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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 245 KB, 840x1077, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27802501 No.27802501 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there nothing other than LINK that /biz/ has united behind as a board?
Why was LINK the only chance we had?
Will we ever see this board unite as one behind a crypto with as solid fundamentals as LINK ever again?
I don't see it happening with any of the current set of shitcoins we have and that's sad.

The closest we've come where the board actually got behind it is the one (don't want to name it because I don't want to make this thread about it) where the dogs eat the turds but even that went nowhere because it just seems complete useless trash fundamentally.

Conversely the recent russian one seemed to have good fundamentals but got called a scam by like 60% of the board so that's a no-go and it's already done like 20x.

Then there's the german exit scam, don't even get me started.

Chinese potato-garlic seems interesting but I don't know where it's going quite frankly, especially after that silly little dump yesterday.

Everything else has peaked (including LINK itself) or will do a 2x at best. It's sad that we won't have a LINK moment again with both the board rallying together behind it and the project itself having good fundamentals.

>> No.27802617
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>Will we ever see this board unite as one behind a crypto with as solid fundamentals as LINK ever again?
Yes. Rubic.

>> No.27802629
File: 891 KB, 800x2789, 1611134730949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only read your first two lines desu but we're legitimately trying to unite around Fantom but the shills are many. That's a good indicator to any seasoned /biz/nessman that it's a good project and you're early. Please take a look, fren.

>> No.27802771

Very low reading comprehension. This is kinda why a lot of people just assumed it was a scam. Because of the brainlets like you shilling it.
Ironically it may actually have good fundamentals, just got shilled very badly.
Almost feels like a reverse psyop.
>Only read your first two lines
Well the fact is I don't see the board rallying behind FTM at all. You can't just conveniently blame the shills.
If no one cares enough that it gets discussed then maybe the shills aren't the problem.
I'll take another look but I have a feeling I won't be that impressed. You don't seem to have understood my main problems with everything going on right now. It's that there's no LINK challenger either because no one cares or because the challengers suck balls.

>> No.27802978
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I don't think that's the right mentality. How does Chainlink evolve the space? What crypto project, if any, capitalize on that or help advance the goal? What complements LINK? I don't see a challenger for Chainlink because it's still accomplishing its goal. Sergey is still at work, the mission hasn't changed. Try to see it from that point of view and hopefully we see you in a future Fantom thread.

>> No.27803013

Chainlink was literally just "muh oracles!!" and nothing else you fucking faggot retard

>> No.27803049

Next link is link.

>> No.27803131

Yeah but it's peaked. That's the problem everyone trying to get in now is going to have.
Maybe the momentum is just going to inevitably slow down and the whole scene will then get filled with boomers asking "how to unlock metamask" and shit like that.
And the best we'll get is a 3x.
I'm honestly feeling sad right now about the future of crypto. It was so bright at one point.

>> No.27803177

The first three projects are explained by a normal person, the last project is written by a shilling indian farmer

>> No.27803190

GRT is pretty unanimously liked, aside from fuds.

>> No.27803210

NEO back in the day

>> No.27803219

I picked up a small stack of it but I doubt it's going anywhere.

>> No.27803224

We will get a 15x at least this cycle

>> No.27803236

>Everything else has peaked (including LINK itself) or will do a 2x at best
Wrong. Link is going to $1000.

There will be no “next link”. It’s still link.

>> No.27803258

Idk, it's doing ok. I think a 5X is reasonable to expect in a year or so.

>> No.27803295

Link will hit $300 this cycle. It has not peaked. $1000 will follow.

>> No.27803347

There's a non-zero chance of that I guess. But it's not high.

>> No.27803349

In 1 year all shitcoins will be down 99% while btc, ETH and link will be down 70%.

>> No.27803369

>United LINK Board
Nufag detected
LINK was successfully fudded on /biz/ and downvoted on plebbit by anons up until Google announced. Then the project was too big and normies began paying attention.
3 or 4 namefags was nice and supportive. If you didn’t have a 130IQ you didn’t understand. If you was a moron with some extra ICO $ eth you might of bought for the memes.

>> No.27803399

>If you didn’t have a 130IQ you didn’t understand. If you was a moron

>> No.27803426

>Yeah but it's peaked
Kek. OP said the same thing at a $1, no doubt. He'll say the same thing at $100, and the same thing at $1000.

>> No.27803454

Sergay came onto /biz/ to shill it once, and it's the closest thing 4chan has ever gotten to a celebrity AMA like reddit has all the time.
>the board is all newfags and nobody remembers this

>> No.27803473

Linkies are the most retarded and delusional schizos on the board. Fuck off retard.

>> No.27803489

I bought link early and then swung it a few times. I'll still pick some up again but I really think it's hitting it's limit.
It's not going to $1000.

>> No.27803633

You were saying the same shit about $5. Sergey publishes a whitepaper with the WEF and nolinkers STILL DONT GET IT LMAO.

>> No.27803741

>Be organic meme
>grow organically
thats link
>be salty pump and dump fags
>try to mimic an organic meme
thats literally every other token and coin on /biz/

>> No.27803874
File: 25 KB, 355x316, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards know that as a successful project LINK will IN THE WORST CASE just keep scaling with the total marketcap? Meaning if the total crypto space gains adoption, link price will increase. That's the reason nobody can deliver an accurate guess and 1000$ is not out of reach.

>> No.27804030

yes I only see organic and healthy shilling for link, eth and btc.
This RUBIC shit is really suspicious for some reason I believe there are like 10 people behind all the shilling who coordinate on discord and hired an "artist" to creats memes.

>> No.27804067
File: 601 KB, 2391x1345, smartcontracttrillions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The irony is you are the delusional retarded one. How many times do we have to tell you that LINK is targeting a market worth 10s of trillions. There is room for exponential growth for the couple decades. Its amazing people still don't get it.

>> No.27804132

>This RUBIC shit is really suspicious for some reason I believe there are like 10 people behind all the shilling who coordinate on discord and hired an "artist" to creats memes.
That's exactly why I held fire on it.
Like I said earlier, it may have been a psyop within a psyop, or a counter-psyop.
Either way it really fucked with us at a time when other seemingly better crypto were appearing like the chinese garlic onion.
I wonder if this is the future of shilling on /biz/, just meta-psyops layering on top of other meta-psyops. Kinda funny ngl but also I'd prefer there was less drama.

>> No.27804170

I hope the stock market will be completely tokenized soon.
Those will be the last days of the naked shorting hedgies.

>> No.27804229

>Meaning if the total crypto space gains adoption, link price will increase.
It’s actually the reverse. As LINK adoption scales, it will enable further crypto use cases and drive total mcap.

>> No.27804277

It was obviously not organic but you clearly didn't spend any time researching the project at all. Keep hoping to be spoonfed on a 100x retard.

>> No.27804312

Request Network could be that project.

* They have a working product.
* Product has a use case that means long-term they will be EVERYWHERE.
* Clients - more signing on daily.
* Huge 30ETH warchest.
* Stripe integration.
* Indacoin partnership (fiat > crypto support long-term)
* Hiring more staff.
* About to begin a huge marketing push.

I could go on...

But if that's not enough to make you research it, you don't deserve to get rich from it.

>> No.27804378

I said the WORST case is that link will stagnate and just be "dragged along" upwards by the rest of crypto. But as you said it's LINK that will drive adoption and increase mcap, which increases LINK price even more: The perfect positive feedback loop

>> No.27804390

glow less Nigger

>> No.27804428

gazillion years old and already pumped hard, I don't understand how this project is still here

>> No.27804449

It wasn't even that, nigger.
It was that for some reason the shilling was taken to an extreme level which I haven't seen before, to the point where the lines got very blurred and I couldn't tell wtf was going on so I just held off.
Maybe the shills overcompensated for the attacks they were getting, maybe the fudders went overboard.
Either way it was like some fog of war type shit which I'm not accustomed to on this board.
It just felt out of place.
Obviously many anons got spooked by it.
Hopefully we can all learn lessons.

>> No.27804483

Dot was the second chance. I missed that too

>> No.27804497

>could be
You're missing all the points I've made so far.
No one gives a shit about REQ. It's basically a still birth at this point.

>> No.27804544

You have to go back to your containment now, /pol/nigger.

>> No.27804584

Don't beat yourself up on DOT, this entire board missed it because Sushiswap was busy exit scamming and the drama here was nonstop.

>> No.27804921

You are like if a WSBtard was dropped on their head multiple times at birth. Absolute peak delusion and schizophrenia

They have missed multiple roadmap goals and Sergey has dumped on you gullible retards nonstop.

Enjoy your worthless shitcoin. I unironically sold after watching a video of Sergey and realizing how much of a clueless midwit he is.

>> No.27805091

You do you.

They are providing a service that EVERY business needs. It's value is going to keep going up as more businesses adopt it.

How many traditional accounting solutions can you name?

I can do a handful at best. It's a huge huge market and it dgaf if we know about it.

If you believe in a crypto future then REQ - or a currently nonexistent alternative- will thrive.

>> No.27805185

>They have missed multiple roadmap goals
They don’t have a roadmap, never have and never will. They don’t give a FUCK about retail investors
>Jason parser
So you’re actually an OG just fudding for lulz or you actually fell for the fud

>> No.27805223

lol you still try to hold rewards with this trash that they show /biz/ thread
c’mon don’t be a retard so much top coins now
get $$ with xsn staking and thank me

>> No.27805262

>You are like if a WSBtard was dropped on their head multiple times at birth. Absolute peak delusion and schizophrenia
Damn, absolutely savage. LINK isn't that bad though.
Sergey dumping is what pissed me off the most.

>> No.27805465

The Riddler over on the LTO generals seems to have united some anons. United to the point were some are now selling some LINK for LTO. I expect riddler is an OG Link Marine. Then boom, El Tio arrived.

>> No.27805502


I also turned $6000 into over half a million largely due to LINK and two other projects. I can legit feel you seething. Honestly believing Sergey is a midwit is hilarious. He was developing oracles since 2015 (and the address was acquired for smartcontract.com was a week before BTC even) while everyone around him barely even understood layer 1's and their focus remained there. He's beyond forward thinking.

>> No.27805589
File: 163 KB, 960x597, 1603334549991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one said kleros yet, it's the only other token besides link I've seen with an actual meme niche (mock pajeetery), high quality posting/img's, and a serious problem it's solving as the head of it's vertical. It even relates to smart contracts, maybe that's why some anons dislike it, worried it entroaches on chainlink, though in reality they're yin and yang (objective contact vs subjective contract)

>> No.27805626

Nobody's dumping anything, subhuman. You had 2 years and missed out, simple as. Cope.

>> No.27805813

Should also add organic interest, I cant remember ever seeing a real pnk shill thread

>> No.27805845

i'm amazed it took so long for someone to say kleros. but it's still pretty much flying under everyone's radar. this is not your typical pajeet scam shit being shilled for 2 weeks and then forgotten and thrown into the abyss.
if you were here for longer than 2 months, you'd know this has been talked about for a long time already. working product, actual problem it's solving, organic memes (although maybe taken to an extreme), skelly shilled it, @jack followed it. this is as real as it gets.
kleros just needs a big CEX listing and a communications manager. they're prioritizing development though, which is fine. at some point they have to start marketing though.

>> No.27805931

the plan was to always pajeet post and fud it as much as possible so redditors would be turned off by it. personally i'm a poor fuckboy so i need time to accumulate

>> No.27805958

Kleros gets talked about, sure. But there isn't enough frenzy behind it for it to compare to even a shitcoin like AAVE let alone LINK.

>> No.27806033

what's a good time to buy into link again?

looking at the year long graph, it looks like it's going to dip back to around 10-15 dollars sometime...

>> No.27806080

I would stick to GRT or AVAX if you're trying to make money. Or maybe you just want to fit in with the rest of the delusional schizo linkies.

>> No.27806155

>And the best we'll get is a 3x.
$1000 is fud. You have absolutely no idea. You should buy Link or buy rope.

>> No.27806208

Go back to plebbit you dumb fuck.

>> No.27806214


>> No.27806260

>might of

>> No.27806714

there's not frenzy YET. it's basically still only on uniswap and with gas fees being astronomically high, who in their right normiebrain would pay for it even though no one outside of /biz/ really talks about it?
it'll take a while, but you can "get in early".

>> No.27806787
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>> No.27806808

Kek you 100% got Midwit filtered during 17/18 link days kill yourself

>> No.27806880
File: 957 KB, 727x911, 1596991280456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final purpose of /biz/ before it completely dies is to be a LINK funposting board. Fuck discord trannies and telegram pajeets with your tryhard shill campagins like PNK and GRT and your absolute dogshit spam brigades with rubic and *insert PnD flavor of the month here*.
LINK itself has only just begun. The true "next LINK" in terms of impact and memetic confluence will emerge years from now, likely built upon the tech stack that LINK enables. The landscape will be completely different by then so it's too early to predict now.

>> No.27806921
File: 2.00 MB, 540x960, ow lawd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much this. Total value of stonk market go into defi.

>> No.27807343

Yes I am fully aware you are being a grammar nazi, on a international board with multiple non-native English speakers, substituting the mastery of the English language as some cosmopolitan measure of intelligence because you lack it. You lack the ability to use nuance and form your arguments/judgments so you attack minutia because you cannot focus on the big picture because of inability, not choice. Now please go back.

>> No.27807520

Fucking kek
Okay so a totally abnormal and suspicious shill psyop happened and I should just look past it anyway and just kinda hope that I'm not buying some jeet pnd which it appeared to be?
No you kill YOURself, cunt.
I don't even feel bad about missing it, I just feel /biz/ lost their shit very hard in a bad way and that reflects badly on this board and the people who took part on either side should reflect on their actions.
It wasn't that that was funny.
It was the mention of 130IQ and then using "might of" and "If you was". Too funny not to point out.

>> No.27807573

imagine being this much of a diehard fanboy that the thought of diversifying never crossed your mind

t. link marine who bagheld for 3 and a half years

>> No.27807640

Half the threads about chainlink were shitting on it in 2018, that's why I sold (and because there's nothing Chainlink does that a JSON parser couldn't do better).

All in on fantom, though.

>> No.27807725

Bancor is the new LINK. DYOR

t. post-Sibos dump OG Linkie

>> No.27807852

>Completely missing the point and thinking I missed what you were pointing out then just explaining it again.

Jesus you are dumb.

>> No.27807920

Why is chainlink the only more popular currency that seems to be somewhat stable? Every other crypto seems to be going up and down like there is no tomorrow but link has been at same price levels for a year.

>> No.27808029
File: 23 KB, 250x250, bitbean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow 2017fags, where do I buy this motherfucker? Bittrex delisted and everything else has shit liquidity/spread.

>> No.27808063

He bought that domain in 15’ dude..

>> No.27808107

>popular currency
> same price levels for a year.
Fuck off tourist.

>> No.27808120


why would u want to buy this

>> No.27808133

Don't worry about it.

>> No.27808146

Not even sure which poster you are since you keep changing IP like a kike.

>> No.27808156

Fucking leave. Go back.

>> No.27808548

>Sergey dumping is what pissed me off the most.
Dumbass. Was literally written into the whitepaper. Chainlink labs is now aggressively expanding. They are going from 2 man team to 100 employees today and are trying to expand to 500 employees in the near future. Sergey is right to sell LINK on a regular basis it’s called DCA. You either complain that Sergey holds too much link and it’s scam or he is not holding onto it lol.
His dumps do not even touch the link price btw.

Honestly, whatever Sergey does next (if he does anything after Chainlink) I will follow. Sergey is smart as fuck


You had 3 years.
Newfags should just DCA every paycheque. Don’t worry about short term price swings.

Both will dump 99% when this bullrun is over and will net recover until the next cycle. Meanwhile link will dump 70% from a high of $300 or so, then recover through the next bear market. I can’t wait.



This is embarrassing and painful to read

Nothing wrong with holding link, we’re going to become millionaires anyway so why risk it?
Go all in on bitbean

>> No.27808558


reddit is thataway

>> No.27808720

You would know.

>> No.27808765

>Honestly, whatever Sergey does next (if he does anything after Chainlink) I will follow. Sergey is smart as fuck
>This is embarrassing and painful to read
You are actually the most hilarious anon to post itt.

>> No.27808876

You are so less intelligent than Sergey, and so fucking proud of it, that it makes me happy that you're going to miss out on the last ever BTC-like asset. Better still is that you've been warned now and you will still ignore it. You're going to be in actual, physical pain.

>> No.27808969

Another tard who can't read and is driven by emotion.>>27803489

>> No.27809168

You've already replied to me once with that you idiot. I saw it when you posted it, again when you replied to me with it, and just now for a third time.
You don't get it. At all. This thread shows how utterly ignorant you are. You're desperate to come across as an old-fag but even a newfag to biz like myself (March 2018) can see that you GLOW.
You don't understand what it is that you hold and you will jump at the chance to sell when we hit $100.
Again: $1000 is fud, but you're stubborn and you feel like you've been insulted so you're not going to listen. You'd rather feel superior than to go to warosu and pickup some breadcrumbs for a few hours, or actually watch every Sergey video, or just open your mind for a second.
You'll miss out. Remember this thread when you do, I will.

>> No.27809237


>> No.27809986

>post Sibos
so you sold before a 20x? got it

>> No.27810113

That's when I bought at $0.17, you microcephaly patient.

>> No.27811085
File: 31 KB, 474x474, F54C86D3-067D-4173-8C97-3A16CE4EEF69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why was LINK the only chance we had?
speak for yourself, you are literally begging to be spoon fed. if you want memes, thats one thing. if you want to invest, thats another, and you`ll need to D Y O R , yes buddy, you`ll need to search for gems yourself, actually read whitepapers, draw memelines, watch orderbook, observe devs activity etc.


>> No.27811183

This. Found 4 absolute gems at $1M mcap that will guaranteed 20-100x. 2 of them were even shilled by Sirgay.

>> No.27811511


>> No.27811587
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so funny, enough /biz/ for today

>> No.27811634

okay okay, listen

the coin



okay? DYOR token look it up

>> No.27811640

You couldn't afford the uniswap fee, pajeet.

>> No.27812027

Yeah it’s hilarious how linkies are up 500k while nolinkers continue to seethe
>it’s just a json parser

>> No.27812325

CL holders went through a different beginning and crypto cycle. Just as SN was creating the standard in oracle technology, the OG holders were creating the standard in memes and community interaction. Many of the memes you see today are copy paste modified CL ones and some which are yet to be replicated like the reply pastas. The autism of the holders also add to their rabid fanaticism and draws an equally intense reaction from non-holders. They had an evangelist mindset common to most coin-holders in the last cycle. This cycle it's each person for themself and any good coins are preciously hoarded. The rise of echo chambers in discord channels, subreddits and telegrams in this cycle also adds.

>> No.27812873

Literally ADA.

>> No.27813101

The RUBIC team did an AMA on biz.

>> No.27813405

Unironically XRP... Look at what markets Ripple are chasing, look at what a fucking CHAD Brad Garlinghouse is compared to Pedo Skellington of Ethereum. WHAT IS FLARE FINANCE, WHAT IS FLARE NETWORKS? You know Pedo Skellington was fired from Ripple right and created a GasFeeSimulator. Why do you think Ripple has no incentive to mine? The incentive derives from using the coin, not from stupid mining. You know who benefits from mining? THE ELECTRICAL COMPANIES YOU IDIOT. What is Ripple doing RIGHT NOW?
>hurr durr, getting sued by the SEC
THEY ARE TAKING THE FIGHT FOR YOU, YOU DICKHEADS. You dont think that the government would crack down on crypto sooner rather than later? They are literally fighting tooth and nail to give Crypto a bright future, you don't think the outcome of this lawsuit affects the everyday crypto trader. IT MOST DEFINITELY WILL. They are playing ball with the big guys while you are chasing pnd schemes with no future, short-term gains, sure you got it. Long-term? Not so much, what will you do when the dollar fails, what is your exit? What will you rely on? Get a XRP suicide stack, seriously, literally. The fun and games are over, bull-season is nearing an end. What will your assets be?
For all you that will FUD me, just wait and see, pre-trial for Ripple lawsuit is 22nd of February, in the meantime. Check Ripples lawyer line-up and come back here and tell me with a straight face that that is NOT a winning team.

>grandpa? Why didn't you buy XRP when it was dirtcheap and freely available?
>Well, son... I was too busy trading shitcoins and altcoins for gains. We had great fun in those days you know, shitting on XRP, fudding it everytime we got the chance.
>I was all in on Ethereum, BTC, GRT and ChainLink son. Thats what built this capsule we live in you know
>But grandpa. We could have had a huge acre of land in the countryside, instead of this capsule in the middle of the city.
>I know, son. I know - you will say as tears are swelling in your eyes.

>> No.27814275

The reason is because the critical infrastructure and Callie capture of btc eth and link will probably be unparalleled
I have a very good grip on the tokenomics of DOT and I can see it getting to 100, maybe higher but bot by much, because dot will also caputre immense value in a 10 trillion dollar asset class, which blockchain will be by 2022. Later 1, store of value, everything else will offer value, but won’t capture it.
The reason we rallied behind LINK is because it will change the underlying social contract between human-human and consumer-business interactions. It turns blockchain from a cool series of financial pet projects into a powerful and hard to penetrate fortress of interoperable and shareable knowledge. It literally isn’t possible without link. The founders are great, the project is great.

>> No.27814348

Pajeet scam coin

>> No.27815062

Token not needed you degenerate homo. Their tech is quite nice but xrp is just a scam to fund their real development efforts

>> No.27815241


>> No.27815366
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 1612522999480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw remember /biz/ making fun of people buying Link years ago.
We were laughing at people buying and calling it an Indian scam.

>> No.27815421

Its a fucking pajeet scam coin stop shilling it.
GRT maybe the next one.

>> No.27815920
File: 40 KB, 720x707, 1611271531012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the based linkie who shills XRP to newfags?