonks that they don't have, so they try to get enough to settle within the 3 day time period but still fail to settle it all.

I believe that they went totally insane on monday and expanded this by over 10 million shares. Probably more, since it would take almost 30m shares to cover as much as they supposedly covered. That's over 60% of float.

The play was to hope longs capitulate and sold en-masse through later on monday, tuesday wednesday and maybe thursday so they could get the shares required to settle.

>> No.27803708

that still wouldn't be enough to pump the stock. There is nothing to buy there. The new CEO said he is going to shutdown more stores.

>> No.27803771
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Hodlers you got a call

>> No.27803797

>The new CEO said he is going to shutdown more stores.
So you're telling me they're cutting cost after an insane PR they got and that should make me bearish? While FtDs are still high?

Makes me think.

>> No.27803807

its funny in so many ways a lot of these retards are like bernie bros who hate capitalism but just with little taste of it they did go full greedy mode

i wonder how many of them realize how absurd they are

>> No.27803845
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At this stage GME belongs in /pol/ instead of /biz/

>> No.27803867

>1 post by this ID
man, i feel really sorry for you bagholders.

>> No.27803926
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>Will tomorrow finally pump?
GME...its ticker should be TARDED

>> No.27803988

At this point it's just WSB playing each other. Most of the big money is moving on. It's dead and WSB is retarded

>> No.27804206

Pre market is rising. I guess hedgies are going to suck the last blood drop from WSB. Kek

>> No.27804404
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And i'll be throwing dmg at you while you do it plebbitwhore

>> No.27804918

You are not wrong man. I saw so many posts about sticking it to the man and how they'll hold no matter what. Now they are posting about buying the dip. I feel like I'm back in Qanon threads again.

>> No.27805285

Gamestop has been shifting digital since at least 2011. Shutting down stores is good for the stock. Not as good as finding some way to partner with Steam and get their logo on there, but good.

>> No.27805340

>being so retarded he didn't buy at 10USD
i'm still in the green faggot

>> No.27805397
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>> No.27805480
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These niggers are insane.

>> No.27805564

I guess the dopamine rush from the upvotes must be worth the $200,000

>> No.27805719

do we have a first confirmed suicide yet?

>> No.27805825

I will probably get called a shill for this, but if any of you are lost trying to understand the situation, here's the story:
>Significant trading volume in October as people become aware of the play and buy in, price creeps upwards over the next few months, some people sell as early as December because it's up to $18 and they are taking profits
>Surge in buying interest on 1/13 pushes the price from $20 to $40; some shorts exit their positions at a loss but there is no squeeze and it's not newsworthy
>The FINRA short position settlement date of 1/15 is reached, at which time firms report their shorts for public release on the 1/27. At this point, short interest is still really high (>100% of float); this is where the hedgie mistake point was, Melvin failed to see the squeeze coming. The stage is now set for the squeeze play
>On 1/26 (last Tuesday) the price is driven up (swinging from $80 to $150) by significant buying pressure from a combination of retail interest and institutions that see the play and want to fuck the shorts for some easy money. Melvin exits its short position at a fat loss and the price is driven up way higher after hours by their purchasing of shares (up to $350) before a massive selloff between 4 and 5 AM on the 27th as investors with long positions take their profits.

>> No.27805878

>On the 27th, the huge price jump becomes news and the short data from the 15th is simultaneously made public, which has the effect of making it look to some people like there is still a ton of short interest in GME; at this point, there IS actually also new short interest in the stock because the price is obviously massively inflated. However, this new non-FINRA short data that is reported "live" by groups like S3 is for shorts which entered at $2-300 AFTER the 27th; these guys cannot be squeezed without a HUGE pump because their entry point is so much higher.
>Retail FOMOs in on the 27th going into the 28th, but the volume is way lower than when the squeeze play was more feasible (partially due to Robinhood cutting off the ability to buy) and smart money sells off again for massive profits, killing the price momentum
>Some retail buys in on the 29th, but there's no play and volume is still low. People start saying that the shorts are bleeding from interest payments on their positions, but in reality the shorts who would have been suffering are already gone and the new shorts are comfy at their high entry points
>Volumes stay low and the price bleeds as people sell off until the stock stabilizes

TL;DR there is no 'le epic conspiracy' keeping you down

>> No.27805990
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just hodl bro lol its a conspiracy!

>> No.27805995

Yes, happen just a few minutes away from my house
Search “Tampa GameStop Suicide”

>> No.27806009

If only people were ideaologically possessed to feed the homeless instead if investing in a stock that's hit $50

>> No.27806486
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I feel bad for all the hopeful misinformed normalfags who got on this late, and I entirely blame the redditards who hyped this into some gay social movement that had a 100% chance of success.
If anything, at least some people have learned that you can't outkike the kike, they slipped up with GME and had to come down hard on hodlers to set an example for what happens to disobedient goyim.
End result is normalfags will be scared away and not touch the stock market again, maybe a couple of them will stick around, smarten up, and recover their losses in the long run.

>> No.27806589

Yeah, it was the kikes, and not just retards being stupid. This was clearly orchestrated and wouldn't have failed without jews

>> No.27807271

Some retard >>27589587 also went in with 250k at 80. Godspeed to these people, they could be right this time.

GME missed out suicide soon, probably.

>> No.27807440

I still think about WeBull "accidentally" adding a stop loss at 20% on shares, then apologizing and refunding the difference. They forced sells.

>> No.27807787
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what if YOU got so greedy you went back in? Just buy a stock with some actual value, it's much better for your peace of mind.

>> No.27807865

Why the pasta?

>> No.27807982

In case you didn't notice rabbi, I blamed reddit, not the kikes in wall street.
WSB convinced itself and a shitload of normalfags that had up to this point never had an interest in buying stocks in their lives that the hedge funds involved where run by the clinically retarded and would resign themselves to losing billions.

>> No.27808204

etoro did that as well. really makes you (((think)))

>> No.27808235

at what point do they go into full cope mode and stop buying waiting for "it" to happen.

>> No.27808298

He should just fucking buy calls with a bet like that, because it usually makes the writer buy the stock as collateral.

>> No.27808364

kek gamestop is dead just as blockbuster. All they will do is restructure to sell more online, which will keep them a float, that's about it.

>> No.27808658

imagine pumping thousand of american rubles into a company which announced last year a closure of more shops with total number of 1000 (thousand) closed until may

>> No.27809121

the whole system is rigged towards people who understand the financial system. This is tranfered by generation to generation between them. Most people are scared of numbers, of the market, of the lingo, they are financial illiterates. And that's what the elites want, they need dumb consumers.

Otherwise, who is gonna buy more food then they actually need to boost the market? Who is gonna take out that loan to buy a car they don't really need? Who is gonna go travel around the world for shooting instagram pics?

The elite will push anything in favor to brainwash people into certain ideologies or just being dumb to keep opening up new markets and possiblities. Almost every trickery can be explained out of an economic standpoint/reasoning. Immigration, Transgenderism, Political division, Social Media. All these things are pushed through media, to create a public opinion to live by. Once they have had their profit of these trends they shit to new ones or go retro on old ones, rinse and repeat, degeneracy or human misery does not matter to them.

Ignorance and convenience are the main drivers for economic flow, There are other reasons like timesaving or simply things being too complex for someone to build together in a lifetime, like a laptop from scratch. Some people are too dumb or impatient to fix anything themselves so they just pay the price, but most people could do it themselves if they put a little time and effort into it.

A person who is smart with their asset management will maybe not get rich, but save enough to be fine. At this point it would probably better for most NPC's an intitution manages their wealth gained through work.

>> No.27809144

Where do FtDs come into it?

>> No.27809691

that's why I live like meme man